public profile
SOPHIA ([1045/50]-18 Jun 1095, bur Lüneburg St Michaelis). The Annalista Saxo names "sororem Ladizlai regis Ungarie Sophiam" as wife of Ulrich, and in a later passage records her second marriage[479]. Sophia has therefore generally been assumed to be the daughter of Béla I King of Hungary[480]. According to Wegener[481], she was the daughter of King Béla by Tuta von Formbach, whom he suggests was the king's second wife. His argument is based on connections with the monastery of Suben (near Schärding in Upper Austria), founded in 1040. He explains that Tuta is named in 1153 as "die Gründerin von Suben, Königin", and that in a later document at the monastery she is more specifically referred to as "Königin von Ungarn". The author makes the connection with Sophia by highlighting the burial at Suben of Udalschalk Graf im Lurngau and his wife Adelheid. He identifies the latter as Sophia's daughter by her first husband who, he suggests, married Udalschalk after the death of her earlier husband Friedrich I Domvogt von Regensburg. The major difficulty with this hypothesis is Sophia's own estimated birth date. She must have been born before [1050], at the very latest, given the birth of her three (possibly four) children by her first husband, who died in early 1070. If Sophia was King Béla's daughter, her mother must have been his Polish wife who, according to Europäische Stammtafeln[482], died after 1059. An alternative possibility is that she was Tuta's daughter, but by another king of Hungary. Europäische Stammtafeln[483] shows Tuta as the wife of Péter Orseolo King of Hungary. Contemporary political realities suggest that a prominent marriage for a daughter of the disgraced King Péter is unlikely. Until more information comes to light, it is safer to assume that Sophia was the daughter of King Béla and [Ryksa] of Poland, and that another (so far unidentified) factor explains the apparent connection between Tuta and Sophia through Suben monastery. Sophia's second marriage is confirmed by the Chronicon Sancti Michaelis Luneburgensis which names "Sophia filia regis Ungarorum Wadreslai" as wife of "Magnus dux"[484], although King László was her brother not her father. Sophia's second marriage presumably took place soon after the death of her first husband in Mar 1070 as Duke Magnus was imprisoned later in 1070. The Annalista Saxo records the death of "Sophia quoque ductrix…XIV Kal Iunii"[485].
Élete, származása Édesapja I. Béla magyar király, Vazul magyar herceg és egy Tátony nembeli leány harmadik fia. Édesanyja Richeza lengyel hercegnő, II. Mieszko lengyel fejedelem és Richeza lotaringiai grófnő leánya. Zsófiának három fiútestvére (I. Géza, I. László, Lambert herceg) és három leánytestvére (Ilona horvát királyné, Eufémia morva hercegné és egy ismeretlen nevű leány) volt.
Első házassága Zsófia 1062/63 körül feleségül ment Ulrik weimari-isztriai őrgrófhoz, négy gyermekük született:
Második házassága Zsófia férje 1070. március 6-án meghalt. Zsófia másodszor 1071. körül Magnus szász herceg felesége lett. Két leányuk született:
Sophia of Hungary F, #7965, d. 1095 Last Edited=25 Jun 2005
Sophia of Hungary is the daughter of Béla I Arpád, King of Hungary. She married, firstly, Ulric I of Istria, Count of Istria in 1062. (1) She married, secondly, Magnus I Herzog von Sachsen in 1071. (1) She died in 1095. (1)
Sophia of Hungary was a member of the House of Arpád. (1) Child of Sophia of Hungary and Magnus I Herzog von Sachsen
Forrás / Source: http://www.thepeerage.com/p797.htm#i7965
Marriage (1): Ulric I of Istria in 1062 Marriage (2): Magnus of Saxony in 1071
Died: 18 Jun 1095
Another name for Sophie was Sophie Arpád.
General Notes:
Sophie next married Magnus of Saxony, son of Ordulf of Saxony and Ulvhild Olavsdatter of Norway, in 1071. (Magnus of Saxony was born circa 1045 and died on 23 Aug 1106 in Altenburg, near Elbe.)
Sophie var første gang gift i 1062 med Udalrich I av Krain.
Tekst: Tore Nygaard
Kilder: Erich Brandenburg: Die Nachkommen Karls des Grossen. Leipzig 1935. Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 371. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 19, 27
Haar kinderen waren:
Magnus, Duke of Saxony From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
His lands were split between his daughters by Sophia (married 1071)
[King Salamon & his wife had one [possible] child:]
i) [SOPHIA (-26 Jun [1110], bur Zwiefalten). Europäische Stammtafeln[442] shows Sophia, wife of Graf Poppo who was ancestor of the Grafen von Berg, as daughter of King Salomon. The source on which this is based has not so far been identified, but it appears unlikely chronologically. The granddaughter of Poppo and Sophia, Salome (second wife of Bolesław III Duke of Poland), was born "before 1101" which, assuming that she was her parents' oldest child (which is not known), would place the birth of her father in [1080] at the latest. If it is assumed that her paternal grandmother bore her own first child at the early age of 15, this would still place Sophia's birth in [1065] at the latest, when the wife of King Salamon was only about 11 years old. Until further evidence comes to light, it is assumed that the Hungarian affiliation of Poppo's wife was originally proposed as a hypothesis to explain the unusual first name "Salome" born by Sophie's daughter and granddaughter. However, the necrologies of Swabian monasteries show that the name "Salome", although not common, did exist on its own, not as a female form of "Salamon", during this period. m POPPO Graf, Herr von Roggenstein, son of --- (-11 Aug [1110], bur Zwiefalten).]
http://www.worldlingo.com/ma/enwiki/en/Adelaide%252FRixa_of_Poland Marriage and children
King Géza I of Hungary (c. 1040 – 25 April 1077) King Ladislaus I of Hungary (c. 1040 – 29 July 1095) Duke Lampert of Hungary (after 1050 – c. 1095) Sophia (after 1050 – 18 June 1095), wife firstly of Markgraf Ulrich I of Carniola, and secondly of duke Magnus I of Saxony Euphemia (after 1050 – 2 April 1111), wife of Prince Otto I of Moravia Ilona (after 1050 – c. 1091), wife of king Dmitar Zvonimir of Croatia Unnamed girl (after 1050 – befor 1132), wife of comes (count) Lampert de genere Hont-Pázmány
Sources Kristó, Gyula - Makk, Ferenc: Az Árpád-ház uralkodói (IPC Könyvek, 1996) Korai Magyar Történeti Lexikon (9-14. század), főszerkesztő: Kristó, Gyula, szerkesztők: Engel, Pál és Makk, Ferenc (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1994) Magyarország Történeti Kronológiája I. – A kezdetektől 1526-ig, főszerkesztő: Benda, Kálmán (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1981)
References ^ K. Jasiński, Rodowód pierwszych Piastów, Wrocław - Warszawa (1992) Preceded by Anastasia of Kiev Queen Consort of Hungary 1160–1163 Succeeded by Judith of Swabia
Marriage and children
King Géza I of Hungary (c. 1044[8] ? 25 April 1077) King Ladislaus I of Hungary (c. 1048 ? 29 July 1095) Duke Lampert of Hungary (after 1050 ? c. 1095) Sophia (after 1050 ? 18 June 1095), wife firstly of Markgraf Ulrich I of Carniola, and secondly of Duke Magnus I of Saxony Euphemia (after 1050 ? 2 April 1111), wife of Prince Otto I of Moravia Ilona (after 1050 ? c. 1091), wife of King Dmitar Zvonimir of Croatia Béla I probably had unknown mistress and he had a daughter with her:
Sophia (after 1050 ? after 1116), wife of Comes (count) Lampert de genere Hont-Pázmány
Gift två gånger.
De fick följande barn med Ulric:
F Jag Richardis av Weimar föddes 1063 och dog 16 maj 1120.
M ii Poppo II av Istrien markgreve av Istrien föddes 1065 och dog 3 Jan 1101
VII. Mieszko II, Rey de Polonia (25° abuelo) nació el año 990. Murió el 20-VIII-1034. Casó, hacia 1013, con Richenza de Bonngau (Santa Riquilda de Lorena). Tuvieron por hija a
VIII. Sofía, Princesa de Polonia (24° abuela) nació entre 1018 y 1020. Murío después de 1060. Casó, en 1034, con Bela I, rey de Hungría. Tuvieron por hijos a Sofía de Hungría (c.1040) y San Ladislao de Hungría (c.1045-1048). Ver Reyes de Hungría.
1040 |
Esztergom, Komarom-Esztergom, Hungary
1044 |
Esztergom, Komárom Esztergom, Magyarország - Hungary
1060 |
Weimar, Germany
1065 |
Weimar, Germany
Krain, Slovenia
1075 |
Sachsen, Tyskland, SN, Germany
1080 |
Lüneburg, Niedersachsen, Germany
1095 |
June 18, 1095
Age 51
St Michaels Cloister, Luneburg, Deutschland(HRR)