Historical records matching Otto von Bismarck, Reichskanzler (Chancellor of the German Empire)
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About Otto von Bismarck, Reichskanzler (Chancellor of the German Empire)
- Otto von Bismarck;
- Otto Eduard Leopold, Prince of Bismarck, Duke of Lauenburg (1 April 1815 – 30 July 1898), simply known as Otto von Bismarck, was a German statesman who unified numerous German states into a powerful German Empire under Prussian leadership, then created a "balance of power" that preserved peace in Europe from 1871 until 1914.
- As Minister President of Prussia from 1862–90, Bismarck supervised wars that made Prussia dominant over Austria and France. In 1867 he also became Chancellor of the North German Confederation. Bismarck designed and created the German Empire in 1871, becoming its first Chancellor and largely controlling its affairs until he was removed by Kaiser (Emperor) William II in 1890. His diplomacy of Realpolitik and powerful rule gained him the nickname the "Iron Chancellor". As Henry Kissinger has noted, "The man of 'blood and iron' wrote prose of extraordinary directness and lucidity, comparable in distinctiveness to Churchill's use of the English language."
- As the leader of what historians call "revolutionary conservatism"[2] Bismarck became a hero to German nationalists; they built hundreds of monuments glorifying the symbol of powerful personal leadership. Historians praised him as a statesman of moderation and balance who was primarily responsible for the unification of the German states into a nation-state. He used balance-of-power diplomacy to keep Europe peaceful in the 1870s and 1880s. He created a new nation with a progressive social policy, a result that went beyond his initial goals as a practitioner of power politics in Prussia. Bismarck, a Lutheran who was loyal to his king (who in turn gave Bismarck his full support), promoted government through a strong, well-trained bureaucracy with most decisions in the hands of a Junker elite representing the rural aristocracy in the east.
- Bismarck had recognized early in his political career that the opportunities for national unification would exist and he worked successfully to provide a Prussian structure to the nation as a whole. While the new Germany had universal male suffrage, the elected officials did not have real control of the government.
- Bismarck is one of only three recipients to be distinguished with both the "military class" and "civil/peace class" of the Pour le Mérite, Prussia's and Germany's highest honor.
- Reichskanzler
- Link : http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_von_Bismarck
- Created Graf von Bismarck-Schönhausen 1865, Fürst von Bismarck 1871,
Bismarck-Schönhausen, Otto Fürst von, Reichskanzler (1815-1898) http://www.adelskartei.de/293.htm
Letter from Otto von Bismarck to Dr Johan Georg Gadow (student leader) 1899 Berlin Letter from Otto von Bismarck to Dr Johann Georg Gadow Berlin 30 November 1889 Re: patriotic student newspapers.
Euer Wohlgeboren danke ich verbindlich für die Übersendung der beiden ersten Nummern Ihrer „Kyffhäuser-Zeitung“. In Erinnerung an meine eigene Studentenzeit freue ich mich über die Regungen jugendfrischer Theilnahme an der vaterländischen Entwicklung, wie sie an vielen Universitäten stattfindet, und hoffe, daß die akademischen Gemeinschaften ihre Mitglieder auch über die Universitäts-Zeit hinaus zur Pflege vaterländischer Gefühle und Sitten fest und dauernd verbinden werden. (gez.) Otto v. Bismarck
Well-being-born I thank of you obligatorily on the transmittal of the two first numbers of their „Kyffhäuser newspaper “. In memory of my own student time I make happy about the moving of youth-fresh Theilnahme at the patriotic development, how she takes place at many universities, and hope myself that the academic communities will connect their members firmly and continuously also beyond the university time for the care of patriotic feelings and customs. (sgd.) Otto v. Bismarck
Otto von Bismarck, Reichskanzler (Chancellor of the German Empire)'s Timeline
1815 |
April 1, 1815
Schönhausen, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
1848 |
August 21, 1848
1849 |
December 28, 1849
Frankfurt (Main), Hesse, Germany
1852 |
August 1, 1852
Frankfurt am Main, Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany
1898 |
July 30, 1898
Age 83
Friedrichsruh, Aumühle, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
August 1898
Age 83
Mausoleum in Friedrichsruh, Aumühle, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany