Andrew Malcolm
(1803 - 1877)
I don't believe Andrew Malcolm was the father of John. Family legend has that Andrew married a widow and John's name was in fact Patton. John was born 1839 and Andrew and Margaret married in 1841.
Sarah Freeman
(1656 - 1742)
Brief Life History of Sarah Lumpkin Sarah Lumpkin Skiff was born on 12 October 1646, in Sandwich, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America. She married Edmond Freeman IV in 1681, in Sandwich, Barns...
Friedrich Both, SV/PROG 1
(bef.1653 - bef.1719)
YDNA of Friedich Both ? Is it known ? Must be as Theunis said not to be his natural son proven wtith YDNA PLEASE NOTE:
Although Cornelia Botha's baptism register records her father as Jan Cornelisz, th...
Frederuna von Ringelheim
(885 - 917)
([1/18] Apr 907) FREDERUNA, sister of BOVO [II] Bishop of Châlons, daughter of --- (-10 Feb 917, bur Reims, église abbatiale de Saint-Rémi). The charter of "Karolus…rex" dated "907 XIII Kal Mai" refers...
Sir Adam de Houghton, II
(1192 - 1283)
The ancestor Uenukukopako was the son of Tuhourangi and grandson of Rangitihi. As a young man, Uenukukopakohad been brought up along with his brother Taketakehikuroa at his father’s pa at Ohoukaka on L...
 By Czar Brodie - Own work by uploader.This vector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this: Lion rampant.svg (by S@m).This vector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this: Heraldique meuble nef.svg (by S@m).This vector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this: Niederried bei Kallnach-coat of arms.svg (by Aliman5040)., CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=7106894
Sir John MacDougall, 5th of Dunollie and of Lorn
(1269 - 1316)
Burke's Peerage 107th Edition Vol II page 2480>* Sir John MacDougall of Dunollie and of Lorn ; called Ian Bacach or Lame John, who defeated Robert I at Dalree 1306 and won from him hi brooch, now known...
Mangatu Blocks Incorporation. (2020). The Carvings. Mangatu.
Mitira, T. H. (1972). Takitimu: Genealogical tables. Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd
William George, Sr.
(1760 - aft.1830)
William George was born Oct. 18, 1760, in Virginia and died some time after 1830 in Cooper Co. Missouri. He married Molly Mercer Dec. 2, 1782. The couple had 7 children. Or so the story goes, anyway. B...
Rabbi Abba Berman
(1919 - 2005)
Abba Mordechai Berman (1919–2005) was a Talmudist and rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Iyun HaTalmud.
Early life
Abba Berman was born on Tu BiShvat 5679 (1919) in Łódź, Poland to Shaul Yosef Berman, rosh yes...
Matts Larsson Granberg
(c.1550 - aft.1614)
Mattias fru hette Catharina Östendotter Sursill som redovisas på annan plats i släktkrönikan som hustru till Henricus Laurenti Lithovius. G. S. 2343siis kuka ? " Mathias Erikinpoika saattoi olla lähtöi...
Elias Simonis
(c.1530 - 1584)
Simonis (K noin 1584). Elias Simonsson Paraisten kirkkoherra 1558, jolloin oli mukana rovastinkäräjillä ja kuittasi viljakymmenykset Paraisten pappilassa 12.8. Kuitin mukaan Elias Simonis oli kantanut ...
Princess Friederike of Brandenburg-Schwedt
(1736 - 1798)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Johann the Younger #499 * Wikipedia: English Deutsch
Hendrik Sal-Saller
Hendrik Sal-Saller ( sündinud 31. jaanuaril 1966 ) on eesti muusik ja laulukirjutaja, kes on tuntud eeskätt ansambli Smilers eestvedajana.Ta on Tõnu Sal-Salleri ja Anne Velli poeg.Ta on kirjutanud muus...
William de Chesney, Lord of Caenby & Glentham
(c.1067 - 1086)
William de CHESNEY [Parents] 1, 2 was born 1067 in Glentham, Lincolnshire, England.He had the following children: F i Adelaide de CHESNEY was born 1087.Sources: 1Weis, Frederick Lewis, Ancestral Ro...
Osbert II de Condet, Lord Wickhambreux
(c.1082 - 1129)
Osbert de CONDET 1, 2 was born 1080 in Wickhambreux, Kent, England. He died 1129 in Wickhambreux, Kent, England. Osbert married Adelaide de CHESNEY on 1103 in Wickhambreux, Kent, England.
Adelaide de ...
Hildegard von Rheinhausen
(c.938 - 974)
General Notes: She was living in 970.Hildegard var av ukjent slekt.Hun var ifølge "Zwei Ahnentafeln" av Prof. Dr. Fritz Curschmann mor til Hildegard.Hildegard married Henrik I der Kahle of Stade. (Henr...
 Photo by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Angelina_Jolie_2_June_2014_(cropped).jpg#mw-jump-to-license
Angelina Jolie
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Angelina Jolie is an American actor, filmmaker, and humanitarian. The recipient of numerous accolades, including an Academy Award and three Golden Globe Awards, she has been named Hollywood's highest-p...
Elmer Diktonius
(1896 - 1961)
Elmer Rafael Diktonius (20 January 1896 in Helsinki – 23 September 1961 in Kauniainen) was a Finnish poet and composer, who wrote in both Swedish and in Finnish. Mainly he lived in Tuomistonoja of the ...
Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon
(1930 - 2017)
"Antony Charles Robert Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon, GCVO RDI (born 7 March 1930) was an English photographer and film maker. He was married to Princess Margaret, younger daughter of King Georg...
Capt. Richard Wright
(aft.1633 - 1663)
See Miles Files for Richard Wright as Gateway Ancestor for Descendants of Charlemagne (741-813, King of the Franks & Holy Roman Emperor of the West) and Ancestors of Robert Wright (Hack lines to Englis...
Metta Gödekesdotter Fincke
(c.1370 - c.1442)
Henrik Fincken vaimo. Henrik Finckes hustru. 'Henrik Fincke's wife. Fincke- suku polveutuu äidin puolelta eräästä Finckestä, joka mainitaan Suomessa 1370-1385. Drotsi Bo Jonssonin (Grip) palvelija sai ...
Joseph Moses Levy
(1812 - 1888)
Joseph Moses Levy (15 December 1812 in London - 12 October 1888 in Ramsgate, Kent) was a newspaper editor and publisher.
"England and Wales, National Index of Wills and Administrations, 1858-1957," da...
Nicolae Iorga
(1871 - 1940)
Nicolae Iorga[alt 1][a] (17 June 1871 – 27 November 1940) was a Romanian politician who held top posts, including prime minister and president of the Senate. He was also a historian, literary critic,...
Petter Anker Stordalen
Petter Stordalen er en norsk investor, hotelleier og eiendomsutvikler.Han er sønn av tidligere norgesmester i bryting Knut Anker Stordalen, og vokste opp i Porsgrunn. Faren vokste opp på gården Stordal...
Hans Larsson Siniluoto
(1579 - 1645)
G. S. n. 2344, 4. sukupolvea"Mahdollisesti lähtöisin Saloisista ja Siniluodon talosta. Porvari Oulussa."
Filpus Ivarsson
(c.1420 - c.1472)
Linnaläänin päällikkö Kastelholmin linnassa. Kastelholm, Ahvenanmaa. Hövitsman på Kastelholm slott, Kastelholm, Åland, Finland. 'Captain at Kastelholm Castle. Kastelholm, Ahvenanmaa, Finland. Filpus Iv...
William Forbes of Monymusk
(c.1545 - c.1619)
 Photo by Bud Fraker for Paramount. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Audrey_Hepburn_1956.jpg
Audrey Hepburn
(1929 - 1993)
Audrey Hepburn was a British-Dutch actor and humanitarian. Recognized as both a film and fashion icon, she was ranked by the American Film Institute as the third-greatest female screen legend from the ...
Perttu Sarja
(1685 - 1740)
Lähteet==# Pohjanmaan läänin tilejä - Henkikirjat 1742-1742 (9343), jakso 195, sivu 192: Pidisjerfwiby, № 9; Kansallisarkisto: / Viitattu 13.6.2021# Pohjanmaan läänin tilejä - Henkikirjat 1745-1745 (93...
Marie-Anne Trahan
(c.1747 - bef.1798)
"Acadians Aboard English ship Britannia, 1769" -
At Baie-des-Espagnols, Île Royale, Apr 1752, age 5
Followed her family to to Halifax & Mirliguèche, 1754
Imprisoned at Halifax, Sep...
Sancha Nunes de Chacim
(c.1240 - d.)
"O segundo casamento foi com Sancha Nunes de Chacim, filha de Nuno Martins de Chacim e de sua segunda esposa, Teresa Nunes Queixada, de quem teve oito filhas:
Branca Lourenço de Valadares, casou depoi...
Agnes Murray
(1490 - 1560)
AGNES MURRAY=== It cannot be regarded as being certain but it seem likely that Agnes Murray, here treated, is the daughter of Sir John Murray of Cockpool. The name of Sir John's wife is not known. The ...
Honoré Trahan
(c.1726 - 1791)
"Acadians Aboard English ship Britannia, 1769" -
Moved to Île Royale, c1749
At Baie des Espagnols, Île Royale, Apr 1752, age 26, ploughman
Sailed to Halifax, Colony of Nova Scotia,...
Ranulph I de Bayeux, Vicomte du Bessin
(1017 - 1047)
(-killed in battle Val-es-Dunes 1047) son of Anschitil. Guillaume II Duke of Normandy donated "nostras insulas Serc et Aurrene, propter medietatem Grenere" to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel, supported ...
Henrik Fincke
Fincke- suku polveutuu äidin puolelta eräästä Finckestä, joka mainitaan Suomessa 1370-1385. Drotsi Bo Jonssonin (Grip) palvelija sai isännältään 1381 rälssin tiloihinsa Turun hiippakunnassa. Hän on luu...
Thomas Rogers
(1815 - 1876)
Thomas Rogers was tried at the Central Criminal Court (The Old Bailey) and convicted of stealing a cloak valued at 15 shillings. He was transported to Tasmania for 14 years and he left the U.K on the 1...
Prof. Thomas Gold
(1920 - 2004)
published in the Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society December, 2004: Thomas "Tommy" Gold died of heart disease at Cayuga Medical Center, Ithaca NY on 22 June 2004 at the age of 84. He will be...
William Grimshaw
(1823 - 1860)
He was an apprenticed as a slater to a well respected tradesman. He was arrested for stealing 2 silver watches and sent to Kikdale Prison to await his trial. He pleaded not guilty to the charge and was...
Nils Olofsson Stjernkors
(c.1395 - c.1452)
Riksråd, död ca 1450. Han ägde Särkilaks i Töfsala socken. Släktnamnet adlades sedermera som Stiernkors (uradel).Taivassalon herra, asemies, valtaneuvos 1427-49, Suomen kuninkaantuomari1437-47
Katso my...
Agnetha Fältskog
Ekerö V, Stockholm County, Uppland, Sweden
Åse Agnetha Fältskog is a Swedish recording artist and entertainer. She became a household name in Sweden after the release of her début album Agnetha Fältskog in 1968, and reached international stardo...
Leo Goldschmidt
(1883 - 1946)
1936 Flucht nach Palästina
Author Duvel
(c.1590 - 1636)
Kauppias. Oli rikas turkulainen kauppias, mutta kuoli rutiköyhänä Oulussa. Haudattu Turussa. Handelsman. Han var rik handelsman i Åbo, Finland, men dog utfattig i Uleåborg, Finland. Begravd i Åbo. 'Mer...
Bretislav I, duke of Bohemia
(aft.1004 - 1055)
Links:==* Wikipedia * Holbek The Přemyslids (Czech: Přemyslovci, Polish: Przemyślidzi), were a Czech royal dynasty which reigned in Bohemia (9th century–1306) and in Poland (1300–1306). The Czechs name...
Johanna Catharina Kirsten
(c.1728 - 1781)
Carl Johan Leps
(1703 - 1763)
Elinvaiheet==* Hauhon RK, 1722–1735, Hauhon RK, 1736–1743, Rautalammin RK, 1748–1754, Hannulan puustelli, - syntyneet-vihityt-kuolleet, 1705-1767 (AP I C:2) > 204: sivu ???: 1763; SSHY: / Viitattu 30.9...
Col. Adonijah Strong
(1743 - 1813)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for CONNECTICUT with the rank of LIEUTENANT.
DAR Ancestor # A111446
Adonijah's birth and death information are available at
Vital statistics:
Birth: J...
Maren Olsdotter Ringdal
(1687 - 1749)
Maren Olsdatter Ringdal
Født: Ca. 1687, Bøen, Ringdal, Stranda
Ekteskap: Askild Olsen Hellesylt
Død: 1749, Magnusgarden, Hellesylt, Stranda i en alder av omkring 62 år
Ermentrude, Gräfin von Gleiberg
(c.965 - 1019)
HERIBERT (-992). m IMIZA . Heribert & his wife had four children:>a) OTTO von Hammerstein (-[5 Jun] 1036). m IRMGARD , daughter of GODEFROI Comte de Verdun & his wife Mathilde of Saxony [Billung] ([970...
Timo Juhani Soini
Timo Juhani Soini (s. 30. toukokuuta 1962 Rauma) on suomalainen poliitikko. Hän on ollut Suomen ulkoministeri vuodesta 2015, pääministerin sijainen 2015–2017, kansanedustaja vuosina 2003–2009 ja vuodes...
Rabbi Shabtai (Sheftil) Halevi Horowitz
(b. - 1555)
Shabbatei bn Jesai’ haLevi Horwitz, rosh v’manhig v’dajan, bn haStadlan chatano Akiba b’Ofen 1555
Seventh-born and youngest son of Yeshayahu haLevi - the first Horowitz
כתובות בית העלמין היהודי בפר...
Linda Lea Trump
"United States Census, 1940," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 6 December 2019), Linda Lea Clapp in household of Gerald Clapp, Kalamazoo Township, Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States;...
Lestek, Duke of the Polans
(c.870 - c.920)
Legendarni władcy Polski
Leszek w Wikipedii po Polsku
Leszek on Wikipedia in English
Lestko (also Lestek, Leszek) is the second legendary duke of Poland, and son of Siemowit, born circa 870–88...
Ragnhild Olofsdotter Tavast
(1360 - 1433)
ään omistaneen perintötilan Piikkiön Rungossa, jonka hän miehensä kanssa lahjoitti vuonna 1423 Pyhän Ruumiin alttarille Turun tuomiokirkossa. Avioliitto Mårten Djeknin kanssa solmittiin ilmeisesti vuod...
Kerstin Svensdotter Bucht
(1600 - c.1663)
Kirkkoherra Krister Simonsson Agricolan vaimo. Uskela. Kyrkoherde Krister Simonsson Agricolas hustru. Uskela, Finland. 'Vicar Krister Simonsson Agricola's wife. Uskela, Finland. Kerstinin isä mainitaan...
Bonita Lynn Pietila
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, United States
Bonita Pietila is a Finnish-American casting director , best known for her work on The Simpsons , with which she has won three Emmy Awards (in 1998, 2000 and 2001).
Pietila has been with the series ...
Conrad Andreas Diehl
(bef.1763 - 1808)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for PENNSYLVANIA with the rank of THIRD SERGEANT. DAR Ancestor # A034736
(maintained by a descendant)
second marriage To: Ursula (maiden name unknown)
see: Oc...
Walter Gluski
(1892 - 1961)
Walter Gluski emigrated from Russia (Polish) to the United States in 1906. They sailed on the S.S. Bucher on 17 October 1906 from Bremen and arrived in New York on 28 October 1906. Walter emigrated wit...
Kikka Jaan Kohtitski
(1852 - d.)
Sündinud 21. mai 1852. a. Paatsalus (Karli ja Hedvigi poeg)
HL 1858. a.
Meurig ap Idwal Foel, Brenin Gwynedd
(c.913 - 974)
See Peter Bartrum, (May 27, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Royal Family of Gwynedd - History of Gruffudd ap Cynan, a New Perspective; . (Steven Ferry, December 1, 2019.)
Louis II d'Anjou, King of Naples
(1377 - 1417)
- II of Anjou (1377–April 29, 1417), was the rival of Ladislas as King of Naples. He was a member of the House of Anjou. BiographyBorn in Toulouse, Louis II was the son of Louis I of Anjou, King of Nap...
Joan unknown
(c.1278 - c.1337)
Joan, parents unknown, was the wife of Sir James Douglas of Hermiston and of Lothian. He was the son of William Douglas of Hermiston.Sir James received the lands of Kincavil and Calderelece from King R...
Moses Lionel Levy
(1765 - 1830)
for now Moses was disconnected from his parents since their dates did not "add up" to his's
"Deutschland Heiraten, 1558-1929", database, FamilySearch ( : 26 October 2021), Moses Levy in entry for Mey...
Kristina Knutsdotter Kurki
(1494 - 1551)
Sir John Hurst
(1419 - 1485)
comments==Surname has also been reported to be del Hurste .
Ingebrigt Toresson Møll
(1656 - 1696)
1689. Ingebrigt Toresson får skøyte frå Kristoffer Hiermann på 5 mællag. Bygdeboka for Sunnylven og Geiranger bind 2 side 480.
Lagmann Gunnbjørn Toresson Tengs
(c.1420 - c.1486)
Foreldre : Gunnbjørn er muligens sønn av Tore Gardsson og Ragnhild Eyvindsdotter. Gunnbjørn er ikke nevnt med farsnavn i kildene, og det eneste holdepunktet er eiendommer. Det synes mulig å følge Bakke...
Ibrahim Beg Bašagić
(1841 - 1902)
Znameniti Hrvati, Bošnjaci i Hercegovci u Turskoj carevini - Safvet beg Bašagić str.28
Edhem je pjesničko ime Ibrahim-bega Bašagića . Rodio se u Nevesinju 1257. (1841). Sin je Lutfi-beg Redžepašića,...
Carola Häggkvist
Saltsjöbaden, Nacka, Stockholm County, Sweden
Member of Swedish Music Hall of Fame in 2015. Carola Maria Häggkvist (born 8 September 1966), better known as simply Carola, is a Swedish singer and occasional songwriter. She has been among Sweden's m...
Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar
(1264 - 1298)
according to Wikipedia and another website her living dates areBorn (circa) 18 June 1269died29 August 1298websites give the dates listed on this profilesuch as: one website gives another death year (bu...
Maria Henke
(1846 - 1931)
Madog ap Gruffydd Maelor, Lord Bromfield
(c.1160 - 1236)
See Peter Bartrum, (December 26, 2016; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Pedigree of the Ancient Lords of Ial; . (Steven Ferry, April 6, 2020.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Ancest...
Alexander Elphinstone, 5th Lord Elphinstone
(1577 - 1648)
Extract from The Scots Peerage (Volume III) by Sir James Balfour Paul (Edinburgh 1906) page 540-541 ( , fifth Lord Blphinstone, was born 13 November 1577 ; on 15 December 1593 he had a Crown charter of...
Herlouin de Ponthieu, I
(830 - 878)
Herluin Ierde Ponthieu de MONTREUIL* Born in 830* Deceased in 878 , age at death: 48 years old* Parents Helgaud II de Boulogne de MONTREUIL 805-859 Berthe de PONTHIEU 805-859* Spouses and children* Mar...
Elizabeth Stewart, Princess of Scots
(c.1350 - 1389)
(daughter of John Stewart, King Robert III of Scots)Sir Princess Elizabeth Stewart, a daughter of King Robert II of Scots (1371 - 1390).----------------------------------------------Lady ELIZABETH Stew...
William Livingstone, 6th Lord of Callendar
(1528 - 1592)
William Livingston , 6th Lord Livingston was the son of Alexander Livingston, 5th Lord Livingston and Lady Agnes Douglas.1 He married Agnes Fleming, daughter of Malcolm Fleming, 3rd Lord Fleming and Ja...
Rebecca Anne Meyers
(1813 - 1909)
Australia, Convict Records Index, 1787-1867
Name Rebecca Wild
Conviction Place Queensland, Australia
Departure Date 14 Jul. 1832
Arrival Date 2 Feb. 1833
Arrival Place New South Wales
Arrival Ship Fan...
Hendrik Frederik Prinsloo, d5e4
(1784 - 1815)
Hendrik Frederik Prinsloo (1784–1816) was involved in the Slagter's Nek rebellion in 1815.
Elisabet Hansdotter Platz
(c.1600 - 1661)
Kauppias Author Duvallin vaimo. Turku ja Oulu. Kauppias Jakob Persson Trumbellin vaimo, Oulu. Handelsman Author Duvalls hustru. Åbo och Uleåborg, Finland. Handelsman Jakob Persson Trumbells hustru. Ule...
Moses Jacobsson
(c.1480 - c.1554)
DNA-bekräftad Bureättling längs faderslinjen. Se . Där uppskattas hans födelseår till 1490. Moses Jakobsson. Född i Bure, Skellefteå lfs. Död i Bure, Skellefteå lfs. Bonde i Bure (8), Skellefteå lfs. U...
Artemy Andreyevich Lebedev
Арте́мий Андре́евич Ле́бедев (род. 13 февраля 1975, Москва) — российский дизайнер, предприниматель и блогер.
Автор «Ководства» — руководства по веб-дизайну. Основатель, совладелец и генеральный директ...
Mathilde von Sachsen
(c.920 - d.)
Isabel de Ros
(aft.1294 - 1334)
ISABEL DE ROS Isabel de Ros is the second and youngest daughter of Robert de Ros of Wark. Calendar of Documents Relating to Scotland, iii, pp. 39-40 She reached her twelfth birthday during the year tha...
García Ramírez V “el Restaurador”, Rey de Navarra y Pamplona
(c.1105 - 1150)
García Ramírez de Navarra
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
García Ramírez (n. ? - † Lorca (Navarra), 21 de noviembre de 1150), rey de Navarra (1134-1150). Primer rey que abandona definitivamente e...
Berengaria of Navarre, Queen consort of England
(c.1167 - 1230)
Berengaria of Navarre (Spanish: Berenguela , French: Bérengère ; c. 1165-1170 – 23 December 1230) was Queen of the English as the wife of King Richard I of England. She was the eldest daughter of K...
Bodil Karlsdatter Sparre, (i Skaane)
Bodil Karlsdatter Sparre (i Skaane) Adels Aarbog, Thiset, Hiort-Lorenzen, Bobé, Teisen., (Dansk Adelsforening), [1884 - 2005]., DAA 1917:515.
Sidsel Pedersdatter Laxmand
(aft.1400 - 1475)
Sidsel Pedersdatter Laxmand, til Boserup =Född: after circa 1400 Boserup, Skåne, SverigeDöd: 1475 DenmarkDotter till Peder Andersen Laxmand, Boserup och Bodil Karlsdatter Sparre, i Skaane Hustru till...
Christian X, King of Denmark and Iceland
(1870 - 1947)
Name/title: Christian Carl Frederik Albert Alexander Vilhelm of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, Prince(Prins) of Danmark*King(Konge) Christian X of Denmark and Iceland 15. maj 1912 - 20. apri...
Adelaise d’Anjou (d’Amboise)
(c.855 - c.890)
the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Franksih Nobility (covering her birth family): . FAMILY of HUGUES [DUKE of BURGUNDY]1. HUGUES . m ---. The name of Hugues's wife is not known. Hugues & his...
Lady Catherine Gordon
(c.1473 - bef.1537)
Catherine Gordon (c. 1474–October 1537) was a Scottish noblewoman and the wife of Yorkist pretender Perkin Warbeck, who claimed he was Richard of Shrewsbury, Duke of York. After her imprisonment by Kin...
Adélaïde, comtesse de Soissons
(c.1040 - 1079)
Adelaide, Countess of Soissons
Adelaide (died 1105), was sovereign Countess of Soissons from 1057 until 1105.
She was the daughter of Renaud I, Count of Soissons, and his wife, whose name is unkn...
Lothar I, graf von Stade
(c.836 - 880)
LOTHAR [I] von Stade, son of --- (-killed in battle near Ebstorf 2 Feb 880). Graf von Stade. The Gesta Francorum lists "Liutharium" as one of the twelve counts who were killed fighting the Danes in 880...
D. Pedro I do Brasil e IV de Portugal
(1798 - 1834)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia Pedro I do Brasil e IV de Portugal , cujo nome completo era Pedro de Alcântara Francisco António João Carlos Xavier de Paula Miguel Rafael Joaquim José Gonza...
Margaret Montgomery, Countess of Lennox
(b. - 1493)
Lady Margaret Montgomery, Countess of Lennox, here treated, is not the same person as Margaret Home, Lady Home Lady Margaret Montgomery, here treated, is n...
Princess Juliana van Oranje-Nassau
(1909 - 2004)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia: English Nederlands Español Juliana Louise Emma Marie Wilhelmina (deutsch auch Juliane; * 30. April 1909 in Den Haag; † 20. März 2004 in Soestdijk), Prinzess...
Margaret Stirling
(1432 - 1489)
Not the daughter of Robert "Riach" de Atholia
Margaret Stirling is the daughter of Lucas Stirling.1 She married Sir Colin Campbell, 1st of Glenorchy, son of Sir Duncan Campbell, 1st Lord Campbell ...
Lucy Harrington
(c.1520 - c.1591)
From thePeerage.com: Lucy Sydney was the daughter of Sir William Sydney. She married Sir James Harington, son of Sir John Harington and Elizabeth Moton.Children of Lucy Sydney and Sir James Harington *...
Sir John Clement
See Peter Bartrum, (March 17, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
Jenkin Clement
See Peter Bartrum, (March 17, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
Katherine Beaumont, of Sherwell
(1354 - 1435)
Primary Sources Inquisitions Post Mortem for Katherine Lutrell, Writ. 1 September 1435.
mention: John Strecche and Katherine then his wife, lately the wife of Hugh Lutrell, knight
Her IPMs give two d...