RANULF (-killed in battle Val-es-Dunes 1047) son of Anschitil. Guillaume II Duke of Normandy donated "nostras insulas Serc et Aurrene, propter medietatem Grenere" to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel, supported by "Rannulfo filio Anschitilli", by charter dated to [1042][718]. Vicomte du Bessin (Bayeux). Guillaume de Poitou records that "Randulfum Baiocensium vicecomitem" supported "Guido filius Burgundionum comitis" in his rebellion, dated to [1047][719]. "…Rannulfi filii Ascelini" witnessed the charter dated to [1047 or before] under which Guillaume II Duke of Normandy confirmed the donation by "Adelelmi…Beatricis uxor eius…Rotberti filius eius" to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel[720]. Orderic Vitalis records that "Ranulfum Bajocensem ac Haymonem Dentatum et Nigellum de Constantino" rebelled against Guillaume II Duke of Normandy at the battle "apud Vallesdunas"[721].
m ALIX de Normandie, illegitimate daughter of RICHARD III Duke of Normandy & his mistress ---. Robert of Torigny names "Nicolaum…duas filias Papiam…uxorem Walterii de Sancto Walerico et Aeliz uxorem Ranulfi vicecomitis de Baiocis" as the children of "Ricardo secundo duce Normannum filio primi Ricardi"[722]. Vicomte Ranulf & his wife had one child:
a) RANULF [Ralph] "le Meschin" . Vicomte du Bessin (Bayeux). "…Ranulfus vicecomes Baiocensis…" witnessed the charter dated 1064 under which Guillaume II Duke of Normandy settled a claim in favour of the monks of Marmoutier relating to property donated by "Guido de Valle"[723]. "…Rannulfus filius Rannulfi vicecomitis…Rannulfus vicecomes" witnessed the charter dated 24 Apr 1089 under which Robert III Duke of Normandy donated property to Bayeux cathedral[724]. m MARGUERITE [Maud] d'Avranches, daughter of RICHARD Vicomte d'Avranches & his wife Emma de Mortain . She is named "Mathilda soror Hugonis comitis" by Orderic Vitalis, who also names her son[725]. Her husband is named in another passage, as father of his son Guillaume[726].
Battle of Val-ès-Dunes From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (for French version, see http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bataille_du_Val-ès-Dunes)
The Battle of Val-ès-Dunes was fought in 1047 by the combined forces of William, Duke of Normandy and King Henry I of France against the forces of several rebel Norman barons, led by Gui of Burgundy (Gui of Brionne), the son of Reginald I, Count of Burgundy.
As a result of winning the battle, William (later William the Conqueror) was able to retain his title and maintain control over the western half of his duchy.
William had succeeded to his title in 1035, as the seven-year-old illegitimate son of the previous Duke, Robert I. Several of William's kinsmen (including Gui of Burgundy, his cousin) believed themselves to have a better claim to the title, but William had the support of King Henry I and other influential nobles.
In 1046, some of William's enemies decided to finally strike. After an ambush near Valognes on the Cotentin Peninsula failed, the rebel nobles -- Gui of Burgundy, Nigel of the Cotentin, Rannulf of the Bessin, Ralph Tesson of Thury, Grimoald of Plessis, and Haimo of Creully -- raised an army of about 25,000 men.
After escaping the ambush, William rode directly to King Henry's court in Poissy, and reminded the king that a revolt against his faithful vassal was a revolt against himself. Wanting to protect his vassal and ally, King Henry raised an army of about 10,000 men to march on Normandy.
The battle
In the summer of 1047, King Henry's army joined Duke William's much smaller Norman army near Caen, in the heart of rebel territory. During the first part of the battle, Ralph Tesson realised on which side allegiance truly lay, and he and his men then changed sides and joined the royal army, attacking the rebels from the rear. The next day, the armies fought on the plain of Val-ès-Dunes, near the present-day town of Conteville.
The battle consisted mainly of a series of cavalry skirmishes. The rebel army outnumbered the royal army, but it lacked the latter's coordination and leadership. After losing several skirmishes (in one of which Haimo of Creully was killed), the rebel army broke apart, panicked, and fled to the west. The royal army pursued closely, slaughtering rebels by the thousands and driving the remnants of their army into the Orne River, near the Athis fort and Fleury-sur-Orne. An observer recorded that the bodies of the rebel knights who tried to cross the Orne were so numerous that bloated bodies blocked the mill of Barbillon as the river carried them downstream en masse.
While the royal army drove much of the rebel army to the west, Gui of Burgundy and his surviving forces escaped to his lands in the east and holed up in the strategic castle of Brionne. Despite an energetic siege, William was not able to force the castle into surrender until 1050, and, during that time, he was not able to assert his authority in the eastern third of his duchy, which lay beyond Brionne.
After the Battle of Val-ès-Dunes, there was still strong opposition to William among the Norman nobles, but they were forced to declare a "Truce of God" at Caen in October 1047. This truce, backed by the full endorsement of the Church, stated that private wars or vendetas were prohibited from Wednesday evening to Monday morning. The truce gave William special rights to defend his title and the public order; he did not, along with King Henry-I have to abide by the order. Even though William's position was still weak, with Gui of Burgundy still holding out and William having to pardon many of the barons who had opposed him, it would be five years before he had to face another major revolt. Ralph Tesson was rewarded for his perfidy, and was married off to Matilda, daughter of Hereve's brother. William could have killed the treasonous Ralph, but had good reasons to use Ralph's skills at a later date.
Douglas, David C. William the Conqueror : The Norman Impact upon England. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California, 1964. +++++++++
Ranulph I de BAYEUX [Parents] 1 was born 1017 in Bayeux, Calvados, France. He married Alice of NORMANDY on 1049 in Bayeux, Calvados, France.
Alice of NORMANDY [Parents] 1 was born 1021 in , Normandie, France. She married Ranulph I de BAYEUX on 1049 in Bayeux, Calvados, France.
They had the following children:
M i Ranulph II de BAYEUX Vicomte de Bayeux was born 1050 and died 1129.
Source: 1Weis, Frederick Lewis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700 (7th ed., Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1992.), 132A-24, Los Angeles Public Library, Gen 974 W426 1992.
Last Edited=6 Oct 2005
Ranulph, Comte de Bayeux was born circa 1017 at Bayeaux, Normandy, France.1 He is the son of Ancitel, Comte de Bayeux.1 He married Aliz de Normandie.1
Ranulph, Comte de Bayeux gained the title of Comte de Bayeux. Child of Ranulph, Comte de Bayeux and Aliz de Normandie
* Ranulf, Vicomte de Bayeux+ b. c 1050, d. Nov 11201
1. [S125] Richard Glanville-Brown, online <e-mail address>, Richard Glanville-Brown (RR 2, Milton, Ontario, Canada), downloaded 17 August 2005.
Ranulph I, Vicomte du Bessin, married Alix de Normandie, daughter of Richard III, duc de Normandie and a mistress of Richard III of Normandy, before 1040.
Ranulph fought at the Battle of Val-es-Dunes in 1047.
See "My Lines" ( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p58.htm#i7107 ) from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA ( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
Birth: About 1017 in Bayeux, Calvados, Normandie, France 3 4
Sex: M
Father: Ancitel De Bayeux b. 972 in Bayeux, Calvados, Normandie, France
Mother: Poppa De Senlis b. About 980 in Bayeux, Calvados, Normandie, France
Nationality: 4
Unknown: (Bayeux, Calvados, Normandie, France) 5 1 4
Changed: 20 Mar 2001 00:00
Spouses & Children
Alix De Normandie Countess Of Bayeux (Wife) b. About 1021 in , , Normandie, France
1 2 3 4
Marriage: Abt 1043 in , , , France 6 Nov 2004 14:29
Warner Fitzranulph b. About 1044 in (, , Normandie, France)
Simon De Saint Liz Earl Of Huntingdon b. About 1046 in (, , Normandie, France)
Ranulf II De Meschines Earl Of Chester b. About 1050 in Bayeux, Calvados, Normandie, France
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name Prefix: Count
Ancestral File Number: 8XQ8-MT
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Title: "The Oxford Illistrated History of the British Monarchy"
Author: Cannon & Griffith.
Publication: 12 Feb 2001
Title: "The Utah genealogical and historical magazine"
Author: Rice, Gareth (Main) Genealogical Society of Utah. (Added)
Publication: 13 Feb 2001
Text: FREQUENCY: Quarterly DESCRIPTION: 31 v. : ill., ports. ; 2
5 cm. NOTES: Title from cover. SUBJECTS: Genealogy--Periodicals.Utah--Genealogy--Periodicals.Utah--History--Periodicals. PUB STATUS: Dead
Title: "FamilySearch® Ancestral Fileâ„¢ v4.19"
Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Publication: 3 Feb 2001
Title: "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"
Author: Larson, Kirk
Publication: Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Desce
ndants, 1981-2001, Kirk Larson, Private Library
Title: "Héraldique européenne"
Author: Arnaud Bunel
Publication: Coats of Arms for European Royalty and Nobility (http://www
.heraldique-europeenne.org, Arnaud Bunel, 1998) , Internet"Armigerous" (ahr-MIJ-ehr-us) adjective
Bearing or entitled to bear heraldicarms.
The reason the notion of a family crest was brought into th
e languagewas that those who were armigerous (entitled to bear arms) used to put their crest or achieveme
RANULF (-killed in battle Val-es-Dunes 1047) son of Anschitil. Guillaume II Duke of Normandy donated "nostras insulas Serc et Aurrene, propter medietatem Grenere" to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel, supported by "Rannulfo filio Anschitilli", by charter dated to [1042][718]. Vicomte du Bessin (Bayeux). Guillaume de Poitou records that "Randulfum Baiocensium vicecomitem" supported "Guido filius Burgundionum comitis" in his rebellion, dated to [1047][719]. "…Rannulfi filii Ascelini" witnessed the charter dated to [1047 or before] under which Guillaume II Duke of Normandy confirmed the donation by "Adelelmi…Beatricis uxor eius…Rotberti filius eius" to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel[720]. Orderic Vitalis records that "Ranulfum Bajocensem ac Haymonem Dentatum et Nigellum de Constantino" rebelled against Guillaume II Duke of Normandy at the battle "apud Vallesdunas"[721].
m ALIX de Normandie, illegitimate daughter of RICHARD III Duke of Normandy & his mistress ---. Robert of Torigny names "Nicolaum…duas filias Papiam…uxorem Walterii de Sancto Walerico et Aeliz uxorem Ranulfi vicecomitis de Baiocis" as the children of "Ricardo secundo duce Normannum filio primi Ricardi"[722]. Vicomte Ranulf & his wife had one child:
a) RANULF [Ralph] "le Meschin" . Vicomte du Bessin (Bayeux). "…Ranulfus vicecomes Baiocensis…" witnessed the charter dated 1064 under which Guillaume II Duke of Normandy settled a claim in favour of the monks of Marmoutier relating to property donated by "Guido de Valle"[723]. "…Rannulfus filius Rannulfi vicecomitis…Rannulfus vicecomes" witnessed the charter dated 24 Apr 1089 under which Robert III Duke of Normandy donated property to Bayeux cathedral[724]. m MARGUERITE [Maud] d'Avranches, daughter of RICHARD Vicomte d'Avranches & his wife Emma de Mortain . She is named "Mathilda soror Hugonis comitis" by Orderic Vitalis, who also names her son[725]. Her husband is named in another passage, as father of his son Guillaume[726].
Battle of Val-ès-Dunes From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (for French version, see http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bataille_du_Val-ès-Dunes)
The Battle of Val-ès-Dunes was fought in 1047 by the combined forces of William, Duke of Normandy and King Henry I of France against the forces of several rebel Norman barons, led by Gui of Burgundy (Gui of Brionne), the son of Reginald I, Count of Burgundy.
As a result of winning the battle, William (later William the Conqueror) was able to retain his title and maintain control over the western half of his duchy.
William had succeeded to his title in 1035, as the seven-year-old illegitimate son of the previous Duke, Robert I. Several of William's kinsmen (including Gui of Burgundy, his cousin) believed themselves to have a better claim to the title, but William had the support of King Henry I and other influential nobles.
In 1046, some of William's enemies decided to finally strike. After an ambush near Valognes on the Cotentin Peninsula failed, the rebel nobles -- Gui of Burgundy, Nigel of the Cotentin, Rannulf of the Bessin, Ralph Tesson of Thury, Grimoald of Plessis, and Haimo of Creully -- raised an army of about 25,000 men.
After escaping the ambush, William rode directly to King Henry's court in Poissy, and reminded the king that a revolt against his faithful vassal was a revolt against himself. Wanting to protect his vassal and ally, King Henry raised an army of about 10,000 men to march on Normandy.
The battle
In the summer of 1047, King Henry's army joined Duke William's much smaller Norman army near Caen, in the heart of rebel territory. During the first part of the battle, Ralph Tesson realised on which side allegiance truly lay, and he and his men then changed sides and joined the royal army, attacking the rebels from the rear. The next day, the armies fought on the plain of Val-ès-Dunes, near the present-day town of Conteville.
The battle consisted mainly of a series of cavalry skirmishes. The rebel army outnumbered the royal army, but it lacked the latter's coordination and leadership. After losing several skirmishes (in one of which Haimo of Creully was killed), the rebel army broke apart, panicked, and fled to the west. The royal army pursued closely, slaughtering rebels by the thousands and driving the remnants of their army into the Orne River, near the Athis fort and Fleury-sur-Orne. An observer recorded that the bodies of the rebel knights who tried to cross the Orne were so numerous that bloated bodies blocked the mill of Barbillon as the river carried them downstream en masse.
While the royal army drove much of the rebel army to the west, Gui of Burgundy and his surviving forces escaped to his lands in the east and holed up in the strategic castle of Brionne. Despite an energetic siege, William was not able to force the castle into surrender until 1050, and, during that time, he was not able to assert his authority in the eastern third of his duchy, which lay beyond Brionne.
After the Battle of Val-ès-Dunes, there was still strong opposition to William among the Norman nobles, but they were forced to declare a "Truce of God" at Caen in October 1047. This truce, backed by the full endorsement of the Church, stated that private wars or vendetas were prohibited from Wednesday evening to Monday morning. The truce gave William special rights to defend his title and the public order; he did not, along with King Henry-I have to abide by the order. Even though William's position was still weak, with Gui of Burgundy still holding out and William having to pardon many of the barons who had opposed him, it would be five years before he had to face another major revolt. Ralph Tesson was rewarded for his perfidy, and was married off to Matilda, daughter of Hereve's brother. William could have killed the treasonous Ralph, but had good reasons to use Ralph's skills at a later date.
Douglas, David C. William the Conqueror : The Norman Impact upon England. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California, 1964. +++++++++
Ranulph I de BAYEUX [Parents] 1 was born 1017 in Bayeux, Calvados, France. He married Alice of NORMANDY on 1049 in Bayeux, Calvados, France.
Alice of NORMANDY [Parents] 1 was born 1021 in , Normandie, France. She married Ranulph I de BAYEUX on 1049 in Bayeux, Calvados, France.
They had the following children:
M i Ranulph II de BAYEUX Vicomte de Bayeux was born 1050 and died 1129. Source: 1Weis, Frederick Lewis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700 (7th ed., Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1992.), 132A-24, Los Angeles Public Library, Gen 974 W426 1992. -------------------- Ranulph, Comte de Bayeux1 M, #158417, b. circa 1017 Ranulph, Comte de Bayeux|b. c 1017|p15842.htm#i158417|Ancitel, Comte de Bayeux|b. c 992|p15842.htm#i158419||||||||||||||||
Last Edited=6 Oct 2005
Ranulph, Comte de Bayeux was born circa 1017 at Bayeaux, Normandy, France.1 He is the son of Ancitel, Comte de Bayeux.1 He married Aliz de Normandie.1 Ranulph, Comte de Bayeux gained the title of Comte de Bayeux. Child of Ranulph, Comte de Bayeux and Aliz de Normandie
1. [S125] Richard Glanville-Brown, online <e-mail address>, Richard Glanville-Brown (RR 2, Milton, Ontario, Canada), downloaded 17 August 2005.
Ranulph fought at the Battle of Val-es-Dunes in 1047.
See "My Lines" ( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p58.htm#i7107 ) from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA ( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm ) -------------------- SIR-RANULPH DE MESCHINES, COUNT DE BAYEAUX, son of SIR-ANCITEL DE MESCHINES, COUNT DE BAYEAUX. He was born 1017 in Bayeau, Normandy, France.
SIR-RANULPH DE MESCHINES, COUNT DE BAYEAUX, son of SIR-ANCITEL DE MESCHINES, COUNT DE BAYEAUX. He was born 1017 in Bayeau, Normandy, France. -------------------- Ranulph I "The Rich" De Bayeux 1 2 9 SmartMatches
Birth: About 1017 in Bayeux, Calvados, Normandie, France 3 4
Sex: M
Father: Ancitel De Bayeux b. 972 in Bayeux, Calvados, Normandie, France
Mother: Poppa De Senlis b. About 980 in Bayeux, Calvados, Normandie, France
Nationality: 4
Unknown: (Bayeux, Calvados, Normandie, France) 5 1 4
Changed: 20 Mar 2001 00:00
Spouses & Children Alix De Normandie Countess Of Bayeux (Wife) b. About 1021 in , , Normandie, France 1 2 3 4
Marriage: Abt 1043 in , , , France 6 Nov 2004 14:29
Warner Fitzranulph b. About 1044 in (, , Normandie, France)
Simon De Saint Liz Earl Of Huntingdon b. About 1046 in (, , Normandie, France)
Ranulf II De Meschines Earl Of Chester b. About 1050 in Bayeux, Calvados, Normandie, France
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Notes Individual: Name Prefix: Count
Ancestral File Number: 8XQ8-MT
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sources Title: "The Oxford Illistrated History of the British Monarchy" Author: Cannon & Griffith.
Publication: 12 Feb 2001
Title: "The Utah genealogical and historical magazine"
Author: Rice, Gareth (Main) Genealogical Society of Utah. (Added)
Publication: 13 Feb 2001
Text: FREQUENCY: Quarterly DESCRIPTION: 31 v. : ill., ports. ; 2
5 cm. NOTES: Title from cover. SUBJECTS: Genealogy--Periodicals.Utah--Genealogy--Periodicals.Utah--History--Periodicals. PUB STATUS: Dead
Title: "FamilySearch® Ancestral Fileâ„¢ v4.19"
Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Publication: 3 Feb 2001
Title: "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"
Author: Larson, Kirk
Publication: Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Desce
ndants, 1981-2001, Kirk Larson, Private Library
Title: "Héraldique européenne"
Author: Arnaud Bunel
Publication: Coats of Arms for European Royalty and Nobility (http://www
.heraldique-europeenne.org, Arnaud Bunel, 1998) , Internet"Armigerous" (ahr-MIJ-ehr-us) adjective
Bearing or entitled to bear heraldicarms.
The reason the notion of a family crest was brought into th
e languagewas that those who were armigerous (entitled to bear arms) used to put their crest or achieveme
Ranulf de Briquessart[1] (or Ranulf the Viscount) (died c. 1089 or soon after) was an 11th-century Norman magnate and viscount. Ranulf's family were connected to the House of Normandy by marriage, and, besides Odo, bishop of Bayeux, was the most powerful magnate in the Bessin region.[2] He married Margaret, daughter of Richard Goz, viscount of the Avranchin, whose son and successor Hugh d'Avranches became Earl of Chester in England c. 1070.[3]
1017 |
Bayeux, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France
1047 |
August 10, 1047
Age 30
killed in Battle at Val-es-Dunes (near Conteville) in rebellion against William Duke of Normandy
Bayeux, Calvados, Normandie, France
1052 |
Normandy, France
???? |
Vicomte of the Bessin
???? | |||
???? | |||
???? |