Although Cornelia Botha's baptism register records her father as Jan Cornelisz, this is incorrect.
Her biological father could have been Frederick Botha 1653-1717 ( no definitive proof exists ) and her biological mother was Maria Kickers who was having a longstanding affair with Frederick Botha and Ferdinandus Appel ; while still married to Jan Cornelisz.
Maria Kickers and Jan Cornelisz divorced in 1700.
Please also refer to "The First Fifty Years" project compiled by Delia Robertson which documents the events of Frederick Botha, Maria Kickers and Ferdinandus Appel.
He was the Step-father of Theunis (Botha).
Friedrich Both - later Botha
Parents Michael Both and Susanna Saulus
21 June 1717 Maria Kickers from Netherlands at Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa
See:- Marriage to Frederik Bota (Botha) of Wagenheim married Maria Kikkers of Amsterdam on 21 Jun 1714 - https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-6LX3-V8P?i=7&cc=14...
b1 Theunis gedoop 15 April 1686, X 15 Des 1710 Maria Magdalena Snyman
b2 Willem gedoop 2 Nov 1687, X Kaapstad 14 Jul 1709 Catharina Pyl
b3 Catharina gedoop 7 Mei 1690, X 31 Aug 1717 Hendrik Frederik Klopper
b4 Jacobus gedoop 24 Aug 1692, X 22 Okt 1713 Elsie Snyman
b5 Johannes gedoop 1 Mei 1695, X 18 Mei 1721 Anna van der Merwe
b6 Maria gedoop 1 Mei 1695, X 13 Maart 1712 Coenraad Scheepers, XX 1 Jan 1730 Pieter Gerrit Bezuidenhout, XXX 3 Des 1741 Johan Jacob Breytenbach
b7 Cornelia gedoop 6 Jan 1697, X 31 Maart 1720 Hans Jurgen Potgieter
b8 Anna gedoop Stellenbosch 19 Maart 1702
Arrived in SA in 1678 as a VOC soldier; Burgher Stellenbosch 1685, bywoner at Jan Cornelisz
Friedrich Botha / FRIEDRICH BOTH was born on March 4, 1653 in Wangenheim, about eight kilometers (five miles) north-west of Gotha (50.57 ° latitude, 10:41 ° longitude) in the Province of Thuringia in the Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
BOTH(A) the name derives from the name Friesiese "Botho"(or boats), which means leader or bevelgewer. The "a" that follows means son of. The full meaning is therefore that Botha was the son of Both, the leader or commander.
Friedrich Both joined the VOC and arrived at the Cape as a soldier in 1678. In 1683, five years after his arrival, he gained the right to practice as a farmer, his original profession, and worked for several farmers as a “subfarmer”, or as he put it, his "business" was then "landbouer bij den een en den ander geweest te sijn" (farmer to one and then another?).
From 1686 he worked for Jan Cornelisz - the earliest example of the French "Métairie" system (tenant farming) being applied in South Africa.
In 1689 he acquired the farm Zandberg, later called Scholtzenhof, originally 64 acres in area. Zandberg was transferred to his name in 1694. The farmhouse with thatched roof is located on the right side of the road between Stellenbosch and Somerset West – a beautiful location indicated on the imap of the area (See loaded images). Today a vineyard known as "Ken Forrester Vineyards” can be found there. (http://www.kenforresterwines.com/) The old homestead was originally a T-shaped building and the front walls are still about a meter thick, probably built by Friedrich Botha himself. The house has beautiful yellow wood ceilings a loft of fire clay a foot thick above them. The house was later was enlarged to an H-shape and more recently restored by the architect, G. Osler. (See a sketch in the loaded images)
In 1692 Botha still signed his name as Both, but in 1699 he signed as Botha. In the "opgaafrolle" or census/miuster rolls, the spelling Both, Boat and Botha can be found. It seems that sometimes at the Cape a person’s name could be connected to the place from whence they came. The fact that Friedrich Both came from Gotha could perhaps have contributed to Friedrich Both Gotha changing to Friedrich Botha.
At the beginning of the 1700s most farmers were stock farming. The father usually farmed on a particular farm and when his sons came of age, he gave them some stock. The sons then looked further affield into the unknown areas for pastures for their cattle. They were known as "Trek Boers”, and usually went where there was adequate water and pasture. The result was a push in an easterly direction along the coast of South Africa.
Jan Cornelisz (Bombam) of Outbeijerland and Maria Kickers were married July 11, 1683. In 1700 in the matter of her divorce, Maria Kickers declared before the Council of Justice that all her children from the existing marriage were the children of Friedrich Both; that they were not her husband’s children due to his incapacity. She claimed that her husband encouraged this. They were divorced Jan. 22, 1700.
The muster roll of 1701 (dated 31st Jan 1702) lists Freidrich living in Stellenbosch with 8 children, and Maria also listed in Stellenbosch but living apart from them.
In 1706 she and Friedrich were found guilty of co-habiting. Richard Ball suggests that this was because this still constituted adultery on her part, even though her husband had divoirced her in 1700. She had not been given leave to marry again. She decalred to the 1706 court that she and Friedrich Both had sworn troth to each other, just as though they were truly married, and that they had lived together as man and wife for several years, and had 8 children.
The couple were sentenced to 10 Years Banishment to Mauritius, but it seems that it was never carried out as they both appeared in the muster rolls of free persons in the years following the sentence. See Richard Ball’s comments below for more information about Maria Kickers.
In 1713 Jan Cornelis van Oudbeijerland died and Friedrich Both and Maria Kickers were free to marry, which they did in Stellenbosch on 21 June 1717.
Family Trees etc.
South African Genealogies Volume 1 page
Quote from Richard Ball - http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/lombard/I415.html
"He signs his surname variously, In 1699 to his will he signed Friderick Botta, later apparently Botha. Generally, in the written Dutch records he is referred to as Fredrik Boot, and in the church registers up to around the 1730s the name is spelt Bota, thereafter Botha.
He made his will in 1699, stating that he had no mother or father still alive, nor any other person who had a rightful claim to his estate after his death, and that he left all he had to Maria Kickers, also resident in Stellenbosch.
The muster roll of 1701 (dated 31st January 1702) lists Frederik living in Stellenbosch with eight children, and Maria listed on her own but also in Stellenbosch, apparently living apart from them."
Entry from http://www.stamouers.com/
"Friedrich Botha / FRIEDRICH BOTH is gebore op 4 Maart 1653 in Wangenheim, omtrent 8 kilometers (5 myl) noord-wes van Gotha (50.57° Breedtegraad, 10.41° Lengtegraad), in die Provinsie van Thuringia in die graafskap van Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
Voor 1652 Die betekenis van BOTH(A). Die naam Both is afgelei van die Friesiese naam "Botho" (of Bote) wat leier of bevelgewer beteken. Die "a" wat volg beteken ook seun van. Die volle van beteken dan ook dat Botha die seun is van Both, die leier of bevelgewer.
Friedrich Both is op 4 Maart 1653 in Wangenheim in die Provinsie van Thuringia in Duitsland gebore. Hy sluit aan by die VOK en arriveer aan die Kaap as soldaat in 1678. In 1683, vyf jaar na sy aankoms, verkry hy burgerregte en beoefen sy oorspronklike beroep uit as 'n landbouer by verskillende boere as 'n bywoner, of soos hy dit gestel het, sy "gedoente" was toe "landbouer bij den een en den ander geweest te sijn". Vanaf 1686 is hy 'n bywoner by Jan Cornelisz waar hy " voor een vierde part met hem te zaaijen en te bouwen". Hierdie is dus die oudste voorbeeld van die Franse "métairie" stelsel wat in Suid-Afrika toegepas is. Hierdie métairie-stelsel is afkomstig van die leen- of pagstelsel wat waarskynlik deur die Romeine in Galilië ingevoer is (Colonus partiarius). Métayer uit medietatarium, van medietate, helfte, beteken oorspronklik: Hy wat om die helfte boer; dan setbaas op 'n plaas, klein boer, wat ons amper in Afrikaans kan vertaal met bywoner; métairie, die plaas self. Per JLM Franken - "Die Franse Vlugtelinge, Huisgenoot" 16 Julie 1926.
Hy het die plaas Zandberg, wat later die naam Scholtzenhof gekry het, in 1689 uitgelê en dié het oorspronklik 64 morg beslaan. In 1694 is Zandberg van leningsplaas oorgedra op sy naam. Die plaas met sy strooidakhuis en sy wolfentgewels lê aan die regterkant op die pad tussen Stellenbosch en Somerset-Wes en die ligging word mooi aangetoon op die kaart van die kontrei. Daar word huidiglik wyn op die plaas produseer en die eienaar het ook 'n web werf en staan bekend as "Ken Forrester Vineyards". Die ou opstal is oorspronklik in 'n T-vorm gebou en die voorste mure is vandag nog omtrent 'n meter dik wat waarskynlik deur Botha self gebou is. Die huis het pragtige geelhoutplafonne met 'n brandsolder van klei van 'n voet dik bokant hulle. Later jare is die huis vergroot na 'n H-vorm en onlangs restoureer deur die argitek, G. Osler.
In 1692 teken Botha sy van nog as Both, maar in 1699 teken hy as Botha. In die "opgaafrolle" kom die spelling Both, Boot en Botha voor. Aan die Kaap het dit soms voorgekom dat 'n persoon vernoem word na die plek vanwaar hy kom. So was Jan van Eeden eers Jan van Oldenburg, Nicolaas Janse van Rensburg was eers Nicolaas Jansz. Die feit dat Friedrich Both van Gotha kom, kon moontlik daartoe bygedra het dat Friedrich Both van Gotha verander het tot Friedrich Botha.
Aan die begin van die 1700's was veeboerdery die algemene bedryf van die meeste boere. Die vader het gewoonlik op 'n besondere plaas geboer en soos sy seuns hubare ouderdom bereik het, het hy vir hulle 'n aantal vee gegee. Waar die vader op die plaas aangebly het kan hy dus as 'n "Veeboer" geklassifiseer word. Die seuns moes nou weiding vir hulle eie vee soek en het dan verder in die "onbekende" ingetrek. Hulle kan dus as "Trekboere" geklassifiseer word. Die rigting van die trek was gewoonlik waar daar genoegsame water en weiding was. Die resultaat was dus 'n trek in 'n oostelike rigting langs die kus van Suid Afrika. Die trekbeweging het tot 'n einde gekom toe die trekboere die inheemse bevolking van die Oos Kaap ontmoet het, die Xhosa. Die tydvak is nie vasgestel nie, maar 'n aanduiding van die trek is ongeveer: 1652-1700 Migrasie beperk tot die omgewing van Kaapstad; 1735 Bereik Mosselbaai; 1744 Bereik Gamtoosrivier 1700 tot 1706
Al sy kinders word in die Doopregisters aangegee as kinders van Jan Cornelisz en Maria Kickers. By die egskeiding word die volgende aangegee (per JLM Franken - "Die Franse Vlugtelinge, Huisgenoot" 16 Julie 1926, voetnota): Jan Cornelisz van Oudbeijerland in cas van divortie contra Maria Kickers: "den eijscher, doende eijsch bij monde alsoo de gedaagdese haar niet en schaamd hem eijr niet alleen met slaan en stooten ende verdere onbetaemelijckheeden gestadig te bejeegenen, maar oock bovendien haren echt met de persoon van frederick Boot in overspel te buitjen te gaan . . . . " "De gedaagdese antwoordende, segt en bekendt alle hare kinderen, staande huwelijk niet bij den eijr haren man (vermits desselvs onbequaamheijdt) maar bij een ander; te weeten den voorn. fred. Boot, te hebben geprocrëeert; en dat haren man haar daar toe selfs aanleijding soude hebben gegeeven." (Crim. en Civ. 1689-1701, 22 Jan. 1700, p. 77) Fred. Botha en Maria Kickers word vir oorspel, aanhouding en verberging van vee, geweld aan persoon van Claas Das, tien jaar verban na Mauritius. Hul moet "separatelijk" gebanne bly en word verder veroordeel tot 100 Rds. boete en restitusie van aangehoue goedere (Crim. en Civ. 1701-'08, 16 Nov. 1706. f.47). Die periode van verbanning mag dalk verskil aangesien daar ook die volgende aangegee word (per HCV Leibbrandt - "Precis of the Archives, Journal of VD Stel" 16 November 1706): The Court of Justice sentences a freeman and a woman in a criminal case to banishment to Mauritius for two years and fines each Rds. 100, the half for the Landdrost and the half for the Court. In 1706 het FB "aan't Moddergat" gebly saam met Maria Kickers wat toe by Matthys Greef op Stellenbosch gewerk het. Terwyl Maria Kickers getroud was met Jan Cornelisz het sy met beide Botha en Ferdinand Appel 'n verhouding gehad, gedurende die tydperk het sy sewe kinders by Botha gehad en een kind by Appel.
Hy was getroud in Stellenbosch op 21 Junie 1717 met Maria KICKERS. Sy was 'n weesmeisie van Nederland en geskeie vrou van Jan Cornelisz.
KINDERS: b1 Theunis gedoop 15 April 1686, X 15 Des 1710 Maria Magdalena Snyman b2 Willem gedoop 2 Nov 1687, X Kaapstad 14 Jul 1709 Catharina Pyl b3 Catharina gedoop 7 Mei 1690, X 31 Aug 1717 Hendrik Frederik Klopper b4 Jacobus gedoop 24 Aug 1692, X 22 Okt 1713 Elsie Snyman b5 Johannes gedoop 1 Mei 1695, X 18 Mei 1721 Anna van der Merwe b6 Maria gedoop 1 Mei 1695, X 13 Maart 1712 Coenraad Scheepers, XX 1 Jan 1730 Pieter Gerrit Bezuidenhout, XXX 3 Des 1741 Johan Jacob Breytenbach b7 Cornelia gedoop 6 Jan 1697, X 31 Maart 1720 Hans Jurgen Potgieter b8 Anna gedoop Stellenbosch 19 Maart 1702
Dan was daar 'n ander Botha stamvader: Samuel Friedrich BOTHA / BODE is in 1730 te Lüneburg in Duitsland gebore. Die familie het in 1766 in Hanover gebly en Samuel het toe na Amsterdam gegaan om by die VOC aan te sluit. Hy kom aan by die Kaap in Maart 1767.
Hy trou op 21 Januarie 1776 met Anna Elisabeth DELPORT. Sy was die wed van Johann Friedrich Stackman.
Saamgestel deur:
Joe Botha elijo@mweb.co.za
BOTHABLAD http://home.mweb.co.za/el/elijo/afr/indexa.html
Verdere Inligting oor Jan Cornelisz en Maria Kickers
Jan Cornelisz (Bombam) van Outbeijerland was getroud 11 Julie 1683 met Maria Kickers
In die Stellenbosch doopregister word die volgende kinders gedoop:
Cornelija gedoop 6 Januarie 1697 se vader word gegee as Jan Cornelis (Bombam). Maar die kinders was Botha se kind.
In 1699 was daar 'n rusie tussen Maria en Bombam oor 'n erf wat bewerk moes word deur Bombam maar hy het nie baie gedoen nie. Sy skel hom uit: Jeij sult doen wat eck hebben wil, ieij zulkt voor mijn door een vuur gaan, en jeij zult mijn de voeten kussen als ek het heben wil" Bombam se reaksie was dat hy dit nie sal doen nie. Maria skel hom toe verder uit: Jeij zult nagt en dach voor mijn loopen als eck het hebben wil, want ick hou jou minder als een knegt, ja minder als een Hottentot, ja minder als een hont". Iemand anders het haar gehoor sê "dat hij [Oud-Beijerland] onbequaam was om een man voor haar te wesen, en dat haare kinderen di sijne niet en waaren, en dat zij hem minder agte als een slaaf, of als een hont" Biewenga, p. 268
Maria en Frederik Botha skei 22 Januarie 1700, sy maak melding by die hof: De gedaagdesse antwoordende, segt en bekendt all hare kinderen staande huwelijck, niet bij den eij[se]r haren man; (vermits desselvs onbequaamheijdt) maar bij een ander, te weeten den voorn[oemde] Frederick Boot, te hebben geprocrëeert [CJ 3, 22]
17 Nov 1706 was Maria Kickers en Fredrik Boot weer voor die hof omdat hulle by mekaar gewoon het. Hulle was vir 10 jaar na Mauritius verbanom daar apart te bly.
Op daardie geleentheid het Maria Kickers beweer:
Sij persisteerde bij haare gedane confessie en sustineerde dat se met beloften en trouw die se malkanderen onder vier oogen geswooren hebben, so wel alsof se met den anderen in huwelijk waren getreeden kunnen volstaan, en dat se dierhalven als man en vrouw eenige jaren met den anderen hebben geleefd, en vleeschelijk geconverseert hebbende tesamen in deese boelasie agt kinderen geprocreeert,
Volgens Schoeman, p. 468 in 1706 is Botha en Maria Kickers skuldig bevind aan "oorspel, aanhouding en verberging van vee, [en] geweld aan persoon van Claas Das, en vir tien jaar 'separatelijk' na Mauritius verban.
Hulle het seker terug gekom na die Kaap toe die VOC Mauritius prys gegee het.
In 1713 het Jan Cornelisz van Outbeijerland gesterf (sonder om weer te trou) en toe kon Maria Kickers, weer trou:
Stellenbosch registers, bladsy 9: 1714, 21 Junij Fredrik Bota van Wagenheim jongm' met Maria Kickers van Amsterdam
Let wel Pama en De Villiers gee die trou jaar as 1717 maar dit is verkeerd, dit moet 1714 wees.
Bron: Inligting verskaf deur Richard Ball op SA Genealogie A Biewenga, De Kaap de Goede Hoop Karel Schoeman, Armosyn van die Kaap"
The following interesting exchange is quoted from http://archiver.rootsweb.ancestry.com/th/read/SOUTH-AFRICA/2006-07/...:
from: deborah laing <deb01@telkomsa.net> re: Re Frecderich Both/Booth Tue, 18 Jul 2006 07:12:19 (Tue, 18 Jul 2006 08:12:19 +0200)
"I would like to offer what I sourced over the years from the website and other fellow BOTHA researchers: Hi Francois and Richard, My own notes are not yet sorted, but I am interested Richard, that you believe the date to be 1714. Francois, perhaps you could offer a more accurate translation of the high dutch content.
SImilar info comes from the popular BOTHA WEBSITE
By die egskeiding van Jan Cornelisz en Maria Kickers word die volgende
aangegee (per JLM Franken - "Die Franse Vlugtelinge, Huisgenoot" 16 Julie
1926, voetnota):
Jan Cornelisz van Oudbeijerland in cas van divortie contra Maria Kickers:
"den eijscher, doende eijsch bij monde alsoo de gedaagdese haar niet en
schaamd hem eijr niet alleen met slaan en stooten ende verdere
onbetaemelijckheeden gestadig te bejeegenen, maar oock bovendien haren echt
met de persoon van frederick Boot in overspel te buitjen te gaan . . . . "
"De gedaagdese antwoordende, segt en bekendt alle hare kinderen, staande
huwelijk niet bij den eijr haren man (vermits desselvs onbequaamheijdt) maar
bij een ander; te weeten den voorn. fred. Boot, te hebben geprocrëeert; en
dat haren man haar daar toe selfs aanleijding soude hebben gegeeven." (Crim.
en Civ. 1689-1701, 22 Jan. 1700, p. 77)
Both en Maria Kickers word vir oorspel, aanhouding en verberging van vee,
geweld aan persoon van Claas Das, tien jaar verban na Mauritius. Hul moet
"separatelijk" gebanne bly en word verder veroordeel tot 100 Rds. boete en
restitusie van aangehoue goedere (Crim. en Civ. 1701-'08, 16 Nov. 1706.
f.47). Die periode van verbanning mag dalk verskil aangesien daar ook die
volgende aangegee word (per HCV Leibbrandt - "Precis of the Archives,
Journal of VD Stel" 16 November 1706): "The Court of Justice sentences a
freeman and a woman in a criminal case to banishment to Mauritius for two
years and fines each Rds. 100, the half for the Landdrost and the half for
the Court."
In 1706 het FB "aan't Moddergat" gebly saam met Maria Kickers wat toe by
Matthys Greef op Stellenbosch gewerk het. Terwyl Maria Kickers getroud was
met Jan Cornelisz het sy met beide Botha en Ferdinand Appel 'n verhouding
gehad, gedurende die tydperk het sy sewe kinders by Botha gehad en een kind
by Appel. Sy het ook 'n kind met Jan Coenraad Visser gehad.
Maria en Frederik Botha skei 22 Januarie 1700, sy maak melding by die hof:
De gedaagdesse antwoordende, segt en bekendt all hare kinderen staande
huwelijck, niet bij den eij[se]r haren man; (vermits desselvs
onbequaamheijdt) maar bij een ander, te weeten den voorn[oemde] Frederick
Boot, te hebben geprocrëeert [CJ 3, 22]
Maria was an orphan from the Netherlands, although she was not one of the
group of 10 who were brought to the Cape to be a wife for the free burghers.
Court cases show that she used to beat up her husband, Jan Cornelisz alias
Jan Bombam. She also accused him of being "incompetent" in bed.
She had an adulterous affair with Frederich Botha while she was still
married to Jan Cornelisz, who was his employer. During this time she had 7
children from Botha. In the proceedings Maria admitted that ALL her children
were fathered by Frederik Botha because of Jan's "incompetency" and that he
gave his tacit approval.
They were convicted of adultery, assault of Claas Das and possession of
livestock. They were forced to live seperately - he was banned to Mauritius
for 10 years and she was banned to St Helena. But from records it would
seem they returned to the Cape before 1707 as she and Friederich move to
It is rumoured that while she was still married to Jan Cornelisz she also
had an affair with Ferdinand Appel, with whom she had a child.
It was also rumoured that she had a child from Jan Coenraad Visser.
Response from - From: Richard Ball <richard.ball@ballfamilyrecords.co.uk> Subject: Re Frecderich Both/Booth Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 08:54:14 +0100
Hello Deborah,
Thanks for your email.
you write:
DL> Hi Francois and Richard, My own notes are not yet sorted, but I DL> am interested Richard, that you believe the date to be 1714.
The source for this is the Stellenbosch marriage register, as stated on the web page to which I previously made mention:
You quote from Joe Botha's web site:
DL> By die egskeiding van Jan Cornelisz en Maria Kickers word die DL> volgende aangegee (per JLM Franken - "Die Franse Vlugtelinge, DL> Huisgenoot" 16 Julie 1926, voetnota):
And you continue with some quotes from the Council of Justice divorce case of 22nd Jan 1700, where Jan Cornelisz van Oudbeijerland is bringing action to divorce his wife on grounds of mistreatment and adultery with Fredrik Botha.
I have a photograph of the relevant pages from this court case and the subsequent prosecution for adultery in November 1706. They are quoted accurately on the Botha web site above, and I have quoted in translation, accurately I believe, the pith of the matter from both on my web page above (the matter of the stock of Claas Das is confusing and I am not sure what the significance of it was - two different actions seem to have been tried at the same time - the problem with these court case decisions is that they seldom, if ever, bother to tell you why the people did they things they are accused of doing).
The sentence was, indeed, banishment to Mauritius for 10 years, but it was presumably never carried out since:
1. They both appear in the muster rolls of free persons in the years after that.
2. The Dutch settlement on Mauritius was abandoned and the island evacuated at the end of 1707 and beginning of 1708, the decision already having been taken notified to the Cape Government in March 1707. (This is off the top of my head - I hope it is totally accurate but I am open to correction!)
You quote from the same web site:
In 1706 het FB "aan't Moddergat" gebly saam met Maria Kickers wat toe by Matthys Greef op Stellenbosch gewerk het.
but there is no source given for this statement, even though it seems to be a quotation.
You quote further from the Botha web site:
Terwyl Maria Kickers getroud was met Jan Cornelisz het sy met beide Botha en Ferdinand Appel 'n verhouding gehad, gedurende die tydperk het sy sewe kinders by Botha gehad en een kind by Appel. Sy het ook 'n kind met Jan Coenraad Visser gehad.
Now this is hearsay reported as fact, plus an error.
You will note that Maria Kickers herself, under oath to the court, stated that 'all the children from her present marriage' had been engendered by Frederik Boot and also that she had had 8 children with the same man. This accounts for all the children we know of born to Maria Kickers.
In 1689 Belijtie Fredericks wife of the freeburger Harmen Jansen from Noorthorn (ie. the wife of Harmen Jansz Potgieter) stated under oath:
that she, the attestator, during the pregnancy of Maria Kickers (now four years in the past) from the mouth of the aforesaid Maria Kickers had heard, that the child with which she was pregnant, did not belong to her husband Jan Cornelis but to Frederik Boot, using in essence these words: that she did not belong to all men, but kept herself to one, and that Frederik Boot was the father of the child with which she was now pregnant,
and Beatrix Verwy, wife of Hendrik Cornelisz, adds her mite:
In similar fashion was declared by Beatrix Gijsberts declaring that at this same time the 11 August 1685 (it was a Sunday to the attestator's best knowledge) likewise from the aforesaid Maria Kickers to have heard, that Frederick Boot had known her, and that she from that time on had become pregnant.
This tallies with what Maria Kickers stated in 1706, and identifies Theunis Botha, baptised 15 April 1686 as the child of Fred Boot, but the first statement, that of Belitie Fredriks, continues thus:
and also the father of her first child ? of the Ferdinandus Appel.
ende dat van hare eerste kints vader was geweest [.]anen Ferdinandus Appel
We have no record of any child of Maria Kickers and Jan Cornelisz van Oudbeijerland prior to Theunis in 1686 and there is no indication in the muster rolls of there having been such a child, unless it was a still birth or died shortly after birth before baptism.
This affidavit was signed in May 1689. Why was this declaration made? We do not know since these things never give one reasons.
I repeat once more the statment from the Botha web site (since I have left it rather far behind!):
Terwyl Maria Kickers getroud was met Jan Cornelisz het sy met beide Botha en Ferdinand Appel 'n verhouding gehad, gedurende die tydperk het sy sewe kinders by Botha gehad en een kind by Appel. Sy het ook 'n kind met Jan Coenraad Visser gehad.
This states as fact what was only an accusation about Ferdinand Appel, that he fathered 1 of her children and Botha the other 7, whereas Maria herself stated under oath that all the children born in her present marriage were fathered by Fredrik Botha (the last, the 8th, was born after the divorce) and again in 1706 that she had had 8 children with Fredrik Botha.
The last sentence - Sy het ook 'n kind met Jan Coenraad Visser gehad - is quite simply wrong. There is no evidence that I have been able to find of any kind for such child.
You also quote from something unknown to me, AMD FROM GENCIRCLES, and I break up your quotation into indented pieces below with my comments:
Maria was an orphan from the Netherlands, although she was not one of the group of 10 who were brought to the Cape to be a wife for the free burghers.
She may well have been an orphan, many people were, but I would like to know what the evidence for this very often repeated statement is. I have never seen any.
Court cases show that she used to beat up her husband, Jan Cornelisz alias Jan Bombam.
No, he accused her of this as one of the grounds for his divorce. There is also an affidavit from neighbours stating that she shouted at him and hit him, presumably in preparation for the divorce, but no proof.
She also accused him of being "incompetent" in bed.
We have seen precisely what she stated to the court above.
She had an adulterous affair with Frederich Botha while she was still married to Jan Cornelisz, who was his employer. During this time she had 7 children from Botha. In the proceedings Maria admitted that ALL her children were fathered by Frederik Botha because of Jan's "incompetency" and that he gave his tacit approval.
This tallies with what we have read from the court records previously except that we do not know that the approval was 'tacit'. Seems more likely to me that he encouraged it actively (since it contined for 15 years) - perhaps he enjoyed it as a spectator sport?
They were convicted of adultery, assault of Claas Das and possession of livestock. They were forced to live seperately - he was banned to Mauritius for 10 years and she was banned to St Helena.
Not so - they were sentenced both to be exiled to Mauritius:
cond[amneer]t de beijde ged[aagden]s omme voor den tijd van thien jaren na 't eijland Mouritius gezonden te werden en separaetelijk gebannen te blijven
and also fined 100 rixdaalders
But from records it would seem they returned to the Cape before 1707 as she and Friederich move to "Moddergat".
I would be glad to know the reference numbers of these records so that I can get copies.
It is rumoured that while she was still married to Jan Cornelisz she also had an affair with Ferdinand Appel, with whom she had a child. It was also rumoured that she had a child from Jan Coenraad Visser. ENDS FROM GEN CIRCLES
I have commented on the content of this above.
Richard -- Richard Ball, Norfolk, England
Also Note:
Richard Ball maak die volgende nota op sy webblad:
Notes: He signs his surname variously, In 1699 to his will he signed Friderick Botta, later apparently Botha. Generally, in the written Dutch records he is referred to as Fredrik Boot, and in the church registers up to around the 1730s the name is spelt Bota, thereafter Botha.
He made his will in 1699, stating that he had no mother or father still alive, nor any other person who had a rightful claim to his estate after his death, and that he left all he had to Maria Kickers, also resident in Stellenbosch.
The muster roll of 1701 (dated 31st January 1702) lists Frederik living in Stellenbosch with eight children, and Maria listed on her own but also in Stellenbosch , apparently living apart from them.
a1 Frederik (Friedrich) Botha of Both - Wangenheim, by Gotha, 4 Mar 1653, seun van: landbouer Michael Both en Susanna Saulus. Sedert 1685 kom hy voor op Stellenbosch as burger en “boer om die kwart” vir Jan Cornelisz, van Oud-Beyerland. getroud: Stellenbosch 21 Jun 1717 Maria Kickers, van Amsterdam, gesk. vrou van Jan Cornelisz, van Oud-Beyerland. Vir verdere besonderhede oor hom vergelyk: “Die Huisgenoot”, 16 Jul 1926, bls, 35 e.v. b1 Theunis gedoop: 15 Apr 1686, getroud: 15 Dec 1710 Maria Magdalena Snyman b2 Willem gedoop: 2 Nov 1687, getroud: 14 Jul 1709 Catharina Pyl c1 Frederik c2 Maria Catharina c3 Willem gedoop: 7 Aug 1712 c4 Frederik gedoop: 13 Jan 1715, burger Drakenstein, getroud: 23 Oct 1735 Petronella Oosthuyzen c5 Cornelia gedoop: 10 Jan 1717, getroud: C. Bezuidenhout c6 Anna gedoop: 23 Oct 1718, getroud: J. Oosthuyzen c7 Catharina gedoop: 25 Jan 1722, getroud: J. Pienaar; hertroud: H. van Staden c8 Martha Elisabeth gedoop: 15 Dec 1726, getroud: P. Swanepoel c9 Willem gedoop: 4 Jan 1728, getroud: Catharina van Emmenes b3 Catharina gedoop: 7 May 1690 b4 Jacobus gedoop: 24 Aug 1692, getroud: 22 Oct 1713 Elsie Snyman b5 Johannes burger Drakenstein, getroud: 18 May 1721 Anna van der Merwe; hertroud: 15 Mar 1739 Helena du Toit, weduwee van: Arend Olivier b6 Maria gedoop: 1 May 1695 b7 Cornelia gedoop: 6 Jan 1697 b8 Anna gedoop: April 1702, getroud: Christian Schmidt, van Halle; hertroud: 18 May 1735 Johannes Friedrich Muller, van Lüneburg
Theunis Botha, b bef 15 April 1686. Called Botha after his mother, Maria Kickers' , 1700 divorce from Jan Cornelisz (who is shown as his father on the birth certificate). At which time she said her 7 children were Frederich Botha's. However, a recent DNA study by the University of Pretoria reveal him to have been the biological son of Ferdinandus Appel.
Born in Wangenheim about 8km northwest from Gotha., in the province of Thuringia in the county of Saxe-Coburg Gotha.His surname was originally Both, derived from the Frisian name 'Botho" (or boats". It is translated as "the one that gives orders" that means leader. The "a" that follows means 'the son of", therefore the meaning of Botha is "the son of the leader or commander.He joined the RFQ and arrived at the Cape (South Africa ) in1678 ,as a soldier.Five years after his arrival (1683), he gained civil rights and practised his original profession as a farmer.
Marriage to Maria Kikkers / Kickers 21 Jun 1714, Stellenbosch - https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-6LX3-V8P?i=7&cc=14...
@R1200312375@ Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,9289::0
@R1200312375@ Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,9289::0
@R1200312375@ Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,9289::0
@R1200312375@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=106302622&pi...
{geni:about_me} Friedrich Both - later Botha
Parents Michael Both and Susanna Saulus
21 June 1717 Maria Kickers from Netherlands at Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa
See:- Marriage to Frederik Bota (Botha) of Wagenheim married Maria Kikkers of Amsterdam on 21 Jun 1714 - https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-6LX3-V8P?i=7&cc=14...
b1 Theunis gedoop 15 April 1686, X 15 Des 1710 Maria Magdalena Snyman
b2 Willem gedoop 2 Nov 1687, X Kaapstad 14 Jul 1709 Catharina Pyl
b3 Catharina gedoop 7 Mei 1690, X 31 Aug 1717 Hendrik Frederik Klopper
b4 Jacobus gedoop 24 Aug 1692, X 22 Okt 1713 Elsie Snyman
b5 Johannes gedoop 1 Mei 1695, X 18 Mei 1721 Anna van der Merwe
b6 Maria gedoop 1 Mei 1695, X 13 Maart 1712 Coenraad Scheepers, XX 1 Jan 1730 Pieter Gerrit Bezuidenhout, XXX 3 Des 1741 Johan Jacob Breytenbach
b7 Cornelia gedoop 6 Jan 1697, X 31 Maart 1720 Hans Jurgen Potgieter
b8 Anna gedoop Stellenbosch 19 Maart 1702
Arrived in SA in 1678 as a VOC soldier; Burgher Stellenbosch 1685, bywoner at Jan Cornelisz
Friedrich Botha / FRIEDRICH BOTH was born on March 4, 1653 in Wangenheim, about eight kilometers (five miles) north-west of Gotha (50.57 ° latitude, 10:41 ° longitude) in the Province of Thuringia in the Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
BOTH(A) the name derives from the name Friesiese "Botho"(or boats), which means leader or bevelgewer. The "a" that follows means son of. The full meaning is therefore that Botha was the son of Both, the leader or commander.
Friedrich Both joined the VOC and arrived at the Cape as a soldier in 1678. In 1683, five years after his arrival, he gained the right to practice as a farmer, his original profession, and worked for several farmers as a “subfarmer”, or as he put it, his "business" was then "landbouer bij den een en den ander geweest te sijn" (farmer to one and then another?).
From 1686 he worked for Jan Cornelisz - the earliest example of the French "Métairie" system (tenant farming) being applied in South Africa.
In 1689 he acquired the farm Zandberg, later called Scholtzenhof, originally 64 acres in area. Zandberg was transferred to his name in 1694. The farmhouse with thatched roof is located on the right side of the road between Stellenbosch and Somerset West – a beautiful location indicated on the imap of the area (See loaded images). Today a vineyard known as "Ken Forrester Vineyards” can be found there. (http://www.kenforresterwines.com/) The old homestead was originally a T-shaped building and the front walls are still about a meter thick, probably built by Friedrich Botha himself. The house has beautiful yellow wood ceilings a loft of fire clay a foot thick above them. The house was later was enlarged to an H-shape and more recently restored by the architect, G. Osler. (See a sketch in the loaded images)
In 1692 Botha still signed his name as Both, but in 1699 he signed as Botha. In the "opgaafrolle" or census/miuster rolls, the spelling Both, Boat and Botha can be found. It seems that sometimes at the Cape a person’s name could be connected to the place from whence they came. The fact that Friedrich Both came from Gotha could perhaps have contributed to Friedrich Both Gotha changing to Friedrich Botha.
At the beginning of the 1700s most farmers were stock farming. The father usually farmed on a particular farm and when his sons came of age, he gave them some stock. The sons then looked further affield into the unknown areas for pastures for their cattle. They were known as "Trek Boers”, and usually went where there was adequate water and pasture. The result was a push in an easterly direction along the coast of South Africa.
Jan Cornelisz (Bombam) of Outbeijerland and Maria Kickers were married July 11, 1683. In 1700 in the matter of her divorce, Maria Kickers declared before the Council of Justice that all her children from the existing marriage were the children of Friedrich Both; that they were not her husband’s children due to his incapacity. She claimed that her husband encouraged this. They were divorced Jan. 22, 1700.
The muster roll of 1701 (dated 31st Jan 1702) lists Freidrich living in Stellenbosch with 8 children, and Maria also listed in Stellenbosch but living apart from them.
In 1706 she and Friedrich were found guilty of co-habiting. Richard Ball suggests that this was because this still constituted adultery on her part, even though her husband had divoirced her in 1700. She had not been given leave to marry again. She decalred to the 1706 court that she and Friedrich Both had sworn troth to each other, just as though they were truly married, and that they had lived together as man and wife for several years, and had 8 children.
The couple were sentenced to 10 Years Banishment to Mauritius, but it seems that it was never carried out as they both appeared in the muster rolls of free persons in the years following the sentence. See Richard Ball’s commentsbelow for more information about Maria Kickers.
In 1713 Jan Cornelis van Oudbeijerland died and Friedrich Both and Maria Kickers were free to marry, which they did in Stellenbosch on 21 June 1717.
Family Trees etc.
South African Genealogies Volume 1 page
Quote from Richard Ball - http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/lombard/I415.html
"He signs his surname variously, In 1699 to his will he signed Friderick Botta, later apparently Botha. Generally, in the written Dutch records he is referred to as Fredrik Boot, and in the church registers up to around the 1730s the name is spelt Bota, thereafter Botha.
He made his will in 1699, stating that he had no mother or father still alive, nor any other person who had a rightful claim to his estate after his death, and that he left all he had to Maria Kickers, also resident in Stellenbosch.
The muster roll of 1701 (dated 31st January 1702) lists Frederik living in Stellenbosch with eight children, and Maria listed on her own but also in Stellenbosch, apparently living apart from them."
Entry from http://www.stamouers.com/
"Friedrich Botha / FRIEDRICH BOTH is gebore op 4 Maart 1653 in Wangenheim, omtrent 8 kilometers (5 myl) noord-wes van Gotha (50.57° Breedtegraad, 10.41° Lengtegraad), in die Provinsie van Thuringia in die graafskap van Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
Voor 1652 Die betekenis van BOTH(A). Die naam Both is afgelei van die Friesiese naam "Botho" (of Bote) wat leier of bevelgewer beteken. Die "a" wat volg beteken ook seun van. Die volle van beteken dan ook dat Botha die seun is vanBoth, die leier of bevelgewer.
Friedrich Both is op 4 Maart 1653 in Wangenheim in die Provinsie van Thuringia in Duitsland gebore. Hy sluit aan by die VOK en arriveer aan die Kaap as soldaat in 1678. In 1683, vyf jaar na sy aankoms, verkry hy burgerregte en beoefen sy oorspronklike beroep uit as 'n landbouer by verskillende boere as 'n bywoner, of soos hy dit gestel het, sy "gedoente" was toe "landbouer bij den een en den ander geweest te sijn". Vanaf 1686 is hy 'n bywoner by Jan Cornelisz waar hy " voor een vierde part met hem te zaaijen en te bouwen". Hierdie is dus die oudste voorbeeld van die Franse "métairie" stelsel wat in Suid-Afrika toegepas is. Hierdie métairie-stelsel is afkomstig van die leen- of pagstelsel wat waarskynlik deur die Romeine in Galilië ingevoer is (Colonus partiarius). Métayer uit medietatarium, van medietate, helfte, beteken oorspronklik: Hy wat om die helfte boer; dan setbaas op 'n plaas, klein boer, wat ons amper in Afrikaans kan vertaal met bywoner; métairie, die plaas self. Per JLM Franken - "Die Franse Vlugtelinge, Huisgenoot" 16 Julie 1926.
Hy het die plaas Zandberg, wat later die naam Scholtzenhof gekry het, in 1689 uitgelê en dié het oorspronklik 64 morg beslaan. In 1694 is Zandberg van leningsplaas oorgedra op sy naam. Die plaas met sy strooidakhuis en sy wolfentgewels lê aan die regterkant op die pad tussen Stellenbosch en Somerset-Wes en die ligging word mooi aangetoon op die kaart van die kontrei. Daar word huidiglik wyn op die plaas produseer en die eienaar het ook 'n web werf en staanbekend as "Ken Forrester Vineyards". Die ou opstal is oorspronklik in 'n T-vorm gebou en die voorste mure is vandag nog omtrent 'n meter dik wat waarskynlik deur Botha self gebou is. Die huis het pragtige geelhoutplafonne met 'n brandsolder van klei van 'n voet dik bokant hulle. Later jare is die huis vergroot na 'n H-vorm en onlangs restoureer deur die argitek, G. Osler.
In 1692 teken Botha sy van nog as Both, maar in 1699 teken hy as Botha. In die "opgaafrolle" kom die spelling Both, Boot en Botha voor. Aan die Kaap het dit soms voorgekom dat 'n persoon vernoem word na die plek vanwaar hy kom. Sowas Jan van Eeden eers Jan van Oldenburg, Nicolaas Janse van Rensburg was eers Nicolaas Jansz. Die feit dat Friedrich Both van Gotha kom, kon moontlik daartoe bygedra het dat Friedrich Both van Gotha verander het tot Friedrich Botha.
Aan die begin van die 1700's was veeboerdery die algemene bedryf van die meeste boere. Die vader het gewoonlik op 'n besondere plaas geboer en soos sy seuns hubare ouderdom bereik het, het hy vir hulle 'n aantal vee gegee. Waar die vader op die plaas aangebly het kan hy dus as 'n "Veeboer" geklassifiseer word. Die seuns moes nou weiding vir hulle eie vee soek en het dan verder in die "onbekende" ingetrek. Hulle kan dus as "Trekboere" geklassifiseer word. Die rigting van die trek was gewoonlik waar daar genoegsame water en weiding was. Die resultaat was dus 'n trek in 'n oostelike rigting langs die kus van Suid Afrika. Die trekbeweging het tot 'n einde gekom toe die trekboere die inheemse bevolking van die Oos Kaap ontmoet het, die Xhosa. Die tydvak is nie vasgestel nie, maar 'n aanduiding van die trek is ongeveer: 1652-1700 Migrasie beperk tot die omgewing van Kaapstad; 1735 Bereik Mosselbaai; 1744 Bereik Gamtoosrivier 1700 tot 1706
Al sy kinders word in die Doopregisters aangegee as kinders van Jan Cornelisz en Maria Kickers. By die egskeiding word die volgende aangegee (per JLM Franken - "Die Franse Vlugtelinge, Huisgenoot" 16 Julie 1926, voetnota): Jan Cornelisz van Oudbeijerland in cas van divortie contra Maria Kickers: "den eijscher, doende eijsch bij monde alsoo de gedaagdese haar niet en schaamd hem eijr niet alleen met slaan en stooten ende verdere onbetaemelijckheeden gestadig te bejeegenen, maar oock bovendien haren echt met de persoon van frederick Boot in overspel te buitjen te gaan . . . . " "De gedaagdese antwoordende, segt en bekendt alle hare kinderen, staande huwelijk niet bij den eijr haren man (vermits desselvs onbequaamheijdt) maar bij een ander; te weeten den voorn. fred. Boot, te hebben geprocrëeert; en dat haren man haar daar toe selfs aanleijding soude hebben gegeeven." (Crim. en Civ. 1689-1701, 22 Jan. 1700, p.77) Fred. Botha en Maria Kickers word vir oorspel, aanhouding en verberging van vee, geweld aan persoon van Claas Das, tien jaar verban na Mauritius. Hul moet "separatelijk" gebanne bly en word verder veroordeel tot 100 Rds. boete en restitusie van aangehoue goedere (Crim. en Civ. 1701-'08, 16 Nov. 1706. f.47). Die periode van verbanning mag dalk verskil aangesien daar ook die volgende aangegee word (per HCV Leibbrandt - "Precis of the Archives, Journal of VD Stel" 16 November 1706): The Court of Justice sentences a freeman and a woman in a criminal case to banishment to Mauritius for two years and fines each Rds. 100, the half for the Landdrost and the half for the Court. In 1706het FB "aan't Moddergat" gebly saam met Maria Kickers wat toe by Matthys Greef op Stellenbosch gewerk het. Terwyl Maria Kickers getroud was met Jan Cornelisz het sy met beide Botha en Ferdinand Appel 'n verhouding gehad, gedurende die tydperk het sy sewe kinders by Botha gehad en een kind by Appel.
Hy was getroud in Stellenbosch op 21 Junie 1717 met Maria KICKERS. Sy was 'n weesmeisie van Nederland en geskeie vrou van Jan Cornelisz.
KINDERS: b1 Theunis gedoop 15 April 1686, X 15 Des 1710 Maria Magdalena Snyman b2 Willem gedoop 2 Nov 1687, X Kaapstad 14 Jul 1709 Catharina Pyl b3 Catharina gedoop 7 Mei 1690, X 31 Aug 1717 Hendrik Frederik Klopper b4 Jacobus gedoop 24 Aug 1692, X 22 Okt 1713 Elsie Snyman b5 Johannes gedoop 1 Mei 1695, X 18 Mei 1721 Anna van der Merwe b6 Maria gedoop 1 Mei 1695, X 13 Maart 1712 Coenraad Scheepers, XX 1 Jan 1730 Pieter Gerrit Bezuidenhout, XXX 3 Des 1741 Johan Jacob Breytenbach b7 Cornelia gedoop 6 Jan 1697, X 31 Maart 1720 Hans Jurgen Potgieter b8 Anna gedoop Stellenbosch 19 Maart 1702
Dan was daar 'n ander Botha stamvader: Samuel Friedrich BOTHA / BODE is in 1730 te Lüneburg in Duitsland gebore. Die familie het in 1766 in Hanover gebly en Samuel het toe na Amsterdam gegaan om by die VOC aan te sluit. Hy kom aan by die Kaap in Maart 1767.
Hy trou op 21 Januarie 1776 met Anna Elisabeth DELPORT. Sy was die wed van Johann Friedrich Stackman.
Saamgestel deur:
Joe Botha elijo@mweb.co.za
BOTHABLAD http://home.mweb.co.za/el/elijo/afr/indexa.html
Verdere Inligting oor Jan Cornelisz en Maria Kickers
Jan Cornelisz (Bombam) van Outbeijerland was getroud 11 Julie 1683 met Maria Kickers
In die Stellenbosch doopregister word die volgende kinders gedoop:
Cornelija gedoop 6 Januarie 1697 se vader word gegee as Jan Cornelis (Bombam). Maar die kinders was Botha se kind.
In 1699 was daar 'n rusie tussen Maria en Bombam oor 'n erf wat bewerk moes word deur Bombam maar hy het nie baie gedoen nie. Sy skel hom uit: Jeij sult doen wat eck hebben wil, ieij zulkt voor mijn door een vuur gaan, en jeij zult mijn de voeten kussen als ek het heben wil" Bombam se reaksie was dat hy dit nie sal doen nie. Maria skel hom toe verder uit: Jeij zult nagt en dach voor mijn loopen als eck het hebben wil, want ick hou jou minder als een knegt, ja minder als een Hottentot, ja minder als een hont". Iemand anders het haar gehoor sê "dat hij [Oud-Beijerland] onbequaam was om een man voor haar te wesen, en dat haare kinderen di sijne niet en waaren, en dat zij hem minder agte als een slaaf, of als een hont" Biewenga, p. 268
Maria en Frederik Botha skei 22 Januarie 1700, sy maak melding by die hof: De gedaagdesse antwoordende, segt en bekendt all hare kinderen staande huwelijck, niet bij den eij[se]r haren man; (vermits desselvs onbequaamheijdt) maar bij een ander, te weeten den voorn[oemde] Frederick Boot, te hebben geprocrëeert [CJ 3, 22]
17 Nov 1706 was Maria Kickers en Fredrik Boot weer voor die hof omdat hulle by mekaar gewoon het. Hulle was vir 10 jaar na Mauritius verbanom daar apart te bly.
Op daardie geleentheid het Maria Kickers beweer:
Sij persisteerde bij haare gedane confessie en sustineerde dat se met beloften en trouw die se malkanderen onder vier oogen geswooren hebben, so wel alsof se met den anderen in huwelijk waren getreeden kunnen volstaan, en dat se dierhalven als man en vrouw eenige jaren met den anderen hebben geleefd, en vleeschelijk geconverseert hebbende tesamen in deese boelasie agt kinderen geprocreeert,
Volgens Schoeman, p. 468 in 1706 is Botha en Maria Kickers skuldig bevind aan "oorspel, aanhouding en verberging van vee, [en] geweld aan persoon van Claas Das, en vir tien jaar 'separatelijk' na Mauritius verban.
Hulle het seker terug gekom na die Kaap toe die VOC Mauritius prys gegee het.
In 1713 het Jan Cornelisz van Outbeijerland gesterf (sonder om weer te trou) en toe kon Maria Kickers, weer trou:
Stellenbosch registers, bladsy 9: 1714, 21 Junij Fredrik Bota van Wagenheim jongm' met Maria Kickers van Amsterdam
Let wel Pama en De Villiers gee die trou jaar as 1717 maar dit is verkeerd, dit moet 1714 wees.
Bron: Inligting verskaf deur Richard Ball op SA Genealogie A Biewenga, De Kaap de Goede Hoop Karel Schoeman, Armosyn van die Kaap"
The following interesting exchange is quoted from http://archiver.rootsweb.ancestry.com/th/read/SOUTH-AFRICA/2006-07/...:
from: deborah laing <deb01@telkomsa.net> re: Re Frecderich Both/Booth Tue, 18 Jul 2006 07:12:19 (Tue, 18 Jul 2006 08:12:19 +0200)
"I would like to offer what I sourced over the years from the website and other fellow BOTHA researchers: Hi Francois and Richard, My own notes are not yet sorted, but I am interested Richard, that you believe the date to be 1714. Francois, perhaps you could offer a more accurate translation of the high dutch content. SImilar info comes from the popular BOTHA WEBSITE By die egskeiding van Jan Cornelisz en Maria Kickers word die volgende aangegee (per JLM Franken - "Die Franse Vlugtelinge, Huisgenoot" 16 Julie 1926, voetnota): Jan Cornelisz van Oudbeijerland in cas van divortie contra Maria Kickers: "den eijscher, doende eijsch bij monde alsoo de gedaagdese haar niet en schaamd hem eijr niet alleen met slaan en stooten ende verdere onbetaemelijckheeden gestadig te bejeegenen, maar oock bovendien haren echt met de persoon van frederick Boot in overspel te buitjen te gaan . . . . " "De gedaagdese antwoordende, segt en bekendt alle hare kinderen, staande huwelijk niet bij den eijr haren man (vermits desselvs onbequaamheijdt) maar bij een ander; te weeten den voorn. fred. Boot, te hebben geprocrëeert; en dat haren man haar daar toe selfs aanleijding soude hebben gegeeven." (Crim. en Civ. 1689-1701, 22 Jan. 1700, p. 77) Both en Maria Kickers word vir oorspel, aanhouding en verberging van vee, geweld aan persoon van Claas Das, tien jaar verban na Mauritius. Hul moet "separatelijk" gebanne bly en word verder veroordeel tot 100 Rds. boete en restitusie van aangehoue goedere (Crim. en Civ. 1701-'08, 16 Nov. 1706. f.47). Die periode van verbanning mag dalk verskil aangesien daar ook die volgende aangegee word (per HCV Leibbrandt - "Precis of the Archives, Journal of VD Stel" 16 November 1706): "The Court of Justice sentences a freeman and a woman in a criminal case to banishment to Mauritius for two years and fines each Rds. 100, the half for the Landdrost and the half for the Court." In 1706 het FB "aan't Moddergat" gebly saam met Maria Kickers wat toe by Matthys Greef op Stellenbosch gewerk het. Terwyl Maria Kickers getroud was met Jan Cornelisz het sy met beide Botha en Ferdinand Appel 'n verhouding gehad, gedurende die tydperk het sy sewe kinders by Botha gehad en een kind by Appel. Sy het ook 'n kind met Jan Coenraad Visser gehad. Maria en Frederik Botha skei 22 Januarie 1700, sy maak melding by die hof: De gedaagdesse antwoordende, segt en bekendt all hare kinderen staande huwelijck, niet bij den eij[se]r haren man; (vermits desselvs onbequaamheijdt) maar bij een ander, te weeten den voorn[oemde] Frederick Boot, te hebben geprocrëeert [CJ 3, 22]
AMD FROM GENCIRCLES: Maria was an orphan from the Netherlands, although she was not one of the group of 10 who were brought to the Cape to be a wife for the free burghers.
Court cases show that she used to beat up her husband, Jan Cornelisz alias Jan Bombam. She also accused him of being "incompetent" in bed. She had an adulterous affair with Frederich Botha while she was still married to Jan Cornelisz, who was his employer. During this time she had 7 children from Botha. In the proceedings Maria admitted that ALL her children were fathered by Frederik Botha because of Jan's "incompetency" and that he gave his tacit approval. They were convicted of adultery, assault of Claas Das and possession of livestock. They were forced to live seperately - he was banned to Mauritius for 10 years and she was banned to St Helena. But from records it would seem they returned to the Cape before 1707 as she and Friederich move to "Moddergat". It is rumoured that while she was still married to Jan Cornelisz she also had an affair with Ferdinand Appel, with whom she had a child. It was also rumoured that she had a child from Jan Coenraad Visser. ENDS FROM GEN CIRCL"
Response from - From: Richard Ball <richard.ball@ballfamilyrecords.co.uk> Subject: Re Frecderich Both/Booth Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 08:54:14 +0100
Hello Deborah,
Thanks for your email.
you write:
DL> Hi Francois and Richard, My own notes are not yet sorted, but I DL> am interested Richard, that you believe the date to be 1714.
The source for this is the Stellenbosch marriage register, as stated on the web page to which I previously made mention:
You quote from Joe Botha's web site:
DL> By die egskeiding van Jan Cornelisz en Maria Kickers word die DL> volgende aangegee (per JLM Franken - "Die Franse Vlugtelinge, DL> Huisgenoot" 16 Julie 1926, voetnota):
And you continue with some quotes from the Council of Justice divorce case of 22nd Jan 1700, where Jan Cornelisz van Oudbeijerland is bringing action to divorce his wife on grounds of mistreatment and adultery with Fredrik Botha.
I have a photograph of the relevant pages from this court case and the subsequent prosecution for adultery in November 1706. They are quoted accurately on the Botha web site above, and I have quoted in translation, accurately I believe, the pith of the matter from both on my web page above (the matter of the stock of Claas Das is confusing and I am not sure what the significance of it was - two different actions seem to have been tried at the same time - the problem with these court case decisions is that they seldom, if ever, bother to tell you why the people did they things they are accused of doing).
The sentence was, indeed, banishment to Mauritius for 10 years, but it was presumably never carried out since:
1. They both appear in the muster rolls of free persons in the years after that.
2. The Dutch settlement on Mauritius was abandoned and the island evacuated at the end of 1707 and beginning of 1708, the decision already having been taken notified to the Cape Government in March 1707. (This is off the top of my head - I hope it is totally accurate but I am open to correction!)
You quote from the same web site:
In 1706 het FB "aan't Moddergat" gebly saam met Maria Kickers wat toe by Matthys Greef op Stellenbosch gewerk het.
but there is no source given for this statement, even though it seems to be a quotation.
You quote further from the Botha web site:
Terwyl Maria Kickers getroud was met Jan Cornelisz het sy met beide Botha en Ferdinand Appel 'n verhouding gehad, gedurende die tydperk het sy sewe kinders by Botha gehad en een kind by Appel. Sy het ook 'n kind met Jan Coenraad Visser gehad.
Now this is hearsay reported as fact, plus an error.
You will note that Maria Kickers herself, under oath to the court, stated that 'all the children from her present marriage' had been engendered by Frederik Boot and also that she had had 8 children with the same man. This accounts for all the children we know of born to Maria Kickers.
In 1689 Belijtie Fredericks wife of the freeburger Harmen Jansen from Noorthorn (ie. the wife of Harmen Jansz Potgieter) stated under oath:
that she, the attestator, during the pregnancy of Maria Kickers (now four years in the past) from the mouth of the aforesaid Maria Kickers had heard, that the child with which she was pregnant, did not belong to her husband Jan Cornelis but to Frederik Boot, using in essence these words: that she did not belong to all men, but kept herself to one, and that Frederik Boot was the father of the child with which she was now pregnant,
and Beatrix Verwy, wife of Hendrik Cornelisz, adds her mite:
In similar fashion was declared by Beatrix Gijsberts declaring that at this same time the 11 August 1685 (it was a Sunday to the attestator's best knowledge) likewise from the aforesaid Maria Kickers to have heard, that Frederick Boot had known her, and that she from that time on had become pregnant.
This tallies with what Maria Kickers stated in 1706, and identifies Theunis Botha, baptised 15 April 1686 as the child of Fred Boot, but the first statement, that of Belitie Fredriks, continues thus:
and also the father of her first child ? of the Ferdinandus Appel.
ende dat van hare eerste kints vader was geweest [.]anen Ferdinandus Appel
We have no record of any child of Maria Kickers and Jan Cornelisz van Oudbeijerland prior to Theunis in 1686 and there is no indication in the muster rolls of there having been such a child, unless it was a still birth or died shortly after birth before baptism.
This affidavit was signed in May 1689. Why was this declaration made? We do not know since these things never give one reasons.
I repeat once more the statment from the Botha web site (since I have left it rather far behind!):
Terwyl Maria Kickers getroud was met Jan Cornelisz het sy met beide Botha en Ferdinand Appel 'n verhouding gehad, gedurende die tydperk het sy sewe kinders by Botha gehad en een kind by Appel. Sy het ook 'n kind met Jan Coenraad Visser gehad.
This states as fact what was only an accusation about Ferdinand Appel, that he fathered 1 of her children and Botha the other 7, whereas Maria herself stated under oath that all the children born in her present marriage were fathered by Fredrik Botha (the last, the 8th, was born after the divorce) and again in 1706 that she had had 8 children with Fredrik Botha.
The last sentence - Sy het ook 'n kind met Jan Coenraad Visser gehad - is quite simply wrong. There is no evidence that I have been able to find of any kind for such child.
You also quote from something unknown to me, AMD FROM GENCIRCLES, and I break up your quotation into indented pieces below with my comments:
Maria was an orphan from the Netherlands, although she was not one of the group of 10 who were brought to the Cape to be a wife for the free burghers.
She may well have been an orphan, many people were, but I would like to know what the evidence for this very often repeated statement is. I have never seen any.
Court cases show that she used to beat up her husband, Jan Cornelisz alias Jan Bombam.
No, he accused her of this as one of the grounds for his divorce. There is also an affidavit from neighbours stating that she shouted at him and hit him, presumably in preparation for the divorce, but no proof.
She also accused him of being "incompetent" in bed.
We have seen precisely what she stated to the court above.
She had an adulterous affair with Frederich Botha while she was still married to Jan Cornelisz, who was his employer. During this time she had 7 children from Botha. In the proceedings Maria admitted that ALL her children were fathered by Frederik Botha because of Jan's "incompetency" and that he gave his tacit approval.
This tallies with what we have read from the court records previously except that we do not know that the approval was 'tacit'. Seems more likely to me that he encouraged it actively (since it contined for 15 years) - perhaps he enjoyed it as a spectator sport?
They were convicted of adultery, assault of Claas Das and possession of livestock. They were forced to live seperately - he was banned to Mauritius for 10 years and she was banned to St Helena.
Not so - they were sentenced both to be exiled to Mauritius:
cond[amneer]t de beijde ged[aagden]s omme voor den tijd van thien jaren na 't eijland Mouritius gezonden te werden en separaetelijk gebannen te blijven
and also fined 100 rixdaalders
But from records it would seem they returned to the Cape before 1707 as she and Friederich move to "Moddergat".
I would be glad to know the reference numbers of these records so that I can get copies.
It is rumoured that while she was still married to Jan Cornelisz she also had an affair with Ferdinand Appel, with whom she had a child. It was also rumoured that she had a child from Jan Coenraad Visser. ENDS FROM GEN CIRCLES
I have commented on the content of this above.
Richard -- Richard Ball, Norfolk, England
Also Note:
Richard Ball maak die volgende nota op sy webblad:
Notes: He signs his surname variously, In 1699 to his will he signed Friderick Botta, later apparently Botha. Generally, in the written Dutch records he is referred to as Fredrik Boot, and in the church registers up to around the 1730s the name is spelt Bota, thereafter Botha.
He made his will in 1699, stating that he had no mother or father still alive, nor any other person who had a rightful claim to his estate after his death, and that he left all he had to Maria Kickers, also resident in Stellenbosch.
The muster roll of 1701 (dated 31st January 1702) lists Frederik living in Stellenbosch with eight children, and Maria listed on her own but also in Stellenbosch , apparently living apart from them.
a1 Frederik (Friedrich) Botha of Both - Wangenheim, by Gotha, 4 Mar 1653, seun van: landbouer Michael Both en Susanna Saulus. Sedert 1685 kom hy voor op Stellenbosch as burger en “boer om die kwart” vir Jan Cornelisz, van Oud-Beyerland. getroud: Stellenbosch 21 Jun 1717 Maria Kickers, van Amsterdam, gesk. vrou van Jan Cornelisz, van Oud-Beyerland. Vir verdere besonderhede oor hom vergelyk: “Die Huisgenoot”, 16 Jul 1926, bls, 35 e.v. b1 Theunis gedoop: 15 Apr 1686, getroud: 15 Dec 1710 Maria Magdalena Snyman b2 Willem gedoop: 2 Nov 1687, getroud: 14 Jul 1709 Catharina Pyl c1 Frederik c2 Maria Catharina c3 Willem gedoop: 7 Aug 1712 c4 Frederik gedoop: 13 Jan 1715, burger Drakenstein, getroud: 23 Oct 1735 Petronella Oosthuyzen c5 Cornelia gedoop: 10 Jan 1717, getroud: C. Bezuidenhout c6 Anna gedoop: 23 Oct 1718, getroud: J. Oosthuyzen c7 Catharina gedoop: 25 Jan 1722, getroud: J. Pienaar; hertroud: H. van Staden c8 Martha Elisabeth gedoop: 15 Dec 1726, getroud: P. Swanepoel c9 Willem gedoop: 4 Jan 1728, getroud: Catharina van Emmenes b3 Catharina gedoop: 7 May 1690 b4 Jacobus gedoop: 24 Aug 1692, getroud: 22 Oct 1713 Elsie Snyman b5 Johannes burger Drakenstein, getroud: 18 May 1721 Anna van der Merwe; hertroud: 15 Mar 1739 Helena du Toit, weduwee van: Arend Olivier b6 Maria gedoop: 1 May 1695 b7 Cornelia gedoop: 6 Jan 1697 b8 Anna gedoop: April 1702, getroud: Christian Schmidt, van Halle; hertroud: 18 May 1735 Johannes Friedrich Muller, van Lüneburg
Theunis Botha, b bef 15 April 1686. Called Botha after his mother, Maria Kickers' , 1700 divorce from Jan Cornelisz (who is shown as his father on the birth certificate). At which time she said her 7 children were Frederich Botha's.
However, a recent DNA study by the University of Pretoria reveal him to have been the biological son of Ferdinandus Appel.
Born in Wangenheim about 8km northwest from Gotha., in the province of Thuringia in the county of Saxe-Coburg Gotha.His surname was originally Both, derived from the Frisian name 'Botho" (or boats". It is translated as "the one that gives orders" that means leader. The "a" that follows means 'the son of", therefore the meaning of Botha is "the son of the leader or commander.He joined the RFQ and arrived at the Cape (South Africa ) in1678 ,as a soldier.Five years after his arrival (1683), he gained civil rights and practised his original profession as a farmer.
Marriage to Maria Kikkers / Kickers 21 Jun 1714, Stellenbosch - https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-6LX3-V8P?i=7&cc=14...
@R1200312375@ Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,9289::0
@R1200312375@ Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,9289::0
@R1200312375@ Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,9289::0
@R1200312375@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=106302622&pi...
Seun van landbouer Michael Both en Susanna Saulus, sedert 1685 kom hy voor op Stellenbosch as burger en boer om die kwart vir Jan Cornelitz van Oud-Beyerland naby Rotterdam
Original individual @I306@ (@MS_LOUWRENS FAMILY0@) merged with @I306@ (@MS_LOUWRENS FAMILY2@)
_P_CCINFO 1-692
Friedrich Both van Gotha, 1 van 2 Botha Stamvaders
(Van http://www.blignaut.co.za/indi.php?qrin=3018)
Original individual @I306@ (@MS_LOUWRENS FAMILY0@) merged with @I306@ (@MS_LOUWRENS FAMILY3@)
Original individual @I306@ (@MS_LOUWRENS FAMILY0@) merged with @I306@ (@MS_LOUWRENS FAMILY1@)
Stamvader: FRIEDRICH BOTH/BOTHA is gebore op 4 Maart 1653 in Wangenheim, omtrent 8 kilometers (5 myl) noord-wes van Gotha (50.57‘ Breedtegraad, 10.41‘ Lengtegraad), in die Provinsie van Thuringia in die graafskap van Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Voor 1652 Die betekenis van BOTH(A). Die naam Both is afgelei van die Friesiese naam "Botho" (of Bote) wat leier of bevelgewer beteken. Die "a" wat volg beteken ook seun van. Die volle van beteken dan ook dat Botha die seun is vanBoth, die leier of bevelgewer. Friedrich Both is op 4 Maart 1653 in Wangenheim in die Provinsie van Thuringia in Duitsland gebore. Hy sluit aan by die VOK en arriveer aan die Kaap as soldaat in 1678. In 1683, vyf jaar na sy aankoms, verkry hy burgerregte en beoefen sy oorspronklike beroep uit as 'n landbouer by verskillende boere as 'n bywoner, of soos hy dit gestel het, sy "gedoente" was toe "landbouer bij den een en den ander geweest te sijn". Vanaf 1686 is hy 'n bywoner by Jan Cornelisz waar hy " voor een vierde part met hem te zaaijen en te bouwen". Hierdie is dus die oudste voorbeeld van die Franse "métairie" stelsel wat in Suid-Afrika toegepas is. Hierdie métairie-stelsel is afkomstig van die leen- of pagstelsel wat waarskynlik deur die Romeine in Galilië ingevoer is (Colonus partiarius). Métayer uit medietatarium, van medietate, helfte, beteken oorspronklik: Hy wat om die helfte boer; dan setbaas op 'n plaas, klein boer, wat ons amper in Afrikaans kan vertaal met bywoner; métairie, die plaas self. Per JLM Franken - "Die Franse Vlugtelinge, Huisgenoot" 16 Julie 1926. Hy het die plaas Zandberg, wat later die naam Scholtzenhof gekry het, in 1689 uitgelê en dié het oorspronklik 64 morg beslaan. In 1694 is Zandberg van leningsplaas oorgedra op sy naam. Die plaas met sy strooidakhuis en sy wolfentgewels lê aan die regterkant op die pad tussen Stellenbosch en Somerset-Wes en die ligging word mooi aangetoon op die kaart van die kontrei. Daar word huidiglik wyn op die plaas produseer en die eienaar het ook 'n web werf en staanbekend as "Ken Forrester Vineyards". Die ou opstal is oorspronklik in 'n T-vorm gebou en die voorste mure is vandag nog omtrent 'n meter dik wat waarskynlik deur Botha self gebou is. Die huis het pragtige geelhoutplafonne met 'n brandsolder van klei van 'n voet dik bokant hulle. Later jare is die huis vergroot na 'n H-vorm en onlangs restoureer deur die argitek, G. Osler. In 1692 teken Botha sy van nog as Both, maar in 1699 teken hy as Botha. In die "opgaafrolle" kom die spelling Both, Boot en Botha voor. Aan die Kaap het dit soms voorgekom dat 'n persoon vernoem word na die plek vanwaar hy kom. Sowas Jan van Eeden eers Jan van Oldenburg, Nicolaas Janse van Rensburg was eers Nicolaas Jansz. Die feit dat Friedrich Both van Gotha kom, kon moontlik daartoe bygedra het dat Friedrich Both van Gotha verander het tot Friedrich Botha. Aan die begin van die 1700's was veeboerdery die algemene bedryf van die meeste boere. Die vader het gewoonlik op 'n besondere plaas geboer en soos sy seuns hubare ouderdom bereik het, het hy vir hulle 'n aantal vee gegee. Waar die vader op die plaas aangebly het kan hy dus as 'n "Veeboer" geklassifiseer word. Die seuns moes nou weiding vir hulle eie vee soek en het dan verder in die "onbekende" ingetrek. Hulle kan dus as "Trekboere" geklassifiseer word. Die rigting van die trek was gewoonlik waar daar genoegsame water en weiding was. Die resultaat was dus 'n trek in 'n oostelike rigting langs die kus van Suid Afrika. Die trekbeweging het tot 'n einde gekom toe die trekboere die inheemse bevolking van die Oos Kaap ontmoet het, die Xhosa. Die tydvak is nie vasgestel nie, maar 'n aanduiding van die trek is ongeveer: 1652-1700 Migrasie beperk tot die omgewing van Kaapstad; 1735 Bereik Mosselbaai; 1744 Bereik Gamtoosrivier 1700 tot 1706 Al sy kinders word in die Doopregisters aangegee as kinders van Jan Cornelisz en Maria Kickers. By die egskeiding word die volgende aangegee (per JLM Franken - "Die Franse Vlugtelinge, Huisgenoot" 16 Julie 1926, voetnota): Jan Cornelisz van Oudbeijerland in cas van divortie contra Maria Kickers: "den eijscher, doende eijsch bij monde alsoo de gedaagdese haar niet en schaamd hem eijr niet alleen met slaan en stooten ende verdere onbetaemelijckheeden gestadig te bejeegenen, maar oock bovendien haren echt met de persoon van frederick Boot in overspel te buitjen te gaan . . . . " "De gedaagdese antwoordende, segt en bekendt alle hare kinderen, staande huwelijk niet bij den eijr haren man (vermits desselvs onbequaamheijdt) maar bij een ander; te weeten den voorn. fred. Boot, te hebben geprocrëeert; en dat haren man haar daar toe selfs aanleijding soude hebben gegeeven." (Crim. en Civ. 1689-1701, 22 Jan. 1700, p.77) Fred. Botha en Maria Kickers word vir oorspel, aanhouding en verberging van vee, geweld aan persoon van Claas Das, tien jaar verban na Mauritius. Hul moet "separatelijk" gebanne bly en word verder veroordeel tot 100 Rds. boete en restitusie van aangehoue goedere (Crim. en Civ. 1701-'08, 16 Nov. 1706. f.47). Die periode van verbanning mag dalk verskil aangesien daar ook die volgende aangegee word (per HCV Leibbrandt - "Precis of the Archives, Journal of VD Stel" 16 November 1706): The Court of Justice sentences a freeman and a woman in a criminal case to banishment to Mauritius for two years and fines each Rds. 100, the half for the Landdrost and the half for the Court. In 1706het FB "aan't Moddergat" gebly saam met Maria Kickers wat toe by Matthys Greef op Stellenbosch gewerk het. Terwyl Maria Kickers getroud was met Jan Cornelisz het sy met beide Botha en Ferdinand Appel 'n verhouding gehad, gedurende die tydperk het sy sewe kinders by Botha gehad en een kind by Appel. Sy het ook 'n kind met Jan Coenraad Visser gehad. Hy was getroud in Stellenbosch op 21 Junie 1717 met Maria KICKERS. Sy was 'n weesmeisie van Nederland en geskeie vrou van Jan Cornelisz. (Sien verder oor Stamvader: Hoge se Personalia en J.L.M. FRANKEN se Hugenote aan die Kaap, p. 53).
Friedrich Both van Gotha, 1 van 2 Botha Stamvaders
(Van http://www.blignaut.co.za/indi.php?qrin=3018)
Stamvader: FRIEDRICH BOTH/BOTHA is gebore op 4 Maart 1653 in Wangenheim, omtrent 8 kilometers (5 myl) noord-wes van Gotha (50.57ʻ Breedtegraad, 10.41ʻ Lengtegraad), in die Provinsie van Thuringia in die graafskap van Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Voor 1652 Die betekenis van BOTH(A). Die naam Both is afgelei van die Friesiese naam "Botho" (of Bote) wat leier of bevelgewer beteken. Die "a" wat volg beteken ook seun van. Die volle van beteken dan ook dat Botha die seun is vanBoth, die leier of bevelgewer. Friedrich Both is op 4 Maart 1653 in Wangenheim in die Provinsie van Thuringia in Duitsland gebore. Hy sluit aan by die VOK en arriveer aan die Kaap as soldaat in 1678. In 1683, vyf jaar na sy aankoms, verkry hy burgerregte en beoefen sy oorspronklike beroep uit as 'n landbouer by verskillende boere as 'n bywoner, of soos hy dit gestel het, sy "gedoente" was toe "landbouer bij den een en den ander geweest te sijn". Vanaf 1686 is hy 'n bywoner by Jan Cornelisz waar hy " voor een vierde part met hem te zaaijen en te bouwen". Hierdie is dus die oudste voorbeeld van die Franse "métairie" stelsel wat in Suid-Afrika toegepas is. Hierdie métairie-stelsel is afkomstig van die leen- of pagstelsel wat waarskynlik deur die Romeine in Galilië ingevoer is (Colonus partiarius). Métayer uit medietatarium, van medietate, helfte, beteken oorspronklik: Hy wat om die helfte boer; dan setbaas op 'n plaas, klein boer, wat ons amper in Afrikaans kan vertaal met bywoner; métairie, die plaas self. Per JLM Franken - "Die Franse Vlugtelinge, Huisgenoot" 16 Julie 1926. Hy het die plaas Zandberg, wat later die naam Scholtzenhof gekry het, in 1689 uitgelê en dié het oorspronklik 64 morg beslaan. In 1694 is Zandberg van leningsplaas oorgedra op sy naam. Die plaas met sy strooidakhuis en sy wolfentgewels lê aan die regterkant op die pad tussen Stellenbosch en Somerset-Wes en die ligging word mooi aangetoon op die kaart van die kontrei. Daar word huidiglik wyn op die plaas produseer en die eienaar het ook 'n web werf en staan bekend as "Ken Forrester Vineyards". Die ou opstal is oorspronklik in 'n T-vorm gebou en die voorste mure is vandag nog omtrent 'n meter dik wat waarskynlik deur Botha self gebou is. Die huis het pragtige geelhoutplafonne met 'n brandsolder van klei van 'n voet dik bokant hulle. Later jare is die huis vergroot na 'n H-vorm en onlangs restoureer deur die argitek, G. Osler. In 1692 teken Botha sy van nog as Both, maar in 1699 teken hy as Botha. In die "opgaafrolle" kom die spelling Both, Boot en Botha voor. Aan die Kaap het dit soms voorgekom dat 'n persoon vernoem word na die plek vanwaar hy kom. Sowas Jan van Eeden eers Jan van Oldenburg, Nicolaas Janse van Rensburg was eers Nicolaas Jansz. Die feit dat Friedrich Both van Gotha kom, kon moontlik daartoe bygedra het dat Friedrich Both van Gotha verander het tot Friedrich Botha. Aan die begin van die 1700's was veeboerdery die algemene bedryf van die meeste boere. Die vader het gewoonlik op 'n besondere plaas geboer en soos sy seuns hubare ouderdom bereik het, het hy vir hulle 'n aantal vee gegee. Waar die vader op die plaas aangebly het kan hy dus as 'n "Veeboer" geklassifiseer word. Die seuns moes nou weiding vir hulle eie vee soek en het dan verder in die "onbekende" ingetrek. Hulle kan dus as "Trekboere" geklassifiseer word. Die rigting van die trek was gewoonlik waar daar genoegsame water en weiding was. Die resultaat was dus 'n trek in 'n oostelike rigting langs die kus van Suid Afrika. Die trekbeweging het tot 'n einde gekom toe die trekboere die inheemse bevolking van die Oos Kaap ontmoet het, die Xhosa. Die tydvak is nie vasgestel nie, maar 'n aanduiding van die trek is ongeveer: 1652-1700 Migrasie beperk tot die omgewing van Kaapstad; 1735 Bereik Mosselbaai; 1744 Bereik Gamtoosrivier 1700 tot 1706 Al sy kinders word in die Doopregisters aangegee as kinders van Jan Cornelisz en Maria Kickers. By die egskeiding word die volgende aangegee (per JLM Franken - "Die Franse Vlugtelinge, Huisgenoot" 16 Julie 1926, voetnota): Jan Cornelisz van Oudbeijerland in cas van divortie contra Maria Kickers: "den eijscher, doende eijsch bij monde alsoo de gedaagdese haar niet en schaamd hem eijr niet alleen met slaan en stooten ende verdere onbetaemelijckheeden gestadig te bejeegenen, maar oock bovendien haren echt met de persoon van frederick Boot in overspel te buitjen te gaan . . . . " "De gedaagdese antwoordende, segt en bekendt alle hare kinderen, staande huwelijk niet bij den eijr haren man (vermits desselvs onbequaamheijdt) maar bij een ander; te weeten den voorn. fred. Boot, te hebben geprocrëeert; en dat haren man haar daar toe selfs aanleijding soude hebben gegeeven." (Crim. en Civ. 1689-1701, 22 Jan. 1700, p. 77) Fred. Botha en Maria Kickers word vir oorspel, aanhouding en verberging van vee, geweld aan persoon van Claas Das, tien jaar verban na Mauritius. Hul moet "separatelijk" gebanne bly en word verder veroordeel tot 100 Rds. boete en restitusie van aangehoue goedere (Crim. en Civ. 1701-'08, 16 Nov. 1706. f.47). Die periode van verbanning mag dalk verskil aangesien daar ook die volgende aangegee word (per HCV Leibbrandt - "Precis of the Archives, Journal of VD Stel" 16 November 1706): The Court of Justice sentences a freeman and a woman in a criminal case to banishment to Mauritius for two years and fines each Rds. 100, the half for the Landdrost and the half for the Court. In 1706 het FB "aan't Moddergat" gebly saam met Maria Kickers wat toe by Matthys Greef op Stellenbosch gewerk het. Terwyl Maria Kickers getroud was met Jan Cornelisz het sy met beide Botha en Ferdinand Appel 'n verhouding gehad, gedurende die tydperk het sy sewe kinders by Botha gehad en een kind by Appel. Sy het ook 'n kind met Jan Coenraad Visser gehad. Hy was getroud in Stellenbosch op 21 Junie 1717 met Maria KICKERS. Sy was 'n weesmeisie van Nederland en geskeie vrou van Jan Cornelisz. (Sien verder oor Stamvader: Hoge se Personalia en J.L.M. FRANKEN se Hugenote aan die Kaap, p. 53).
Arrived from Wangenheim near Gotha as soldier in 1678. Burger in 1683. Tenant of Jan Cornelisz. Owned farm Zanberg / Schlotzhof, Helderberg.
Surname is Both. From 1686 was a "bywoner" of Jan Cornelis z. Signed his surname 1692 as Both, in 1699 as Botha. I n the "opgafrolle" (census) the spelling Both, Boot and Bot ha are used. At the Cape it was common for a person to b e called asso and so from the place overseas where they ca me from instead of their actual surname (ref Jan van Eeden , called Jan van Oldenburg, etc). It is possible that "Bot h" and "Gotha" resulted in "Botha" (refer Heesep. 360). De Wet Info: Son offarmer Michael Both and Susanna Saulus , he is shown since 1685 at Stellenbosch as a burger and fa rmer "om die kwart" [for a quater] for Jan Cornelitz. Fro m Old-Beyerland near Rotterdam. Du Plooy.paf: He arrived in the Cape from Wangenheim nearG otha, Germany as a soldier in 1678. Five years later he ac hieved citizens rights. From 1686 was a "bywoner" of Jan C ornelisz (Sedert 168 5 kom hy voor op Stellenbosch as burge ren "boer om die kwart" vir Jan Cornelisz van Oud-Beyerlan d).Signed his surname 1692 as Both, in 1699 as Botha. I n the "opgafrolle" (census) the spelling Both, Boot and Bot ha are used. It appears, when one considers that a person w as of then named for the place he came from, Friederich Bot h from Gothabecame Friederich Botha (refer Heese p. 360) . He is the ancestor of all the Botha's living in South Afr ica today. At the Cape it was common for a person to be ca lled as so and so from the place overseas where the y cam e from instead of theiractual surname (ref Jan van Eeden , called Jan van Oldenburg, etc ). It is possible that "Bo th" and "Gotha" resulted in "Botha" .
Surname is Both. From 1686 was a "bywoner" of Jan Cornelis z. Signed his surname 1692 as Both, in 1699 as Botha. I n the "opgafrolle" (census) the spelling Both, Boot and Bot ha are used. At the Cape it was common for a person to b e called asso and so from the place overseas where they ca me from instead of their actual surname (ref Jan van Eeden , called Jan van Oldenburg, etc). It is possible that "Bot h" and "Gotha" resulted in "Botha" (refer Heesep. 360). De Wet Info: Son offarmer Michael Both and Susanna Saulus , he is shown since 1685 at Stellenbosch as a burger and fa rmer "om die kwart" [for a quater] for Jan Cornelitz. Fro m Old-Beyerland near Rotterdam. Du Plooy.paf: He arrived in the Cape from Wangenheim nearG otha, Germany as a soldier in 1678. Five years later he ac hieved citizens rights. From 1686 was a "bywoner" of Jan C ornelisz (Sedert 168 5 kom hy voor op Stellenbosch as burge ren "boer om die kwart" vir Jan Cornelisz van Oud-Beyerlan d).Signed his surname 1692 as Both, in 1699 as Botha. I n the "opgafrolle" (census) the spelling Both, Boot and Bot ha are used. It appears, when one considers that a person w as of then named for the place he came from, Friederich Bot h from Gothabecame Friederich Botha (refer Heese p. 360) . He is the ancestor of all the Botha's living in South Afr ica today. At the Cape it was common for a person to be ca lled as so and so from the place overseas where the y cam e from instead of theiractual surname (ref Jan van Eeden , called Jan van Oldenburg, etc ). It is possible that "Bo th" and "Gotha" resulted in "Botha" .
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"><head> <title></title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/> <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"/> </head> <body> <div align="left"><font face="Verdana" size="1">Stamvader</font></div> <div align="left">
<font face="Verdana" size="1">Burger in Stellenbosch - 1685</font></div> <div align="left"><font face="Verdana" size="1">"Boer om de Kwart" vir Jan Cornelisz vanaf 1686.</font></div> <div align="left"><font face="Verdana" size="1">Trou 1717 met Cornelisz se gewese vrou - Maria Kickers. Hy het toe al reeds n paar kinders by haar verwek.
</font></div> <div align="left">
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<font face="Verdana" size="1">He arrived in the Cape from Wangenheim near Gotha, Germany as a soldier in 1678. Five years later he achieved citizens rights. From 1686 he farmed for Jan Cornelisz. In 1692 he signed his name as Both but in 1699 signed as Botha. In the tax rolls the spelling appears as Both, Boot and Botha. It appears, when one considers that a person was often named for the place he came from, Friederich Both from Gotha became Friederich Botha. He is the ancestor of all the Botha's living in South Africa today.</font></div> <div align="left"></div> </body> </html>
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> progenitor
Name Suffix:<NSFX> (Both) van Gotha, 1 van 2 Stamvaders Kom as soldaat in 1678in die Kaap aan vanaf Wangenheim, naby Gotha, Duitsland. Vyf jaar later word hy burger en vanaf 1686 is hy 'n bywoner by Jan Cornelisz. In 1692 teken hy syvan as Both, maar in 1699 teken hy sy van as Botha. Dit is waarskynlik 'n samesmelting van "Both van Gotha". Hy trou later met Maria Kickers nadat sy van Jan Cornelisz geskei is.
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> progenitor
BIOGRAPHY: (Both) van Gotha, 1 van 2 Stamvaders
BIOGRAPHY: Friedrich Botha / FRIEDRICH BOTH is gebore op 4 Maart 1653 in Wangenheim, omtrent 8 kilometers (5 myl) noord-wes van Gotha (50.57‘ Breedtegraad, 10.41‘ Lengtegraad), in die Provinsie van Thuringia in die graafskap van Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
BIOGRAPHY: Voor 1652 Die betekenis van BOTH(A). Die naam Both is afgelei van die Friesiese naam "Botho" (of Bote) wat leier of bevelgewer beteken. Die "a" wat volg beteken ook seun van. Die volle van beteken dan ook dat Botha die seun is van Both, die leier of bevelgewer.
BIOGRAPHY: Friedrich Both is op 4 Maart 1653 in Wangenheim in die Provinsie van Thuringia in Duitsland gebore. Hy sluit aan by die VOK en arriveer aan die Kaap as soldaat in 1678. In 1683, vyf jaar na sy aankoms, verkry hy burgerregte en beoefen sy oorspronklike beroep uit as 'n landbouer by verskillende boere as 'n bywoner, of soos hy dit gestel het, sy "gedoente" was toe "landbouer bij den een en den ander geweest te sijn". Vanaf 1686 is hy 'n bywoner byJan Cornelisz waar hy " voor een vierde part met hem te zaaijen en te bouwen". Hierdie is dus die oudste voorbeeld van die Franse "métairie" stelsel wat in Suid-Afrika toegepas is. Hierdie métairie-stelsel is afkomstig van die leen- of pagstelsel wat waarskynlik deur die Romeine in Galilië ingevoer is (Colonus partiarius). Métayer uit medietatarium, van medietate, helfte, beteken oorspronklik: Hy wat om die helfte boer; dan setbaas op 'n plaas, klein boer, wat ons amper in Afrikaans kan vertaal met bywoner; métairie, die plaas self. Per JLM Franken - "Die Franse Vlugtelinge, Huisgenoot" 16 Julie 1926.
BIOGRAPHY: Hy het die plaas Zandberg, wat later die naam Scholtzenhof gekry het, in 1689 uitgelê en dié het oorspronklik 64 morg beslaan. In 1694 is Zandberg van leningsplaas oorgedra op sy naam. Die plaas met sy strooidakhuis en sy wolfentgewels lê aan die regterkant op die pad tussen Stellenbosch en Somerset-Wes en die ligging word mooi aangetoon op die kaart van die kontrei. Daar word huidiglik wyn op die plaas produseer en die eienaar het ook 'n web werf en staan bekend as "Ken Forrester Vineyards". Die ou opstal is oorspronklik in 'n T-vorm gebou en die voorste mure is vandag nog omtrent 'n meter dik wat waarskynlik deur Botha self gebou is. Die huis het pragtige geelhoutplafonne met 'n brandsolder van klei van 'n voet dik bokant hulle. Later jare is die huis vergroot na 'n H-vorm en onlangs restoureer deur die argitek, G. Osler.
BIOGRAPHY: In 1692 teken Botha sy van nog as Both, maar in 1699 teken hy as Botha. In die "opgaafrolle" kom die spelling Both, Boot en Botha voor. Aan die Kaap het dit soms voorgekom dat 'n persoon vernoem word na die plek vanwaarhy kom. So was Jan van Eeden eers Jan van Oldenburg, Nicolaas Janse van Rensburg was eers Nicolaas Jansz. Die feit dat Friedrich Both van Gotha kom, kon moontlik daartoe bygedra het dat Friedrich Both van Gotha verander het tot Friedrich Botha.
BIOGRAPHY: Aan die begin van die 1700's was veeboerdery die algemene bedryf van die meeste boere. Die vader het gewoonlik op 'n besondere plaas geboer en soos sy seuns hubare ouderdom bereik het, het hy vir hulle 'n aantal vee gegee. Waar die vader op die plaas aangebly het kan hy dus as 'n "Veeboer" geklassifiseer word. Die seuns moes nou weiding vir hulle eie vee soek en het dan verder in die "onbekende" ingetrek. Hulle kan dus as "Trekboere" geklassifiseer word. Die rigting van die trek was gewoonlik waar daar genoegsame water en weiding was. Die resultaat was dus 'n trek in 'n oostelike rigting langs die kus van Suid Afrika. Die trekbeweging het tot 'n einde gekom toe die trekboere die inheemse bevolking van die Oos Kaap ontmoet het, die Xhosa. Die tydvak is nie vasgestel nie, maar 'n aanduiding van die trek is ongeveer: 1652-1700 Migrasie beperk tot die omgewing van Kaapstad; 1735 Bereik Mosselbaai; 1744 Bereik Gamtoosrivier 1700 tot 1706
BIOGRAPHY: Al sy kinders word in die Doopregisters aangegee as kinders van Jan Cornelisz en Maria Kickers. By die egskeiding word die volgende aangegee (per JLM Franken - "Die Franse Vlugtelinge, Huisgenoot" 16 Julie 1926, voetnota): Jan Cornelisz van Oudbeijerland in cas van divortie contra Maria Kickers: "den eijscher, doende eijsch bij monde alsoo de gedaagdese haar niet en schaamd hem eijr niet alleen met slaan en stooten ende verdere onbetaemelijckheeden gestadig te bejeegenen, maar oock bovendien haren echt met de persoon van frederick Boot in overspel te buitjen te gaan . . . . " "De gedaagdese antwoordende, segt en bekendt alle hare kinderen, staande huwelijk niet bij den eijr haren man (vermits desselvs onbequaamheijdt) maar bij een ander; te weeten den voorn. fred. Boot, te hebben geprocrëeert; en dat haren man haar daar toe selfs aanleijding soude hebben gegeeven." (Crim. en Civ. 1689-1701, 22 Jan. 1700, p. 77) Fred. Botha en Maria Kickers word vir oorspel, aanhouding en verberging van vee, geweld aan persoon van Claas Das, tien jaar verban na Mauritius. Hul moet "separatelijk" gebanne bly en word verder veroordeel tot 100 Rds. boete en restitusie van aangehoue goedere (Crim. en Civ. 1701-'08, 16 Nov. 1706. f.47). Die periode van verbanning mag dalk verskil aangesien daar ook die volgende aangegee word (per HCV Leibbrandt - "Precis of the Archives, Journal of VD Stel" 16 November 1706): The Court of Justice sentences a freeman and a woman in a criminal case to banishment to Mauritius for two years and fines each Rds. 100, the half for the Landdrost and the half for the Court. In 1706 het FB "aan't Moddergat" gebly saam met Maria Kickers wat toe by Matthys Greef op Stellenbosch gewerk het. Terwyl Maria Kickers getroud was met Jan Cornelisz het sy met beide Botha en Ferdinand Appel 'n verhouding gehad, gedurende die tydperk het sy sewe kinders by Botha gehad en een kind by Appel. Sy het ook 'n kind met Jan Coenraad Visser gehad.
BIOGRAPHY: Hy was getroud in Stellenbosch op 21 Junie 1717 met Maria KICKERS. Sy was 'n weesmeisie van Nederland en geskeie vrou van Jan Cornelisz.
BIOGRAPHY: KINDERS: b1 Theunis gedoop 15 April 1686, X 15 Des 1710 Maria Magdalena Snyman b2 Willem gedoop 2 Nov 1687, X Kaapstad 14 Jul 1709 Catharina Pyl b3 Catharina gedoop 7 Mei 1690, X 31 Aug 1717 Hendrik Frederik Klopper b4 Jacobus gedoop 24 Aug 1692, X 22 Okt 1713 Elsie Snyman b5 Johannes gedoop 1 Mei 1695, X 18 Mei 1721 Anna van der Merwe b6 Maria gedoop 1 Mei 1695, X 13 Maart 1712 Coenraad Scheepers, XX 1 Jan 1730 Pieter Gerrit Bezuidenhout, XXX 3Des 1741 Johan Jacob Breytenbach b7 Cornelia gedoop 6 Jan 1697, X 31 Maart 1720 Hans Jurgen Potgieter b8 Anna gedoop Stellenbosch 19 Maart 1702
Friedrich Botha / FRIEDRICH BOTH is gebore op 4 Maart 1653 in Wangenheim, omtrent 8 kilometers (5 myl) noord-wes van Gotha (50.57 Breedtegraad, 10.41 Lengtegraad), in die Provinsie van Thuringia in die graafskap van Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
Voor 1652 Die betekenis van BOTH(A). Die naam Both is afgelei van die Friesiese naam "Botho" (of Bote) wat leier of bevelgewer beteken. Die "a" wat volg beteken ook seun van. Die volle van beteken dan ook dat Botha die seun is vanBoth, die leier of bevelgewer.
Friedrich Both is op 4 Maart 1653 in Wangenheim in die Provinsie van Thuringia in Duitsland gebore. Hy sluit aan by die VOK en arriveer aan die Kaap as soldaat in 1678. In 1683, vyf jaar na sy aankoms, verkry hy burgerregte en beoefen sy oorspronklike beroep uit as 'n landbouer by verskillende boere as 'n bywoner, of soos hy dit gestel het, sy "gedoente" was toe "landbouer bij den een en den ander geweest te sijn". Vanaf 1686 is hy 'n bywoner by Jan Cornelisz waar hy " voor een vierde part met hem te zaaijen en te bouwen". Hierdie is dus die oudste voorbeeld van die Franse "métairie" stelsel wat in Suid-Afrika toegepas is. Hierdie métairie-stelsel is afkomstig van die leen- of pagstelsel wat waarskynlik deur die Romeine in Galilië ingevoer is (Colonus partiarius). Métayer uit medietatarium, van medietate, helfte, beteken oorspronklik: Hy wat om die helfte boer; dan setbaas op 'n plaas, klein boer, wat ons amper in Afrikaans kan vertaal met bywoner; métairie, die plaas self. Per JLM Franken - "Die Franse Vlugtelinge, Huisgenoot" 16 Julie 1926.
Hy het die plaas Zandberg, wat later die naam Scholtzenhof gekry het, in 1689 uitgelê en dié het oorspronklik 64 morg beslaan. In 1694 is Zandberg van leningsplaas oorgedra op sy naam. Die plaas met sy strooidakhuis en sy wolfentgewels lê aan die regterkant op die pad tussen Stellenbosch en Somerset-Wes en die ligging word mooi aangetoon op die kaart van die kontrei. Daar word huidiglik wyn op die plaas produseer en die eienaar het ook 'n web werf en staanbekend as "Ken Forrester Vineyards". Die ou opstal is oorspronklik in 'n T-vorm gebou en die voorste mure is vandag nog omtrent 'n meter dik wat waarskynlik deur Botha self gebou is. Die huis het pragtige geelhoutplafonne met 'n brandsolder van klei van 'n voet dik bokant hulle. Later jare is die huis vergroot na 'n H-vorm en onlangs restoureer deur die argitek, G. Osler.
In 1692 teken Botha sy van nog as Both, maar in 1699 teken hy as Botha. In die "opgaafrolle" kom die spelling Both, Boot en Botha voor. Aan die Kaap het dit soms voorgekom dat 'n persoon vernoem word na die plek vanwaar hy kom. Sowas Jan van Eeden eers Jan van Oldenburg, Nicolaas Janse van Rensburg was eers Nicolaas Jansz. Die feit dat Friedrich Both van Gotha kom, kon moontlik daartoe bygedra het dat Friedrich Both van Gotha verander het tot Friedrich Botha.
Aan die begin van die 1700's was veeboerdery die algemene bedryf van die meeste boere. Die vader het gewoonlik op 'n besondere plaas geboer en soos sy seuns hubare ouderdom bereik het, het hy vir hulle 'n aantal vee gegee. Waar die vader op die plaas aangebly het kan hy dus as 'n "Veeboer" geklassifiseer word. Die seuns moes nou weiding vir hulle eie vee soek en het dan verder in die "onbekende" ingetrek. Hulle kan dus as "Trekboere" geklassifiseer word. Die rigting van die trek was gewoonlik waar daar genoegsame water en weiding was. Die resultaat was dus 'n trek in 'n oostelike rigting langs die kus van Suid Afrika. Die trekbeweging het tot 'n einde gekom toe die trekboere die inheemse bevolking van die Oos Kaap ontmoet het, die Xhosa. Die tydvak is nie vasgestel nie, maar 'n aanduiding van die trek is ongeveer: 1652-1700 Migrasie beperk tot die omgewing van Kaapstad; 1735 Bereik Mosselbaai; 1744 Bereik Gamtoosrivier 1700 tot 1706
Al sy kinders word in die Doopregisters aangegee as kinders van Jan Cornelisz en Maria Kickers. By die egskeiding van Jan Cornelisz en Maria Kickers word die volgende aangegee (per JLM Franken - "Die Franse Vlugtelinge, Huisgenoot" 16 Julie 1926, voetnota):
Jan Cornelisz van Oudbeijerland in cas van divortie contra Maria Kickers:
"den eijscher, doende eijsch bij monde alsoo de gedaagdese haar niet en schaamd hem eijr niet alleen met slaan en stooten ende verdere onbetaemelijckheeden gestadig te bejeegenen, maar oock bovendien haren echt met de persoon van frederick Boot in overspel te buitjen te gaan . . . . "
"De gedaagdese antwoordende, segt en bekendt alle hare kinderen, staande huwelijk niet bij den eijr haren man (vermits desselvs onbequaamheijdt) maar bij een ander; te weeten den voorn. fred. Boot, te hebben geprocrëeert; en dat haren man haar daar toe selfs aanleijding soude hebben gegeeven." (Crim. en Civ. 1689-1701, 22 Jan. 1700, p. 77)
Fred. Botha en Maria Kickers word vir oorspel, aanhouding en verberging van vee, geweld aan persoon van Claas Das, tien jaar verban na Mauritius. Hul moet "separatelijk" gebanne bly en word verder veroordeel tot 100 Rds. boete en restitusie van aangehoue goedere (Crim. en Civ. 1701-'08, 16 Nov. 1706. f.47). Die periode van verbanning mag dalk verskil aangesien daar ook die volgende aangegee word (per HCV Leibbrandt - "Precis of the Archives, Journal of VD Stel" 16 November 1706):
"The Court of Justice sentences a freeman and a woman in a criminal case to banishment to Mauritius for two years and fines each Rds. 100, the half for the Landdrost and the half for the Court."
In 1706 het FB "aan't Moddergat" gebly saam met Maria Kickers wat toe by Matthys Greef op Stellenbosch gewerk het. Terwy
1653 |
March 4, 1653
Wangenheim Near Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha, Thuringen, Germany
March 4, 1653
Wangenheim, Gotha, Thüringen, Germany
March 4, 1653
March 4, 1653
1678 |
Age 24
Wangenheim, Gotha, Germany
Age 24
Wangenheim, Gotha, Germany
Age 24
Age 24
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa