Hendrik Frederik Prinsloo, d5e4

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Hendrik Frederik Prinsloo, d5e4

Also Known As: "b3c3d5e4", "Hendrik "Kasteel" Prinsloo"
Death: November 29, 1815 (30-31)
Vanaardtspos - Slagtersnek, Executed by hanging on the spot where the N10 runs south of Cookhouse, Somerset East, Eastern Cape, South Africa (Sentenced to death by hanging by the British Colonial authority.)
Immediate Family:

Son of Marthinus Prinsloo and Maria Margaretha Prinsloo
Husband of Maria Elizabeth Prinsloo, d4e7
Father of Marthinus Prinsloo, b3c3d5e4f1; Martha Lowieza Lotter, b3c3d5e4f2; Maria Margaretha Elizabeth Opperman, b3c3d5e4f3 and Maria Elizabeth Riekert
Brother of Willem Frederik Prinsloo; Johannes Prinsloo, b3c3d5e2; Marthinus Prinsloo, B3c3d5e3; Geertruy Petronella Botha, b3c3d5e5; Maria Elizabeth Dreyer and 4 others

Managed by: Hester Maria Christina Marx
Last Updated:

About Hendrik Frederik Prinsloo, d5e4

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Hendrik Frederik Prinsloo, d5e4's Timeline

May 2, 1784
Bruintjieshoogte, distr. Swellendam, Dutch Cape Colony
May 2, 1784
Cape Town
September 4, 1808
November 10, 1809
kwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
November 19, 1811
South Africa
Graaf Reinet
November 29, 1815
Age 31
Vanaardtspos - Slagtersnek, Executed by hanging on the spot where the N10 runs south of Cookhouse, Somerset East, Eastern Cape, South Africa