public profile
The ancestor Uenukukopako was the son of Tuhourangi and grandson of Rangitihi. As a young man, Uenukukopako
had been brought up along with his brother Taketakehikuroa at his father’s pa at Ohoukaka on Lake Rotoiti.198 By his three wives, Uenukukopako had some 12 offspring, one of whom was Whakaue.
In time, he came to have associations with a number of places in the wider Rotorua area, from Tikitere and Whakapoungakau down to Owhatiura nearer the southern end of the lake.200 Through one particular incident,
he also came to have an interest in Mokoia Island. It came about that, on his way to visit the family of one of his wives, his dog was killed and eaten by some people who were then living on Mokoia under a chief named Kawaarero.
In revenge, Uenukukopako staged a number of attacks on the island and finally (with the assistance of Rangiteaorere, who was another grandson of Rangitihi), he and his brother Taketakehikuroa succeeded in ousting Kawaarero’s people and pushing them deep into the Mamaku area. As a result of this battle, Mokoia was divided among the victors – although Taketakehikuroa later withdrew back to Ohoukaka and his interests in Mokoia were divided among Uenukukopako’s wives, Rangiwhakapiri, Hinepoto, and Taoi (or Taoitekura).201 Rangiwhakapiri and her children (including Whakaue-Kaipapa) occupied Weriweri on the northwestern shores of Lake Rotorua, and Mokoia. Hinepoto and her children occupied Te Koutu Pa, and the children of Taoi lived at Kawaha Pa and aiowhiro Pa. At the same time, Uenukukopako continued to travel widely, throughout the Patetere region and through Horohoro to Maungatautari, staying for a while in various places as he did so. Over the years, we are told, his children spread out over the district, ‘some to Horohoro, others to Tikorangi and others again to Waihuka’Evidence was given that all except three of Uenukukopako’s children retained interests in the wider Rotorua region. According to Hamuera Mitchell, a witness for Ngati Whakaue: ‘Through the conquests of Uenukukopako and his descendants, his mana was established and maintained on the island of Mokoia and around Lake Rotorua from Kawaha to Weriweri’. When he died, he is said to have been buried below Pukemaire, on the eastern side of Mokoia.
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Rotorua, Bay of Plenty, North Island, Aotearoa New Zealand
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Rotorua, Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand