Lagmann Gunnbjørn Toresson Tengs
(c.1420 - c.1486)
Foreldre : Gunnbjørn er muligens sønn av Tore Gardsson og Ragnhild Eyvindsdotter. Gunnbjørn er ikke nevnt med farsnavn i kildene, og det eneste holdepunktet er eiendommer. Det synes mulig å følge Bakke...
Laura Baumann
(1871 - 1940)
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Baumann, Laurageborene Katzenstein geboren am 06. April 1871 in Kassel / - / Hessen-Nassau wohnhaft in KasselTodesdatum: 26. November 1940 Todesort: Kassel Sch...
Henry Ford
(1863 - 1947)
Biographical Summary: "... Henry Ford (July 30, 1863 – April 7, 1947) was a prominent American industrialist, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, and sponsor of the development of the assembly li...
Aino Tamjärv-Hellat
(1918 - 2016)
TAMJÄRW : Tallinna Kaarli Kogudus I pihtkonna V personaalraamat, lk 1-197. Aastatel ...; TLA.1359.2.45; 1915-1940
Alrek Eiriksson
(c.580 - c.624)
[ ] og om Kong AlrikJarl de Sogne, Konge av Hordaland, bodde på Alrekstad Kong Alrek de norrøne sagaer nevnes Alrekstad flere ganger i forbindelse med begivenheter og hendelser i hundreårene like før v...
Eppu Salminen
Jarmo Juhani ”Eppu” Salminen (s. 10. joulukuuta 1965 Lahti) on suomalainen näyttelijä ja juontaja.
Salminen opiskeli Lahden kansanopiston teatterilinjalla vuosina 1985–1986[2], ja aloitti se...
Raivo Järvi
(1954 - 2012)
Raivo Järvi (23. detsember 1954 Pärnu ‒ 17. juuni 2012) oli eesti raamatugraafik, raadio- ja telesaadete juht ja poliitik.* Viimne rahupaik Tallinna Metsakalmistul
Mary Middleton
(c.1624 - 1696)
Mary the wife of Robert Middleton was the widow of Andrew Butcher. Their marriage would not have taken place until late 1659/60.
Research Notes from Gloria Reid
the following books are the source of...
Aletta Lubbe, SM
(bef.1731 - 1818)
Baptism 1731
Marriage 1750
Marriage 1757
Inventory 27 February 1818
Kammasies berg
Town in Northern Cape not Oudtshoorn.
Henry Erpe
(c.1514 - 1551)
Christoph von Linden
(c.1718 - 1773)
Eheschließung: KB Stockstadt Trauungen Band II Seite 89 Nr. 6 Trauzeugen: Johann Michael Krämer, incola und Johann von Linden, incola
Cadwallon Lawhir ab Einion, Brenin Gwenydd
(c.450 - d.)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 4. 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Royal Family of Gwynedd - Maelgwn Gwynedd, The Dragon of Anglesey; . (Steven Ferry, November 28, 2019.)
Theodo II, duke of Bavaria
(c.625 - 716)
Theodo (about 625 – 11 December c. 716), also known as Theodo V and Theodo II , was the Duke of Bavaria from 670 or, more probably, 680 to his death. It is with Theodo that the well-sourced history...
Criomhthann Niadh Nár mac Lughaidh, Rí na h'Éireann
(-39 - 112)
Crimhthann Niadhnair 7 B.C. Son of Lughaidh Sriabh nDearg (98). Crimthann's death was occasioned by a fall from his horse. Was married to Nar-Tath-Chaoch, dau. of Laoch, son of Daire, who lived in the ...
 Photo by Super Festivals. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Meat_Loaf_Photo_Op_GalaxyCon_Raleigh_2019_(cropped).jpg
Meat Loaf
(1947 - 2022)
Meat Loaf was an American singer and actor. He was noted for his powerful, wide-ranging voice and theatrical live shows. His Bat Out of Hell trilogy— Bat Out of Hell , Bat Out of Hell II: Back into Hel...
NN brother of Hruotgang
(735 - d.)
Hans Platz
(c.1570 - 1620)
Hans Platz´s origin is not known. Do not connect speculative parents, without new source information.
Hans Platzin vanhemmista ei ole mitää lähdetietoja, hänen syntymäpaikkaansa ei varmuudella edes ti...
Charlotte Scheindel Friedmann
(c.1793 - 1867)
Charlotte Scheindel Diamant Born: abt 1793 in ? Hornice (Hornitz), Třebíč district, south Moravia, Czech. Died: Mar 29, 1867 in Waiznerstrasse 60 (Váci utca), Budapest, Hungary. Buried old Vaci ut J...
Perronnelle Jacqueline deMaille
(1400 - 1453)
Henrik Casparsson Forbus
(1630 - 1681)
Kuollut / Haudattu 13.3.1681
Kylä / Talo
Vainaja Sahl. Borgmest. Hendrich Forbus
Kuolinsyy / Ikä - v. - kk - vko - pv
Ylioppilasmatrikkeli 1640–1852 Henkilötiedot: Yo Uppsala...
Jacques Jacob Cossart
(1639 - 1685)
Jacques Cossart (son of Jacques) was likely born in Leiden (aka Leyden), Holland (The Netherlands) to a French Huguenot family recently migrated from Liege, Belgium to Leiden. He was christened 29 May ...
Erik Hoffmeyer
(1924 - 2016)
Han blev student fra Aarhus Katedralskole 1942 og opholdt sig pga. sit jødiske efternavn i Sverige 1943-45 under besættelsen. Han er uddannet nationaløkonom (cand.polit.) 1951 (prisopgave bedømt med ac...
Eglon King of Moab
Wikipedia: Eglon (king) .
Johann Adam Konrad
(1683 - d.)
Trauzeugen: Johann Schweitzer, Bürger in Aschaffenburg, Johann Peter Renier in Kleinostheim, Johann Ried ex Kleinostheim und Leonhard Reutter ex Kleinostheim
Oluf Glug
(1130 - aft.1148)
Oluf Glug Olaf
Død eft. 1148
Notater en af Sven Grates betroede mænd 1147-1148 (Knytlinga), måske den Olaf, Saxo nævner som anfører på flere vendertog
Hustru 1 og Børn Gyde Ebbesdatter (Hvide), d...
Jesse Bean of Norriton Township
(1760 - 1847)
Too young to have been enlisted as a soldier in the Revolution, Jesse nonetheless had three brothers-in-law who served and his future father-in-law as well. These are, in order: William Couch, Owen Eva...
Huibrecht Elizabeth van der Colf, e5f1
(1837 - 1902)
b 2 c 5 d 2 e 5 f 1 Huibrecht Elizabeth * 5.5.1837 ≈ Beaufort-Wes 10.2.1839 x Victoria-Wes 9.10.1855 Albertus LE ROUX * 4.6.1826 ≈ Beaufort-Wes 14.1.1828 ÷ (hy xx Johanna Maria van der Colff) s.v. Petr...
Íñigo López de Mendoza, I marqués de Santillana
(1398 - 1458)
ñígo López de Mendoza y de la Vega, Marquis of Santillana (19 August 1398 – 25 March 1458) was a Castilian politician and poet who held an important position in society and literature during the reign ...
R' Zvi Hirsch Apter, Parnas of Kalisz community
(b. - 1704)
R' Zvi Hirsch (Hirschel) Apter, Parnas (President) of the Kalisz community, died about 1704.=Source of Above=The Unbroken Chain - Neil Rosenstein (1990) Volume 1, Chapter 11, page 26, G 8.2According to...
Sultan Sulaiman Badrul Alam Shah (Sultan Johor-Riau ke13: 1722-60)
(1699 - 1760)
1721 - 1760 H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Sulaiman Badr ul-'Alam Shah Khalifat ul-Muminim ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l Jalil Ri'ayat Shah, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Johor and Pahang and their depen...
Alexander I, king of Macedonia
Birth: 515 B.C.
Death: 450 B.C.
General Notes
King of Macedonia Alexander I Philhellene Argaead was the son of King of Macedonia Amyntas I Argaead .1,2 He fought in the army of Xerxes with a Mac...
Thomes Jensen
(c.1428 - c.1511)
Thomes Jensen Før 1511 Gravlagt Viborg Domkirke, Nørlyng, Viborg, DanmarkThomes Jensen i Gravlev, var 1457 nærværende paa Viborg Landsthing, trættede 1459 med Bertel Kaas om sin Hustrus Arv, og skrive...
Marié Jordaan
(c.1717 - 1750)
Petter Jacobsen Falch
(1591 - 1643)
På originalmanuskriptets bakside om faren er skrevet: bl.a;
Petter Jacobsøn K. M. Fouget offuer Heljeland met sin kiære Hustru Anna Jonsdotter.
Adrian Jacobson met sin kiære Hustru Milde Hansdotter.
Izyaslav of Polotsk
(aft.978 - 1001)
Izyaslav Vladimirovich (Ukrainian: Ізяслав, Belarusian: Ізяслаў) was the son of Vladimir I of Kiev and Rogneda of Polotsk.
Following Norse tradition, Izyaslav was sent with his mother to rule her home...
Ülle Lichtfeldt
Ülle Lichtfeldt (sündinud 4. augustil 1970) on eesti näitleja.
Karjapõllu perenaine Ülle Lichtfeldt
Näitleja Ülle Lichtfeldt: "Iga uus väljakutse toob mulle kuradikese silma!"
Habib Abd Allah Alawi Al-Haddad
(1634 - 1720)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
'Abdallah ibn 'Alawi al-Haddad (Arabic: عبد الله ابن علوي الحدّاد, romanized: ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAlawī al-Ḥaddād; Arabic pronunciation: [%CA%95bd ɑllah ibn ʕlwij ɑ...
August Henke
(1868 - 1937)
Henry I the Fat, king of Navarre
(c.1238 - 1274)
Please don't copy-and-paste paragraphs or entire articles from other websites into Overviews. Previous copy-and-paste information is removed.
FMG, Archive.org, Wikipedia, The Peerage, (et al) prefer ...
Johan Olsen Nordhagen
(1856 - 1956)
Norsk grafiker og maler.* Wikipedia (norsk) * Folketellingen 1865 * Folketellingen 1900 * Folketellingen 1910 * Updated from MyHeritage Match via son Rolf Johansen Nordhagen by SmartCopy : Sep 21 2014,...
Pvt. Benjamin W. Elston
(1759 - 1845)
DAR Ancestor A038063, Pvt. NJ
He was born in Elizabeth, NJ. He married Elizabeth Long on November 18, 1786.
DAR confirms these three of his children with Elizabeth Long:
Benjamin F. Elston (...
Count Axel Oxenstierna, to Södermöre
(1583 - 1654)
LCpl. Cecil Guilford
(1889 - 1918)
One of the children taken from The Larches after Minnie Dean's arrest in 1895. L/Corporal in WIR, file number 10/3576. Son of Mrs. Guilford, of Frankleigh Park, New Plymouth
New Zealand and...
Robert de Brus, 2nd Lord of Annandale
(1103 - 1190)
ROBERT [II] de Brus (1135/40 - >1170/90)
s/o ROBERT [I] de Brus & Agnes
ROBERT [III] de Brus (-[17 Feb, 26 Aug, or 4 Dec] 1191) x 1183 ISABEL d/o WILLIAM I "the Lion" King of Sc...
Sergius Lipp
(1894 - 1942)
Sergius ( Sergi ) Lipp ( 02. VII 1894 Rakke küla, Rannu vald – 17. II 1942 Kirovi oblast), näitleja. Eesti Näitlejate Liidu liige (1934).
sünd: 1894-07-02
surm: 1942-02-17
Cecily Bonville, 7th Baroness Harington
(1460 - 1529)
Cecily Bonville, 7th Baroness Harington Cecily was only 6 months old when her father William, grandfather and great grandfather were all killed. She was the heiress of all and became the wealthiest hei...
Hugh de Cotton, of Rudheth
(c.1315 - c.1360)
Hugh de COTON 1, 2 was born 1315 in Coton, Shropshire, England / Rudheath, Cheshire, England. He died 1360 He had the following children:# Richard de COTON 1 was born 1336 in Coton, Shropshire, England...
(364 - c.459)
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Hungary: . Iordanes names "Vinitharius" as the son of Valaravans[37]. VANDALARIUS, son of VINITHARIUS . Iordanes names "Vandiliarum" as son of "Vinith...
Sultan Muzaffar Shah II (Sultan Perak ke10: 1636-54)
(c.1636 - 1653)
Sultan Muzaffar Syah II (Raja Sulung). Sultan Perak ke10: 1636-53.
Oscar Jørgensen
(1883 - 1963)
Mary (Maud) de Barclay, Countess of Angus
(c.1193 - 1228)
Mary (Maud) De BERKELEYBorn: ABT 1200, Gartley, Banffshire, ScotlandFather: Humphrey De BERKELEYMother: Agatha ?Married: Malcolm of Angus (6º E. Angus)Children:1. Maud of Angus (C. Angus) (m. Richard F...
Máel Coluim mac Donnchadh, 5th Earl of Angus
(1190 - 1242)
Maol Choluim, Earl of Angus, ruled roughly 1214 - 1240, is the fifth attested post-10th century Mormaer of Angus, and the last Gaelic ruler of that province.He married Mary, daughter and heiress of Hum...
Margaret of England
(1275 - aft.1333)
Hwr parents are 2nd cousins through King John Longshanks and Queen Elanor (siblings).
Margaret of England1
F, b. 11 September 1275, d. 1318
Margaret of England was born on 11 ...
Elizabeth Luttrell
(c.1388 - 1439)
LUTTRELLBorn: 1388, Dunster, Somerset, England Died: AFT 4 Oct 1438, Lye Hall, Weston, Norfolk, EnglandFather: Hugh LUTTRELL (Sir Knight) Mother: Catherine De BEAUMONTMarried 1: William (Hugh) HARLESTO...
Princess Juliana van Oranje-Nassau
(1909 - 2004)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia: English Nederlands Español Juliana Louise Emma Marie Wilhelmina (deutsch auch Juliane; * 30. April 1909 in Den Haag; † 20. März 2004 in Soestdijk), Prinzess...
Lady Margaret Gascoigne
(c.1450 - 1486)
Margaret Percy== The Lady Margaret Gascoigne (née Percy) (born c. 1447) was an English noblewoman , the daughter of Henry Percy, 3rd Earl of Northumberland and Eleanor Poynings. She married Sir William...
Mileva Einstein
(1875 - 1948)
From Wikipedia:On December 19, 1875, Mileva Marić was born into a wealthy family in Titel, in the province of Vojvodina, the eldest of three children of Miloš Marić (1846–1922) and Marija Ruzić - Marić...
Catherine Stewart, Countess of Morton
(1491 - 1554)
Biography From
Catherine was an illegitimate daughter of King James IV of Scotland, by his mistress Margaret Boyd.
She married James Douglas, 3rd Earl of Morton, on some date before 10 Dec 1507. His...
Elizabeth Hepburn, of Hailes
(1427 - 1448)
Elizabeth Hepburn, of Hailes
Father Adam Hepburn, of Hailes
Mother Janet Borthwick
Alexander Montgomery, Master of Montgomery
1. Robert Montgomery, of Braidston...
Sir Alexander Radcliffe, of Ordsall, Knt.
(1473 - 1548)
Alexander RADCLIFFE of Ordsall (Sir Knight)
Born: ABT 1476
Died: 5 Feb 1548/9
Notes: Grandson and heir of Sir William, was twenty two years old at the age of his succession. He married Alice, daug...
Henry Dawson Ledbetter, Sr.
(1625 - 1722)
Per most recent edition of the findagrave " Clarifying Correction Commentary of 21 Oct 2018: Conflicting (and confusing) information abounds in numerous family trees, regarding the alleged early death ...
Princess Antoinette of Luxembourg
(1899 - 1954)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Johann The Younger #2391 * Wikipedia
Maud le Vavasour, Baroness Butler
(1176 - bef.1225)
References Maud le Vavasour, Baroness Butler in Wikipedia
Maud le Vavasour, Baroness Butler (c. 24 June 1176- before 1226) was an Anglo-Norman heiress and the wife of Fulk FitzWarin,[1] a medieval la...
Princess Alexia of the Netherlands
Den Haag, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Johann The Younger #6019 * Wikipedia
Joseph Perrin
(c.1700 - 1772)
Joseph PERRIN was born about 1700 in New Kent County, Virginia. He was living in 1743 in Hanover County, Virginia. He served as a witness to a sale on 5 May 1746 in Lunenberg County, Virginia. He serve...
John FitzAlan, 7th Earl of Arundel
(1246 - 1272)
"John FitzAlan, 7th Earl of Arundel (14 September 1246 – 18 March 1272) was an English nobleman. He was also feudal Lord of Clun and Oswestry in the Welsh Marches."=====================================...
John "the Younger" Giffard, of Chillington
(c.1290 - 1371)
Spouse and Children
John Giffard I 1245–1329
Eufena Marahon 1250–Deceased
Children (1)
John Giffard II 1290–1371
John the younger Giffard completed the building of the Castle Cennen which his fat...
Olaf Kuldver
(1898 - 1966)
Foto Kuldvere, Olaf Jaani p.
Foto Kuldvere, Olaf Jaani p.
Eriala jur 21..34*
Fotod - Diplomaat-, ameti- ja ministeriaalpassi saanute ...; ERA.957.16.2a; 1920-1940
Max von Sydow
(1929 - 2020)
Max von Sydow vɒn ˈsiːdoʊ; Swedish: fɔn ˈsyːdɔv; born Carl Adolf von Sydow; 10 April 1929) is a Swedish actor who became a French citizen in 2002. He has appeared in many European and American films...
García Ramírez V “el Restaurador”, Rey de Navarra y Pamplona
(c.1105 - 1150)
García Ramírez de Navarra
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
García Ramírez (n. ? - † Lorca (Navarra), 21 de noviembre de 1150), rey de Navarra (1134-1150). Primer rey que abandona definitivamente e...
Sir William Calthorpe
(1410 - 1494)
Sir William Calthorpe, (30 January 1410 – 15 November 1494), Knight of the Bath, and Lord of the Manors of Burnham Thorpe, and Ludham, in Norfolk. He is on record as High Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk...
Bergljót Thorbjórg Halvdansdatter
(c.1010 - c.1041)
Bergljot Thorbjórg Halfdansdóttir, born ab. 1010. Harald Hardrådes saga sier dette om kona til Finn Arnesson (avsnitt 45):Den gangen bodde Finn Arnesson på Austrått på Ørlandet; han var nå lendmann til...
Rebecca Sarah Lumbroso de Mattos
(1712 - 1737)
, English family of Marrano origin. MOSES MOCATTA (d. 1693), who came from Amsterdam, appears in a Bevis Marks (London) synagogue list in 1671. He was a diamond broker and merchant. His granddaughter R...
Sir Nicholas Poyntz, Kt.
(c.1510 - 1557)
Family and Education b. by 1510, 1st s. of Sir Anthony Poyntz of Iron Acton by Elizabeth, da. and coh. of Sir William Huddesfield of Shillingford, Devon. m. 24 June 1527, Joan, da. of Thomas, de jure 5...
Al-Mu'tamid ibn Abbad III, emir of Seville
(1040 - 1095)
[multilingual available]
al-Mu'tamid Muhammad ibn Abbad al-Lakhmi (Arabic: المعتمد محمد ابن عباد بن اسماعيل اللخمي; reigned c. 1069–1091, lived 1040–1095),[1] also known as Abbad III , was the thir...
 Photo by the U.S. State Department. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Arthur-miller.jpg
Arthur Miller
(1915 - 2005)
Arthur Asher Miller was an American playwright and essayist. He was a prominent figure in American theatre and cinema for over 61 years, writing a wide variety of dramas, including celebrated plays suc...
Andrew Finlay, Sheriff of Perthshire
(1344 - 1379)
Andrew was a partitioner of Menmur Perth, by Royal Charter, August 3,1366 grant of King Robert11 of certain fees for exercising the office of Sheriffdom Perth, confirmed at Kyndroct July 9, 1379
Sarah (Solart) Good, Salem Witch Trial
(c.1653 - 1692)
Sarah (Solart) Poole Good (1653-1692) - One of the first three women to be accused of witchcraft in the Salem witch trials of 1692, Sarah Good was born to a prosperous innkeeper named John Solart on 11...
Egon IV 'der Bärtige' von Urach
(c.1152 - 1230)
[IV] "der Bärtige" von Urach, son of EGINO [III] Graf von Urach & his wife Kunigunde von Wasserburg (-1230, bur Tennenbach). Graf von Urach. "Comes Lodewicus de Werthenberc, comes Egeno de Ura…" witnes...
Reverend Daniel Stover
(1757 - 1822)
Find a grave memorial Please take care merging in this line. An example of a wrong tree: Rev. Daniel Stover , b in Franklin co, Pa, in 1757 ; d in 1822 ; m Barbara Benedict, of Quincy, Pa. They lived a...
Johannes Martini Lyra
(c.1650 - 1704)
Arno Forsius on kirjoituksessaan ”Lyra (Lyyra) -suku ja sen pappeja Hollolan seudun seurakunnissa” selostanut Johan Mårteninpoika (Martini) Lyran (k.1704) näin:
Johan Mårteninpoika Lyra (k. 1704) sai ...
Sir Hugh Giffard of Yester, Knight
(c.1322 - 1365)
1. Hugh Giffard III (circa 1322-1365). Son and heir and the next Lord of Yester. Married to Jonet (Joanna) Douglas circa 1345, he will be the last Giffard who would be Lord of Yester. The line will end...
Baldwin I, Latin Emperor of Constantinople
(1171 - 1205)
Name variants: de L'isle, de Insula, Delisle, de Lisle, de Lillie, de Buc, de Bourg, ab Insvlanis
Baldwin I (July 1172 – 1205, Bulgaria), the first emperor of the Latin Empire of Constantinople,...
Thomas Scriven
(1584 - 1643)
John Scribner aka Scrivener,Scrivner Born October 27, 1623 in Wem, Shropshire, England Son of Thomas Scriven and Margaret (Corbet) le Corbet Died October 2, 1675 in Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, USA...
Elisabeth Seger
(c.1650 - d.)
Vanhemmat ja syntymäpaikka tuntemattomia. Parents and birth place unknown. Föräldrar och födelseplats okända.
Käräjillä todisti myöskin luutnantti Morasin vaimo Elisabeth Seger, joka oli lapsineen p...
Irine Angelina
(aft.1172 - 1208)
Irene AngelinaFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAngelina (1181 – 1208) was the daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Isaac II Angelos by his first wife Herina Tornikaina. Her paternal grandparents were ...
Shalom II ben Hizkiya, Exilarch Interregnum
(c.-20 - 40)
Shalom , son of Hizkiah and nn to: nn 1) Nathan (De Zuzita?) to: nn source: Shalom II ben Hizkiya, Exilarch Interregnum ,son of Hizkiah and nn to: nn1) Nathan (De Zuzita?) to: nn
Magdalena of Waldeck-Wildungen, Countess of Hanau-Münzenberg, Countess of Nassau
(1558 - 1599)
Links:==* Geneall * Holbek * Wikipedia
Richard de Reviers, 2nd Earl of Devon, Lord of The Isle of Wight
(c.1118 - c.1162)
RICHARD de Vernon de Reviers Earl of Cornwall Lord of the Isle of Wight ===From Medlands:=== ([1115/30]-21 or 27 Apr 1162, bur Christ Church, Twynham). The Fundationis et Fundatorum Historia of Ford Ab...
Arnoaldus de Metz
(c.540 - c.611)
If his son in law was the 27th bishop of Metz he was perhaps no bishop of Metz.From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaArnoald, also called Arnoldus or Arnual (ca 560 – ca 611), was a Bishop of Metz betwe...
Sir Nicholas de Stafford
(c.1246 - 1287)
Nicholas was a Knight whose son Edmund became the first Baron Stafford. His manors included Offley, Schelbedon and Bradley in Staffordshire. His wife was a daughter of Geoffrey de Langley. Nicholas die...
Guy II de Dampierre, seigneur de Dampierre et de Bourbon
(c.1155 - 1216)
Voir Wikipedia...
Guy II of Dampierre (died 18 January 1216) was constable of Champagne, and Lord of Dampierre, Bourbon and Montluçon. He was the only son of William I of Dampierre, Lord of Dampi...
Guillaume II Talvas, comte de Ponthieu
(1178 - c.1221)
Guillaume II de Ponthieu
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
Guillaume II Talvas (après 1178 – 6 octobre 1221), fut comte de Ponthieu, baron du Saosnois.
Il était le fils du comte J...
 Lobsterthermidor. Via Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Montagu#/media/File:MontaguArms_Unquartered.png Creative Commons Attribute-Share Alike 3.0
Anne de Beauchamp, Countess of Warwick
(1426 - 1492)
of Warwick in 1459.In DEC 1487, Henry VII restored to her the BEAUCHAMP estates so she could then legally turn them over to him. He allowed her to retain the manor of Erdington where she lived until he...
Friedrich II 'the Serious' Landgraf von Thüringen und Markgraf von Meißen
(1310 - 1349)
His Father, Frederick I von Meissen, called the Brave or the Bitten (German Friedrich der Freidige or Friedrich der Gebissene; 1257 – 16 November 1323) was margrave of Meissen and landgrave of Thuringi...
Dietrich "The Lucky" of Oldenburg, Count
(1390 - 1440)
Dietrich der Glüchliche====Theoderic the Lucky/ the Fortunate====Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia * Count of Oldenburg 1423–1440> Predecessor: Christian V Successor: Christian VI(I)
 Photo by MTV International. This video, screenshot or audio excerpt was originally uploaded on YouTube under a CC license. Screenshot licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jennifer_Lawrence_in_2018.png#mw-jump-to-license
Jennifer Lawrence
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, United States
Jennifer Shrader Lawrence (born August 15, 1990) is an American actor. Her films have grossed over $5.7 billion worldwide, and she was the highest-paid actress in the world in 2015 and 2016. Lawrence a...
Chlodoweg, King of the Franks at Cologne
(c.410 - 455)
Roi de Cologne
Sigrimaine, count of Hesbaye
(714 - c.762)
Born c.712?
1. SIGRAMNUS . m LANDRADA, daughter of ---.
a) CHRODGANG [Hruotgang] (-7 Mar [766], bur Monastery of Gorze). Bishop.
Abū Ṭālib ibn ‘Abd al-Muṭṭalib
(535 - 619)
Abû Tâlib ibn Abd al-Muttalib ا chef du clan de Bani Hashem de la tribu des Qurayshi ابو طالب بن عبدالمطلباAbū Ṭālib (ʿImrān) b. ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib (d. ten years after the advent of Islam, December 619 o...