Matching family tree profiles for Henrik Casparsson Forbus
Immediate Family
About Henrik Casparsson Forbus
Kuolema: https://hiski.genealogia.fi/hiski/60m18t?fi+0371+haudatut+1822
Kuollut / Haudattu 13.3.1681
Kylä / Talo
Vainaja Sahl. Borgmest. Hendrich Forbus
Kuolinsyy / Ikä - v. - kk - vko - pv
Ylioppilasmatrikkeli 1640–1852 Henkilötiedot: Yo Uppsalassa 30.10.1647 Henrik Forbus Henricus Caspari, Ostrobotniensis U155. Vht: oululainen porvari, Iin nimismies Kasper Hansson Forbus († 1682) ja Brita Jönsdotter. Ylioppilas Uppsalassa 30.10.1647 Hindricus Caspari Fårbudz. — Hailuodon vapaaherrakunnan vouti (1654–56), Iin vapaaherrakunnan (1661). Porvari Oulussa 1663, raatimies (1664), pormestari 1672. Valtiopäivämies 1668, 1678 ja 1680. ‡ Oulussa 13.3.1681.
H. Casper Forbes was a student at Uppsala university in 1647. Confer [SSNE 313] Andersson et al, Uppsala Universitets Matrikel, (Uppsala, 1900-1911); T. Fischer, The Scots in Sweden (Edinburgh, 1907), Supplement, pp.215-267(arrived 1647-01-01, departured 1647-12-31)
Pso: 1:o (jo 1654) Brita Larsdotter Carlander tämän 2. avioliitossa († 1663); Pso: 2:o 1664 Margareta Larsdotter Lithovius († 1731).
Henrik Forbes was likely a grandson of Henry Forbes of Thainstone. By 1657 he was a councillor in Uleåborg (Oulu in Finland) suggesting he had been resident there for sometime. That year he ordered salt, tobacco, bar-iron, clothes, cloth, socks and numerous other items as well as being involved with some proceedings regarding salt with the Momma-Reenstierna family. He participated in the 1678 Riksdag at Halmstad and 1680 Riksdag in Stockholm, representing the town of Uleaborg in the burgess estate. Forbes later wrote to Jakob Momma-Reenstierna hoping to be recommended for [military?] service while working as a burgess in Uleå. Whether through his influence or not, a man of that name later turned up as a regimental quartermaster in G. von Bunau's 'sammansatta' Swedish cavalry regiment in 1672. Henrik had several sibblings including Peter [SSNE 6343], Olof [SSNE 2251], Jakob [SSNE 375], Johan [SSNE 2246] and Nils [SSNE 2250]. Swedish Riksarkiv, Förteckning över Momma-Reenstierna Samlingen, part C: brev till Bröderna Momma-Reenstierna ingångna skrivelser, section 3, Affärer och processer med nedan nämda enskilda personer, E2586, 118, 1657 and section 2, brev till Jacob Momma-Reenstierna - E2504, 36, E-F, 3 letters 1660-1663 wishing to be reccomended for service; Swedish Krigsarkiv, Muster Roll, 1672/4; 1673/6; A. and H. Tayler (eds.), The House of Forbes (Bruceton Mills, 1987), p.471; Borgarstandets Riksdagsprotokoll fore Frihetstiden, Uppsala, 1933, p.195, 201 and 396.
© 1995 - 2018 Steve Murdoch & Alexia Grosjean.
Published to the internet by the University of St Andrews, November 2004
Henrik Casparsson Forbus's Timeline
1630 |
Oulu, Finland
1650 |
1655 |
Uleåborg, Finland
1660 |
1667 |
1674 |
Oulu, Finland
1676 |
February 27, 1676
Oulu, Finland
1681 |
March 10, 1681
Age 51
Oulu, Finland
March 13, 1681
Age 51
Oulu, Finland