Biskop Hans Poulsen Egede
(1686 - 1758)
Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi: Norsk , Dansk Hans Poulsen Egede (født 31. januar 1686 i Harstad, død 5. november 1758 i Stubbekøbing på Falster i Danmark), var en norsk prest av dansk avstamning, kje...
Mathilde von Arneburg, Gräfin von Walbeck
(c.931 - 992)
von Arneburg Gräfin von Walbeck----------------------------- -3.12.991Tochter des Grafen Bruno von Arneburg und der FrederunaAlthoff Gerd: Seite 425************"Adels- und Königsfamilien im Spiegel ihr...
Col. Daniel Boone
(1734 - 1820)
Family Col. Daniel Boone was born on November 2, 1734 (New Style dating) in log cabin in Birdsboro near Reading, in the Oley Valley of Berks County in Pennsylvania. His parents were Squire Boone, I and...
Vratislaus II, king of Bohemia
(aft.1032 - 1092)
Links:==* Holbek * Wikipedia * Duke of Bohemia reign: 1061–1085> Predecessor: Spytihněv II Successor: Him self as King Title next held by Conrad I
Princess of Sweden Christina Ingesdatter
(c.1070 - 1122)
Christina Ingesdotter of Sweden
Christina Ingesdotter of Sweden in her deathbed, with her husband (Mstislav I) next to her; Death of Daniil Yureviski; March of courtesans and bishops. Added by Janet ...
Vasilko Svyatoslavich of Polotsk
(c.1085 - 1143)
Vasilko Svyatoslavich (d. 1144), Prince of Polotsk 1132-1144, son of Svyatoslav Vseslavich, Prince of Vitebsk. Grandson of Vseslav Bryachislavich. According to V.N. Tatishchev, Vasilko was the grandson...
 Photo from the Official Directory of the House of Representatives (1921): https://archive.org/details/directoriooficia5319phil/page/80/mode/2up
Original file: https://ibb.co/RQrLpgF or https://imgbox.com/3gWBSD21 or https://pixhost.to/show/808/445096762_pedro-teves-y-macias.jpg
Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pedro_Teves_y_Mac%C3%ADas.jpg
This work is in the public domain in the Philippines and possibly other jurisdictions because it is a work created by an officer or employee of the Government of the Philippines or any of its subdivisions and instrumentalities, including government-owned and/or controlled corporations, as part of their regularly prescribed official duties; consequently, any work is ineligible for copyright under the terms of Part IV, Chapter I, Section 171.11 and Part IV, Chapter IV, Section 176 of Republic Act No. 8293 and Republic Act No. 10372, as amended, unless otherwise noted. However, in some instances, the use of this work in the Philippines or elsewhere may be regulated by this law or other laws.
This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1929.
Pedro Teves
(1873 - 1954)
Pedro Teves was a FIlipino politician. In 1898, he was elected Negros Oriental delegate of agriculture and commerce of the Republic of Negros ( Aldecoa-Rodriguez, 1986 ). He later served as municipal p...
Lady Janet Bethune, Countess of Arran
(c.1486 - 1522)
JANET BETHUNE (aka JONETE BETOUN) Countess of Arran According ro Darryl Lundy's Peerage, Janet Bethune is the daughter of Sir David Bethune of Creich and his wife Janet Duddingston. Darryl Lundy's Peer...
Gille Crist, Earl of Angus
(1154 - aft.1206)
Gilla Críst of Angus, ruled until 1206 as Mormaer of Angus. He was a son of Gille Brigte of Angus and younger brother of Adam of Angus.Almost nothing is known of him, except that he married Marjorie of...
Constantine Angelos
(aft.1070 - 1166)
Константин Ангел командовал имперским флотом в Сицилии. В 1150 году он участвовал в войне с сербами. Согласно Никите Хониату, он был человеком храбрым и способным, но скромного происхождения; благодаря...
Rbzn. Udel Ashkenazi, dau. Baal Shem Tov
(c.1720 - c.1787)
אדל אשכנזי (קרי: אוֹדֶל או אִידְל; ה'ת"ף – ה'תקמ"ז)[1], הייתה בתו של הבעל שם טוב, אבי תנועת החסידות. מעט ידוע בוודאות על קורות חייה, אך היא הפכה לדמות חשובה באגדות החסידים.בשבחי הבעש"ט מסופר כי לפני פט...
Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark
(1882 - 1944)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Johann the Younger #1900 * Wikipedia: English Ελληνικά
Christian Forbes
(1473 - 1553)
Not a known child of John Forbes, 6th Lord Forbes .
Lucy Thoroldsdottir of Lincoln, Countess of Chester
(1074 - c.1136)
Please keep name as Lucy Thoroldsdottir of Lincoln, Countess of Chester. Parents: Thorold, Sheriff of Lincoln , and a daughter (name unknown) of William Malet
married to (1) Ivo de Taillebois , (2) R...
Anders Gregersson Garp
(b. - aft.1494)
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter I:2, s. 148-153. Gregersson Garp, asemies, peri 23.11.1447 isänsä testamentilla puolet Vehmaan Koskesta ja saisi äitipuolensa jälkeen toisen puolen; katselmusmies 1462 Liedo...
Edmund Robinson
(c.1495 - 1573)
Some family web trees give him a wife who comes from an invented and impossible tree. Her profile can be found here: Constantia Robinson, {Fictional} you have primary evidence for his wife, please cont...
Narmer, Pharaoh of Egypt
(c.-3050 - c.-3000)
From: was an Egyptian Pharaoh who ruled in the 32nd century BC. The successor to Hor-Aha (Kush) "Scorpion King", he is the unifier of Egypt and founder of the First dynasty, and therefore the first kin...
Idwal Foel ab Anarawd
(c.880 - 942)
See Peter Bartrum, (May 31, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, (May 27, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Bartrum's "Pedigrees of the Welsh Tribal Patriarchs" #14 ...
Marguerite d'Anjou, comtesse d'Anjou et du Maine
(c.1273 - 1299)
Marguerite d'Anjou (1273-1299)Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. d'Anjou, née en 1273, morte le 31 décembre 1299, comtesse d'Anjou et du Maine, fille de Charles II d'Anjou, roi de Naples et...
Siegfried II, Graf von Stade
(c.965 - 1037)
SIEGFRIED [II] von Stade, son of HEINRICH "der Kahle" Graf im Heiangau & his first wife Judith von der Wetterau [Konradiner] ([965]-6 Jan or 1 May 1037). "Heinricum, Udonem et Sigefridum" are named as ...
Alice of Chester
(1094 - aft.1141)
ALICE of Chester From Medlands: of RANULF Vicomte du Bessin "le Meschin" & his wife Lucy --- . Guillaume de Jumièges records that Richard married "la sœur de Ranulfe le jeune comte de Chester"[690]. Th...
Reinhard Heydrich
(1904 - 1942)
Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich, son of Hell (7 March 1904 – 4 June 1942) was a high-ranking German Nazi official during World War II, and one of the main architects of the Holocaust. He was SS-Oberg...
Ebbe Sunesen Hvide
(1145 - 1208)
Ebbe Sunesen (Hvide) Død 31 jan. 1208 Slaget ved Lena, Kungslena, Västergötland, Sverige
Begravet Sorø Kirke, Alsted, Sorø, Danmark
Far Sune Ebbesen (Hvide), d. 1186
Mor Cecilie
død 12...
Mieszko II Lambert
(990 - 1034)
King of Poland 1025-1031. He was the eldest son of Boleslaw I "the Great" and his third wife, Emnilda, grandson of Mieszko I by his first wife, Dobrawa. Born about 990, he was the husband of Riche...
Elizabeth Bourchier
(c.1441 - 1516)
Individual Record FamilySearch™ Ancestral File v4.19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elizabeth DINHAM (AFN: 9F9L-RK) Pedigree Sex: F Family -------------...
Andronikos II Palaiologos, byzantine emperor
(1259 - 1332)
II Palaiologos (Greek: Ανδρόνικος Β' Παλαιολόγος) (25 March 1259, Nicaea – February 13, 1332, Constantinople) — also Andronicus II Palaeologus — reigned as Byzantine emperor from 1282 to 1328. He was t...
Ettore Gotti Tedeschi
Gotti Tedeschi (born 3 March 1945 in Pontenure) is an Italian economist and banker, and ex-President of the Institute for Works of Religion, also known as the Vatican Bank (from 2009 to 2012).Biography...
Mercy Delano
(1657 - aft.1727)
Mercy (Warren) Delano is the granddaughter of Mayflower Pilgrim, Richard Warren.
Daughter of Nathaniel & Sarah (Walker) Warren. Wife to Lt. Jonathan Delano, and mother to thirteen children: Infant Gi...
Mary, mother of Jesus
The Siblings of Jesus: In the Christian New Testament:
Mark 6:3 [ Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?” ...
Michael Francis Middleton
Middleton Family History-
Michael Francis Middleton (born 23 June 1949) is a British businessman.
He is the father of Catherine, Princess of Wales, Philippa Matthews and James Middleton.
Born in Le...
Mechtild Hedwig? Gepa von Itter ÁRPÁD(házi), princess
(960 - 993)
Feltételezhetően Sizzo I feleségének neve Hedvig volt, a nővérei mások feleségei voltak, vagy az egyikük apáca.Perhaps the wife of Sizzo I was Hedwig. Her sisters were wifes of other men, or a nun. fam...
Hugues I, count of Bourges
(c.798 - 853)
de Tours Duc d'Alsace •Name: Hugh Of Bourges 1 •Sex: M •Title: Count of Bourges •Birth: ABT 800 in The Holy Roman Empire 1 •Death: AFT 853 2 3Father: Hugues De Tours II b: 765 in Upper Alsace, France M...
Samuel Rice
(bef.1634 - 1685)
last modified 5 Mar 2020 | Created 22 Feb 2010Samuel Rice was born on12 Nov 1634 in Barkhamstead (Berkhamsted), Hertfordshire, England to Edmund Rice and Thomasine (Frost) Rice. he is the brother of Ma...
Håkan Jönsson Teit
(1410 - 1496)
Jöns Håkansson Teit
(1440 - 1496)
var jordägande i Tetoms by i Pernå socken år 1496 och gift med Ingeborg Persdotter, vars föräldrar var Per i Kabböle i Pernå socken och Margareta i Pirlaks i Borgå socken. /Källa: Stig Boberg Teit, Jön...
Johann Sebastian Bach
(1685 - 1750)
Johann Sebastian Bach (31 March [O.S. 21 March] 1685 – 28 July 1750) was a German composer, organist, harpsichordist, violist, and violinist whose sacred and secular works for choir, orchestra, and sol...
In the Chancell.
2. Brass. Here lyeth buryed the Body of Thomas Warren, Sonne of John Warren, Esquier, who was sonne of William Warren Esquier, sometimes chief Customer of Sandwich, Dovor & the Members thereof which said Thomas died the 24th Day of Aprill, Ao.Dni. 1591, being of Th'ag of 1xxx Yeares.
Kindly typed up by Pat Tritton, unknown Inscripter
Memorial Plaque for Thomas Warren hanging in the St. Mary the Virgin Church, Ripple Parish, Kent, England. He is buried in a crypt in the floor of the church. The coats-of-arms and inscription were originally on the lid of the crypt.
Added by: Shrinkmj on 12 Jul 2015
Photo type: Grave
Thomas Warren, MP of Ripple
(c.1525 - 1591)
Thomas Warren b.1510 Ripple, Kent, England d.1591 Ripple, Kent, England
MP. Mayor of Dover several years between 1545 and 1575.
History of Parliament Thomas Warren, MP
St. Judicael ap Hoel
(c.599 - c.647)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Family of Emyr Llydaw; (Steven Ferry, October 7, 2022.)
King of Brittany Judicaël ap Hoël de Bretagne1
b. circa 602, d. 658
Father King of Brittany Hoël III ab Alai...
Álvar Rodríguez Osorio de Villalobos, I Señor de Villaornate
(c.1230 - 1253)
Señor de Villaornate, Mayordomo Mayor del Infante don JUan.
Fulk FitzWarin, Lord of Whittington and Alderbury
(c.1110 - 1170)
Fulk I FitzWarin (d.1170/1), a supporter of King Henry II (1154-1189), of Whittington in Shropshire and Alveston in Gloucestershire, son of the "shadowy or mythical" Warin of Metz, Lorraine.[2] Fulk I ...
Etienne de Penthièvre, Count of Tréguier
(aft.1058 - 1136)
From Wikipedia:
Stephen, Count of Tréguier, Lord of Richmond (1058/62- 21 April 1136)was a Breton noble and a younger son of Eudes, Count of Penthièvre and Agnes of Cornwall, sister of Hoel II, Duke ...
Rabbi Issachar Berish Babad
(1630 - 1690)
PLEASE NOTE: he could not have married, as his second wife, a daughter of R' Joshua Feiwel Teomim (c1654-c1733). R' Joshua's eldest daughter, Beile, was b. c1685, and would have been only 5 years old a...
Margaret Harrington
(c.1356 - 1443)
Ancestral File Number 9GFB-M8
content to clean up FAG Memorial #135883820
ID: I18488
Name: Margaret DE NEVILLE
Given Name: Margaret
Sex: F
Birth: 1386 in Engl...
Margery verch Gruffydd
(1261 - 1314)
See Peter Bartrum, (May 22, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Margery ferch Griffin ap Madog
Margery ferch Griffin ap Madog, daughter of Gruffudd ap Madog, Lord of Bromfield, Dinas Bran and Emma de Audl...
Aniceto Arce Ruiz, Presidente de Bolivia
(1824 - 1906)
Presidente de La República de Bolivia, Don Aniceto Arce Ruizla presidencia de su país del 15 de agosto de 1888 al 11 de agosto de 1892Participó desde el Congreso para derrocar a Hilarión Daza y tuvo un...
Muirchertach Mac Toirdelbach Mor Ua Briain, High King of Ireland
(c.1050 - 1119)
Ua Briain (c. 1050 – c. 10 March 1119), son of Toirdelbach Ua Briain and great-grandson of Brian Bóru, was King of Munster and later self declared High King of Ireland.BackgroundMajor political divisio...
N. N.
Laamanni Jakob Andrissanpojan vaimo. Tuntematon.Lagman Jakob Andrissassons hustru. Okänd.
Guillaume 'Fier-à-Bras' de Poitiers, IV duc d'Aquitaine et II comte de Poitou
(c.937 - 995)
GUILLAUME de Poitou Known as: William IV, Duke of Aquitaine, Guillaume IV Pierebrace d'Aquitaine
Son of Guillaume 'Tête d'étoupe' d'Aquitaine, III duc d'Aquitaine, I comte de Poitou and Adèle of N...
Kristina Månsdotter Tawast
(bef.1500 - aft.1500)
Medeltidsätten Tavast / keskiaikainen Tavast-suku
Walter Butler, 11th Earl of Ormond
(1569 - 1632)
Sir Walter. Butler of Nodstown, 11th Earl of Ormond, died in 1632, Married Helena Butler died in 1631 daughter of Sir Edmund, 2nd Viscount Montgarret, who died in 1585 and his wife Lady Grany MacGill P...
Mart Helme
Tallinn, Tallinna linn, Harju County, Estonia
Mart Helme (sündinud 31. oktoobril 1949 Pärnus) on Eesti ajaloolane, muusik, ajakirjanik, diplomaat ja poliitik.*
Helena Butler, Countess of Ormond
(1578 - 1632)
Hon. Helen Butler was the daughter of Edmund Butler, 2nd Viscount Mountgarret and Grizel FitzPatrick.1,2 She married Walter Butler, 11th Earl of Ormonde, son of Hon. John Butler and Katherine MacCartie...
Gilla-Brighid O'Mulloy, King of Fircall
(c.944 - c.1018)
Lord Gilla-Brighid O'Mulloy Ireland
Kaðlin's mother
(c.862 - d.)
According to The Royal Genealogies Website (ROYAL92.GED), online ( . Hereinafter cited as Royal Genealogies Website). Kathlin is indeed the daughter of Poppa. There she is named as Kaithlin de Normandi...
Atossa, queen Consort of Persia
(c.-550 - c.-475)
Atossa (from Old Persian *Utauθa, and Avestan Hutaosā) was an Achaemenid queen and daughter of Cyrus the Great. She lived from 550 BC to 475 BC and probably was a sister (or half-sister) of the Persian...
Jorma Uotinen
Helsinki, Finland
Jorma Leo Kalevi Uotinen is a Finnish dancer, singer and choreographer. As a dancer and choreographer, Uotinen has worked both in many dance groups, both in and outside of Finland, since 1970. He has r...
Sir William de Champernowne
(1234 - 1304)
Sir William Champernowne
Born: Ilfracombe, Barnstaple, Devon, England
Died: Bef 21 Feb 1305, Tywardreath, St. Austell, Cornwall England
Parents: Sir Henry Champernoun Knight (Abt 1225-After 1281)...
Thurstan de Holland
(c.1220 - c.1275)
Sir Thurstan de HOLLAND (1) was born about 1220 in Upholland, Lancashire, England.(1) He died after 1272 in Upholland, Lancashire, England.(1) He married three times. Thurstan de Holland first married ...
Adelaide de Chesney
(1088 - 1150)
Osbert de CONDET 1, 2 was born 1080 in Wickhambreux, Kent, England. He died 1129 in Wickhambreux, Kent, England. Osbert married Adelaide de CHESNEY on 1103 in Wickhambreux, Kent, England.
Adelaide de ...
Egidia Stewart, of Lounane, Princess of Scotland
(c.1368 - c.1388)
Considered the most beautiful woman in Scotland.
Nils Jensen Ærboe
(c.1660 - c.1728)
Nils Jensen Ærboe=* Niels Jensen (Erboe) Født omkring 1660 (41 år gl. ved manntallet år 1701) * Død 1728, Ibestad, Troms.Hvor Niels Jensen Erboe var fra har ikke vært mulig å finne ut og heller ikke hv...
Agneta Klemetsdotter Esping
(c.1530 - 1619)
Agneta Klemetintytär Esping k. leskenä Turku 1619 ja vietiin haudattavaksi Paraisille 5.3.1619, vanh Paraisten pitäjän kasööri, aatelismies Klemet Matinpoika (Esping) ja Kristin Tavast. Agneta oli saan...
Sueva Orsini
(c.1365 - 1422)
b) SVEVA (-after 28 Jan 1398).
m (8 Dec 1381) FRANCESCO del Balzo Duca di Andria, son of BERTRAND de Baux Conte d'Andria e Montescaglioso & his second wife Marguerite d'Aulnay ([1329/30]-1422)...
Sir Robert Bruce of Airth, Kt
(1395 - 1449)
of Clackmannanref ILG*____________* 'Sir Robert Bruce1 *Father Sir Edward Bruce1* ' Sir Robert Bruce married Janet Livingstone, daughter of Sir Alexander Livingston, Lord Callendar, Justiciary and (Mis...
Väinö Linna
(1920 - 1992)
Väinö Valtteri Linna was Finnish author and academian. He is best known by his works that represent Finnish history, The Unknown Soldier and Under the North Star trilogy .
N. N. Hermansdotter Svärd
Jeppe Kurjen äiti.Tapio Vähäkankankaan tutkimuksen mukaan Jeppe Kurjen äiti oli Herman Svärdin nuorin tytär. Tapio Vähäkangas: Jeppe Kurjen esivanhemmat ja jälkeläiset
Knut Jonsson Aspenäs
(1264 - 1347)
Knut Jonsson (Aspenäs)==*Son of Johan Filipsson(Aspenäs) and Ingeborg Svantepolksdotter * Knut Jonsson(son of Johan Filipsson, tab. 2). Mentioned for the first time in 1292. Not yet a knight in 1298. W...
Peter Paulsson Juusten
(bef.1565 - c.1614)
LÄHDE: Raastuvanoikeuksien renovoidut tuomiokirjat > Viipurin raastuvanoikeuden tuomiokirjat > Tuomiokirjat 1622-1633 (x:1) 16.7.1627 : Paulus Strålman, Peer Påållsons Juustens framl. hustru, Peer Påål...
Dafydd ap Rhys
(c.1415 - d.)
See Peter Bartrum, (September 27, 2020; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Peter Bartrum: Gosaml 2; & Cydifor ap Gwaithfoed 9; & Cydifor ap Dinawal 2; (Steven Ferry, March 5, 2025.)
Roger de Saint-Sauveur, vicomte du Cotentin
(c.945 - 1014)
Roger de Saint-Sauveur, Vicomte du Cotentin=ROGER [I] (-after [990/1000]). A charter dated to [1136] records donations to the abbey of Saint-Sauveur, which it states was first constructed "tempore vetu...
Mary Ann Manton
(1799 - 1866)
Daughter of William Wadwell and Elizabeth Henson. Wife of William Manton.
Tauno Luiro
(1932 - 1955)
äinen Luiro nousi kuuluisuuteen 19-vuotiaana talvella 1951. Nuorten sarjan Suomen mestarin hyppy Oberstdorfin lentomäestä kantoi maailmanennätyspituuteen 139 metriä. Aiemmin ei kukaan suomalainen ollut...
Ilkka Kanerva
(1948 - 2022)
Kanerva oli 22-vuotias Turun yliopiston valtiotieteen opiskelija, kun hänet tempaistiin syksyllä 1970 kokoomuksen nuorten ehdokkaaksi Suomen Teiniliiton puheenjohtajan paikalle.
William Perdew, II
(c.1755 - bef.1840)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for PENNSYLVANIA with the rank of PRIVATE. DAR Ancestor # A092303
Note: Information below may vary from the DAR public database. (FD)
1755 - born Baltimore, M...
Tauno Palo
(1908 - 1982)
Tauno Valdemar Palo (ent. Brännäs , Paloniemi ), oli suomalainen näyttelijä ja laulaja. Hän aloitti teatteriuransa Sörnäisten työväennäyttämöllä Helsingissä vuonna 1927 ja siirtyi Suomen Kansallisteatt...
Guy Ó Catháin
(c.1245 - 1303)
◦ "of Ulster". Sources: 1. Cokayne, G.E. "Ross" in "The Complete Peerage" Vol. XI, pp.146.
Jan Coenraadsz Visser, SV/PROG
(c.1633 - 1718)
Owner of farm Wiitebomen later part of Constantia 1685 to 1714. Then disconnected from Constantia in 1714. Wiitebomen separate farm again
There is currently NO EVIDENCE that Jan Coenraad Visser was a...
Engeltrude of Paris
(b. - 869)
The oldest successor of Eberhard of Friuli. Married Ava, a daughter of Liutfrid of Monza, and left a son Eberhard of Sulichgau who married Ermentrude of France, granddaughter of Charles the Bald, but w...
Evi Porkveli / Mihkelson
(1925 - 2009)
EVI PORKVELI 16.04.1925-03.05.2009
Sünd ja perekonnanime muutmine Saaga EAA.3144.1.139:144?170,1922,3103,187,0
Personaalraamat XIV. A-K; EAA.3144.1.146; 1910-1940 Saaga EAA.3144.1.146:241?352,21...
Thomas Gibson, of Queen’s Creek
(c.1614 - aft.1652)
No evidence he was the son of Thomas Gibson, Sr & Elizabeth Gibson
Thomas Gibson was born in England and died 24 Sep 1652 in Chesquack, York, Virginia.
His (Thomas, Tradesman) grandson Thomas (son ...
Lauri Vasar
Lauri Vasar (sündinud 17. oktoobril 1970 Tallinnas) on Eesti ooperilaulja (bariton). *
Charles 'the Younger', King of the Franks
(c.772 - 811)
Charles the Younger Carolingian, Duke of Maine, King of the Franks Please see Charlemagne Project for Source Details
I have found a place where his death is listed as April, 810.
[From Familypedia ]...
Cadell Ddyrnllwg ap Cadeyrn
(c.380 - d.)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 6, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, ...
Dordi NN
(c.1495 - c.1550)
HUOM! On ehdotettu, että Dordi olisi omaa sukua Bure puolisoksi Tämä ei ole FAKTA. Todisteita ei vielä ole. Dordin patronyymiä ei myöskään tiedetä - se ei ole Bengtintytär. OBS! Ta Dordis Bure-anor med...
John Thomas Edgar Webber
(1878 - 1967)
Biography John Thomas Edgar Webber was born on April 15, 1878 in Mount Vernon, Jefferson County, Illinois, United States. His parents were John Richard Carter Webber and Mahalia Jane Webber (Boykin) . ...
Knut Algotsson Algotson
(c.1330 - aft.1393)
ån Wikipedia==Knut Algotsson var en svensk storman och riddare. Son till Algot Brynolfsson (Bengt Hafridssons ätt) och dennes till namnet okända hustru som var dotter till riddaren Tolf Petersson. Till...
Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fabrizievna Romanov
(1886 - 1940)
Брак с Фридеричи: (17.01.1907) ЦГИА СПб. Ф.19. О.128. Д.979
Marriage with Friderichi: (17.01.1907) Archive of St. Petersburg. F.19. O.128. D.979 - Marriage date transferred to its proper place De...
Yenta Leah Katz
(bef.1625 - 1705)
Daughter of a prominent businessman, granddaughter of the great Maharshal, and great grand-daughter of the Rema.
Yente (Leah) WOLF born before 1650
married R' Sabtai KOHEN (HaKohen) "SHaCH" aka Sh...
Koning Hreithgotaland Heidrek Hofundsson, King in Reidgotaland
(c.512 - 612)
or Heiðrekr was one of the main characters in the cycle about the magic sword Tyrfing.He appears in the Hervarar saga, and probably also in Widsith, line 115, as Heathoric together with his sons Angant...
Doli ap Dwfyn
(c.170 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediat...
Jakob Ronne
(bef.1401 - bef.1479)
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter I:2, s. 122-126.Jakob Ronne Deken Ägde godsen Harme, nu Harm, och Neuenhof i Koskulls, nu Kosch, sn samt gods i Jördens sn i Harrien i Estland (a. a., nr 116, 119, 195), vid...
Mika Kristian Myllylä
(1969 - 2011)
Myllylä, Mika: ”Riisuttu mestari” Kustantaja: Tammi, painovuosi: 2001, 318 sivua
Ericus Falck
(c.1510 - 1570)
Erik (Ericus) Falck (Falk), född 1510, död 1570, var en svensk biskop. Falck var son till Anna Eriksdotter. Hans morbror fogden Benkt Eriksson blev avrättad vid Stockholms blodbad.
Falck var stud...
Carl Zeiss
(1816 - 1888)
Carl Zeiss (11 September 1816 – 3 December 1888) was a German maker of optical instruments best known for the company he founded, Carl Zeiss Jena (now: Carl Zeiss AG). Zeiss made contributions to lens ...
Prisnibor I.
(bef.1175 - d.)
Erich Gritzner in Steglitz.
I m 32nd volume of the yearbooks has the Geh. Archivist Dr. Lisch occasionally undertook other research on the basis of the four first volumes of the Mekl...
Teresa Díaz de Lara de Haro
(b. - 1294)
doña Teresa Díaz de HaroEsta persona podría ser la misma persona que Ana de Haro .==fuentes==* FMG MedLands Vizcaya ==enlaces==* hermana tuvo efte Conde don Lope llamada doña Terefa, que cafô con el Co...
Margrethe Jørgensdatter Harbou
(c.1565 - c.1600)
Sveriges Drottning Margareta Eriksdotter Leijonhufvud, Queen of Sweden
(1516 - 1551)
Mundskænk Olaf Ebbesen Pincerna
(b. - c.1247)
Mundskænk Olaf Ebbesen Pincerna Oluf Ebbesen
Far: Ebbe Olafsen Glug , d. eft. 1199
Mor: N.N.
Død ca. 1247
Begravet Sorø Klosterkirke, Alsted, Sorø, Danmark
Notater Skænkede på kong Valdemar II ...
Rudolf Seppar
(1899 - 1942)
Sündis 27.08.1899 Narvas Johannes Seppari ainsa lapsena. Viidi Sosvasse, Sverdlovski oblastis asuvasse Sevurallagi, kus talle 12.03.1942 surmaotsus langetati ja 24.04.1942 maha lasti.
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