public profile
Feltételezhetően Sizzo I feleségének neve Hedvig volt, a nővérei mások feleségei voltak, vagy az egyikük apáca.
Perhaps the wife of Sizzo I was Hedwig. Her sisters were wifes of other men, or a nun.
The Magyars were a nomadic tribe who plundered Europe in late 9th/early 10th centuries
One Ügyek; m.Emese, dau.of Pr Önedbelia of Dentümoger; they had a son:
Álmos, *820, +Transylvania ca 895, had a son:
Árpád, Prince of Hungary, +907; he settled in what is now Hungary in about 900, though they continued to ravage western Europe til their defeat by Emperor Otto I in 955. He had issue:
960 |
Esztergom, Komárom-Esztergom, Hungary
993 |
Age 33
Schwarzburg, Thuringia, Germany
1100 |
???? |
Schwarzburg, Thuringia, Germany
???? |