William Perdew, II

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William Perdew, II (1755 - 1840)

Also Known As: "Purdy"
Birthplace: Pennsylvania, Colonial America
Death: before January 27, 1840
Southampton Township, Bedford County, PA, United States
Place of Burial: Bedford, PA, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of William Perdew, I and Rebecca Perdew
Husband of Charity Perdew
Father of Laban Perdew; Sarah Dicken; Elijah Shelly Washington Perdew; William Perdew, III; Mary Blair and 6 others
Brother of Mary Dicken and Rebecca Casteel

DAR: Ancestor #: A092303
Managed by: Yvonne Reta Latouf
Last Updated:

About William Perdew, II

A Patriot of the American Revolution for PENNSYLVANIA with the rank of PRIVATE. DAR Ancestor # A092303

Note: Information below may vary from the DAR public database. (FD)


1755 - born Baltimore, MD

Revolutionary War Veteran: Pvt. PA

1778 - ‎(est)‎ married Charity Casteel

1779 - first listed on Bedford Co. Tax list, Cumberland Valley Twp

1800 - PA Census, Bedford Co: page 59

1840 - buried: Wilbur Cessna farm,‎(old Perdew farm)‎ Southampton Twp, Bedford

Co, PA


See Vol V page 110, series 5th PA Archieves; Third Company of the First Battalon of the Bedford County commanded by Capt. Evan Cessa. 5 PA Arch13 at 181



~~~William Perdew~~~

According to "Mother Bedford & the American Revolution" by Larry D. Smith...

William Perdew (1755-1840) Buried: Wilbur Cessna farm, Southampton Twp. (old Perdew farm) Pri. (in) Capt. Evan Cessna's Co., Bedford Militia, 3rd Co. 1st Battalion. 5 Pa. Arch. 5 at 110.

Other men in his battalion were: Isaac Bowman, John Elder, Jacob Fox, John Lazier Sr. and Jacob Valintine.

Archibald Perdew son of William built the first brick house (Wilbur Cessna) in 1858. William is buried nearby in an unmarked grave.


The very early Perdues / Perdew / ieus were connected to several different Indian Tribes.

The earliest were the Nansemonds who were on the east coast of Md /Va...then in Henry/Chesterfield another tribe that escapes me now..and of course on their journey westward, contact with the 5 civilized tribes including the Cherokee.

Chances are very good that most of us Perdue / Perdew descendants have Native American blood within our makeup.

And one else who wishes to contribute photos or files or trees..please do so. I want to make this the best Perdue / Perdew site that is available..and keep it 100% free to all.

Mike & Kelly Canter



DATED 17 OCT 1818, RECORDED 8 DEC 1818

WILLIAM PERDEW TO JOHN BLAIR - Donated by Margaret Gagliardi

Know all men by these presents that I WILLIAM PERDEW of Bedford County in the State of Pennsylvania for and in consideration of the sum of Eight hundred dollars paid to me in hand by JOHN BLAIR the rec't whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained & sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell unto the Said JOHN BLAIR of Cumberland Valley township Bedford County and State of Pennsylvania his heirs and Assigns all that the following described tract of land lying and being in Cumberland Valley township Bedford County and State of Pennsylvania adjoining land of DANIEL MILLER and THOMAS DICKEN Beginning at a marked white oak thence North Twenty degrees East fourty Six Perches to a white oak thence north twenty three degrees East two hundred and eleven perches to a post thence south Twenty three degrees East Sixty One perches to a post, thence South Sixteen degrees West, tow hundred and forty three perches to a post thence North Eighty two degrees West twenty nine perches to the place of Beginning containing One hundred and twelve Acres and three Quarters of an acre and the usual allowances for roads vc with all the right and title belonging to the same bearing date at Philadelphia Novr 1st 1767 No. 4555 To have and to hold, the afforesaid described tract of land with all its title appurtenances, improvements and advantages thereunto belonging to the said JOHN BLAIR his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of the said JOHN BLAIR his heirs and assigns forever, subject to the payment of the purchase money and interest due and to become due therein to the Lord (or) Lords of the __ and the Said WILLIAM PERDEW to the Said JOHN BLAIR his heirs and assigns the afforesaid described tract of land and every part thereof from the said WILLIAM PERDEW his heirs executors administrators shall warrant and forever defend. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Seventeenth day of October in the Year of our (Lord) One thousand Eight hundred and Eighteen. WILLIAM PERDEW

In the presents of AMOS DICKEN, SAML McETTER?

Received on the day of the date above written of the aforenamed JOHN BLAIR the Eight hundred dollars, it being the full consideration, I say Received by me. WILLIAM PERDEW


Bedford County ss: Came WILLIAM PERDEW before me one of the Justices of the peace in and for Said County and acknowledged the above instrument of writing to be his voluntary act and deed and desires the same to be entered on Word as Such. Given under my hand and Seal this 17th day of October 1818. AMOS DICKEN

Recorded the 8th day of December A.D. 1818. DAVID MANN, Recorder

King-3802William PerdewKing-3802 According to "Mother Bedford & the American Revolution" by Larry D. Smith... William Perdew (1755-1840) Buried: Wilbur Cessna farm, Southampton Twp. (old Perdew farm) Pri. (in) Capt. Evan Cessna's Co., Bedford Militia, 3rd Co. 1st Battalion. 5 Pa. Arch. 5 at 110.

Other men in his battalion were: Isaac Bowman, John Elder, Jacob Fox,John Lazier Sr. and Jacob Valintine.

Archibald Perdew son of William built the first brick house (Wilbur Cessna)in 1858. William is buried nearby in an unmarked grave.

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William Perdew, II's Timeline

Pennsylvania, Colonial America
Southampton,, Bedford, Pennsylvania, United States
June 24, 1788
Southampton, Bedford, Pennsylvania, United States
October 4, 1789
Fort Cumberland, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, United States
October 24, 1792
Bedford County, Pennsylvania, USA
Bedford County, Pennsylvania, United States