Thomas Gibson, of Queen’s Creek

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Thomas Gibson

Birthplace: England
Death: after September 24, 1652
Queen’s Creek, York County, Virginia Colony, British Colonial America
Immediate Family:

Son of Thomas Gibson, Sr and Elizabeth Gibson
Husband of Elizabeth Gibson
Father of Nicholas Gibson and Cassandra Gibson
Brother of Margaret Blackey

Occupation: Planter
Immigration: before 1639 to the Virginia Colony
Not related to: Charles City County line, Haplogroup R
Y DNA Haplogroup: I
Managed by: Private User
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Immediate Family

About Thomas Gibson, of Queen’s Creek

No evidence he was the son of Thomas Gibson, Sr & Elizabeth Gibson

Thomas Gibson was born in England and died 24 Sep 1652 in Chesquack, York, Virginia.

His (Thomas, Tradesman) grandson Thomas (son of Nicholas & b. ~1630) was the brother of Margaret. He was transported by John Broach in 1647. He had 900 a. in NK in 1651, S. of the Pamunkey, 5-7 mi up the narrows (these distances are very approximate). Though he had a short life (~1630-1652) he had at least two children with Elizabeth South, Nicholas (b. ~1649) & Cassandra.


He married Elizabeth South on Nov 1647 in Chesquack, York, Virginia, daughter of Robert South and Mariran Woodruff Woodroff. She was a widow with a first family.

Children of Thomas Gibson and Elizabeth South are:

  1. Nicholas Gibson, b. 1649, Chesquack Parrish, , Virginia, d. date unknown, St Martins, Hanover, Virginia,.
  2. Cassandra Gibson, b. Abt. 1652, Chesquack Parrish, , Virginia, d. date unknown


1647 Thomas Gibson was transported, along with 32 others, to by John Broach in August 1647. This Thomas Gibson was granted 600 acres of land in York River County, Virginia. On May 2, 1648 a new patent for 1,000 acres of land was issued to Thomas Gibson. This land was in what is present day Hanover County Virginia. Thomas Gibson’s son the second Thomas Gibson died there in 1734. [ 1 May 1648 A new patent issued to Thomas Gibson for the same tract of land purchased by John Broach -28Land Patent book #2 p 130 & 176]
16 August 1647.Gibson, Thomas. grantee.

16 Nov. 1647 --- York County Records pp.57-58. 288 Deed of Gift. 16 Nov. 1647. Tho. Gibson of Queens Creek in the Co. of Charles River in Va., planter 'for diverse reasons and causes be hereunto giving (the which reasons and causes are to myself researved)' gives Elizabeth Bouth daughter of Robt. Bouth of Charles River in Va., gentleman, 50 acres of woodland ground. This land acquired by Gibson by bill of sale from John Utie dated 12 Sept. 1640. The land being on the W(?) side of Bryrie Swamp adj the land belonging to Ro. Bouth, and now in possession of James White. The 50 acres lying near the spring called the Indian Spring on the N. Side thereof and adj the land of the said Tho. Gibson. That well beloved Robt Bouth father of said Elizabeth and Rowland Burnham both of Charles River be trustees till said Elizabeth be married or of age.


24 Sept., 1652 Will of Thos Gibson of Chesquack Parish: - bequeaths to Elizabeth, my wife, as much of the divident he lives on as lies within the neck, for her life & the rest for use of his son Nicholas, during his minority, and after death of his wife the whole 900 acres to go to his son Nicholas; failing issue, to his Page 38. dau. Cassandra; 860 pds tob: to Margaret his sister, wife of Wm Blackey, due from Wm Burford: horses & mares to be equally divided between his wife, Nicholas his son & his dau. Cassandra; Nicholas to be of age at 18 & Cassandra at 20 or day of marriage. A gold ring to son & dau. left them by their godmothers; Cassandra to have the best fflock bed with Rug, Boulster and Pillow & the ffine payer of Holland Sheets & to each of them (son & dau.) a Pott & Pestle: my Bookes to my son, Nihcolas. The two to have 1100 lbs tob. due by Geo. Smith; Mary & Jane, daus of his wife, to have 365 lbs of tob. recd this year of Henry Ashwell: Alice & Elizabeth, daus of my wife & at present living in England all the tob., due from Henry Ashwell: my Beaver hatt to brother-in-law Wm Blackey. His wife to have all the remainder of his personal estate & to be guardian of his children: Wm Blackey to have the oversight of them: Elizabeth, his wife, to be exx: Bee Humphreys to be free, & released from any former neglect. Witnesses: Jno Whiston (his mark), Bees Humphreys. Rec: 20 Sept., 1652. [See DATE 23 October 1669. Land Escheat]


Thomas Gibson was born Abt. 1599, and died Aft. 1642. Children of Thomas Gibson are:

  • Thomas Gibson, b. Abt. 1625, Chesquack, York, Virginia, d. 24 Sep 1652, Chesquack, York, Virginia. Married Elizabeth South.
  • Margaret Gibson, d. date unknown. Married William Blackey

However, other ancestors are also speculated.


Thomas Gibson, Tradesman, and Thomas Chavis/Chivers are said to have been shipmates, melungos in Portuguese, and these family are somehow intertwined. _________ I have seen many internet genealogies on the Thomas Gibson family of Louisa Co., Va, [died 1734] that connect him to Nicholas Gibson son of Thomas who died in 1652. I do not believe these are correct. It would appear that Thomas Gibson father of Nicholas and Cassandra left no descendants as it appears his sister/her husband -Margaret and William Blackey -inherited the land according to the escheat record below.

It is likely that Thomas Gibson who was the husband of Elizabeth 'Chavis' and father of Gibson Gibson may have been the father or grandfather of old Thomas Gibson who did 1734 (Yes… I agree.) in Louisa County, and therefore the families in Louisa County related to Gideon and Hubbard. Does anyone have any information, one way or another to connect these families? (YES! Have a look at the details of this database. John Clinard) ___________ Let's keep this all straight. Thomas, Tradesman had a son Tom Jr. who married E. Chavis. They had 2 sons, Gibson Gibson and Hubbard Gibson. Hubbard Gibson had a son Thomas who died in 1734. This Tom had sons Thomas/Wilburn & Valentine Gibson.

Thomas, Tradesman also had a son Nicholas. This Nicholas had a son Thomas (600/900 acres on the Pamunkey) who was transported by Broach in 1647. This Thomas, Yeoman died in 1652. His property reverted to his broter-in-law William Blackey. His children included Nicholas Gibson (b. ~1649) & Cassandra Gibson.

All the details are in this database



THOMAS GIBSON born abt 1614 England d 1652 Charles River County which later became known as York Co., VA. Came to America before 1639. If he came to America when he was about age 25, he would have been born about 1618. 13 Nov 1639 Deed John Utie and Robert Booth sell Thos. Gybson 100 acres in Charles River County, at the head of a small Creek called Queenes Creeke, running up the N side of the creek to Bryary Swamp, including the swamp to the run of water in the swamp. All the land from the divident of John -(the surname here omitted from the original record) Adjs the land of John Utie as by a survey made by Mr. Thomas Simons in 1638. Signed John Utie Robert Booth Wit: Thomas Watts, Edmund Plunckett

Charles River County was created in 1634 and was later named York Co.

13 Nov 1639 Deed Ro Bouth and Jno Utie assign to Tho Gibson 100 acres in Charles River Co., at head of s small creek called Queens Creek running up the NW side of the creek by the side of Bryry Swamp including the swamp to a run of water in the swamp. All the land from the divident of John Bell so far as the said Utie has any land of that side of that creek and swamp by a survey made by Mr Thomas Simons in 1638. Signed John Utye Ro Bouth Wit: Tho Watts Edmund Plucknett. He is probably the same Thos Gibson that received land in 1639 by John Howell (Early Virginia Immigrants, 1623-1666) 1640 Order that Nicholas Brooke Jr. who is security for Humphrey Chaplin, pay debt of 537 lb tobacco that said Chaplin owes to Tho. Gibson, or produce Chaplin at the next Court. On 20 April 1642 a description of land which John Bell of Queens Creek assigned to John Williams on 1 Oct 1645 stated the land adjs Bryry Swamp, Wm Taylor's land, Nicholas Comeings, Tho Gibson's. 1645/6 Tho Gibson of whom the Sherr is to receive the same backe again and the remaynder from the rest of the said fowerteene which tob is to be disposed of for the other publique uses and servis already done by men who have as yet not been appoynted payment for there said servis vizt to Robert Halsey in the first place his sallery due for his servis done in 1644 att the Middle plantation Garrison. 1645/6 Most of this entry torn away. The part remaining all but illegible. It has to do with the sale of 2 cows to Thomas Gib-, prob from Capt Richard Popeley. In the original the witnesses names are torn away but the 1894 transcript shows them as Thomas Smallcomb and Thomas Heath. 25 Sep 1646 Deposition of Nicholas Brooke aged about 28 years taken in Court that Tho Gibson did sign a bill for 4000 lb tobbaco to Henry Brooke to be pd on delivery of 4 servants which were never delivered. s/ Nich: Brooke. On 25 Sep 1646 Deposition of Thomas Heath aged 36 years or thereabouts. Says Tho

Gibson did in 1643 pass a bill to Henry Brooke for 4000 lb tobbaco for 4 servants to be delivered "before the Nativity of our blessed Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus then next ensuing. That the servants were never delivered.

10 Nov 1646 Lease. Tho Gibson to James Hurd for 9 years at yearly rent of one ounce of tobacco, a parcel of land adj NE on a small run of water running between the creek and said Gibson. Also adj S and by W on land of Capt Wm Taylor and N by W into the woods, and extends itself upon the head of the spring in length which makes the aforesaid run and S and by E on Bryry Swamp. /s/ James Hurd Wit: Richard Hackley, Tho Heath. 18 Nov 1646. Memo. Tho Gibson assigns his interest in plantation of 100 acres at Bryry Swamp to John Broch. Signed Tho Gibson wit: Leonard Chamberlaine Tho Heath.

On 10 Aug 1647 John Broach received 1,8000 acres in York River, opposite mouth of Matapony at the Narrows for transporting 36 persons: Thomas Rattam, Tho. Smalecomb, Thomas Gibson, Ann Williams, Richard White, Mary Wilson, William More, Randall Maudor, James Saiferne, Ma. Norts, Dora More, Fra. Morely, Nicho. Bradford, Anthony Parthurst, 3 tymes, Richd Heather 2 tymes, John Guy, Eliza. Garret, Jos. Pouson (or Ponson) Alexander—, Peter Wood, Anthony, Michaell, Mary Luce, Anthony a child, (Negroes) John Wood. (6 persons more by virtue of the rights of a patent granted to Anthon. Purchurst & surrendered up at a court at Yorke holden the 27 Aug 1640 & assigned to Mr. John Broach. This is probably the entry in Early Virginia Immigrants, 1623-1666-Tho. Gibson, 1647 by John Brooch. 16 Aug 1647 Thomas Gibson York Co., VA 600 acres on York River 25 miles up te narrows or thereabouts near a high red clift. 4 Sep 1646/7 Receipt. Robt Bouth (Booth?) hath rec'd of Tho Gibson, for use of Elizabeth Bouth dau of sd Robt, a black heifer to be delivered at day of marriage or coming of age. This in accordance with a deed of gift presented at York Court 16 Jun 1646. Signed Ro Bouth Wit: James Hurd.

16 Nov 1647 Deed of Gift. Tho Gibson of Queens Creek in the Co. of Charles River in Virginia, planter, "for divers reasons and causes me hereunto moveing (the which reasons and causes are to my self reserved)" gives Elizabeth Bouth dau of Robert Bouth of Charles River in Virginia, gentlemen, 50 acres of woodland ground. This land acquired by Gibson by bill of sale from John Utie dated 12 Sep 1640. The land being on the N side of Bryrie Swamp adj the land belonging to Ro Bouth and now in possession of James White. The 50 acres lying near the spring called the Indian Spring on the N side thereof and adjs the land of said Tho Gibson.

That well beloved friends Robt Bouth father of said Elizabeth and Rowland Burnham both of Charles River be trustees till said Elizabeth be married or of age. Signed Tho. Gibson Wit: John Perrin, Edw Jorden. An inventory of Mr. Robert Bouth's estate was made 24 Mar 1692 in York Co., VA and signed by his wife Ann, administratrix.

25 Jan 1647/8 Wm. Light confesses judgement to John Broch the assignee of Thos. Gibson for 400 lb tobacco. 23 Oct 1647 John Broch "Currurgion" sells to Thos Bremoe and Wm Crouch, 100 acres for 3000 lb tobbaco and 8 bbl corn, the land late that of Tho Gibson and adj Bryry Swamp so far as the run. It adj the land of Robt Harrison, N into the woods and E to the Creek. s/o John Broch Wit: Thos Heath On 2 May 1648 Thomas received a patent of 1,000 acres in Charles River Co., which land was located on the South side of Charles River, and running to the head of a swamp and along same to Ware Cr. due by purchase of a former patent for said land made unto John Broach.
On 21 Jan 1650 George Gill patented 700 Acres in Yorke Co. The land was "Lyeing upon Yorke River in the narrows, N.W. upon land of John Pounsey & SE upon Thomas Gibson etc., being the first red cliff up the narrows of said river for trns of 14 persons.... On 3 Apr 1651 Thomas Gibson patented 900 acres in Yorke Co., VA located about 5 mi up the narrows of Yorke River upon a branch of a swamp called Queens Creek including some Indian fields, etc. Due by virtue of the rights of a patent granted to the sd. Gibson for 600 acres 16 Aug. 1647 & by him surrendered into the office. 300 acres for residue for transporting 6 persons.


On 28 Mar 1652 the Will of Thomas Gybson was written in Chesequack Parish, York County, VA:

"To wife Elizabeth land during life "whereupon I am now seated as lyeth within the Neck", the rest to be for the good "of my Sonn Nicholas dureing his minoryty". After wife's death the whole 900 acres to son Nicholas. He failing in heirs "unto Cassandra my Daughter." To "Margarett my sister the wife of William Blackey" 860 lb tobbaco due from Wm Burford. Cattle to wife Elizabeth and children Nicholas and Cassandra. Nicholas to be of age at 18 (It appears Nicholas was born abt 1640 as he reaches age in 1765) and Cassandra at 20 or day of marriage. A gold ring to each of them left them by their godmothers; Cassandra to have the best fllock bed with Rug, Boulster and Pillow & the ffine payer of Holland Sheets & to each of them (son & dau) a Pott & Pestle; my Bookes to my son, Nicholas. The two to have 1100 lbs tob due by Geor. Smith. To "Mary and Jane the Daughters of Elizabeth my wife" 365 lb tobacco "which was rented this yeare of Henry Ashwell" (sic) To "Alice and Elizabeth the Daughters of Elizabeth my wife and att this present liveing in England" all tobacco due from Henry Ashwell by Bill. To "my brother in law William Blackley my Beaver Hatt." Residue of estate to wife Elizabeth, she extrx. Brother Wm Blackley overseer of estate. Beese Humphrey released from servitude "in Recompence of any former neglect." /s/ Thomas Gybson Wit: Bees Hughes, Jno Whiston his marke, Proved by oaths of Hughes and Whiston 18 Sep 1652. Wm Blackley made oath 25th Sep 1652 before Capt Nicho: Martian (Martiau), Mr John Chew and Capt Wm Barber that this was the last will and testament of Thomas Gybson. Rec 20 Sep 1652 by Tho: Ballard Cl Cur. It appears that Elizabeth is Thomas' second wife and she was married previously having daughters Mary, Jane, Alice & Elizabeth. Thomas refers to these girls as "daughters of Elizabeth my wife."

New Kent Co. was created 1654 from York Co. and part of James City and the land that Thomas owned in York County is now located in New Kent.

On 7 Mar 1658 Wm. Blackey patented 1400 acres in New Kent Co. The land was located on E. side of Little Queens Cr. beginning by the swamp "by sd. main swamp, wly. along land of Tho. Gibson." Note: Wm. Blackey was a brother in law to Thomas Gibson who died in 1652. On the last of Mar 1663 George Gill, Jr. patented 2000 acres in New Kent Co., 100 acres was located on the S. side the freshes of Yorke Riv., bounded on the N.N.E. with sd. Riv., on N.W. with Pouncies line of trees from an old Spanish oak on the cliffe of the Riv. to a new marked maple & c. to chesnutt in Mr. Tho. Gibsons line of trees neere peach tree field path; 900 acres. commonly called the Hogg Penn Neck in Yorke Riv., 300 acres. being a necke bounded with the river on the SE side, on the N.W. by the Cr. from the necke along the river & c. 700 acres


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Thomas Gibson, of Queen’s Creek's Timeline

Chesquack Parish, Virginia, Colonial America
September 24, 1652
Age 38
Queen’s Creek, York County, Virginia Colony, British Colonial America
Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom