Eirik Bjodaskalle Kåresson, av Obrestad
(902 - 964)
Eirik Bjodaskalle Kåresson==* Eirik Bjodaskalle (in Old Norse : Erik bjödaskali Vikingr-Kåresson , n. 902) was a powerful and influential Viking leader of Oprustader (today Obrestad, Jæren ), in Norway...
Rabbi Eliezer Lipman Ashkenazi-Halperin, A.B.D. Tiktin
(1575 - aft.1615)
Note: There is a potential confusion between Margola Heilperin (Schor) and Margela Mirele Halperin . Because both are married to different Eliezer Halperins. The former is married to Rabbi Eliezer Lipp...
Egidia Stewart, of Lounane, Princess of Scotland
(c.1368 - c.1388)
Considered the most beautiful woman in Scotland.
Sydney Sweeney
Sydney Bernice Sweeney (born September 12, 1997)[1] is an American actress. She gained mainstream attention in the Netflix series Everything Sucks! (2018), playing Emaline, and portrayed Eden in the ...
Ernst Kull
(1894 - 1985)
Saaga EAA.1288.1.225:21?112,1568,844,431,0 - sünd
Saaga EAA.1288.1.277:41?318,1000,473,50,0 - PR 1875-1938 Tarvastu
Ohvitseride andmekogu -
Ohvitseri teenistustoimik -
Hugues de Lavardin, châtelain de Bazouges
(c.980 - 1014)
Cein ap Doli
(c.205 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediat...
Rusticus Flavius
(bef.335 - 423)
(c.350 - d.)
link is no longer working
Aatami Laurinpoika Heinonen
(1745 - d.)
Viitasaaren kastetuissa 2.11.1745 29.11.1745 Heinola Lars Heinonen Lisa Radikainen Adam Alkup. KA
Digitaaliarkisto: Viitasaaren seurakunta Syntyneiden ja kastettujen luettelot 1731-1773
Vihitty 20.6...
Odo II, count of Blois, Champagne and Chartres
(983 - 1037)
Eudes II de Blois Parents: Eudes I Comte de Blois & Berthe de Bourgogne Spouses: 1. Matilde de Normandie (no children) 2. Ermengarde Children: *1. Theobald III, who inherited the county of Blois and mo...
Fernando II, Rei de Portugal
(1816 - 1885)
Ferdinand II August Prinz von Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld was born on 29 October 1816 at Vienna, Austria. He was the son of Ferdinand Georg August Prinz von Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld and Marie Antoinette Koh...
Egidia Douglas, Countess of Orkney
(c.1380 - c.1438)
If her death date is abt 1438 as given then Orkney was a part of Norway
3em>Orkney was colonised and later annexed by the Kingdom of Norway in 875 and settled by the Norsemen. In 1472, the Parliament o...
Riotham ap Deroch
(435 - 470)
Prince of Dumnonée Riotham ap Deroch of Dumnonée
b. circa 435
Father Prince of Dumnonée Deroch I ap Guitol of Dumnonée1 b. circa 400
Prince of Dumnonée Riotham ap Deroch of Dumnonée was a son of Pri...
Mayor Díaz
Christian IV king of Denmark and Norway
(1577 - 1648)
Knight of the Order of the Garter - (394) in 1603==Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Kings of Denmark * Wikipedia: English Dansk * Burial In Danish
Jacob Olofsson Spåra
(c.1520 - bef.1568)
Genos 2020:1, s. 2-21
Suomen Sukututkimusseuran vuosikirja 37, 1957-1959, s. 195-225. Olofsson; Erhöll af Konung Gustaf I, i utbyte emot sitt egande säteri Juwa i St Mårtens socken och Finland, Moisio ...
Philippa Thornbury
(c.1430 - 1486)
The information that Philppa was a St. Leger comes from a faulty pedigree please see the England Project on Wikitree, which gives a full explanation of Philippa's parentage and husbands -- see
She wa...
Alice Bulstrode
(c.1373 - d.)
Daughter and heir of Thomas Knyffe.Some sources say her name was Margaret.These sources say Margaret:Norman Dudley, “The Bolstridges of Bedworth in Warwickshire,” Printed privately in 1987 - copy in SO...
Petronius Maximus, Roman Emperor
(c.397 - 455)
Anicius Petronius Maximus Caesar , Consul of Rome (433, 443 CE), Praetorian Praefect of Italy (439 CE), Patrician (445 CE), and Emperor of Rome (455 CE). He seized power after the death of Valentinian ...
Irene Estella Hanson
(1944 - 2025)
Sir William de Baguley, Knt.
(c.1253 - aft.1332)
Rafe de BAGULEY 1, 2, 3 was born in Baguley, Cheshire, England.
He had the following children:
M i Sir William de BAGULEY Knight died 1324/1325
Ormerod's History of Cheshire, Vol. I, pg. 721, ...
Oda von Stade
(c.1047 - c.1110)
Hermann [III] & his wife had one child:(a) ODA von Werl ([1050]-13 Jan 1110). The Annalista Saxo names "comitem Herimannum, pater domne Ode", also naming Oda's husband and (in a later passage) her moth...
Mistress/es of Pepin
(b. - aft.797)
NN mistress of Pepin / mother of Bernard:Bertha appears to be only one of the possibilities for the name of Bernard's mother. See Medlands Discussion below: Mistress (1): (from [795]%29 --- . Thegan's ...
Rimo Tymyr ferch Rhun, of Gwynedd
(c.540 - d.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Hedd Molwynog or Hedd ap Alunog of Llanfair Talhearn; . (Steven Ferry, July 4, 2020.)Tymyr verch Rhun o Gwynedd1,2b. circa 528Father Rhun Hir ap Mælqwn, Brenin Gwynedd3 b. c...
Job Sherman
(1687 - 1747)
Job Sherman
Born: 8 NOV 1687 Portsmouth, Newport Co., RI
Died:16 NOV 1747 Portsmouth, Newport Co., RI
Father: Samson (Sr.) Sherman b. APR 1642 Portsmouth, Newport Co., RI; d. 27 JUN 1718 Portsmout...
Alice Trolle-Wachtmeister
(1926 - 2017)
Alice Victoria Trolle-Wachtmeister was a Swedish Royal Court of Sweden servant from the 1970s to 2015, including Chief Court Mistress from 1994 to 2015. Alice Tornérhielm was born on 9 May 1926 in Hels...
Koloman of Hungary
(c.1074 - 1116)
Medlands Koloman Arpád, King of Hungary (1) M, #114089, d. 1114Last Edited=12 May 2008 Koloman Arpád, King of Hungary was the son of Geisa I Arpád, King of Hungary and Synadene Synadenos. (1) He marrie...
Richard Grosvenor, 2nd Marquess of Westminster
(1795 - 1869)
Benjamin Harrison, 23rd President of the USA
(1833 - 1901)
Benjamin Harrison (August 20, 1833 – March 13, 1901) was the 23rd President of the United States, serving one term from 1889 to 1893. Harrison was born in North Bend, Ohio, and at age 21 moved to India...
Chester A. Arthur, 21st President of the United States
(1829 - 1886)
United States President. He was born in Fairfield, Vermont the fifth of eight children to a abolitionist Baptist minister. He was tutored at home until age nine then enrolled at a primary school in the...
Adele de Meaux (de Vermandois)
(c.945 - 975)
Adele of Meaux (c. 950-c. 980) Also known as "Adele of Vermandois" she was a daughter of Robert of Vermandois and Adelaide-Werra de Chalon .She married Geoffrey I of Anjou . He also had a wife named Ad...
Kevin Gerard Barry
(1902 - 1920)
The fourth of seven children, two boys and five sisters : Find A Grave memorial #12759082. Barry (1902-1920) was born at No. 8 Fleet Street in Dublin. He was the fourth of seven children born to the Ba...
John Stourton, of Preston, MP
(c.1385 - 1438)
Biographical NotesYounger son of John Stourton of Stourton, Wilts. by his 2nd w. Alice (d.1407); half-bro. of William. m. (1) bef. 1403, Joan (c.1376-1406), da. and h. of William Banaster (d.1395) of E...
 Photo from the Official Directory of the House of Representatives (1923): https://www.google.com/books/edition/Directorio_oficial_de_la_C%C3%A1mara_de_Repr/8hItAQAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=%22rafael%20villanueva%20segundo%20distrito%22&pg=PA44-IA1&printsec=frontcover
Original file: https://ibb.co/jkccJBc7 or https://imgbox.com/NfOTZ4oo or https://pixhost.to/show/851/575100474_rafael-simon-villanueva-y-torres.jpg
Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rafael_Sim%C3%B3n_Villanueva_y_Torres.jpg
This work is in the public domain in the Philippines and possibly other jurisdictions because it is a work created by an officer or employee of the Government of the Philippines or any of its subdivisions and instrumentalities, including government-owned and/or controlled corporations, as part of their regularly prescribed official duties; consequently, any work is ineligible for copyright under the terms of Part IV, Chapter I, Section 171.11 and Part IV, Chapter IV, Section 176 of Republic Act No. 8293 and Republic Act No. 10372, as amended, unless otherwise noted. However, in some instances, the use of this work in the Philippines or elsewhere may be regulated by this law or other laws.
Rafael Villanueva
(1882 - aft.1939)
Rafael Villanueva was a Filipino politician. He represented the second district of Batangas at the House of Representatives of the Philippines from June 6, 1922 to June 2, 1925.
Official Directory of...
Perttu Sarja
(1685 - 1740)
Lähteet==# Pohjanmaan läänin tilejä - Henkikirjat 1742-1742 (9343), jakso 195, sivu 192: Pidisjerfwiby, № 9; Kansallisarkisto: / Viitattu 13.6.2021# Pohjanmaan läänin tilejä - Henkikirjat 1745-1745 (93...
Welti Gutt
(c.1525 - 1583)
: I638241380Name: Welti GUTT Given Name: Welti Surname: GUTT Sex: M Birth: ABT 1525 Marriage 1 Anli MEIER b: BET 1530 AND 1534ChildrenMelchior GUTT b: JUN 1563
Anwerydd ap Onwedd
(c.80 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediat...
Sofia Juliana Forbus
(1649 - 1701)
Sofia Juliana Forbus , född 1649-07-01, död 1701-07-24 och ligger jämte sin man begraven i Forbuska graven under altaret i Riddarholmskyrkan. Gift 1664-12-15 i Nikolai församling, Stockholm med riksråd...
Lasse i Gästerby
(c.1420 - c.1501)
Kolmen aatelissuvun kantaisä. Gästerby, Sipoo. Stamfader för tree ätten. Gästerby, Sibbo, Finland. 'Forefather for three noble families. Gästerby, Sipoo. Finland. HUOM! Margareta i Härtönäs ei kuulunut...
John Baskett, of Middlesex County
(aft.1642 - bef.1686)
John Baskett
BIRTH 1642 - 1656 Virginia or England
DEATH 1686 (aged 43–44) Christ Church Parish, Middlesex County, Virginia
BURIAL Upper Church of Stratton Major Parish Cemetery, King and Queen C...
Priit Raik
(1948 - 2008)
Priit Raik (9. juuli 1948 Väike-Maarja – 27. jaanuar 2008 Tartu) oli eesti helilooja, dirigent ja pedagoog. õpetas 1968 klarneti erialal Tartu muusikakooli ning 1973 puhkpilliorkestri dirigeerimise ala...
R' Tzvi Elimelech Spira of Dynov
(1783 - 1841)
The Bnei Yisoschor — HaRav R' Zvi Elimelech Shapira ztvk"l of Dinov Rabbi Tzvi Elimelech Shapira of Dinov (1785 - 18 Teves, 1841), a renowned scholar, nephew of Rebbe Elimelech of Lizhensk and disciple...
Henrijs Buks-Vaivads
(1957 - 2016)
Henrijs Buks-Vaivads was a businessman in the Republic of Latvia. He created and for many years managed the strip clubs "Klubs 3" (Grēcinieku iela 22/24, Rīga basement) and Tutti-Frutti (Bruninieku str...
Gyda Svendsdatter af Danmark
(c.980 - 1000)
Gyda Sveinsdotter, av Danmark==* Daughter of Svend Tveskägg (Forkbeard) Haraldsson and a Frille==Spouse==* Married: Eirik Håkonsson (ca 963-1023)==Children:==* Håkon Eiriksson, ==Project MedLands==King...
Heli Lääts
(1932 - 2018)
Heli Lääts (kodanikunimi Heli Saul; sündinud 24. juunil 1932 Kuressaare – surnud 16. veebruaril 2018 Tallinnas) oli eesti laulja (metsosopran). Ta oli Peeter Sauli abikaasa. Keemik Koit Lääts oli tema ...
Philippa d'Evreux, Countess de Normandie
(1037 - 1066)
d'Evreux (born Normandie) was born circa 1037, in Rosimar, Paris, Ile-de-France, France, to Adèle Flandre (born Capet). Adèle was born in 1009, in Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, Midi-Pyrenees, France. Philip...
Edward Estlin Cummings
(1894 - 1962)
Edward Estlin Cummings (October 14, 1894 – September 3, 1962), popularly known as E. E. Cummings, with the abbreviated form of his name often written by others in lowercase letters as e.e. cummings (...
Joanna Douglas, Lady Yester
(c.1325 - aft.1400)
In Summary: Hugh Giffard III ( c. 1322-1365) married Joanna Douglas in 1345/46. After the death of Hugh Giffard, Joanna Douglas married Sir Nigel Cunningham as her second husband in 1366. Joanna Dougla...
Warin "The Sheriff" de Metz, I
(1050 - aft.1115)
Shropshire: Its Early History and Antiquities: Comprising a Description of the Important British and Roman Remains in that County: Its Saxon and Danish Reminiscences: the Domesday Survey of Shropshir...
Sir Humphrey Audley, Kt.
(1434 - 1471)
Primary Sources1463/4 12 Kal. April. (21 March.) Siena. (f. 153.)
To Humphrey Audeley, nobleman, donsel, and Elisabeth, noblewoman, relict of James Lottrell , of the diocese of Bath and Wells. Absolut...
Marie Louise (Fisseau dit DeLorme) Ladner
(1725 - 1801)
Swiss line - See Wikitree. See book called Ladner Odyssey by Col. Napolean Cassibry, sits in every Mississippi Room of every MS Public Library.* Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy : Jun 16 2018,...
 Portræt af Henrik Ibsen af Henrik Olrik
Henrik Ibsen
(1828 - 1906)
Henrik Ibsen in Wikipedia
Biography Henrik Johan Ibsen (ˈhɛnɾɪk ˈɪpsən; 20 March 1828 – 23 May 1906) was a major 19th-century Norwegian playwright, theatre director, and poet. He is oft...
Glaphyra of Cappadocia
(-35 - 5)
Glaphyra. This Capadocian princess was related to the Herodians only by marriage. The wife of Alexander, Herod’s first son by Mariamne the Hasmonean, she bore him two sons. Josephus uses her presence i...
Johanna Catharina Kirsten
(c.1728 - 1781)
Lord George fitz Grimbaldus, Lord of Baconsthorpe
(c.1139 - 1187)
The History of Norfolk: From Original Records and Other Authorities ... By Robert Hindry Mason, p. 116
Bryachislav Izyaslavich of Polotsk
(c.997 - 1044)
Bryachislav Izyaslavich (Belarusian: Брачыслаў Ізяславіч, Russian: Брячислав Изяславич) (c. 997 – 1044) was the prince of Polotsk between 1001 and 1044. His name, possibly. He was son of Izyaslav Vladi...
Deroch ap Guitol
(400 - d.)
Prince of Dumnonée Deroch I ap Guitol of Dumnonée1b. circa 400Father Prince of Dumnonée Guitol ap Gradlon of Brittany1 b. circa 359 As Riwal, he "ruled beyond and on this side of the sea" according to ...
Guitol ap Gradlon
(c.359 - c.434)
Prince of Dumnonée Guitol ap Gradlon of Brittany1b. circa 359Father King of Brittany Gradlon Mawr ap Cynan Meriadoc of Brittany1 b. circa 330Mother Tigridia of Ireland1 b. circa 330 Also called Gwidol ...
Margareta, i Härtonäs
(c.1424 - d.)
Lasse i Gästerbyn vaimo. Lasse oli kolmen aatelissuvun kantaisä. Gästerby, Sipoo. Lasse i Gästerbys hustru. Lasse var stamfader för tree ätten. Gästerby, Sibbo, Finland. 'Lasse i Gästerby's wife. Lasse...
Nachman Fellman
(1876 - 1954)
אנציקלופדית תדהר
Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Jun 14 2021, 10:55:17 UTC
John Trenowith, of Fentongollan
(c.1403 - 1444)
John Trenowith, of Fentongollan, married Jane Nanfan, daughter of Jacob Nanfan, of Trethewel.
Their children were:
John Trenowith, married Honor Tregarthian
William Trenowith, of Cornave
D. Pedro I do Brasil e IV de Portugal
(1798 - 1834)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia Pedro I do Brasil e IV de Portugal , cujo nome completo era Pedro de Alcântara Francisco António João Carlos Xavier de Paula Miguel Rafael Joaquim José Gonza...
Jöns Johansson Jute, stamfar Ruuth i Finland
(1480 - 1556)
, Jully: Frälsesläkter i Finland intill stora ofreden. Ruuth. s. 354; Jöns Jute, borgare i Borgå. Honom tillhörigt gods togs 1519 i beslag i Reval för det att fogden i Borgå, Håkan Magnusson, anhållit ...
María la Grande Alfonsa de Molina, reina consorte de Castilla
(c.1264 - 1321)
ía Alfonso de Meneses (¿?, 1259 - † Valladolid, 1 de julio de 1321), conocida como María de Molina, fue reina consorte de Castilla y de León por su matrimonio con Sancho IV el Bravo, de 1284 a 1295, y ...
Leo Laur
(1912 - 1998)
Leo / Leopold Laur (17./30.04.1912 Tartu – 02.02.1998 Tallinn) oli jurist
- Üliõpilasseltsi "Liivika" auvilistlane, õigusteadlane Leo Laur
M. Vilbaste TLM kodu-uurimisringi BT, Tallinn, 2000;
Agnes Ross
(1486 - 1560)
John Boyle of Kelburne married: "Agnes, a daughter of the family of Ross, by whom he had three sons, David, John, and Robert of Ballochmartin, and a daughter Margaret, married to John Craufurd of Giffo...
Sir Gerard de Limesi
(aft.1100 - 1185)
Citations [S37] Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes (Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003), volume 1, page ...
Beatrice de Offley
(1052 - aft.1100)
The Chronicle of Abingdon records that "Walterus filius Oteri, castellanus de Uuildesore" restored "duas silvas…Virdelæ et Basceat, apud Winckefeld nostram villam" to the abbot of Abingdon, dated to [1...
Gregers Andersson Garp
(1360 - bef.1450)
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter I:2, s.148-153. Andersson Garp. Vehmaan Kosken herra, tarkastusmies Vehmaalla 9.6.1417; sinettivahvistaja Turussa 1421; maaoikeuden jäsen Turussa 1438; kihlakunnan tuomari V...
Gough, Richard. 1786. Sepulchral Monuments in Great Britain. Volume 1. London: T. Payne and son.
effigiesandbrasses.com 2009-2023
Aubrey “Sanglier” de Vere, 1st Earl of Oxford
(1115 - 1194)
Sanglier = wild boar
Aubrey de Vere, 1st Earl of Oxford Wikipedia Updated 22 December 2021
Born : c. 1115
Died : 26 December 1194
Noble family : De Vere
Berengária af Portugal, Dronning af Danmark
(1191 - 1221)
Berengária af Portugal, Dronning af Danmark
Daughter of Sancho I, o Povoador, rei de Portugal and Dulce de Aragão, rainha-consorte de Portugal.
Berenguela of Portugal ( 119...
Alonso Enríquez de Castilla, 1er. Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Señor de Medina de Rio Seco
(1354 - 1429)
breve biografía==1er Señor de Medina de Río SecoMother is listed different see below page - copied from===============================Mother is listed different as:Nombre desconocido "La Paloma"* Birth...
Sir William de Champernowne
(1234 - 1304)
Sir William Champernowne
Born: Ilfracombe, Barnstaple, Devon, England
Died: Bef 21 Feb 1305, Tywardreath, St. Austell, Cornwall England
Parents: Sir Henry Champernoun Knight (Abt 1225-After 1281)...
Elizabeth Green
(1707 - 1748)
William Griffin died before 2 April 1751, presumably in Lunenburg County, when his Will was proved there on that date.
These three profiles, all of Lunenburg, Virginia, are believed to be sibli...
Joseph Endicott
(1761 - 1827)
"Joseph Endecott (1763-1827) was born in Mt. Holly, New Jersey and traveled with the family to homes in Virginia, North Carolina, and Kentucky. He married Nancy Faubion in 1786 prior to the family move...
Hans Larsson Siniluoto
(1579 - 1645)
G. S. n. 2344, 4. sukupolvea"Mahdollisesti lähtöisin Saloisista ja Siniluodon talosta. Porvari Oulussa."
Hendrik Frederik Prinsloo, d5e4
(1784 - 1815)
Hendrik Frederik Prinsloo (1784–1816) was involved in the Slagter's Nek rebellion in 1815.
Thomas Taylor
(c.1774 - aft.1801)
1799 7 October – The Hunter Captain William Hingston, leaves Port Jackson for Calcutta. She stops at Hauraki to collect spars. Thomas Taylor and 3 other seaman (possibly all 4 were escaped convicts fro...
Manuel Tinio
(1877 - 1924)
Manuel Bundoc Tinio was the youngest General of the Philippine Revolutionary Army and in 1907, elected Governor of the Province of Nueva Ecija. Aside from being an haciendero with significant land hold...
Richard FitzAlan, 1st/6th/8th Earl of Arundel
(1267 - 1302)
On the matter of the various numbering systems for the Earls of Arundel, Wikipedia remarks, “ The Earls of Arundel have been numbered differently depending on whether the claims of the first seven to h...
Georg Friedrich Rautenbach, SV/PROG1
(1734 - 1805)
Gegevens van George Fredrik Rautenbag uit Tremits Datum indiensttreding: 26-05-1757 Datum uit dienst: 24-11-1761 Functie bij indiensttreding: Soldaat Reden uit dienst: Vrijburger Uitgevaren met het sch...
Nancy Lincoln
(1784 - 1818)
[Living Lincoln]
Id just like to point out that Nancy Hanks was Thomas Lincoln's first cousin by marriage. her aunt mary Shipley married mordecia Lincoln and her mothe...
Baldwin VI, count of Flanders and Hainault
(1030 - 1070)
Baldwin VI of Flanders (c. 1030 – 17 July 1070) was briefly Count of Flanders, from 1067 to 1070. He was also (as Baldwin I) count of Hainaut from 1051 to 1070. He was the eldest son of Baldwin V of Fl...
Baldwin II, count of Hainault
(1056 - 1101)
wiki FR possible father of Stéphanie, de Nablus
Baudouin de Hainaut Baldwin became Count after the death of his older brother, Arnulf III, Count of Flanders. The family claim to the title...
Thierry de Mousson, Comte de Montbéliard
(c.1077 - 1163)
from v4.4 Updated 16 September 2020THIERRY de Mousson, son of THIERRY de Mousson & his wife Ermentrude de Bourgogne (Comté) ([1076/78]-[mid-Jan] 1163). "Filia Wilelmi comitis de Burgundia Hermentrudis ...
Hananiah ., 5th Exilarch
(b. - c.-440)
1 Chronicles 3:19.
Abarbanel – undated handwritten manuscript from the collection of the late Rabbi Shmuel Gorr, held by Chaim Freedman.
Reference was made to “Elef Margaliot” 1993, Meir Wunder.
Count Gerard van Wassenberg, IV
(1053 - 1129)
Medlands I van GelreUit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedieGa naar: navigatie, zoekenGerard IV / Ica 1060-1129Graaf van WassenbergPeriode 1085-1129Voorganger Diederik van Wassenberg
Charles VII Sverkersson, King of Sweden
(c.1130 - 1167)
King Charles VII Sverkersson of Sweden== Also known as KARL Sverkersson * Son of King of Sweden Sverker the Elder av Sverige and Queen Ulfhild of Aalborg * Karl Sverkersson, d April 12, 1167 at Visings...
Freddie Mercury
(1946 - 1991)
Freddie Mercury (born Farrokh Bulsara ; 5 September 1946 – 24 November 1991) was a British singer, songwriter, record producer, and lead vocalist of the rock band Queen. Regarded as one of the gr...
William Henry Harrison, Sr., 9th president of the USA
(1773 - 1841)
Share some things about William Henry Harrison, Sr., 9th president of the USA
Wikipedia Biographical Summary: "... William Henry Harrison (February 9, 1773 – April 4, 1841) was the ninth President o...
James Power, 3rd Earl of Tyrone
(c.1667 - 1704)
James Power, Earl ca 1658-1704M Richard Power, Earl ca 1630-1690 married (1654) F Dorothy Annesley ca 1639- M James Power, Earl ca 1658-1704 married (1692) 2 childrenM Andrew Rickards married F ? ? F A...
Adela 'de Wrede' von Hamaland
(c.943 - 1020)
943 is a better birth year estimation than 955.Sie soll den Mord an ihrem Sohn Dietrich1014 veranlasst haben. 1016 liess sie Graf Wichmann von Vreden ermorden ..... ......
Eleanor Neville, Countess of Northumberland
(1397 - 1472)
Eleanor Percy, Countess of Northumberland== Lady Eleanor Neville (c. 1397 – 1472)[1] was the second daughter of Ralph de Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland (died 1425), by his second wife, Joan Beaufort,...
Bracha Halberstam
Her Matzeva
Hans Paulsson Juusten
(c.1560 - bef.1649)
Hans Påvelsson Juusten , skref sig till sin hustrus arfgods, Kyynämäki i Bjärnå (Perniö) socken. Hofjunkare 1587. Befallningsman i Hattula härad 1589—1594. Fick 1594 10/7 förläning af Pärnäspää gods i ...
Roger de Cumbray
(c.1160 - c.1213)
Biography Roger de Combre was given the manor of Nether-Whitley by Ranulf de Blundville, Earl of Chester, about the reign of Richard I (1189-1199). His daughter Alice brought the estate to her marriage...
Baldwin III, count of Hainaut
(1088 - bef.1119)
Baudouin III, comte de Hainaut b. circa 1087, d. 1120 Baudouin III, comte de Hainaut|b. c 1087\nd. 1120|p360.htm#i5354|Baudouin II "de Jerusalem", comte de Hainaut|b. 1061\nd. a 8 Jun 1098|p355.htm#i53...
Michel Popper de Carvalho
de Carvalho (born 21 July 1944) is a British financier, former Olympic skier and luger, and former actor in films (under the name Michel Ray). Born in Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire, his father was a ...
Patrick James Kennedy
(1760 - c.1824)