Alice Trolle-Wachtmeister

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Alice Victoria Trolle-Wactmeister (Tornérhielm) (1926 - 2017)

Birthplace: Gedsholm, Ekeby, Helsingborg, Skåne County, Sweden
Death: June 26, 2017 (91)
Trolle Ljungby Castle, Trolle-Ljungby, Kristianstad, Skåne County, Sweden
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Erik Gunnar Tornérhielm and Ellen Valentiner-Branth
Wife of Hans Gabriel Trolle-Wachtmeister
Sister of Erik Gustaf Viktor Tornérhielm; Nils Erik Tornérhielm and Göran Tornérhielm

Occupation: Överhovmästarinna, rikslottachef, Statsfru
Managed by: Tommy Bengt Erik Thuvesson
Last Updated:

About Alice Trolle-Wachtmeister

Alice Victoria Trolle-Wachtmeister was a Swedish Royal Court of Sweden servant from the 1970s to 2015, including Chief Court Mistress from 1994 to 2015.

Alice Tornérhielm was born on 9 May 1926 in Helsingborg, the daughter of Erik Tornérhielm, a squire from Gedsholm, and the Danish-born Ellen Valentiner-Branth. As a child, Trolle-Wachtmeister was often ill and lived for a long time in a sanatorium with a nurse in her mother's home country, Denmark. When she returned home to Gedsholm outside Helsingborg, she spoke only Danish. During her early school years, she lived in a boarding house in Helsingborg.

Seventeen years old in 1943, she followed her mother's example and joined the Swedish Women's Voluntary Defence Service. After school graduation in 1945, she undertook home education which her father regarded as his daughter's military service. Then followed a nursing course with internship at a children's hospital, a practical social course in Copenhagen 1945–1947, a period in an English family and a time as a hostess. In 1947 she graduated from child care nurse training.

In 1949, Alice Tornérhielm married Count Hans Gabriel Trolle-Wachtmeister (born 9 January 1923), a member of the Trolle-Wachtmeister family, with whom she lived at Trolle-Ljungby Castle in Scania. Trolle-Wachtmeister then engaged in the Swedish Red Cross and in the Church Sewing Association.

She was trained in air defense and staff welfare services in the Swedish Air Force. Trolle-Wachtmeister was vice chief and then chief of the Swedish Women's Voluntary Defence Service in Kristianstad County from 1962 to 1968 and from 1968 to 1974 respectively. She passed a management course at the Swedish National Defence College in 1974 and was chairman of the board of the Swedish Women's Voluntary Defence Service and its chief from 1974 to 1978. Trolle-Wachtmeister was chairman of Sveriges unglottor from 1974 to 1978, when she became a statsfru, a high ranking court official. She served as such until 1994, when she was promoted to the office of the Chief Court Mistress, succeeding Astrid Rudebeck. As such, she was the highest ranking non-royal woman in Sweden.

Trolle-Wachtmeister was chairman of the municipal council from 1964 to 1976 and a member of the Temperance Board (Nykterhetsnämnden) and of the county council's Social Welfare Board (Socialnämnd) from 1970. She was also chairman of the Church Council, member of the Church Board, the Sophiahemmet Foundation (Sophiahemmets stiftelse), the Foundation of the Queen Silvia Jubilee Fund (Stiftelsen Drottning Silvias jubileumsfond), and chairman of the Foundation of Queen Victoria's Nursing Home (Stiftelsen Drottning Victorias vilohem) from 1984.

On 23 February 2012, along with Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, the Speaker of the Parliament Per Westerberg and the Marshal of the Realm Svante Lindqvist, Countess Trolle-Wachtmeister was presented the newborn Princess Estelle, Duchess of Östergötland. According to tradition, the Mistress of the Robes and the other officials are required to witness that the second in the line of succession to the throne is indeed the child of the Crown Princess, rather than a changeling. She then attended the announcement of the Princess's names on 24 February.

About Alice Trolle-Wachtmeister (suomi)

Alice Victoria Trolle-Wachtmeister was a Swedish Royal Court of Sweden servant from the 1970s to 2015, including Chief Court Mistress from 1994 to 2015.

Alice Tornérhielm was born on 9 May 1926 in Helsingborg, the daughter of Erik Tornérhielm, a squire from Gedsholm, and the Danish-born Ellen Valentiner-Branth. As a child, Trolle-Wachtmeister was often ill and lived for a long time in a sanatorium with a nurse in her mother's home country, Denmark. When she returned home to Gedsholm outside Helsingborg, she spoke only Danish. During her early school years, she lived in a boarding house in Helsingborg.

Seventeen years old in 1943, she followed her mother's example and joined the Swedish Women's Voluntary Defence Service. After school graduation in 1945, she undertook home education which her father regarded as his daughter's military service. Then followed a nursing course with internship at a children's hospital, a practical social course in Copenhagen 1945–1947, a period in an English family and a time as a hostess. In 1947 she graduated from child care nurse training.

In 1949, Alice Tornérhielm married Count Hans Gabriel Trolle-Wachtmeister (born 9 January 1923), a member of the Trolle-Wachtmeister family, with whom she lived at Trolle-Ljungby Castle in Scania. Trolle-Wachtmeister then engaged in the Swedish Red Cross and in the Church Sewing Association.

She was trained in air defense and staff welfare services in the Swedish Air Force. Trolle-Wachtmeister was vice chief and then chief of the Swedish Women's Voluntary Defence Service in Kristianstad County from 1962 to 1968 and from 1968 to 1974 respectively. She passed a management course at the Swedish National Defence College in 1974 and was chairman of the board of the Swedish Women's Voluntary Defence Service and its chief from 1974 to 1978. Trolle-Wachtmeister was chairman of Sveriges unglottor from 1974 to 1978, when she became a statsfru, a high ranking court official. She served as such until 1994, when she was promoted to the office of the Chief Court Mistress, succeeding Astrid Rudebeck. As such, she was the highest ranking non-royal woman in Sweden.

Trolle-Wachtmeister was chairman of the municipal council from 1964 to 1976 and a member of the Temperance Board (Nykterhetsnämnden) and of the county council's Social Welfare Board (Socialnämnd) from 1970. She was also chairman of the Church Council, member of the Church Board, the Sophiahemmet Foundation (Sophiahemmets stiftelse), the Foundation of the Queen Silvia Jubilee Fund (Stiftelsen Drottning Silvias jubileumsfond), and chairman of the Foundation of Queen Victoria's Nursing Home (Stiftelsen Drottning Victorias vilohem) from 1984.

On 23 February 2012, along with Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, the Speaker of the Parliament Per Westerberg and the Marshal of the Realm Svante Lindqvist, Countess Trolle-Wachtmeister was presented the newborn Princess Estelle, Duchess of Östergötland. According to tradition, the Mistress of the Robes and the other officials are required to witness that the second in the line of succession to the throne is indeed the child of the Crown Princess, rather than a changeling. She then attended the announcement of the Princess's names on 24 February.

Om Alice Trolle-Wachtmeister (svenska)

Alice Trolle-Wachtmeister

Alice Victoria Trolle-Wachtmeister, född Tornérhielm var en svensk grevinna och statsfru som tjänstgjorde som överhovmästarinna 1994-2015.


Trolle-Wachtmeister var dotter till godsägaren Erik TornérhielmGedsholm och Ellen, född Valentiner-Branth från Danmark. Som barn var Trolle-Wachtmeister ofta sjuk och bodde långa tider på sanatorium med en barnsköterska i sin mors hemland Danmark. När hon kom tillbaka hem till Gedsholm utanför Helsingborg talade hon bara danska.

Under flickskoleåren bodde hon inackorderad i Helsingborg. Sjutton år gammal 1943 följde hon sin mors exempel och blev lotta. Efter normalskoleexamen och andra världskrigets slut vidtog den hushållsutbildning som fadern betraktade som sin dotters värnplikt. Därefter följde sjuksköterskekurs med praktik på barnsjukhus, praktisk socialkurs i Köpenhamn 1945-1947, en period i engelsk familj och en tid som lillvärdinna.

Hon gifte sig 1949 med fideikommissarien till Trolle Ljungby slott och blev slottsfru. Trolle-Wachtmeister engagerade sig därefter i rödakorskretsen och i kyrkliga syföreningen.

Hon genomgick utbildning i luftbevakningstjänst och personalvårdstjänst inom flygvapnet. Trolle-Wachtmeister var vice förbundslottachef i Kristianstads läns lottaförbund 1962-1968 och förbundslottachef där 1968-1974. Hon genomgick chefskurs vid Försvarshögskolan 1974, var ordförande i överstyrelsen i Riksförbundet Sveriges lottakårer och var rikslottachef 1974-1978. Trolle-Wachtmeister var ordförande i Sveriges unglottor 1974-1978 och statsfru i hovstaten från 1978 till 1993 då hon blev överhovmästarinna. Som överhovmästarinna hade hon vid hovet rang närmast efter riksmarskalken.

Trolle-Wachtmeister var ledamot av Kristianstads kommunfullmäktige 1964-1976, ersättare i riksdagen, ledamot av nykterhetsnämnden och av landstingets socialnämnd från 1970. Hon var ledamot av kyrkofullmäktige och kyrkorådet från 1976 samt styrelseledamot i Sophiahemmets stiftelse.

Trolle-Wachtmeister gifte sig 1949 med godsägaren, greve Hans-Gabriel Trolle-Wachtmeister, son till förste hovjägmästaren, greve Carl-Axel Trolle-Wachtmeister och Brita, född Trolle. Hon var bosatt på Trolle Ljungby slott i Skåne.

Ordnar, förtjänsttecken och medaljer

  • Sverige Konung Carl XVI Gustafs jubileumsminnestecken II, 23 augusti 2013.
  • Sverige Konung Carl XVI Gustafs jubileumsminnestecken I, 30 april 1996.
  • Sverige Ledamot av första klassen av Kungliga Vasaorden, 6 juni 1974.
  • Sverige Hans Majestät Konungens medalj av 12:e storleken med kedja, 1990.
  • Sverige Riksförbundet Sveriges lottakårers kungliga förtjänstmedalj i guld.
  • Sverige Sveriges Kvinnliga Bilkårens Riksförbund förtjänstmedalj.
  • Sverige Svenska Blå Stjärnans förtjänstmedalj.
  • Sverige Hemvärnets förtjänstmedalj i guld.
  • Argentina Storkorset av Argentinska San Martín Befriarens orden.
  • Belgien Storkorset av Belgiska Kronorden.
  • Brasilien Storkorset av Brasilianska Södra korsets orden.
  • Danmark Storkorset av Danska Dannebrogsorden.
  • Egypten Första klass av Egyptiska förtjänstorden.
  • Estland Första klassen av Estniska Vita stjärnans orden.
  • Finland Storkorset av Finlands Vita Ros’ orden.
  • Frankrike Storkorset av Franska Nationalförtjänstorden.
  • Grekland Storkorset av Grekiska Fenixorden.
  • Island Storkorset av Isländska falkorden.
  • Italien Storofficer av Italienska republikens förtjänstorden.
  • Japan Storkorset av Japanska Heliga skattens orden.
  • Jordanien Storkorset av Jordanska Självständighets orden.
  • Socialistiska federativa republiken Jugoslavien Första klassen av Jugoslaviska Stjärnorden.
  • Lettland Storoffier av Lettiska Tre Stjärnors orden.
  • Litauen Storkorset av Litauiska Storfurst Gediminas orden.
  • Luxemburg Storkorset av Luxemburgska Adolf av Nassaus civil- och militärförtjänstorden.
  • Mexiko Storkorset av Mexikanska Aztekiska Örnorden.
  • Nederländerna Storkorset av Nederländska Oranienhusorden.
  • Norge Storkors av Norska förtjänstorden (1 juli 1992)
  • Portugal Storkorset av Portugisiska Henrik Sjöfararens orden.
  • Vatikanstaten Storkorset av Påvliga Piusorden.
  • Spanien Storkorset av Spanska Karl III:s orden.
  • Spanien Storkorset av Spanska Isabella den katolskas orden.
  • Storbritannien Storkorset av Storbritanniska Victoriaorden.
  • Tyskland Storkorset av andra klass av Förbundsrepubliken Tysklands förtjänstorden.
  • Ukraina Tredje klass av Ukrainska Jaroslav den Vises orden.
  • Österrike Storkorset av Österrikiska Hederstecknet.




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Alice Trolle-Wachtmeister's Timeline

May 9, 1926
Gedsholm, Ekeby, Helsingborg, Skåne County, Sweden
June 26, 2017
Age 91
Trolle Ljungby Castle, Trolle-Ljungby, Kristianstad, Skåne County, Sweden