Historical records matching Charles VII Sverkersson, King of Sweden
Immediate Family
half brother
half brother
half sister
half sister
About Charles VII Sverkersson, King of Sweden
King Charles VII Sverkersson of Sweden
Also known as KARL Sverkersson
- Son of King of Sweden Sverker the Elder av Sverige and Queen Ulfhild of Aalborg
- Karl Sverkersson, d April 12, 1167 at Visingsö. Parents: King Sverker die of Sweden and Ulfhild Håkonsdtr (Thjottaätten). King of the East Goths from around 58, King of all Sweden from 61.
- Karl Sverkersson , K. VII, Swedish King, was the son of the King Sverker, the murderer of the 1155 (l. 1156), whom he probably immediately succeeded as King of Götaland. After defeating and killing the throne invader in Svealand, the Danish prince Magnus Henriksson (1161), he gained power even over this part of the kingdom and then called himself king of the Swans and Goths. During his reign, Sweden got its own First Archbishop, 1164. S. Å School, the Swedes, according to Russian chronicles, have undertaken a hardening train to Russia, but it is possible that this is from Finland. In 1167, K. was attacked and killed on Visingsö by Knut Eriksson. He was buried in Alvastra Monastery. His seal, Showing the king seated on his throne, is the oldest Swedish royal seal found in preservation. He married 1163 Kristina, a daughter of the Scanian major Stig Hvide and Valdemar I's sister Margareta, and had with her the son Sverker.
Project MedLands Sweden
SVERKER, son of --- (-murdered 24/25 Dec 1156). Sverker's parentage is not known. According to Saxo Grammaticus, he was "of modest origins"[122]. Under King in Östergötland. He was installed as SVERKER I King of Sweden in [1133/34] in succession to Magnus Nielsson of Denmark.
married firstly as her third husband, ULVHILD Haakonsdotter, widow first of INGE II Halstensson King of Sweden and secondly of NIELS King of Denmark, daughter of HAAKON Finsson & his wife --- (-before 1143). Her second marriage is referred to by Saxo Grammaticus who states that "Ulvildam Noricam", wife of "Nicolaus", was secretly abducted by King Sverker but their "connection was accepted as a marriage"[123]. Fagrskinna names “Úlfhildr dróttning, dóttir Hákonar Finnssunar Hárekssunar or Þjóttu” as mother of “Karl konungs”, adding that she had first married “Nikolás Danakonungr”, secondly “Ingi Sviakonungr Hallsteinssunr” and thirdly “Sverkir konungr Kolssunr”[124]. married secondly (after 1143) as her third husband, RYKSA Swantosława of Poland, widow firstly of MAGNUS I "den Stærke/the Strong" King of Denmark and secondly of [VOLODAR], daughter of BOLESŁAW III "Krzywousty/Wrymouth" Prince of Poland & his second wife Salome von Berg-Schelklingen ([1116/17]-after 25 Dec 1155). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Rikissam" as the only daughter of "dux Vergescelaus de Polonia" and his wife Agnes, specifying that "primo fuit regina Suecie", that by her second husband "regi Russie nomine Musuch" she was mother of "Sophiam reginam Dacie et Rikissam", the latter marrying "imperatoris Castelle Alfunso"[125]. This appears to be a confused account which contradicts other sources in many aspects. She was known as RIKISSA in Sweden. Her third marriage is confirmed by Knytlíngasaga which records that [her son] “Knúti konúngi” fled to ”Sörkvir konúngr átti Rikizu, módur Þeirra Knúts konúngs ok Súffiu” after being defeated by King Svend III[126]. The marriage is also confirmed by the Liber Census Daniæ which records that the estate of [her son by King Sverker] “Bulizlaus” was inherited by his sister Sofia Queen of Denmark [Ryksa%E2%80%99s daughter by her second husband][127].
King Sverker I & his first wife ULVHILD Haakonsdotter had four children
- 1. JOHAN Sverkersson (-murdered [1153/54]). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. He appears to have been his father's designated heir but was killed (by peasants?) some years before his father's death[128].
- 2. KARL Sverkersson (-murdered Visingsö 12 Apr [1166], bur Alvastra Abbey). His parentage is stated by Saxo Grammaticus[129]. He succeeded in 1161 as KARL I King of Sweden. married (1163) KRISTIN Stigsdatter [Hvide], daughter of STIG Tokesen "Hvitaleder/White leather" [Hvide] & his wife Margrete Knudsdatter of Denmark. Snorre names (in order) "the Danish king Valdemar…and daughters Margaret, Christina and Catherine" as the children of "Canute Lavard" & his wife, recording that Margrete married "Stig Hvitaled" and that their daughter was "Christina, married to the Swedish king, Karl Sorkvison, and their son was king Sorkver"[130]. Fagrskinna names (in order) “Valdimarr konungr ok Kristin ok Katerin or Margareta” as children of “Knútr lávardr, bródir Eiriks eimuna” and his wife, noting that Margrete married “Stigr hvitaledr”, father of “Nikoláss ok Kristinar er átti Karl konungr Sverkissunr”[131]. Morkinskinna records that “Karl Sørkvisson king of the Swedes” married “Kristín” daughter of “Stígr hvítaledr” and his wife Margret[132].
King Karl & his wife KRISTIN Stigsdatter had one child
- a) SVERKER Karlson(-killed in battle Gestilren 17 Jul 1210, bur Alvastra Abbey). Snorre names "king Sorkver" as son of "the Swedish king, Karl Sorkvison" & his wife[133]. Fagrskinna names “Sverkir konungr, fadir Jóans konungs” as son of “Kristinar er átti Karl konungr Sverkissunr”[134]. He succeeded in 1196 as SVERKER II "den yngre/the younger" King of Sweden. The Saga of King Sverre records the accession of "Sorkvi Karlsson" after the death of "King Knut of Sweden"[135]. “Swerco filius Karoli Regis rex Sweorum” donated property to the monks of Nydala by charter dated to [1196/1210][136]. The Icelandic Annals record the battle in 1208 between "Svercherum Caroli filius" and "Ericum Canuti filium, Suecorum reges"[137]. Deposed 1208. married firstly BENGTE Ebbesdatter Galen, daughter of EBBE Sunesen [Galen] from Knardrup & his wife ---. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. married secondly INGEGÄRD Birgersdotter, daughter of BIRGER Bengtsson "Brosa" Jarl in Sweden & his wife Brigida of Norway (-after 1210). Snorre names (in order) "Ingegerd…married to the Swedish king Sorkver [and] a second daughter…Kristin and a third Margaret" as the daughters of "Earl Birger Brose" & his wife[138].
King Sverker II & his first wife BENGTE Ebbesdatter had two children
- i) KARL Sverkersson (-murdered in the mountains near Trondheim 1198). The Saga of King Sverre records the marriage of "Karlson of King Sorkvi" and "Ingibiorg daughter of King Sverri"[139]. married INGEBORG Sverresdatter, of Norway, daughter of SVERRE King of Norway & his first wife Astrid Rösdatter.
- ii) HELENA Sverkersdotter (-after 1240). A charter dated 1237 refers to the marriage of “S. Fulconis ducis filius” and “E. Suerchonis Regis filia” after her abduction from Vreta convent[140]. married (before 1237) SUNE Folkason Jarl in Sweden, son of FOLKER Birgersson [Folkunge] Jarl in Sweden & his wife (-1247).
King Sverker II & his second wife INGEGÄRD Birgersdotter had two children
- iii) KARL Sverkersson (-1213). The Icelandic Annals record the death in 1213 of "Carolus Svercheri filius"[141]. If King Sverker was his father, Karl must have been from the king´s second marriage, after the death of his older half-brother of the same name.]
- iv) JOHAN Sverkersson (1201-Visingsö 10 Mar 1222, bur Alvastra Abbey). Snorre names "King Jon" as the son of "the Swedish king Sorkver" and his wife Ingegerd[142]. Morkinskinna names “King Jón” as son of “King Sørkvir”[143]. The Saga of King Sverre records the death of "Earl Birgi Brosa" in the same year as Sverre King of Norway [in 1202], commenting that "the Swedes then took Jon son of King Sorkvi…one year old"[144]. Fagrskinna names “Sverkir konungr, fadir Jóans konungs” as son of “Kristinar er átti Karl konungr Sverkissunr”[145]. He succeeded in 1216 as JOHAN I King of Sweden, crowned [1219]. The Icelandic Annals record the succession in 1216 of "Johannes Svercheri filius" who reigned for six years[146]. The Icelandic Annals record the death in 1222 of "Johannes Sverkeri filus rex Suecorum"[147].
- 3. INGEGÄRD (-1172, bur Vreta Abbey). The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. married (1156) KNUD III Magnussen, Joint King of Denmark, son of MAGNUS I "den Stærke/the Strong" King of Denmark & his wife Ryksa [Swantos%C5%82awa] of Poland ([1129]-murdered Roskilde 9 Aug 1157).
- 4. INGEGÄRD (-1204). The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. Prioress at Vretakloster 1164.
King Sverker I & his second wife RYKSA Swantosława of Poland had one child
- 5. BURISLAV (-before 1173). His parentage is indicated by the following document: the Liber Census Daniæ records that the estate of “Bulizlaus”, son of King Sverker, was inherited by his [half-]sister Sofia Queen of Denmark[148]. Contender for the throne [1168/73].
King Sverker had one [illegitimate] son by an unknown mistress
- 6. KOL The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.
Source Project MedLands Sweden - https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SWEDEN.htm#SverkerIIdied1210
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_VII_of_Sweden
- http://genealogics.org/getperson.php?personID=I00274989&tree=LEO
- http://runeberg.org/antiqtid/21/0438.html
- https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Sverkersson
- Article Karl in Nordisk familjebok - http://runeberg.org/nfbm/0500.html
- This was the first Swedish king by the name of Charles (Karl). Charles VII is a posthumous invention, counting backwards from Charles IX (1604–11) who adopted his numeral according to a fictitious history of Sweden. Six others before Charles Sverkersson are unknown to any sources before Johannes Magnus's 16th-century book Historia de omnibus Gothorum Sueonumque regibus, and are considered his invention. The first Swedish monarch of the name to actually use a regnal number was Charles II (later retrospectively renumbered VIII), on his queen's tombstone (1451) at Vadstena. - https://sok.riksarkivet.se/sbl/Mobil/Artikel/12369
- Sawyer, När Sverige blev Sverige, pp. 42–3.
- Gillingstam, "Karl Sverkersson".
- Sawyer, När Sverige blev Sverige, p. 43.
- Sawyer, När Sverige blev Sverige, p. 43.
- Gillingstam, "Karl Sverkersson".
- Sundberg, Medeltidens svenska krig, pp. 43–5.
- Larsson, Götarnas riken, p. 185.
- Larsson, Götarnas riken, p. 85.
- Lindström, p. 267
- Larsson, Mats G., Götarnas riken; Upptäcktsfärder till Sveriges enande. Stockholm: Atlantis, 2002. Lindström, Fredrik; Lindström, Henrik (2006). Svitjods undergång och Sveriges födelse (in Swedish). Albert Bonniers förlag. ISBN 978-91-0-010789-5.
- Sawyer, Peter, När Sverige blev Sverige. Alingsås: Viktoria Bokförlag, 1991.
- Sundberg, Ulf, Medeltidens svenska krig. Stockholm: Hjalmarson & Högberg, 1999.
Charles VII Sverkersson, King of Sweden's Timeline
1130 |
1164 |
Sverige (Sweden)
1166 |
1167 |
April 12, 1167
Age 37
Visingsö, Småland, Sweden
???? |
Sweden - aka Karl S0rkvisson
???? |
Alvastra kloster, Ödeshög, Östergötland, Sweden