Note: There is a potential confusion between Margola Heilperin (Schor) and Margela Mirele Halperin. Because both are married to different Eliezer Halperins. The former is married to Rabbi Eliezer Lippman Heilprin, A.B.D. of Tarnogrod and the latter to Rabbi Eliezer Lipman Ashkenazi-Halperin, A.B.D. Tiktin. I do not know if Margola Heilperin (Schor) is named Margola, and I have no idea why Frankel is added to the name. See: Jacobi: Volume 4, p 94, 14.2, p. 318, 15.1m, Volume 2. p. 4, 12.6, and Unbroken Chain: Volume 3, Chapter 6, p. 52 (G 5 and G 6.6) (25 OCT 2022)
According to Rosenstein & Weber in The Edelman Hoax, Eliezer Heilprin was called "Lazer Ashkenazi" in Yesh Manchilin by Pinchas Katzenellenbogen (1691-1767).
While Rosenstein & Weber state that Yitzchok Eizik of Satanow was the son of Eliezer Heilprin and Margola Shor, other sources list Yitzchok Eizik and his brothers as children of Eliezer's marriage to the daughter of Natan Nata Kahana.
See http://collections.tourolib.org/collect/pioneers/index/assoc/D14.di...
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