Chrétien Maximillien du Bois
(1597 - 1655)
A connection to the du Bois de Fiennes family is refuted below. But an older connection to the du Bois de Fiennes family of Louis du Bois (1535-1602) cannot be excluded. In the 1550-s , commoners could...
Roman I Muşat, Moldavijos kn.
(c.1365 - c.1394)
 Photo by Mike Johnson. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Us_rep_mike_johnson_official_photo.jpg
Mike Johnson, 56th Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives
James Michael Johnson (born January 30, 1972) is an American attorney and politician who has served as the 56th speaker of the United States House of Representatives since October 2023. A member of the...
Nigel d'Oilly, 2nd Lord Hooknorton
(1048 - 1115)
NIGEL de Oilly [III] of Hook Norton, Oxfordshire=Nigel D'OylyFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia D'Oyly was an 11th-12th century nobleman of England and, in 1120, the Lord of Oxford Castle, and brief...
Sir Adam Lord, de Molyneux, Lord of Sefton
(1185 - 1247)
Adam de Molyneux was the son of Sir Richard de Molins, Lord of Sefton, Speke and Little Crosby, and wife Edith. He married Letitia de Brinley. He succeeded to the title of Lord of Sefton at his father'...
Henrik Casparsson Forbus
(1630 - 1681)
Kuollut / Haudattu 13.3.1681
Kylä / Talo
Vainaja Sahl. Borgmest. Hendrich Forbus
Kuolinsyy / Ikä - v. - kk - vko - pv
Ylioppilasmatrikkeli 1640–1852 Henkilötiedot: Yo Uppsala...
Vilho (Vasili) Suonmaa
(1935 - 2004)
Rakennusarkkitehti. Joensuu.Syntyisin: Jehkilä, Suojärvi. Nimenmuutos 10.6.1947: Vasili Surma > Vilho Suonmaa. Syntymä / Birth / Рождение: Vasili Surma syntyi Suojärven Jehkilässä 24.04.1935. Avioliitt...
Olof Olofsson (Hourula), (Hourulan haara)
(c.1540 - c.1602)
Hoffréns haplogroup: I1-M253>DF29>Y11210>A14407Hourulan isäntä ja Pyhäjoen nimismies, osti Pyhäjoen kartanon k. 1600-l alussa.Owner of Hourula, and Chief Constable of Pyhäjoki. Acquired Pyhäjoki manor ...
Chlodowig I, King of the Franks at Cologne
(c.402 - 437)
Berengar ll, of Neustria
(b. - bef.931)
Parentage unknown. Not the same as Berenger, comte de Bayeux (probably). His wife is said to have been the daughter of Gurwent [Gurvand], duc de Bretagne. Proposed as father of Poppa of Bayeux . Bereng...
Domenico Nino Ravasini
(1900 - 1980)
Domenico Nino Ravasini, conosciuto come Nino Ravasini (Como, 10 agosto 1900 – Milano, 12 settembre 1980), è stato un compositore italiano.
Henricus Petri Lyra
(c.1618 - c.1662)
Pieksamäen kappalainen vuodesta 1644, vt. kirkkoherrana vuodesta 1652 alkaen, vakituisena vuodesta 1655 alkaen.
Kapellan i Pieksämäki 1644-56 och kyrkoherde 1656-64
2.1 Henricus Petri Ly...
Hugh de Venables, 10th Baron of Kinderton
(c.1298 - 1368)
Sir Hugh de Venables the younger, of Kinderton, a minor in 4 Edw II (1310/11), heir to his brother William, and died 41 Edw 3 (1367/8)
- George Ormerod's The History of County Palatine and City of Che...
Aubry II, comte de Mâcon
(c.932 - c.982)
- II Count of Macon, & Salins 1 2 3 3* Born: ABT 949 in Macon, Saone-et-Loire, Bourgogne, France* Died: 978 in Salins, Seine-et-Marne, Ile-de-France, France 1* Died: ABT 980 3* Father: Letalde (Lietaud...
Sir William Griffith, Chamberlain of North Wales
(c.1445 - 1506)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 19; 2020; Anne Brannen, curator)The line of William Griffiths can be very confusing. Please see the Dictionary of Welsh Biography, Gwilym Fychan ap Gwilym (August 25, 2016;...
Sir William Gascoigne, XIII, of Gawthorpe
(1430 - c.1463)
brief biography and family Lord of Gawthorpe (apparently the abandoned Gawthorpe Hall near Harewood House )
(membership required in order to view without interruption)
content to clean ...
Hugh Grosvenor, 1st Duke of Westminster
(1825 - 1899)
Hugh Grosvenor, 1st Duke of Westminster The English Wikipedia
" Hugh Grosvenor, 1st Duke of Westminster ", Westminster Abbey
Tanel Padar
Tanel Padar (sündinud 27. oktoobril 1980 Uhtnas) on eesti laulja ja laulukirjutaja.
Tanel Padar (born 27 October 1980) is an Estonian singer and songwriter. He is best known internationally for winni...
Rhigeneu ap Rhain, Brenin Brycheiniog
(c.490 - c.540)
See Peter Bartum, (February 8, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott : The Royal Family of Gwynedd - Meirion Meirionydd, "Grandson" of Cunedda; . (Steven Ferry, November 22, 2019.)
Malcolm Fleming
(c.1231 - 1267)
Albrecht II, Markgraf von Brandenburg
(1174 - 1220)
Albrecht von Brandenburg, Markgraf von Brandenburg====Links:==* Project MedLands * The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia * Francia Orientalis, Germany
Rabbi Yoel ben Shmuel Sirkis, "The Bach"
(1561 - 1640)
Rabbi Joel ben Samuel Sirkis (Hebrew: רבי יואל בן שמואל סירקיש; born 1561 - March 4, 1640) also known as the Bach (an abbreviation of his magnum opus BA yit CH adash), was a prominent Jewish posek and ...
Edward “Ned” Kelly, {Bushranger}
(1854 - 1880)
A brief history of Ned Kelly and the Kelly GangEdward 'Ned' Kelly was the first-born son of an Irish Catholic couple. His father was an ex-convict and mother a migrant. He was born in June 1855 and was...
Adélaïde-Wera de Bourgogne, Chalon et Troyes
(c.915 - bef.967)
Adelais (de Chalon, de Vergy, d'Autun, de Bourgogne) was the daughter of Giselbert Duke of Burgundy (Duc des Bourguignons, Comte de Chalon-sur-Saône et de Troyes) and Ermengarde de Dijon (de Bourgogne)...
Margarethe Sambiria av Pommern, Herzogin von Pommerellen-Ljubesow, Dronning af Danmark
(c.1230 - 1282)
Margaret Sambiria von Pommerellen , Queen of Denmark
She was born around 1230 to duke Sambor II of the ruling Samborides family of Slavic (Wendish) Cassubians and his wife Mechtild of Me...
Ezra Vishnia
 National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian
Sequoyah 'George Guess' Gist
(1770 - 1843)
Section 1
Sequoyah is a Cherokee man
“Despite the tremendous pressure at the time to adopt western writing and/or alphabetic orthographies for writing native languages, Sequoyah single-highhandedly...
Blessed Humbert III, count of Savoy
(1136 - 1189)
- (ENG draft, IT & FR better)
- III (1136, Avigliana, Piedmont – 4 March 1189, Chambéry, Savoy), surnamed the Blessed, was Count of Savoy from 1148 to 1188. His parents were Amadeus III of Savoy ...
Beatrice (Mabilia) fitzWilliam
(1114 - 1162)
From FitzWilliam, daughter & heiress of WILLIAM FitzRichard FitzTurold Lord of Cardinham, Cornwall & his wife ---. The Gesta Stephani Regis records that "Willelmus filius Ricardi…[in] comitatus Cornubi...
Ranald MacDonald, 1st Chief of Clan MacDonald
(c.1337 - c.1386)
RANALD MACDONALD (aka REGINALD OF THE ISLES) Clanranald: 1-2 Macdonald 367-68
Genealogical Accounts
The Macdonalds of Clanranald by Alexander Mackenzie, FSA. Scot (A. & W. Mackenzie, Inverness, MD...
Fiacha Labhrainne mac Simorgoill
(c.-1482 - -1448)
Fiacha Labhrainn was the 18th Monarch; reigned 24 years; slew Eochaidh Faobharglas , of the line of Heber, at the battle of Carman. During his reign all the inhabitants of Scotland were brought in subj...
Duncan Carlton
(c.1824 - 1882)
Duncan Carlton was a boy convict transported to Hobart on the "Egyptian.He arrived on the19/9/1839.He sailed for Port Phillip Victoria as a free man onboard the "Julia",departing Hobart on the 25/9/184...
Agnes Bent
(1570 - 1639)
She died about June 1639 on ship "Jonathan" to America (Bent Family in America, Bent, 1900, pp. 11-13)She followed her son to America and died in May or June 1639, on board the ship 'Jonathan' just out...
Tighearnmhas Masius, High King of Ireland {Legendary}
(c.-1640 - -1543)
Tigernmas was the 13th Monarch, and reigned 77 years; according to Keating, he reigned but 50 years; he fought twenty-seven battles with the followers of the family of Heber Fionn, all which he gained....
(bef.860 - 898)
2. EBERHARD [III] (-after 898) .. m ADELINDA , daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified.
Eberhard [IV] & his wife had one child:
a) HUGO [V...
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, Head, Cracow Yeshiva
(1596 - 1663)
הרב הגאון רשכבה"ג מו"ה יהושע העשיל זצ״ל אבדק קראקא הנודע בשם קדשו רבי ר׳ העשיל Hebrew Books* Abraham Joshua Heschel Biography . Click on and Read Document: Abraham Joshua Heschel of Cracow (Chanikas Ha...
William Hunt of Concord
(1604 - 1667)
Biography From
William HUNT left Yorkshire, ENG in 1635 with Peter Bulkley among others and was one of the founders of the town of Concord, MA
June 2, 1641 he was made freeman. He moved to Marl...
Eeva-Riitta Siitonen
Eva-Riitta Siitonen (o.s. Hautamäki, s. 31. toukokuuta 1940 Helsinki) on suomalainen kokoomusta edustava poliitikko. Hän toimi kansanedustajana 1983–1989, Uudenmaan läänin maaherrana 1990–1996, Helsing...
Sarah George
(1666 - 1734)
Evidence needed to support parents of Thomas Elmore, Sr., of New Kent County & Rebecca Elmore
Sarah's parents are unknown. She first married Thomas Elliot and second to Robert George.
Friedrich I Buren, Pfalzgraf of Swabia von Diessen, Graf von Andechs
(970 - c.1027)
From Charles Cawley, Medieval Lands Database von DIESSENThe mention in the De Fundatoribus Monasterii Diessenses of the construction by "Razzo comes" in 954 of "cœnobium in honore Salvatoris omnium Wer...
Elsbeth verch William
(1429 - 1478)
See Peter Bartrum, Stradling 2 (May 5, 2024; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 1, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
Elizabeth verch William
F, b. circa 1427
Elizabeth was born circa 1...
Richard Lee, II
(1440 - 1498)
Richard Lee, b. 1440, Delce Magna, Maidstone, Kent, England569, 569, 569, d. 26 Sep 1498, Great Delce Manor, Maidstone Rochester, Kent, England569, 569, 569.
...his son Richard Lee seems to have had t...
María Antonia de Saldivar y Salinas
(1662 - 1743)
Birth: 1662 Death: June 10 1743 - Sagrario Metropolitano, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon Parents: Agustin Saldivar Y Reza Farias, Ana De Saldivar Y Reza Sosa (born Salinas)
Walter of Gloucester
(1065 - 1129)
Not the father of Agnes FitzWalter
Walter was Sheriff of Gloucester in 1095.
Biography Wikipedia contributors, "Walter of Gloucester," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 28 Feb. 2024 (accessed Apr...
Eleanor Giffard
(c.1275 - c.1324)
Eleanore Giffard1
b. 1275, d. before 23 January 1323/24
Father John, Lord Giffard of Brimsfield2,1 b. 19 January 1241, d. 29 May 1299
Mother Maud de Clifford2 b. circa 1234, d. after December 1...
Stephan II Kotromanić, the Great Ban of Bosnia
(1292 - 1353)
Stjepan II Kotromanić was one of the most important bans in Bosnian history. During his reign, Bosnia experienced, until then, the greatest territorial expansion. With smart rule and good dipl...
Noam .
Jubilees 4:13. Was married to her brother, Enosh.
Brig. Gen. Edmund Winston Pettus, CSA
(1821 - 1907)
Edmund Winston Pettus was an American lawyer, soldier, and legislator. He served as a Confederate general during the American Civil War, during which he was captured three times, as well as a U.S. Sena...
Laila Kinnunen
(1939 - 2000)
Helsingin maalaiskunnassa syntynyt laulaja.
Armando Fugazza (1960–1964)
Ville-Veikko Salminen (1967–1970)
Milan Mišić (1971–1972)
She was one of the most popular Finnish singers of the 1950s ...
 Grandes Chroniques de France
Marie de Brabant, reine de France
(1254 - 1322)
de Brabant1F, b. 1256, d. 12 January 1321 Marie de Brabant was born in 1256 at Louvain, Belgium.She was the daughter of Henri III de Brabant, Duc de Brabant and Alix de Bourgogne. She married Philippe ...
Rohesia FitzGilbert de Clare
(c.1090 - 1166)
de Clare==* Husband Baderon Fitz William* Noble family House de Clare* Father Gilbert de Clare* Mother Adeliza de Breteuil* Born 1090* Clare, Suffolk, Kingdom of England* Died 1166* Clare, Suffolk, Kin...
Mae Murray
(1885 - 1965)
Murray (May 10, 1885 – March 23, 1965) was an American actress, dancer, film producer, and screenwriter. Murray rose to fame during the silent film era and was known as "The Girl with the Bee-Stung Lip...
Achiulf of the Greuthungi
(c.270 - c.340)
This information is according to the Wikipedia page on Ukrainian Rulers:
The Amali dynasty, Amals, Amaler, or Amalings of the Greuthungi ("steppe dwellers" or "people of the pebbly coa...
John Gilbert Kennedy, II
(1740 - 1803)
Roman the Great, Prince of Novgorod, Rex Rusiae
(1153 - 1205)
: English , Polski , Русский Roman Mstislavich (Russian and Ukrainian: Роман Мстиславич ), also Roman Mstyslavych or Roman the Great , born sometime after 1160, died at Zawichost, October 14, 1205
Lady Margaret de Crawford
(1187 - 1225)
m. Archibald Douglas, son of William
Dyfnwal Hen ap Cynwyd, Brenin Alt Clut
(c.450 - 530)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 22, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 6, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Royal Family of Gwynedd - Elidyr Mwynfawr Co...
Anne Hampden
(aft.1405 - 1487)
Anna Whalesborough1,2,3,4 * F, #26797, b. circa 1405, d. 1 March 1487*Father John Whalesborough, Esq., Justice of the Peace for Cornwall2,3,4 b. c 1369, d. 10 Jan 1418*Mother Jane Raleigh2,4 b. c 1372,...
Manuel Angelos
(1040 - c.1085)
The Angelos family==One Manolis Angelos from Philadelphia , had issue:*A1. Konstantinos Angelos, admiral of Sicily, *ca 1085, +after VII.1166; m.ca 1120 Theodora Komnene (*5.1.1096/97)** ...*A2. Nikola...
Lendmann Alv Erlingsson til Tandberg
(c.1190 - 1240)
Alv Erlingsson of Tornberg (b. About 1190 el 1180 - approx. 1240 or 1278) ==Was a powerful resident of Ringerike. ==Spouse==* Married: Ingeborg Bårdsdatter of Rein, sister to Duke Skule. Alv's seat was...
Edward Garrett, II
(1733 - 1794)
Edward Garrett
BIRTH 31 Aug 1733 Virginia, USA
DEATH 24 Aug 1794 (aged 60) Laurens County, South Carolina, USA
BURIAL Warrior Creek Baptist Church Cemetery, Gray Court, Laurens County, South Car...
Euphrosyne Kastamonitissa
(c.1125 - c.1195)
Theodore Kastamonites was Euphrosyne's brother and NOT her husband. ref: Theodore was the brother of Euphrosyne. Euphrosyne was the wife of Andronikos Doukas Angelos (and Alexios III Angelos), and moth...
Jean I, duc de Bourbon
(1381 - 1434)
John of Bourbon (1381–1434) was Duke of Bourbon, from 1410 to his death and Duke of Auvergne since 1416. He was the eldest son of Louis II and Anne of Auvergne.[1] Through his mother, John inherited th...
James Garland
(1813 - 1904)
Cecil Charles Hendricks
(1883 - 1963)
Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Sep 29 2018, 13:59:40 UTC
Caradoc de la Boussac
(b. - 1070)
' Name: Caradoc de la Boussac ' • Birth: 1035 in Boussac near Dol, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France • Death: 1070 (35) Ile de Vilaine, Bretagne, (Britney), France • Origin: Breton Descent • Occupation...
Offa the gentle, King of the Angles
(335 - 406)
Offa of Angel , also Uffo or Uffe, was the (possibly mythical) 4th-great-grandfather of Creoda of Mercia, and was reputed to be a great-grandson of Odin. Whether historical or mythical, Offa was the so...
 Signature taken from one of his letters: http://pares.mcu.es/ParesBusquedas20/catalogo/show/420897 (p. 1)
Alonso de Abella Fuertes
(1657 - c.1714)
Biography Order of Alcántara * Baptismal certificate
Joan of Navarre, Queen of England
(1370 - 1437)
Joanna of NavarreFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJoanna of Navarre (c. 1370 Pamplona – 10 June 1437 Havering-atte-Bower) was a daughter of Charles the Bad, King of Navarre and Joan of France. Her ...
Odin, {Norse God}
Odin === Mythological version - Odin as a god == by Micha F. Lindemans The chief divinity of the Norse pantheon, the foremost of the Aesir. Odin is a son of Bor and Bestla. He is called Alfadir, Allfat...
Agnes Haakonsdatter
(c.1292 - 1319)
. Store norske leksikon
..Jon var eldste sønn av Havtore Jonsson til Sørum (Sudrheim) på Romerike og kong Håkon 5 Magnussons uekte datter Agnes. ...
Agnes was the daughter of Haakon, but nev...
Gerberge (Geva) de Senlis
(b. - 989)
For the moment (apr 07 2023) even the existence of Geva de Senlis is quite hypothetical according to the Dutch Wikipedia and scholars.
(c.807 - 865)
BEGO (-28 Oct 816) [m firstly ---. There is no proof of this possible first marriage of Bego. However, as noted below, if his wife Alpais was the daughter of Emperor Louis, there would have been a cons...
Sir William Gordon of Schivas & of Gight
(c.1466 - 1513)
from the third son, Sir William, ancestor of the Gordons of Gight, the mother of Lord Byron was descended.
William Gordon died on 9 September 1513 at Flodden Field, Northumberland, England, killed in ...
Iago ap Beli
(c.540 - d.)
This Beli was never King of Gwynedd. The King of Gwynedd named Beli was Beli ap Rhun, in the line of interim kings of Gwynedd. (Steve Ferry, October 19, 2022.)
Please see Peter Bartrum, (April 30, 201...
Maria de Montgomery de Carew
(c.1110 - 1150)
Sigurd "Fafnirsbane", {Ragnars Saga}
Dette er ikke Sigurd Fåvnesbane som levde på 400-tallet.
"Forkorting av slektsrekker forekommer når man etter et antall generasjoner vil indikere opprinnelig opphav til en person uten å nevne hele sle...
William Cole, of Hutenesleigh
(c.1227 - c.1273)
The peerage of Ireland: or, A genealogical history of the present ..., Volume 6 By John Lodge, Mervyn Archdall Pg.38
Juana Manuel de Villena
(1339 - 1381)
Wiki - Juana Manuel Juana Manuel de Castilla (¿?, 1339 - Salamanca, 1381). Infanta de Castilla. Era hija de la unión del todopoderoso infante Juan Manuel de Castilla y de Blanca Núñez de Lara, pertenec...
Seisyll ap Clydog
(c.700 - 740)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 5, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Llewelyn ap Hoedliw" -- -- for the untangling of these lines. (April 25, 2016; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Dar...
Immanuel Kant
(1724 - 1804)
Immanuel Kant (22 April 1724 – 12 February 1804) was a German philosopher who is a central figure in modern philosophy. Kant argues that the human mind creates the structure of human experience, that r...
Marie de Châtillon sur Marne
(c.1345 - bef.1415)
'Marie de Chatillon1,2,3 * 'F, d. between 7 May 1412 and 25 October 1415*Father Sir Gaucher de Chatillon, Seigneur de Rozoy & Clancey, Vidame de Laonnois1,2 d. bt 23 Aug 1350 - 11 Dec 1355*Mother Marie...
3th President of Ukraine Viktor Andriyovych Yushchenko
WikipediaViktor Andriyovych Yushchenko (Ukrainian: Віктор Андрійович Ющенко, IPA: [%CB%88%CE%B2iktor ɐnˈdrʲijoβet͡ʃ ˈjuʃt͡ʃenko] ( listen); born February 23, 1954) is a Ukrainian politician who was th...
Sir John le Blount, Kt.
(1298 - 1358)
Disproved wifeJohn le Blount was not the husband of Lady Eleanor Beauchamp Slektsforum -> Slektsfaglige diskusjoner -> Nyhetsgrupper (arkiv) -> Fora der du MÅ skrive engelsk -> soc.genealogy.medieval -...
Reginald Muir of Polkelly
(c.1149 - c.1199)
Mathilde de Boulogne
(c.500 - 580)
Sir Walter Blount
(c.1270 - 1316)
Sir Walter le Blount was the son of William Blount and Isabel le Beauchamp.2 He married Joan Sodington, daughter of Ralph Sodington.1 He died in 1315.2 Sir Walter le Blount lived at Rock, Worcestershir...
Leofric III, earl of Mercia
(c.968 - bef.1057)
Leofric (b 968, d 31 Aug or 30 Sep 1057) Earl of MerciaParents: Leofwine & his wife Spouse: "Lady Godiva" Godgifu Child: Ælfgar of MerciaLINKS LANDSLEOFRIC, son of LEOFWINE Ealdorman of the Hwicce in M...
Judith of Babenberg
(aft.1115 - bef.1168)
Judith (or Jutta, sometimes called Julitta or Ita in Latin sources; c. 1115/1120 – after 1168), a member of the House of Babenberg, was Marchioness of Montferrat from 1135 until her death, by her m...
Avraham Yeshayahu Karelitz, the "Chazon Ish"
(1878 - 1953)
Order the great book from artscroll about the Chazon ish.
Click here to order>>>>
Wikipedia: Avrohom Yeshaya Karelitz & אברהם_ישעיהו_קרליץ . ______________________________________________________
Ruby Keeler
(1909 - 1993)
, Dancer. Ruby Keeler, who appeared in some of Hollywood's best known golden age musicals, was born Ethel Hilda Keeler on August 25, 1909 (sometimes shown as 1910). Her family moved to New York where s...
Elisabeth Rehn
Helsingfors, Finland
Har varit försvarsminister och presidentkandidat i Finlandwas the first woman to become Minister of Defence in Finland. In 1994 she was a candidate in the presidential election.
Alesta nic Morggán, of Mar
(c.1130 - 1182)
2nd wife. Daughter of Morgand, Earl of Mar. 2nd wife. Daughter of Morgand, Earl of Mar.
Claude George Bowes-Lyon, 13th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
(1824 - 1904)
Formerly Lyon-Bowes13th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne 13th Earl of Strathmore & Kinghorne Glamis, Scotland
 Licensed by Sailko under CCA-SA 3.0
Eremburge de Mortain
(1060 - c.1087)
5. EREMBURGE de Mortain (-[1087]). Malaterra records the death of "Eremburga filia Gulielmi comitis Mortonensis" wife of "comes Rogerius", dating the event to 1089[1047]. m ([1077]%29 as his second ...
Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld
(1832 - 1901)
N Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld, Svenskt biografiskt lexikon (art av Esko Häkli), hämtad 2018-02-07* Wikipedia Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld* Adelsvapen Nordenskiöld nr 394* Bygdeband.se Västerljungs socken / förs...
Ehrenfried (Ezzo) II. Count Palatine in the Zülpichgau, Keldachgau & Bonngau
(c.910 - 963)
the English Wikipedia page for Erenfried II: II (died c. 970), son of Eberhard I, Count of Bonngau and Zulpichgau.Count in Keldachgau Count in Zülpichgau (942), in Bonngau (945), in Hattuariergau (947)...
Herman I, Count Palatine of Lotharingia
(c.935 - 996)
Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHerman I (died 996), called Pusillus or the Slender, was the Count Palatine of Lotharingia and of several counties along the Rhine, including Bonngau, Eifelgau, Mieblgau...
Guigues V Dauphin, comte d'Albon et de Grenoble
(c.1125 - 1162)
Guigues V (c. 1125 – 29 July 1162) was the Count of Albon and Grenoble from 1142 until his death. He was the first to take the title Dauphin du Viennois.
Guigues V was the son of Guigues IV, Count...
Rhydderch ap Cadifor
(c.1175 - d.)
See Peter Bartrum, (September 27, 2020; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Llewelyn ap Hoedliw" -- -- for the untangling of these lines. (April 25, 2016; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see D...