Historical records matching Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld
Immediate Family
6th cousin once removed
About Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld
- N Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld, Svenskt biografiskt lexikon (art av Esko Häkli), hämtad 2018-02-07
- Wikipedia Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld
- Adelsvapen Nordenskiöld nr 394
- Bygdeband.se Västerljungs socken / församling Friherre Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld (1832-1901)
- gravar.se Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld
- Kyrkogård:Västerljungs kyrkogård Område:Del 1 Gravnummer:VL 1 41-42
- Folkräkningar (Sveriges befolkning) 1880
- Personer i hushållet
- Nordenskiöld, Nils Adolf Erik, f. 1832 i Helsingfors, Finland, Professor
- Mainerheim, Anna, f. 1840 i Viborg, Finland
- Gustaf Erik Adolf, f. 1868 i Stockholm
- Nils Erland Herbert, f. 1877 i Södertälje Stockholms län
- Eva Maria, f. 1864 i Åbo, Finland
- Anna Sofia, f. 1871 i Stockholm
- Personer i hushållet
- Svenskt Porträttarkiv Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld
Adolf Erik is Sweden's most known polar explorer. He was a Finland-Swedish baron, explorer, geologist, mineralogist and polar explorers. He also became in 1893 a member of the Swedish Academy on chair No.12. He ruled the five expeditions to Svalbard (1858, 1861, 1864, 1868, 1872/73) and an expedition to the West Greenland (1870). Later he went to the Arctic Kara Sea and the River Yenisei (1875, 1876). Best known he has been for the journey by ship "Vega" from 1878 to 1880 when he found the Northeast Passage. When he did not engage the explorers and the writing of travel descriptions, deeper he, inter alia, in mineralogy and the history of cartography. In 1889 he published Facsimile Atlas to kartografiens oldest history and in 1897 Periplus, draft nautical charts and sjöböckernas oldest history. His collection at the University Library in Helsinki, 1997 was classified as a världsminne.1
Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld was born November 18, 1832 in Helsinki, Finland and was the son of Nils Gustaf Nordenskiöld and Margaretha Sophia Haartman. In 1863 he married Baroness Anna Maria Mannerheim and thus became married uncle of Marshal Mannerheim.
Adolf Erik studied and took his doctorate at the University of Helsinki, where he received his doctorate in 1857. Nordenskiöld was both a liberal and a Finnish nationalist who hoped that Finland could do freely from Russia, which was hardly popular with the Russian rulers. His career in Finland came to an abrupt end after Adolf Erik kept a guest speaker who angered the Russian authorities. Instead, he received seek his fortune in Sweden, where he in 1858 became professor at the Natural History Museum's mineralogy department. It was in this capacity and state-Swedish directing, he embarked on his first Arctic expeditions to explore Spitsbergen, together with Professor Otto Torell. After some time ceased state aid to Adolf Erik's adventure, but he then found a private patron named Oscar Dickson. With merchant Dickson's financial assistance continued Nordenskiöldsgatan making several expeditions to the Arctic region.
Adolf Erik bar long on plans to explore the possibility to travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific by sailing north of Siberia, known as the Northeast Passage. First, in 1878, there were opportunities to make a reality of these plans, when King Oscar II, together with Dickson stood as a financier. At his disposal, Adolf Erik a converted whaling ship called Vega and ruled by Lieutenant Louis Palander. The vessel headed out from the North coast of Norway July 25, 1878 and passed Cape Chelyuskin August 19, but 28 August froze it solid and well Adolf Erik as his ship was seated for ten months in the pack ice. The time taken for the research, mainly ethnological such. They studied tjukterna, an isolated nation that we came in contact with. In the end consummate adventure nonetheless well, when the ship came loose and could sail the final 100 nautical miles to the Bering Strait and complete their journey to the Pacific Ocean with all travelers intact. The fame of the feat to have found the Northeast Passage spread around the world and the journey home was a triumphant tour around Asia and the Mediterranean Sea with the end station in Stockholm, April 24 1880. All of Stockholm was in festyra when Vega arrived. On the king's orders would Adolf Erik did not go ashore on Swedish soil until the castle. There stood the expedition members' initials write in letters of fire. The contented financier and King Oscar II, Adolf Erik elevated to the Baron and knighted Palander for feats. A written account of the expedition's fate, adventure and findings were subsequently issued in five bands. The purpose of forcing the Northeast Passage was open it as a trade route - this was before the Trans-Siberian railway was. But this dream was never fulfilled, then the Vega journey showed that it was impossible. A monument Vega journey, paid for by a collection for the 50th anniversary, stands at the Natural History Museum in Stockholm.
Adolf Erik continued to explore the Arctic. In 1883 he made another expedition, this time to the Greenland inland, where Adolf Erik hoped to find ice-free land afterlife ice sheet. However, as there was no such, so the trip was not the success he had hoped for. Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld died August 12, 1901 at Dalbyö in Vasterljung, Trosa, where he is buried in West Ljung cemetery.
Finnish-born explorer and scientist who was in exile in Sweden from 1857. Nordenskiöldsgatan drew his most famous expedition in 1878-1880. He navigated the 'North-east passage' on the Vega from Northern Norway to the Bering Strait and described his journey in Several books. They were translated During The Following years into 11 languages. Nordenskiöld's literary oeuvre includes some 200 publications, from books to articles. The collection of his maps and geographical works ice Considered by UNESCO one of the World's Most Important collections of documents.
"Nordenskiöld's voyage around the northern continents of the Old World HAS BEEN likened the ITS Importance to James Cook's circumnavigation of Antarctica. Considered the leading expert on Arctic regions after his navigation of the North-east Passage, Nordenskiöld Encouraged other explorers; These included Fritjof Nansen , Whom he hoped would carry through the attempt to cross the Greenland icecap Which he himself had been forced to abandon. ... Nordenskiöldsgatan was The Most Important of his era's polar heroes, who were called Scandinavia's new Vikings ... "(Cecilia af Forselles-Riska the 100 Faces from Finland, 2000)
Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld was born in Helsinki into a well-to-do civil servant family. His father, Nils Gustaf Nordenskiöld (1792-1865), was a notable scholar and superintendent of mining. Sofia Margareta von Haartman, his mother, was the daughter of the doctor and economist Gabriel Erik von Haartman. Nordenskiöld was educated with a private tutor. At the age of 13 he moved to Porvoo, where he studied at the grammar school headed by the national poet JL Runeberg. With his father Nordenskiöldsgatan Explored parts of the Urals. He studied chemistry and geology at the University of Helsinki, receiving his MA In 1853, Ph.D. Two Years Later, and Continued his studies in Berlin.
After making the 1857 a strong patriotic speech, Which upset the Russian Authorities and Governor-General von Berg, Nordenskiöldsgatan refused to apologize and was banished from Finland. In 1858 he participated on Otto Torell's expedition to the fjords on the west coast of Spitzbergen - it was Nordenskiöld's first Arctic journey, and soon he had Established a central place in Stockholm's scientific community. At the age of 26 he Became the superintendent of the Mineralogical Department of the Swedish Royal Museum. Nordenskiöld held the office untul his death. Under his direction the mineralogical and geological collection covering northern region Grew rapidly and he finns put together a collection of meteorites. When The Governor-General changed in Finland, Nordenskiöld was Able to visit his homeland. In 1863 he married at the Mannerheim's family estate at Louhisaari Anna Maria Mannerheim; They had four children.
"But I Shall Go On. It is my plain duty." (Homer's legendary traveler Odysseus)
In the 1860s Nordenskiöldsgatan drew Further Expeditionary -1861, 1864, 1868, During Which he Became convinced That it is not possible to reach the Pole by ship. His expeditions were supported by the governor of Gothenburg and Bohus, Count Albert Ehrensvard, the Russian merchant Aleksandr Sibiriakov, and Sweden's King Oscar II. Dickson, a wealthy merchant, sponsored his journey to Greenland in 1870. He penetrated the island farther than ever been done before. In 1872 he tried unsuccessfully reach the North Pole. He had Chosen reindeers as Draught animals And they escaped at Mossel Bay camp in Spitzbergen. One of the explorers died next year in a snowstorm. Nordenskiöldsgatan overpriced traveled to Greenland in 1883 and Explored the countryside from the West Coast.
Nordenskiöldsgatan served two years in the English Lower House before his fifth expedition. During this period he Became interested in the great northward-flowing rivers of Siberia. In 1875 and 1876 he suffered expedition across the Kara Sea and to the Yenisei River, and found a passage from Norway to the Yenisei, Which HAS BEEN IN USE eversince. Nordenskiöld's most famous journey through the Northeast Passage was made between the years 1878 and 1879. Nordenskiöld started his journey from Karlskrona on June 22, 1878, abroad the steamship Vega. Nordenskiöld believed That When small boats had failed to find the passage, a powerful steamship might succeed. Vega, built in Bremerhaven in 1872-73, was a 43 meters long whaling ship and had a 60 horse-power steam engine. The crew consisted of 21 men, plus Numerous scientists and officers. The Vega's commander was the Swedish naval lieutenant Louis Palander.
"Huhu kummallisten muukalaisten tulosta näkyy äkkiä levinneen. Meitä käytiin nimittäin etäämmältäkin katsomassa, yes Vega muuttui pian levähdyspaikaksi, johon Jokainen ohimenevä muutamaksi tunniksi koirinensa pysähtyi, uteliaisuuttaan tyydyttämään, Tahi hyvästä puheesta Eli muusta tuntuvammasta tavarasta saamaan lämpöistä ruokaa, vähän tupakkaa yes joskus pahalla säällä ryypynkin , iota tshuktshit nimittävät ram'iksi. Tämä sana e johdy ruotsalais-norjalaisesta dram sanasta, vaan englantilaisesta sanasta room. "(from Vegan matka Asian yeah Europe ympäri, trans. into Finnish in 1881)
Accompanied with three other ships, he sailed on the Vega to the Bering Strait, where spent in ice The Ten month winter, And Then Continued to Japan. With a strong vessel Nordenskiöld had demonstrated That One Could navigate the North-east passage, but the Wider Scale shipping didnt Began Until The mid 20th century. Nordenskiöldsgatan Returned to Europe by the Suez Canal. He Reached Yokohama on September 2, 1879, as a celebrated hero. It was 325 years since Willoughby and Chancellor had first attempted the crossing and 230 years since Dezhnyon had demontrated That The Journey was feasible. In 1880 Nordenskiöld was created a baron, and in 1893 he was appointed a member of the Swedish Academy. Although commercially The Journey didnt open-expected traffic through the Bering Strait, the adventure attracted the peoples imagination - it was the Time, When Jules Verne published his Voyages extraordinaires and Stanley had found Livingstone from the jungles of Africa.
With expert from Different Fields of Science Nordenskiöld published his results in the bestsellers NORTH EAST-PASSAGE (1897) and VEGAS TRIP AROUND EUROPE AND ASIA (1881). The remaining years of his life he spent in the study of early cartography. Nordenskiöld was appointed in 1893 director of the Swedish Academy. He died in Dalby, Södermanland, on August 12, 1901. His Map Collection - 24,000 historical maps from the 15th century onwards - was sold to the Imperial Alexander University of Helsinki. Nordenskiöld's expedition inspired many arctic researchers, Among them the Norwegian explorer Fridtjof Nansen, Russian Stepan Makarov and American Robert Peary. When Vega sailed to Stockholm in 1880, Nordenskiold The Hero of the fifteen-year old Sven Hedin, who later gained fame as an explorer of Asia. "The only true voyage of discovery is not to go to new places, but definatley other eyes." (Marcel Proust in Remembrance of Things Past, 1913-1927)
For Further Reading: The Arctic Voyages of Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld, 1858-1879 by A. Leslie (1879); Nordenskiöld. Notice sur vie et ses voyages by Ch. Flauhault (1880); Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld by Sven Hedin (1926); Nordenskiöld, merenkulkija by Henry Ramsay (1950); Noth-East Passage. Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld, his life and times by George Kish (1973); A. E. Nordenskiöldsgatan - A Scientist and his Library by Esko Häkli (1980); Matka-arkku, ed. by Markku Löytönen (1989); Faces 100 from Finland, ed. by Ulpu Marjomaa (2000) - Note: Nordenskiold's nephew Otto Nordenskiöld, Professor of Geography at Gothenburg University from 1905 Explored in the 1890s Patagonia. He traveled through the Klondike and Alaska and overpriced Explored The South Polar region and Greenland.
Ylioppilasmatrikkeli 1640–1852 - Henkilötiedot
10.12.1849 Nils Adolf Erik (A. E.) Nordenskiöld 16775. * Helsingissä 18.11.1832. Vht: vuori-intendentinkonttorin yli-intendentti, FT Nils Gustaf Nordenskiöld 12401 (yo 1811, † 1866) ja Margareta Sofia von Haartman. Porvoon lukion oppilas 25.8.1845 – 21.11.1848 (skiljebetyg). Yksityistodistus. Ylioppilas Helsingissä 10.12.1849 (arvosana laudatur äänimäärällä 32). Viipurilaisen osakunnan jäsen 31.1.1850 31/1 1850 \ Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld \ 18/11 1832 \ Nils Nordenskiöld \ Helsingfors \ Filosofie Magister (primus) o. Doktor (ultimus). Öfverflyttade till Sverige för politiska orsaker 1855. Professor och intendent för Vetenskaps Akademiens mineerologiska samlingar. Företagit sju resor för utforskande af de arktiska nejderna, däribland den beryktade kringseglingen af Asien 1878–80, hvarefter han af Sveriges Konung upphöjdes i friherrligt stånd och af svenska riksdagen ett lifstidsunderhåll af 4000 kronor årligen. Af nästan alla Europas regenter och lärda samfund hugnad med de högsta utmärkelser. | + 17‹?›/8 1901. å Dalbyö nära Trosa; begrafven å Västerljungs kyrkogård. FMK 16.5.1853. Mineraloginen opintomatka Uralille isänsä mukana 1853. Väitöskirja 28.2.1855, pr. Adolf Edvard Arppe 15064. FML 4.4.1855. FMM 29.5.1857 priimus. FMT 29.5.1857 ultimus. Harjoitti opintoja Tukholman luonnonhistoriallisessa kansallismuseossa 1857. — Fyysis-matem. tiedek. kuraattori 1854–55. — Vuorikonduktööri vuori-intendentinkonttorissa 1855, ero s.v. Mukana tutkimusmatkalla Huippuvuorille 1858 ja toisella matkalla 1861. Ruotsin tiedeakatemian professori ja kansallismuseon mineralogisten kokoelmien intendentti 1858. Ruotsin kansalainen 1860. Mariebergin sotakorkeakoulun kemianopettaja 1863–76. Arktisen tutkimusretkikunnan johtaja Huippuvuorille 1864 ja 1868, tutkimusmatka Grönlantiin 1870. Ensimmäinen koillisväylän purjehtija Vega-höyrylaivalla 1878–79. Vapaaherra 1880. Ruotsin tiedeakatemian jäsen 1861. Ruotsin akatemian jäsen 1893. Omisti Dalbyön ja Grönsön tilat Västerljungin pitäjässä. Maailmankuulu tutkimusmatkailija. Valtiopäivämies Ruotsissa. † Västerljungissa 12.8.1901.
Pso: 1863 Anna Maria Mannerheim († 1924).
Appi: Viipurin hovioikeuden presidentti, kreivi, FM ja MOT Karl Gustaf Mannerheim 12619 (yo 1813, † 1854).
Yksityistod. antaja: Anders Olivier Saelán 15628.
Viittauksia: HYK ms., Viip. osak. matr. IV #238; HYKA, Album 1817–65 s. 549; HYKA M-LOA Bb, Matemaattis-luonnontieteellisen osaston tutkintoluettelo 1853–92. — A. Bergholm, Borgå gymnasii matriklar 1809–1872 I–II (1913–14) #2192; T. Carpelan, Studentmatrikel (1928–30) s. 166. — K. G. Leinberg, Orationes academicæ Fennorum extra patriam habitæ. BNF 61 (1902) #3, 15; G. Elgenstierna, Den introducerade svenska adelns ättartavlor V (1930) s. 478 (Nordenskiöld Tab. 14); O. Gertz, Kungl. Fysiografiska Sällskapet i Lund 1772–1940 (1940) s. 155 (2.10.1878); T. Carpelan, Ättartavlor II H–R (1958) s. 785 (Nordenskiöld Tab. 9); M. Löytönen (toim.), Matka-arkku. Suomalaisia tutkimusmatkailijoita. SKST 502 (1989) s. 104–137; Suomen kirjailijat 1809–1916. SKST 570 (toim. M. Hirvonen, 1993) s. 539; Suomen kansallisbiografia 7 (2006) s. 135.
Päivitetty 22.12.2007.
Lähdeviite: Yrjö Kotivuori, Ylioppilasmatrikkeli 1640–1852: Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld. Verkkojulkaisu 2005 <https://ylioppilasmatrikkeli.helsinki.fi/henkilo.php?id=16775>. Luettu 5.2.2018.
About Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld (suomi)
- https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Erik_Nordenski%C3%B6ld
- http://www.adelsvapen.com/genealogi/Nordensk%C3%B6ld_nr_394#TAB_14
- http://www.kansallisbiografia.fi/kb/artikkeli/3569/
- https://intokustannus.fi/kirja/nordenskiold/
- http://www.kaleviojanen.fi/ojanen-kuruII/nordens.htm
- https://yle.fi/aihe/artikkeli/2015/10/02/adolf-erik-nordenskiold-va...
Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld was born November 18, 1832 in Helsinki, Finland and was the son of Nils Gustaf Nordenskiöld and Margaretha Sophia Haartman. In 1863 he married Baroness Anna Maria Mannerheim and thus became married uncle of Marshal Mannerheim.
Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld is Finland's most known polar explorer, and one of the most recognized Finnish explorers as well as a geologist and a mineralogist.
He ruled the five expeditions to Svalbard (1858, 1861, 1864, 1868, 1872/73) and an expedition to the West Greenland (1870). Later he went to the Arctic Kara Sea and the River Yenisei (1875, 1876). Best known he has been for the journey by ship "Vega" from 1878 to 1880 when he found the Northeast Passage. When he did not engage the explorers and the writing of travel descriptions, deeper he, inter alia, in mineralogy and the history of cartography. In 1889 he published Facsimile Atlas to kartografiens oldest history and in 1897 Periplus, draft nautical charts and sjöböckernas oldest history. His collection at the University Library in Helsinki, 1997 was classified as a world's heritage.
Adolf Erik studied and took his doctorate at the University of Helsinki, where he received his doctorate in 1857. Nordenskiöld was both a liberal and a Finnish nationalist who hoped that Finland could do freely from Russia, which was hardly popular with the Russian rulers. His career in Finland came to an abrupt end after Adolf Erik kept a guest speaker who angered the Russian authorities. Instead, he received seek his fortune in Sweden, where he in 1858 became professor at the Natural History Museum's mineralogy department. It was in this capacity and state-Swedish directing, he embarked on his first Arctic expeditions to explore Spitsbergen, together with Professor Otto Torell. After some time ceased state aid to Adolf Erik's adventure, but he then found a private patron named Oscar Dickson. With merchant Dickson's financial assistance continued Nordenskiöldsgatan making several expeditions to the Arctic region.
Adolf Erik bar long on plans to explore the possibility to travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific by sailing north of Siberia, known as the Northeast Passage. First, in 1878, there were opportunities to make a reality of these plans, when King Oscar II, together with Dickson stood as a financier. At his disposal, Adolf Erik a converted whaling ship called Vega and ruled by Lieutenant Louis Palander. The vessel headed out from the North coast of Norway July 25, 1878 and passed Cape Chelyuskin August 19, but 28 August froze it solid and well Adolf Erik as his ship was seated for ten months in the pack ice. The time taken for the research, mainly ethnological such. They studied tjukterna, an isolated nation that we came in contact with. In the end consummate adventure nonetheless well, when the ship came loose and could sail the final 100 nautical miles to the Bering Strait and complete their journey to the Pacific Ocean with all travelers intact. The fame of the feat to have found the Northeast Passage spread around the world and the journey home was a triumphant tour around Asia and the Mediterranean Sea with the end station in Stockholm, April 24 1880. All of Stockholm was in festyra when Vega arrived. On the king's orders would Adolf Erik did not go ashore on Swedish soil until the castle. There stood the expedition members' initials write in letters of fire. The contented financier and King Oscar II, Adolf Erik elevated to the Baron and knighted Palander for feats. A written account of the expedition's fate, adventure and findings were subsequently issued in five bands. The purpose of forcing the Northeast Passage was open it as a trade route - this was before the Trans-Siberian railway was. But this dream was never fulfilled, then the Vega journey showed that it was impossible. A monument Vega journey, paid for by a collection for the 50th anniversary, stands at the Natural History Museum in Stockholm.
Adolf Erik continued to explore the Arctic. In 1883 he made another expedition, this time to the Greenland inland, where Adolf Erik hoped to find ice-free land afterlife ice sheet. However, as there was no such, so the trip was not the success he had hoped for. Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld died August 12, 1901 at Dalbyö in Vasterljung, Trosa, where he is buried in West Ljung cemetery.
In 1893, he became a member of the Swedish Academy on chair n:o.12.
Finnish-born explorer and scientist who was in exile in Sweden from 1857. Nordenskiöld drew his most famous expedition in 1878-1880. He navigated the "North-east passage" on the ship Vega from Northern Norway to the Bering Strait and described his journey in Several books. They were translated During The Following years into 11 languages. Nordenskiöld's literary oeuvre includes some 200 publications, from books to articles. The collection of his maps and geographical works ice Considered by UNESCO one of the World's Most Important collections of documents.
"Nordenskiöld's voyage around the northern continents of the Old World HAS BEEN likened the ITS Importance to James Cook's circumnavigation of Antarctica. Considered the leading expert on Arctic regions after his navigation of the North-east Passage, Nordenskiöld Encouraged other explorers; These included Fritjof Nansen , Whom he hoped would carry through the attempt to cross the Greenland icecap Which he himself had been forced to abandon. ... Nordenskiöldsgatan was The Most Important of his era's polar heroes, who were called Scandinavia's new Vikings ... "(Cecilia af Forselles-Riska the 100 Faces from Finland, 2000)
Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld was born in Helsinki into a well-to-do civil servant family. His father, Nils Gustaf Nordenskiöld (1792-1865), was a notable scholar and superintendent of mining. Sofia Margareta von Haartman, his mother, was the daughter of the doctor and economist Gabriel Erik von Haartman. Nordenskiöld was educated with a private tutor. At the age of 13 he moved to Porvoo, where he studied at the grammar school headed by the national poet JL Runeberg. With his father Nordenskiöldsgatan Explored parts of the Urals. He studied chemistry and geology at the University of Helsinki, receiving his MA In 1853, Ph.D. Two Years Later, and Continued his studies in Berlin.
After making the 1857 a strong patriotic speech, Which upset the Russian Authorities and Governor-General von Berg, Nordenskiöldsgatan refused to apologize and was banished from Finland. In 1858 he participated on Otto Torell's expedition to the fjords on the west coast of Spitzbergen - it was Nordenskiöld's first Arctic journey, and soon he had Established a central place in Stockholm's scientific community. At the age of 26 he Became the superintendent of the Mineralogical Department of the Swedish Royal Museum. Nordenskiöld held the office untul his death. Under his direction the mineralogical and geological collection covering northern region Grew rapidly and he finns put together a collection of meteorites. When The Governor-General changed in Finland, Nordenskiöld was Able to visit his homeland. In 1863 he married at the Mannerheim's family estate at Louhisaari Anna Maria Mannerheim; They had four children.
"But I Shall Go On. It is my plain duty." (Homer's legendary traveler Odysseus)
In the 1860s Nordenskiölds drew Further Expeditionary -1861, 1864, 1868, During Which he Became convinced That it is not possible to reach the Pole by ship. His expeditions were supported by the governor of Gothenburg and Bohus, Count Albert Ehrensvard, the Russian merchant Aleksandr Sibiriakov, and Sweden's King Oscar II. Dickson, a wealthy merchant, sponsored his journey to Greenland in 1870. He penetrated the island farther than ever been done before. In 1872 he tried unsuccessfully reach the North Pole. He had Chosen reindeers as Draught animals And they escaped at Mossel Bay camp in Spitzbergen. One of the explorers died next year in a snowstorm. Nordenskiöldsgatan overpriced traveled to Greenland in 1883 and Explored the countryside from the West Coast.
Nordenskiöld served two years in the English Lower House before his fifth expedition. During this period he Became interested in the great northward-flowing rivers of Siberia. In 1875 and 1876 he suffered expedition across the Kara Sea and to the Yenisei River, and found a passage from Norway to the Yenisei, Which HAS BEEN IN USE eversince. Nordenskiöld's most famous journey through the Northeast Passage was made between the years 1878 and 1879. Nordenskiöld started his journey from Karlskrona on June 22, 1878, abroad the steamship Vega. Nordenskiöld believed That When small boats had failed to find the passage, a powerful steamship might succeed. Vega, built in Bremerhaven in 1872-73, was a 43 meters long whaling ship and had a 60 horse-power steam engine. The crew consisted of 21 men, plus Numerous scientists and officers. The Vega's commander was the Swedish naval lieutenant Louis Palander.
"Huhu kummallisten muukalaisten tulosta näkyy äkkiä levinneen. Meitä käytiin nimittäin etäämmältäkin katsomassa, yes Vega muuttui pian levähdyspaikaksi, johon Jokainen ohimenevä muutamaksi tunniksi koirinensa pysähtyi, uteliaisuuttaan tyydyttämään, Tahi hyvästä puheesta Eli muusta tuntuvammasta tavarasta saamaan lämpöistä ruokaa, vähän tupakkaa yes joskus pahalla säällä ryypynkin , iota tshuktshit nimittävät ram'iksi. Tämä sana e johdy ruotsalais-norjalaisesta dram sanasta, vaan englantilaisesta sanasta room. "(from Vegan matka Asian yeah Europe ympäri, trans. into Finnish in 1881)
Accompanied with three other ships, he sailed on the Vega to the Bering Strait, where spent in ice The Ten month winter, And Then Continued to Japan. With a strong vessel Nordenskiöld had demonstrated That One Could navigate the North-east passage, but the Wider Scale shipping didnt Began Until The mid 20th century. Nordenskiöldsgatan Returned to Europe by the Suez Canal. He Reached Yokohama on September 2, 1879, as a celebrated hero. It was 325 years since Willoughby and Chancellor had first attempted the crossing and 230 years since Dezhnyon had demontrated That The Journey was feasible. In 1880 Nordenskiöld was created a baron, and in 1893 he was appointed a member of the Swedish Academy. Although commercially The Journey didnt open-expected traffic through the Bering Strait, the adventure attracted the peoples imagination - it was the Time, When Jules Verne published his Voyages extraordinaires and Stanley had found Livingstone from the jungles of Africa.
With expert from Different Fields of Science Nordenskiöld published his results in the bestsellers NORTH EAST-PASSAGE (1897) and VEGAS TRIP AROUND EUROPE AND ASIA (1881). The remaining years of his life he spent in the study of early cartography. Nordenskiöld was appointed in 1893 director of the Swedish Academy. He died in Dalby, Södermanland, on August 12, 1901. His Map Collection - 24,000 historical maps from the 15th century onwards - was sold to the Imperial Alexander University of Helsinki. Nordenskiöld's expedition inspired many arctic researchers, Among them the Norwegian explorer Fridtjof Nansen, Russian Stepan Makarov and American Robert Peary. When Vega sailed to Stockholm in 1880, Nordenskiold The Hero of the fifteen-year old Sven Hedin, who later gained fame as an explorer of Asia. "The only true voyage of discovery is not to go to new places, but definatley other eyes." (Marcel Proust in Remembrance of Things Past, 1913-1927)
For Further Reading: The Arctic Voyages of Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld, 1858-1879 by A. Leslie (1879); Nordenskiöld. Notice sur vie et ses voyages by Ch. Flauhault (1880); Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld by Sven Hedin (1926); Nordenskiöld, merenkulkija by Henry Ramsay (1950); Noth-East Passage. Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld, his life and times by George Kish (1973); A. E. Nordenskiöldsgatan - A Scientist and his Library by Esko Häkli (1980); Matka-arkku, ed. by Markku Löytönen (1989); Faces 100 from Finland, ed. by Ulpu Marjomaa (2000) - Note: Nordenskiold's nephew Otto Nordenskiöld, Professor of Geography at Gothenburg University from 1905 Explored in the 1890s Patagonia. He traveled through the Klondike and Alaska and overpriced Explored The South Polar region and Greenland.
12/10/1849 Nils Adolf Erik (AE) Nordenskiöldsgatan 16,775th * Helsingissä 11/18/1832. VHT: vuori-intendentinkonttorin Yli-intendentti, FT Nils Gustaf Nordenskiöld 12401 (yo 1811, † 1866) yes Margaret Sophia von Haartman. Porvoo lukion oppilas 08/25/1845 - 11/21/1848 (resignation). Yksityistodistus. Ylioppilas Helsingissä 10/12/1849 (arvosana laudatur äänimäärällä 32). Viipurilaisen osakunnan jäsen 31/01/1850 31/1 1850 Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld 18/11 1832 Nils Gustaf Nordenskiöld Helsinki Master of Arts (primus) o. Doctor (Ultimus). Above Moved to Sweden for political reasons in 1855. Professor and Curator of the Academy of Sciences mineerologiska collections. Undertook seven voyages of exploration of the Arctic climes, including the notorious around the sailing of Asia 1878-80, after which he af King of Sweden was elevated in friherrligt stalls and of Swedish Riksdag a lifstidsunderhåll of 4000 dollars annually. Of almost all European rulers and learned societies were comforted with the highest honors. | + 17 <?> / 8 1901. On Dalbyö close thong; buried on the West Ljung cemetery. FMK 05.16.1853. Mineraloginen opintomatka Uralille isänsä mukana 1853. Väitöskirja 28.02.1855, pr. Adolf Edward Arppe 15,064th FML 04.04.1855. FMM 29.05.1857 Priimus. FMT 29/05/1857 Ultimus. Harjoitti opintoja Tukholman luonnonhistoriallisessa kansallismuseossa 1857. - Fyysis-matem. tiedek. kuraattori 1854-55. - Vuorikonduktööri vuori-intendentinkonttorissa 1855, ero en Mukana tutkimusmatkalla Huippuvuorille 1858 yes toisella matkalla 1861. Ruotsin tiedeakatemian professori yes Kansallismuseon mineralogisten kokoelmien intendentti 1858. Ruotsin kansalainen 1860. Mariebergin sotakorkeakoulun kemianopettaja 1863-76. Arktisen tutkimusretkikunnan Johtaja Huippuvuorille 1864 yes 1868, tutkimusmatka Grönlantiin 1870. Ensimmäinen koillisväylän purjehtija Vega höyrylaivalla 1878-79. Vapaaherra 1880. Ruotsin tiedeakatemian jäsen 1861. Ruotsin Akatemian jäsen 1893. Omisti Dalbyön yes Grönsön tilat Västerljungin pitäjässä. Maailmankuulu tutkimusmatkailija. Valtiopäivämies Ruotsissa. † Västerljungissa 12.08.1901.
PSO: 1863 Anna Maria Mannerheim († 1924).
Appi: Viipurin hovioikeuden presidentti, kreivi, FM yes AGAINST Karl Gustaf Mannerheim 12619 (yo 1813, † 1854).
Yksityistod. antaja: Anders Olivier Saelán 15628th
Viittauksia: HYK ms., Viip. osak. matr. IV # 238; HYKA, Albums, 1817-65, p. 549; HYKA M LOA Bb, Matemaattis-luonnontieteellisen osaston tutkintoluettelo 1853-92. - A. Bergholm, Porvoo gymnasii matriklar 1809-1872 I-II (1913-14) # 2192; T. Carpelan, Student Matrikel (1928-30) p. 166. - KG Leinberg, Orationes academicæ Fennorum additional Patriam habitæ. BNF 61 (1902) # 3, 15; G. Elgenstierna, the introduced Swedish nobility ättartavlor V (1930), p. 478 (Nordenskiöldsgatan Tab. 14); O. Gertz, Kungl. Physiographic Society in Lund, 1772-1940 (1940) p. 155 (10.02.1878); T. Carpelan, Ättartavlor II H R (1958) p. 785 (Nordenskiöldsgatan Tab. 9); M. Löytönen (toim.), Matka-arkku. Suomalaisia tutkimusmatkailijoita. SKST 502 (1989) pp. 104-137; Suomen kirjailijat 1809-1916. SKST 570 (toim. M. Hirvonen, 1993), p.
Suomalaisia tutkimusmatkailijoita/YLE, Julkaistu: to 24.9.2015 Toimittajana Jukka Kuosmanen.
Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld (1832-1901) oli naparetkeilijä, joka purjehti Vega-aluksellaan ensimmäisenä Koillisväylän. "Hän ei menettänyt yhtään miehistön jäsentä virheen takia yhdelläkään matkallaan. Kuitenkin Nordenskiöldin historiallisten karttojen kerääminen oli suistaa hänen perheensä useaan kertaan vararikkoon."
- professori Markku Löytönen –
Om Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld (svenska)
Professor. Explorer.
Adolf Erik är Sveriges genom tiderna mest kände polarforskare. Han var finlandssvensk friherre, upptäcktsresande, geolog, mineralog och polarfarare. Han blev också 1893 ledamot av Svenska Akademin på stol nr.12. Han styrde fem forskningsresor till Svalbard (1858, 1861, 1864, 1868, 1872/73) och en expedition till Västgrönland (1870). Senare åkte han till arktiska Karahavet och till floden Jenisej (1875, 1876). Mest känd har han blivit för resan med skeppet ”Vega” från 1878 till 1880 då han fann Nordostpassagen. När han inte ägnade sig åt upptäcksresande och författande av resebeskrivningar, fördjupade han sig bl.a. i mineralogi och i kartografins historia. 1889 gav han ut Facsimile atlas till kartografiens äldsta historia och 1897 Periplus, utkast till sjökortens och sjöböckernas äldsta historia. Hans samling på Universitetsbiblioteket i Helsingfors blev 1997 klassat som ett världsminne.1
Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld föddes 18 november 1832 i Helsingfors, Finland och var son till Nils Gustaf Nordenskiöld och Margaretha Sophia Haartman. 1863 gifte han sig med friherrinnan Anna Maria Mannerheim och blev därmed ingift farbror till marskalk Mannerheim.
Adolf Erik studerade och tog sin doktorsgrad vid Universitetet i Helsingfors där han disputerade 1857. Nordenskiöld var både liberal och en finsk nationalist som hoppades att Finland skulle kunna göra sig fritt från Ryssland, vilket knappast var populärt hos den ryska överheten. Karriären i Finland fick ett abrupt slut efter att Adolf Erik hållit ett festtal som upprörde de ryska myndigheterna. Istället fick han söka lyckan i Sverige, där han 1858 blev professor vid Naturhistoriska Riksmuseets mineralogiska avdelning. Det var i denna egenskap och i statlig svensk regi, som han gav sig ut på sina första arktiska expeditioner för att utforska Spetsbergen, tillsammans med professor Otto Torell. Efter en tid upphörde det statliga stödet till Adolf Eriks äventyr, men denne fann då en privat mecenat som hette Oscar Dickson. Med grosshandlare Dicksons ekonomiska bistånd fortsatte Nordenskiöld att göra flera expeditioner till det arktiska området.
Adolf Erik bar länge på planer att utforska möjligheten att färdas från Atlanten till Stilla havet genom att segla norr om Sibirien, den så kallade Nordostpassagen. Först 1878 fanns möjligheterna att göra verklighet av dessa planer, då Kung Oscar II ihop med Dickson stod som finansiär. Till sitt förfogande hade Adolf Erik ett ombyggt valfångstfartyg som hette Vega och som styrdes av löjtnant Louis Palander. Fartyget stävade ut från Nordnorges kust den 25 juli 1878 och passerade Kap Tjeljuskin den 19 augusti, men den 28 augusti frös det fast och såväl Adolf Erik som hans fartyg blev sittande i tio månader i packisen. Tiden utnyttjades till forskning, främst etnologisk sådan. Man studerade tjukterna, ett isolerat folkslag som man kom i kontakt med. Till slut ändade äventyret ändå väl, då fartyget kom loss och kunde segla de sista 100 sjömilen till Berings sund och fullborda sin resa till Stilla havet med alla resenärer i behåll. Ryktet om bragden att ha funnit Nordostpassagen spred sig över världen och hemresan blev en triumffärd runt Asien och Medelhavet med slutstation i Stockholm den 24 april 1880. Hela Stockholm var i festyra då Vega anlände. På kungens order skulle Adolf Erik inte gå i land på svensk mark förrän vid slottet. Där stod expeditionsmedlemmarnas initialer skriva i eldskrift. Den nöjde finansiären och kungen, Oscar II, upphöjde Adolf Erik till friherre och adlade Palander för bedrifterna. En skriftlig redogörelse för expeditionens öden, äventyr och rön gavs sedermera ut i fem band. Syftet med att forcera Nordostpassagen var att öppna den som handelsväg - detta var innan transsibiriska järnvägen fanns. Men denna dröm gick aldrig i uppfyllelse, då Vegafärden visade att den var omöjlig. Ett monument över Vegafärden, bekostat genom en insamling till 50-årsminnet, står vid Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet i Stockholm.
Adolf Erik fortsatte dock att utforska Arktis. 1883 gjorde han en ny expedition, denna gång till Grönlands inland, där Adolf Erik hoppades finna isfri mark hinsides inlandsisen. Eftersom det dock inte fanns någon sådan, så blev resan inte den succé han hoppats på. Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld dog den 12 augusti 1901 på Dalbyö i Västerljung, Trosa kommun, där han ligger begravd på Västerljungs kyrkogård efter den välbesökta jordfästningen i Jakobs kyrka i Stockholm.
Finnish-born explorer and scientist who was in exile in Sweden from 1857. Nordenskiöld made his most famous expedition in 1878-1880. He navigated the 'North-east passage' on the Vega from northern Norway to the Bering Strait and described his journey in several books. They were translated during the following years into 11 languages. Nordenskiöld's literary oeuvre includes some 200 publications, from books to articles. The collection of his maps and geographical works is considered by UNESCO one of the world's most important collections of documents.
"Nordenskiöld's voyage around the northern continents of the Old World has been likened in its importance to James Cook's circumnavigation of Antarctica. Considered the leading expert on Arctic regions after his navigation of the North-east Passage, Nordenskiöld encouraged other explorers; these included Fritjof Nansen, whom he hoped would carry through the attempt to cross the Greenland icecap which he himself had been forced to abandon. ... Nordenskiöld was the most important of his era's polar heroes, who were called Scandinavia's new Vikings..." (Cecilia af Forselles-Riska in 100 Faces from Finland, 2000)
Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld was born in Helsinki into a well-to-do civil servant family. His father, Nils Nordenskiöld (1792-1865), was a notable scholar and superintendent of mining. Sofia Margareta von Haartman, his mother, was the daughter of the doctor and economist Gabriel Erik von Haartman. Nordenskiöld was educated with a private tutor. At the age of 13 he moved to Porvoo, where he studied at the grammar school headed by the national poet J.L. Runeberg. With his father Nordenskiöld explored parts of the Urals. He studied chemistry and geology at the University of Helsinki, receiving his M.A. in 1853, Ph.D. two years later, and continued his studies in Berlin.
After making in 1857 a strong patriotic speech, which upset the Russian authorities and Governor-General von Berg, Nordenskiöld refused to apologize and was banished from Finland. In 1858 he participated on Otto Torell's expedition to the fjords on the west coast of Spitzbergen - it was Nordenskiöld's first arctic journey, and soon he had established a central place in Stockholm's scientific community. At the age of 26 he became the superintendent of the Mineralogical Department of the Swedish Royal Museum. Nordenskiöld held the office untul his death. Under his direction the mineralogical and geological collection covering northern regions grew rapidly and he also put together a collection of meteorites. When the governor-general changed in Finland, Nordenskiöld was able to visit his homeland. In 1863 he married at the Mannerheim's family estate at Louhisaari Anna Maria Mannerheim; they had four children.
"But I shall go on. It is my plain duty." (Homer's legendary traveller Odysseus)
In the 1860s Nordenskiöld made further expeditions -1861, 1864, 1868, during which he became convinced that it is not possible to reach the Pole by ship. His expeditions were supported by the governor of Gothenburg and Bohus, Count Albert Ehrensvärd, the Russian merchant Aleksandr Sibiriakov, and Sweden's King Oscar II. Oscar Dickson, a wealthy merchant, sponsored his journey to Greenland in 1870. He penetrated the island farther than ever been done before. In 1872 he tried unsuccessfully reach the North Pole. He had chosen reindeers as draught animals and they escaped at Mossel Bay camp in Spitzbergen. One of the explorers died next year in a snow storm. Nordenskiöld also travelled to Greenland in 1883 and explored the country from the west coast.
Nordenskiöld served two years in the Swedish lower house before his fifth expedition. During this period he became interested in the great northward-flowing rivers of Siberia. In 1875 and 1876 he led expeditions across the Kara Sea and to the Yenisei River, and found a passage from Norway to the Yenisei, which has been in use ever since. Nordenskiöld's most famous journey through the Northeast Passage was made between the years 1878 and 1879. Nordenskiöld started his journey from Karlskrona on June 22, 1878, abroad the steamship Vega. Nordenskiöld believed that when small boats had failed to find the passage, a powerful steamship might succeed. Vega, built in Bremerhaven in 1872-73, was a 43 metres long whaling ship and had a 60 horse-power steam engine. The crew consisted of 21 men, plus numerous scientists and officers. The Vega's commander was the Swedish naval lieutenant Louis Palander.
"Huhu kummallisten muukalaisten tulosta näkyy äkkiä levinneen. Meitä käytiin nimittäin etäämmältäkin katsomassa, ja Vega muuttui pian levähdyspaikaksi, johon jokainen ohimenevä muutamaksi tunniksi koirinensa pysähtyi, uteliaisuuttaan tyydyttämään, tahi hyvästä puheesta eli muusta tuntuvammasta tavarasta saamaan lämpöistä ruokaa, vähän tupakkaa ja joskus pahalla säällä ryypynkin, jota tshuktshit nimittävät ram'iksi. Tämä sana ei johdy ruotsalais-norjalaisesta dram sanasta, vaan englantilaisesta sanasta rum." (from Vegan matka Asian ja Europan ympäri, trans. into Finnish in 1881)
Accompanied with three other ships, he sailed on Vega to the Bering Strait, where spent in ice the ten month winter, and then continued to Japan. With a strong vessel Nordenskiöld had demonstrated that one could navigate the North-east passage, but in wider scale shipping did not began until the mid 20th century. Nordenskiöld returned to Europe by the Suez Canal. He reached Yokohama on September 2, 1879, as a celebrated hero. It was 325 years since Willoughby and Chancellor had first attempted the passage and 230 years since Dezhnyon had demontrated that the journey was feasible. In 1880 Nordenskiöld was created a baron, and in 1893 he was appointed a member of the Swedish Academy. Although commercially the journey did not open expected traffic through the Bering Strait, the adventure attracted peoples imagination - it was the time, when Jules Verne published his Voyages extraordinaires and Stanley had found Livingstone from the jungles of Africa.
With experts from different fields of science Nordenskiöld published his results in the bestsellers NORDOST-PASSAGEN (1897) and VEGAS FÄRD KRING ASIEN OCH EUROPA (1881). The remaining years of his life he spent in the study of early cartography. Nordenskiöld was appointed in 1893 director of the Swedish Academy. He died in Dalby, Södermanland, on August 12, 1901. His map collection - 24,000 historical maps from the 15th century onwards - was sold to the Imperial Alexander University of Helsinki. Nordenskiöld's expeditions inspired many arctic researchers, among them the Norwegian explorer Fridtjof Nansen, Russian Stepan Makarov and American Robert Peary. When Vega sailed to Stockholm in 1880, Nordenskiöld the hero of the fifteen-year old Sven Hedin, who later gained fame as an explorer of Asia. "The only true voyage of discovery is not to go to new places, but have other eyes." (Marcel Proust in Remembrance of Things Past, 1913-1927)
For further reading: The Arctic voyages of Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld, 1858-1879 by A. Leslie (1879); Nordenskiöld. Notice sur vie et ses voyages by Ch. Flauhault (1880); Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld by Sven Hedin (1926); Nordenskiöld, merenkulkija by Henrik Ramsay (1950); Noth-east passage. Adolf ErikNordenskiöld, his life and times by George Kish (1973); A.E. Nordenskiöld - a Scientist and his Library by Esko Häkli (1980); Matka-arkku, ed. by Markku Löytönen (1989); 100 Faces from Finland, ed. by Ulpu Marjomaa (2000) - Note: Nordenskiöld's nephew Otto Nordenskiöld, professor of geography at Göteborg University from 1905, explored in the 1890s Patagonia. He traveled through the Klondike and Alaska and also explored the south polar regions and Greenland.
10.12.1849 Nils Adolf Erik (A. E.) Nordenskiöld 16775. * Helsingissä 18.11.1832. Vht: vuori-intendentinkonttorin yli-intendentti, FT Nils Gustaf Nordenskiöld 12401 (yo 1811, † 1866) ja Margareta Sofia von Haartman. Porvoon lukion oppilas 25.8.1845 – 21.11.1848 (skiljebetyg). Yksityistodistus. Ylioppilas Helsingissä 10.12.1849 (arvosana laudatur äänimäärällä 32). Viipurilaisen osakunnan jäsen 31.1.1850 31/1 1850 Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld 18/11 1832 Nils Nordenskiöld Helsingfors Filosofie Magister (primus) o. Doktor (ultimus). Öfverflyttade till Sverige för politiska orsaker 1855. Professor och intendent för Vetenskaps Akademiens mineerologiska samlingar. Företagit sju resor för utforskande af de arktiska nejderna, däribland den beryktade kringseglingen af Asien 1878–80, hvarefter han af Sveriges Konung upphöjdes i friherrligt stånd och af svenska riksdagen ett lifstidsunderhåll af 4000 kronor årligen. Af nästan alla Europas regenter och lärda samfund hugnad med de högsta utmärkelser. | + 17‹?›/8 1901. å Dalbyö nära Trosa; begrafven å Västerljungs kyrkogård. FMK 16.5.1853. Mineraloginen opintomatka Uralille isänsä mukana 1853. Väitöskirja 28.2.1855, pr. Adolf Edvard Arppe 15064. FML 4.4.1855. FMM 29.5.1857 priimus. FMT 29.5.1857 ultimus. Harjoitti opintoja Tukholman luonnonhistoriallisessa kansallismuseossa 1857. — Fyysis-matem. tiedek. kuraattori 1854–55. — Vuorikonduktööri vuori-intendentinkonttorissa 1855, ero s.v. Mukana tutkimusmatkalla Huippuvuorille 1858 ja toisella matkalla 1861. Ruotsin tiedeakatemian professori ja kansallismuseon mineralogisten kokoelmien intendentti 1858. Ruotsin kansalainen 1860. Mariebergin sotakorkeakoulun kemianopettaja 1863–76. Arktisen tutkimusretkikunnan johtaja Huippuvuorille 1864 ja 1868, tutkimusmatka Grönlantiin 1870. Ensimmäinen koillisväylän purjehtija Vega-höyrylaivalla 1878–79. Vapaaherra 1880. Ruotsin tiedeakatemian jäsen 1861. Ruotsin akatemian jäsen 1893. Omisti Dalbyön ja Grönsön tilat Västerljungin pitäjässä. Maailmankuulu tutkimusmatkailija. Valtiopäivämies Ruotsissa. † Västerljungissa 12.8.1901.
Pso: 1863 Anna Maria Mannerheim († 1924).
Appi: Viipurin hovioikeuden presidentti, kreivi, FM ja MOT Karl Gustaf Mannerheim 12619 (yo 1813, † 1854).
Yksityistod. antaja: Anders Olivier Saelán 15628.
Viittauksia: HYK ms., Viip. osak. matr. IV #238; HYKA, Album 1817–65 s. 549; HYKA M-LOA Bb, Matemaattis-luonnontieteellisen osaston tutkintoluettelo 1853–92. — A. Bergholm, Borgå gymnasii matriklar 1809–1872 I–II (1913–14) #2192; T. Carpelan, Studentmatrikel (1928–30) s. 166. — K. G. Leinberg, Orationes academicæ Fennorum extra patriam habitæ. BNF 61 (1902) #3, 15; G. Elgenstierna, Den introducerade svenska adelns ättartavlor V (1930) s. 478 (Nordenskiöld Tab. 14); O. Gertz, Kungl. Fysiografiska Sällskapet i Lund 1772–1940 (1940) s. 155 (2.10.1878); T. Carpelan, Ättartavlor II H–R (1958) s. 785 (Nordenskiöld Tab. 9); M. Löytönen (toim.), Matka-arkku. Suomalaisia tutkimusmatkailijoita. SKST 502 (1989) s. 104–137; Suomen kirjailijat 1809–1916. SKST 570 (toim. M. Hirvonen, 1993) s. 539. ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld is Henrik III Rehbinder's 7th great grandson! http://www.geni.com/path/Henrik+III+Rehbinder+is+related+to+Nils+Adolf+Erik+Nordenski%C3%B6ld?from=343551521640013076&to=6000000000839941745
English translation :
Adolf Erik is Sweden's most known polar explorer. He was a Finland-Swedish baron, explorer, geologist, mineralogist and polar explorers. He also became in 1893 a member of the Swedish Academy on chair No.12. He ruled the five expeditions to Svalbard (1858, 1861, 1864, 1868, 1872/73) and an expedition to the West Greenland (1870). Later he went to the Arctic Kara Sea and the River Yenisei (1875, 1876). Best known he has been for the journey by ship "Vega" from 1878 to 1880 when he found the Northeast Passage. When he did not engage the explorers and the writing of travel descriptions, deeper he, inter alia, in mineralogy and the history of cartography. In 1889 he published Facsimile Atlas to kartografiens oldest history and in 1897 Periplus, draft nautical charts and sjöböckernas oldest history. His collection at the University Library in Helsinki, 1997 was classified as a världsminne.1
Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld was born November 18, 1832 in Helsinki, Finland and was the son of Nils Gustaf Nordenskiöld and Margaretha Sophia Haartman. In 1863 he married Baroness Anna Maria Mannerheim and thus became married uncle of Marshal Mannerheim.
Adolf Erik studied and took his doctorate at the University of Helsinki, where he received his doctorate in 1857. Nordenskiöld was both a liberal and a Finnish nationalist who hoped that Finland could do freely from Russia, which was hardly popular with the Russian rulers. His career in Finland came to an abrupt end after Adolf Erik kept a guest speaker who angered the Russian authorities. Instead, he received seek his fortune in Sweden, where he in 1858 became professor at the Natural History Museum's mineralogy department. It was in this capacity and state-Swedish directing, he embarked on his first Arctic expeditions to explore Spitsbergen, together with Professor Otto Torell. After some time ceased state aid to Adolf Erik's adventure, but he then found a private patron named Oscar Dickson. With merchant Dickson's financial assistance continued Nordenskiöldsgatan making several expeditions to the Arctic region.
Adolf Erik bar long on plans to explore the possibility to travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific by sailing north of Siberia, known as the Northeast Passage. First, in 1878, there were opportunities to make a reality of these plans, when King Oscar II, together with Dickson stood as a financier. At his disposal, Adolf Erik a converted whaling ship called Vega and ruled by Lieutenant Louis Palander. The vessel headed out from the North coast of Norway July 25, 1878 and passed Cape Chelyuskin August 19, but 28 August froze it solid and well Adolf Erik as his ship was seated for ten months in the pack ice. The time taken for the research, mainly ethnological such. They studied tjukterna, an isolated nation that we came in contact with. In the end consummate adventure nonetheless well, when the ship came loose and could sail the final 100 nautical miles to the Bering Strait and complete their journey to the Pacific Ocean with all travelers intact. The fame of the feat to have found the Northeast Passage spread around the world and the journey home was a triumphant tour around Asia and the Mediterranean Sea with the end station in Stockholm, April 24 1880. All of Stockholm was in festyra when Vega arrived. On the king's orders would Adolf Erik did not go ashore on Swedish soil until the castle. There stood the expedition members' initials write in letters of fire. The contented financier and King Oscar II, Adolf Erik elevated to the Baron and knighted Palander for feats. A written account of the expedition's fate, adventure and findings were subsequently issued in five bands. The purpose of forcing the Northeast Passage was open it as a trade route - this was before the Trans-Siberian railway was. But this dream was never fulfilled, then the Vega journey showed that it was impossible. A monument Vega journey, paid for by a collection for the 50th anniversary, stands at the Natural History Museum in Stockholm.
Adolf Erik continued to explore the Arctic. In 1883 he made another expedition, this time to the Greenland inland, where Adolf Erik hoped to find ice-free land afterlife ice sheet. However, as there was no such, so the trip was not the success he had hoped for. Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld died August 12, 1901 at Dalbyö in Vasterljung, Trosa, where he is buried in West Ljung cemetery.
Finnish-born explorer and scientist who was in exile in Sweden from 1857. Nordenskiöldsgatan drew his most famous expedition in 1878-1880. He navigated the 'North-east passage' on the Vega from Northern Norway to the Bering Strait and described his journey in Several books. They were translated During The Following years into 11 languages. Nordenskiöld's literary oeuvre includes some 200 publications, from books to articles. The collection of his maps and geographical works ice Considered by UNESCO one of the World's Most Important collections of documents.
"Nordenskiöld's voyage around the northern continents of the Old World HAS BEEN likened the ITS Importance to James Cook's circumnavigation of Antarctica. Considered the leading expert on Arctic regions after his navigation of the North-east Passage, Nordenskiöld Encouraged other explorers; These included Fritjof Nansen , Whom he hoped would carry through the attempt to cross the Greenland icecap Which he himself had been forced to abandon. ... Nordenskiöldsgatan was The Most Important of his era's polar heroes, who were called Scandinavia's new Vikings ... "(Cecilia af Forselles-Riska the 100 Faces from Finland, 2000)
Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld was born in Helsinki into a well-to-do civil servant family. His father, Nils Gustaf Nordenskiöld (1792-1865), was a notable scholar and superintendent of mining. Sofia Margareta von Haartman, his mother, was the daughter of the doctor and economist Gabriel Erik von Haartman. Nordenskiöld was educated with a private tutor. At the age of 13 he moved to Porvoo, where he studied at the grammar school headed by the national poet JL Runeberg. With his father Nordenskiöldsgatan Explored parts of the Urals. He studied chemistry and geology at the University of Helsinki, receiving his MA In 1853, Ph.D. Two Years Later, and Continued his studies in Berlin.
After making the 1857 a strong patriotic speech, Which upset the Russian Authorities and Governor-General von Berg, Nordenskiöldsgatan refused to apologize and was banished from Finland. In 1858 he participated on Otto Torell's expedition to the fjords on the west coast of Spitzbergen - it was Nordenskiöld's first Arctic journey, and soon he had Established a central place in Stockholm's scientific community. At the age of 26 he Became the superintendent of the Mineralogical Department of the Swedish Royal Museum. Nordenskiöld held the office untul his death. Under his direction the mineralogical and geological collection covering northern region Grew rapidly and he finns put together a collection of meteorites. When The Governor-General changed in Finland, Nordenskiöld was Able to visit his homeland. In 1863 he married at the Mannerheim's family estate at Louhisaari Anna Maria Mannerheim; They had four children.
"But I Shall Go On. It is my plain duty." (Homer's legendary traveler Odysseus)
In the 1860s Nordenskiöldsgatan drew Further Expeditionary -1861, 1864, 1868, During Which he Became convinced That it is not possible to reach the Pole by ship. His expeditions were supported by the governor of Gothenburg and Bohus, Count Albert Ehrensvard, the Russian merchant Aleksandr Sibiriakov, and Sweden's King Oscar II. Dickson, a wealthy merchant, sponsored his journey to Greenland in 1870. He penetrated the island farther than ever been done before. In 1872 he tried unsuccessfully reach the North Pole. He had Chosen reindeers as Draught animals And they escaped at Mossel Bay camp in Spitzbergen. One of the explorers died next year in a snowstorm. Nordenskiöldsgatan overpriced traveled to Greenland in 1883 and Explored the countryside from the West Coast.
Nordenskiöldsgatan served two years in the English Lower House before his fifth expedition. During this period he Became interested in the great northward-flowing rivers of Siberia. In 1875 and 1876 he suffered expedition across the Kara Sea and to the Yenisei River, and found a passage from Norway to the Yenisei, Which HAS BEEN IN USE eversince. Nordenskiöld's most famous journey through the Northeast Passage was made between the years 1878 and 1879. Nordenskiöld started his journey from Karlskrona on June 22, 1878, abroad the steamship Vega. Nordenskiöld believed That When small boats had failed to find the passage, a powerful steamship might succeed. Vega, built in Bremerhaven in 1872-73, was a 43 meters long whaling ship and had a 60 horse-power steam engine. The crew consisted of 21 men, plus Numerous scientists and officers. The Vega's commander was the Swedish naval lieutenant Louis Palander.
"Huhu kummallisten muukalaisten tulosta näkyy äkkiä levinneen. Meitä käytiin nimittäin etäämmältäkin katsomassa, yes Vega muuttui pian levähdyspaikaksi, johon Jokainen ohimenevä muutamaksi tunniksi koirinensa pysähtyi, uteliaisuuttaan tyydyttämään, Tahi hyvästä puheesta Eli muusta tuntuvammasta tavarasta saamaan lämpöistä ruokaa, vähän tupakkaa yes joskus pahalla säällä ryypynkin , iota tshuktshit nimittävät ram'iksi. Tämä sana e johdy ruotsalais-norjalaisesta dram sanasta, vaan englantilaisesta sanasta room. "(from Vegan matka Asian yeah Europe ympäri, trans. into Finnish in 1881)
Accompanied with three other ships, he sailed on the Vega to the Bering Strait, where spent in ice The Ten month winter, And Then Continued to Japan. With a strong vessel Nordenskiöld had demonstrated That One Could navigate the North-east passage, but the Wider Scale shipping didnt Began Until The mid 20th century. Nordenskiöldsgatan Returned to Europe by the Suez Canal. He Reached Yokohama on September 2, 1879, as a celebrated hero. It was 325 years since Willoughby and Chancellor had first attempted the crossing and 230 years since Dezhnyon had demontrated That The Journey was feasible. In 1880 Nordenskiöld was created a baron, and in 1893 he was appointed a member of the Swedish Academy. Although commercially The Journey didnt open-expected traffic through the Bering Strait, the adventure attracted the peoples imagination - it was the Time, When Jules Verne published his Voyages extraordinaires and Stanley had found Livingstone from the jungles of Africa.
With expert from Different Fields of Science Nordenskiöld published his results in the bestsellers NORTH EAST-PASSAGE (1897) and VEGAS TRIP AROUND EUROPE AND ASIA (1881). The remaining years of his life he spent in the study of early cartography. Nordenskiöld was appointed in 1893 director of the Swedish Academy. He died in Dalby, Södermanland, on August 12, 1901. His Map Collection - 24,000 historical maps from the 15th century onwards - was sold to the Imperial Alexander University of Helsinki. Nordenskiöld's expedition inspired many arctic researchers, Among them the Norwegian explorer Fridtjof Nansen, Russian Stepan Makarov and American Robert Peary. When Vega sailed to Stockholm in 1880, Nordenskiold The Hero of the fifteen-year old Sven Hedin, who later gained fame as an explorer of Asia. "The only true voyage of discovery is not to go to new places, but definatley other eyes." (Marcel Proust in Remembrance of Things Past, 1913-1927)
For Further Reading: The Arctic Voyages of Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld, 1858-1879 by A. Leslie (1879); Nordenskiöld. Notice sur vie et ses voyages by Ch. Flauhault (1880); Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld by Sven Hedin (1926); Nordenskiöld, merenkulkija by Henry Ramsay (1950); Noth-East Passage. Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld, his life and times by George Kish (1973); A. E. Nordenskiöldsgatan - A Scientist and his Library by Esko Häkli (1980); Matka-arkku, ed. by Markku Löytönen (1989); Faces 100 from Finland, ed. by Ulpu Marjomaa (2000) - Note: Nordenskiold's nephew Otto Nordenskiöld, Professor of Geography at Gothenburg University from 1905 Explored in the 1890s Patagonia. He traveled through the Klondike and Alaska and overpriced Explored The South Polar region and Greenland.
12/10/1849 Nils Adolf Erik (AE) Nordenskiöldsgatan 16,775th * Helsingissä 11/18/1832. VHT: vuori-intendentinkonttorin Yli-intendentti, FT Nils Gustaf Nordenskiöld 12401 (yo 1811, † 1866) yes Margaret Sophia von Haartman. Porvoo lukion oppilas 08/25/1845 - 11/21/1848 (resignation). Yksityistodistus. Ylioppilas Helsingissä 10/12/1849 (arvosana laudatur äänimäärällä 32). Viipurilaisen osakunnan jäsen 31/01/1850 31/1 1850 Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld 18/11 1832 Nils Gustaf Nordenskiöld Helsinki Master of Arts (primus) o. Doctor (Ultimus). Above Moved to Sweden for political reasons in 1855. Professor and Curator of the Academy of Sciences mineerologiska collections. Undertook seven voyages of exploration of the Arctic climes, including the notorious around the sailing of Asia 1878-80, after which he af King of Sweden was elevated in friherrligt stalls and of Swedish Riksdag a lifstidsunderhåll of 4000 dollars annually. Of almost all European rulers and learned societies were comforted with the highest honors. | + 17 <?> / 8 1901. On Dalbyö close thong; buried on the West Ljung cemetery. FMK 05.16.1853. Mineraloginen opintomatka Uralille isänsä mukana 1853. Väitöskirja 28.02.1855, pr. Adolf Edward Arppe 15,064th FML 04.04.1855. FMM 29.05.1857 Priimus. FMT 29/05/1857 Ultimus. Harjoitti opintoja Tukholman luonnonhistoriallisessa kansallismuseossa 1857. - Fyysis-matem. tiedek. kuraattori 1854-55. - Vuorikonduktööri vuori-intendentinkonttorissa 1855, ero en Mukana tutkimusmatkalla Huippuvuorille 1858 yes toisella matkalla 1861. Ruotsin tiedeakatemian professori yes Kansallismuseon mineralogisten kokoelmien intendentti 1858. Ruotsin kansalainen 1860. Mariebergin sotakorkeakoulun kemianopettaja 1863-76. Arktisen tutkimusretkikunnan Johtaja Huippuvuorille 1864 yes 1868, tutkimusmatka Grönlantiin 1870. Ensimmäinen koillisväylän purjehtija Vega höyrylaivalla 1878-79. Vapaaherra 1880. Ruotsin tiedeakatemian jäsen 1861. Ruotsin Akatemian jäsen 1893. Omisti Dalbyön yes Grönsön tilat Västerljungin pitäjässä. Maailmankuulu tutkimusmatkailija. Valtiopäivämies Ruotsissa. † Västerljungissa 12.08.1901.
PSO: 1863 Anna Maria Mannerheim († 1924).
Appi: Viipurin hovioikeuden presidentti, kreivi, FM yes AGAINST Karl Gustaf Mannerheim 12619 (yo 1813, † 1854).
Yksityistod. antaja: Anders Olivier Saelán 15628th
Viittauksia: HYK ms., Viip. osak. matr. IV # 238; HYKA, Albums, 1817-65, p. 549; HYKA M LOA Bb, Matemaattis-luonnontieteellisen osaston tutkintoluettelo 1853-92. - A. Bergholm, Porvoo gymnasii matriklar 1809-1872 I-II (1913-14) # 2192; T. Carpelan, Student Matrikel (1928-30) p. 166. - KG Leinberg, Orationes academicæ Fennorum additional Patriam habitæ. BNF 61 (1902) # 3, 15; G. Elgenstierna, the introduced Swedish nobility ättartavlor V (1930), p. 478 (Nordenskiöldsgatan Tab. 14); O. Gertz, Kungl. Physiographic Society in Lund, 1772-1940 (1940) p. 155 (10.02.1878); T. Carpelan, Ättartavlor II H R (1958) p. 785 (Nordenskiöldsgatan Tab. 9); M. Löytönen (toim.), Matka-arkku. Suomalaisia tutkimusmatkailijoita. SKST 502 (1989) pp. 104-137; Suomen kirjailijat 1809-1916. SKST 570 (toim. M. Hirvonen, 1993), p. 539th¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld ice Henry III Rehbinder's 7th great grandson!http://www.geni.com/path/Henrik+III+Rehbinder+is+related+to+Nils+Adolf+Erik+Nordenski%C3%B6ld?from=343551521640013076&to=6000000000839941745
Ref .:
Swedish biography
Adel Weapons Kanslibiografia Matrikkeli
Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld's Timeline
1832 |
November 18, 1832
Helsinki, Finland
1864 |
July 9, 1864
Artukainen, Turku, Finland
1868 |
June 29, 1868
Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden