Historical records matching Jean I, duc de Bourbon
Immediate Family
third cousin
About Jean I, duc de Bourbon
John of Bourbon (1381–1434) was Duke of Bourbon, from 1410 to his death and Duke of Auvergne since 1416. He was the eldest son of Louis II and Anne of Auvergne.[1] Through his mother, John inherited the County of Forez.
During the Armagnac–Burgundian Civil War he took sides against the Burgundians. John was captured at the Battle of Agincourt and died a prisoner in London, in spite of the payment of several ransoms, and promises to support the king of England as king of France.[2]
In 1400 in Paris, he married Marie, Duchess of Auvergne,[3] daughter of John, Duke of Berry, who inherited the Auvergne title from her father. They had three sons:
- Charles de Bourbon (1401–1456),[3] Duke of Bourbon
- Louis of Bourbon (1403–1412, Paris), Count of Forez
- Louis de Bourbon (1405–1486), Count of Montpensier[3]
In addition, he had two illegitimate children:
- Margaret, married to Rodrigo de Villandrando.[a]
- John, bishop of Puy[3]
a. Vale states Villandrando was married to a bastard daughter of the Duke of Bourbon[4]
John I
Duke of Bourbon
Reign 1410 – 1434
Predecessor Louis II
Successor Charles I
Born 1381
Died 1434 (aged 52–53)
Spouse Marie, Duchess of Auvergne
House Bourbon
Father Louis II, Duke of Bourbon
Mother Anne of Auvergne
JEAN de Bourbon, son of LOUIS II "le Bon" Duc de Bourbon & his wife Anne de Clermont (Mar 1381-in prison London 5 Jan 1434, bur Priory of Souvigny). The testament of "Louis duc de Bourbonnais comte de Clermont et de Forez", dated to [Apr 1390], appoints “son fils Jean” as his heir “sous la tutelle de sa femme, et à défaut de celle-ci sous la tutelle du duc de Bourgogne, en considération du mariage projeté entre sondit fils et la fille du duc de Bourgogne”[294]. Comte de Clermont [Jul 1399]. Chamberlain of France 18 Mar 1408. The testament of "Louis duc de Bourbon", dated 24 Jan 1409 (N.S.), appointed “son fils Jean” as his heir[295]. He succeeded his father in 1410 as JEAN I Duc de Bourbon. He was captured by the English at the battle of Agincourt 1415, and remained a prisoner for the rest of his life. Duc d'Auvergne, Comte de Montpensier 1418, by right of his wife. "Jean duc de Bourbonnais et d’Auvergne comte de Forez et seigneur de Beaujeu, prisonnier des Anglais" appointed “son fils aîné Charles comte de Clermont” as “gouverneur de tous ses pays et seigneuries” by charter dated 25 Sep 1429[296]. The testament of "Jehan duc de Bourbonnois et d’Auvergne", dated 30 Jan [error, mistake for Dec 1433?] 1434 (N.S.), chose burial “en l’église des Cordeliers en la ville de Londres en Angleterre”[297].
Betrothed (before [Apr 1390]) to BONNE de Bourgogne, daughter of PHILIPPE "le Hardi" Duke of Burgundy [Valois] & his wife Marguerite III Ctss of Flanders (1379-Arras 10 Sep 1399, bur Arras). The testament of "Louis duc de Bourbonnais comte de Clermont et de Forez", dated to [Apr 1390], appoints “son fils Jean” as his heir “sous la tutelle de sa femme, et à défaut de celle-ci sous la tutelle du duc de Bourgogne, en considération du mariage projeté entre sondit fils et la fille du duc de Bourgogne”[298].
m (contract Paris 27 May 1400, in person Paris, Palais du Roi 21 Jun 1401) as her third husband, MARIE de Berry, widow firstly of LOUIS [II] de Châtillon Comte de Dunois and secondly of PHILIPPE d'Artois Comte d'Eu, daughter of JEAN de France Duc de Berry & his first wife Jeanne d'Armagnac (-Lyon Jun 1434, bur Priory of Souvigny). Père Anselme records her marriage contract dated 27 May 1400[299]. Appointed Dss d'Auvergne, Ctss de Montpensier 26 Apr 1418, confirmed 1425. Her husband appointed her administrator of all his estates 17 Jan 1421 during his imprisonment.
Jean & his wife had three children:
1. CHARLES de Bourbon (1401-Château de Moulins 4 Dec 1456, bur Priory of Souvigny). Comte de Clermont. "Jean duc de Bourbonnais et d’Auvergne comte de Forez et seigneur de Beaujeu, prisonnier des Anglais" appointed “son fils aîné Charles comte de Clermont” as “gouverneur de tous ses pays et seigneuries” by charter dated 25 Sep 1429[300]. He succeeded his father in 1434 as CHARLES I Duc de Bourbon et d'Auvergne.
- see below.
2. LOUIS de Bourbon (after 24 Jan 1409-Louvres en Parisis, Val d'Oise 1412, bur Senlis, église des Cordeliers). His date of birth is confirmed by the testament of "Louis duc de Bourbon", dated 24 Jan 1409 (N.S.), which appointed “son fils Jean” as his heir and required that “si le même Jean a second fils” he should receive “en apanage la seigneurie de Beaujolais”[301].
3. LOUIS de Bourbon (after 1412-May 1486, bur Aigueperse, Chapelle Saint-Louis). He was presumably born after the death of his older brother of the same name. "Charles de Bourbon comte de Clermont fils aîné du duc de Bourbonnais, agissant pour son frère Louis" and “Robert Dauphin évêque de Chartres, Jacquette Dauphine abbesse de Saint-Menoux, Bertrand seigneur de la Tour, agissant pour leur nièce et petite-fille Jeanne, fille de feu Béraud Dauphin d’Auvergne” agreed the conditions for the marriage “entre lesdits Louis et Jeanne”, providing “le comté de Montpensier et la seigneurie de Beaujeu” as dowry, by charter dated 9 Oct 1426[302]. Comte de Montpensier.
- see below.
Jean I had five illegitimate children by unknown mistresses:
4. JEAN bâtard de Bourbon (-Prieuré de Saint-Rambert en Forez 2 Dec 1485, bur Abbaye de Cluny). Abbé de Saint-André, Villeneuve-les-Avignon 1439. Elected Archbishop of Lyon, but renounced 6 Apr 1444. Elected Bishop of Puy, Comte de Velay 2 Dec 1443. Administrator of the Bishopric of Lyon 1449-1470 for his nephew Charles de Bourbon. Abbé de Cluny 1456, resigned 8 Sep 1485. Prieur de Saint-Rambert en Forez 1468. Prieur de Montverdun 1482. Lieutenant General of Bourbon for his nephew Jean II Duc de Bourbon 6 Dec 1484[303].
5. ALEXANDRE bâtard de Bourbon (-drowned Bar-sur-Aube 15 Dec 1440). Canon of the collégiale church of Notre-Dame de Beaujeu. Leader of the "Ecorcheurs". He was arrested after taking part in the revolt of the Praguerie and drowned on orders of the king[304].
6. GUY batard de Bourbon (-1442 before 18 Jun). Père Anselme notes documents dated 1438, 6 Jun 1439 (“noble Guy bâtard de Bourbon, écuyer”), 24 Aug 1440 (appointed “capitaine et châtelain du pays et baronnie de Rouannois” by Charles I Duc de Bourbon) in which he was named[305]. Père Anselme records his death “en 1442, avant le 18 de juin” (no source cited)[306].
7. MARGUERITE bâtarde de Bourbon . The marriage contract between "Rodrigo de Villandrando comte de Ribadeo" and “Marguerite de Bourbon sœur naturelle de Charles duc de Bourbonnais”, with “le château d’Ussel” as her dowry, is dated 24 May 1433[307]. m (contracts 24 May 1433, 2 Aug 1436) as his first wife, don RODRIGO de Villandrado Conde de Ribadeo, son of don PEDRO de Villandrado & his wife doña Inés de Corral (Valladolid
- ). Père Anselme records records biographical details, including his parentage, his career in France, his daughter by his first wife, his second marriage, and daughter by his second wife[308]. Created Conde de Ribadeo 22 Feb 1431 by Juan II King of Castile. Seigneur d'Ussel, counsellor and chamberlain of Charles VII King of France. He returned to Castile after the death of his first wife.
8. EDMEE bâtarde de Bourbon . Père Anselme records her parentage but provides no other details about her life (no source cited)[309].
Jean I de Bourbon, Duc de Bourbon1
M, #113653, b. 1380, d. 1434
Last Edited=10 May 2003
Jean I de Bourbon, Duc de Bourbon was born in 1380.1 He was the son of Louis II de Bourbon, Duc de Bourbon and Anne de Clermont, Comtesse de Forez.2 He married Marie de Berry, daughter of Jean I, Duc de Berry and Jeanne d'Armagnac, in 1400.1 He died in 1434.1
He gained the title of Duc de Bourbon.1
Children of Jean I de Bourbon, Duc de Bourbon and Marie de Berry
1. Louis I de Bourbon, Comte de Montpensier+2 d. 1486
2. Charles I de Bourbon, Duc de Bourbon+2 b. 1401, d. 4 Dec 1456
1.[S16] Jirí Louda and Michael MacLagan, Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, 2nd edition (London, U.K.: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), table 65. Hereinafter cited as Lines of Succession.
2.[S16] Louda and MacLagan, Lines of Succession, table 68.
Jean I, 4th Duke de Bourbon, Duke d'Auverge, Comte de Clermont & Montpensier1,2
Last Edited 30 Sep 2009
M, #18471, b. March 1381, d. 5 February 1434
Father Louis II, 3rd Duke de Bourbon b. 4 Aug 1337, d. 19 Aug 1410
Mother Anne d' Auvergne b. 1358, d. 22 Sep 1417
14 Generation Pedigree of George III, King of Great Britain & Ireland (#1)
14 Generation Pedigree of George III, King of Great Britain & Ireland (#2)
14 Generation Pedigree of Friedrich Wilhelm III, King of Prussia
Jean I, 4th Duke de Bourbon, Duke d'Auverge, Comte de Clermont & Montpensier was born in March 1381. He married Marie du Berry, daughter of John de Valois, Duke du Berry and Johanna d' Armagnac, on 24 June 1400 at Paris, Ile-de-France, France.2 Jean I, 4th Duke de Bourbon, Duke d'Auverge, Comte de Clermont & Montpensier died on 5 February 1434 at London, Middlesex, England, at age 52.2
Marie du Berry b. 1367, d. Jun 1434
- Louis III 'the Good', Comte de Bourbon-Montpensier+ d. May 1486
- Charles, Duke of Bourbon, Duke d'Auvergne, Grand Marshal of France, Governor of Languedoc, Count of Clermont+ b. 1401, d. 4 Dec 1456
1.[S4889] Unknown author, Europaische Stammtafeln by Isenburg, chart 72.
2.[S2] Detlev Schwennicke, Europaische Stammtafeln, New Series, Vol. XXVI, Tafel 3.
Jean I de Bourbon
Birth Mar 1381
Death 5 Jan 1434 (aged 52)
Burial Abbaye de Souvigny
Souvigny, Departement de l'Allier, Auvergne, France
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 65703234
Nobility, Military figure. He succeeded his father as Duke of Bourbon and Seigneur de Mercœur in 1410. After the murder of Louis de Orleans he changed sides and joined the Armagnacs with whom he entered Paris in 1413. He successfully fought the english in the Limousin and in Guyenne. Although he survived Battle of Azincourt in 1415, he was captured by the english and spent the rest of his life in prison in London. His body was brought to Souvigny and buried in the old chapel of the Seigneurs de Bourbon. In 1410 he married Marie de Berry, Duchess of Auvergne who bore him three children. He also had five illegitimate children including Jean, Bishop of Puy and Abbott of Cluny and Marguerite who married Rodrigo de Villandrando.
Family Members
Louis II de Bourbon
Anne d'Auvergne
Marie de Berry
1375–1434 (m. 1400)
Louis de Bourbon
Charles I de Bourbon
Louis de Bourbon-Montpensier I
Bishop Jean III de Bourbon
Jean I, duc de Bourbon's Timeline
1381 |
March 1381
Bourbon-l'Archambault, Allier, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
1399 |
1401 |
Bourbon-Larchambault, Allier, Bourbonnais Auvergne, France
1402 |
1403 |
1413 |
1425 |
1434 |
January 5, 1434
Age 52
In prison, London, Greater London, UK
???? |