(an official list of foreign recipients in Finnish)
The municipality of Stange is situated on the east side of the lake Mjøsa. It borders the municipalities of Hamar on the north; Løten, Våler, and Åsnes to the east; Nord-Odal to the south; and Eidsvoll to the west. Stange consists of several areas that were previously distinct, including Vallset, Romedal, Espa, Åsbygda, Tangen, and Stange itself. The municipality can be roughly divided into two...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Anderson County, Tennessee. Before the formation of Anderson County, Tennessee , that territory was initially land of what is today called the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians , which had been settled by several pioneer families including the Wallace, Gibbs, Freels, Frost and Tunnell families. Although the Treaty of Holston, signed i...
According to a review by The Mirror from feb. 2017 as much as 85% of the internet seaches are porn-related. Appalling. This figure can be close to cat-related searches , we mean real cats which is pretty kinky when you think about it. Cats? As long as there has been people and rocks to carve or paint in, there has been pornography . This project is dedicated to us who find the subject, in...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in McNairy County, Tennessee.= Official Website =McNairy County was formed in 1823 from parts of Hardin County, and was named for Judge John McNairy.Buford Pusser served as the sheriff of McNairy County from 1964 to 1970. The courthouse and jail in Selmer were his base of operations. He gained prominence for his fight against illegal dis...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Smith County, Kansas. The county was established in 1872 and was named in memory of Maj. J. Nelson Smith, who was part of the 2nd Colorado Cavalry, killed in action at the Battle of Westport on October 21, 1864. Originally, corn was the main crop grown in the county, but drought and grasshopper plagues severely hurt the crops. When ...
7-я Московская гимназия располагалась в не существующем ныне здании на бывшей Страстной (Пушкинской) площади, рядом с корпусом газеты "Известия", в «Доме Фамусова» — так называли московский особняк начала XIX века, принадлежавший знатному дворянскому семейству Римских-Корсаковых. С 1861 по 1892 годы в этом доме размещалось «Строгановское училище технического рисования». До революции 1917 года з...
SummaryAge: 11,075.5 ± 3,725.2; CI=95% (Behar et al., 2012b) Origin: West Asia Mutations: C6528T A15775G Parent Branch: W Descendant branch(s): W5a W5bBackgroundHaplogroup W5 is a branch on the maternal tree of human kind. Its age is between 7,400 and 14,800 years (Behar et al., 2012b).National Geographic Geno 2.0 TextHaplogroup: W5 Age: To Be Determined Origin: West Asia Blurb: This point in y...
Kylä oli keskittynyt tien lähituntumaan suuren Pullilanselän koillispuolelle. Viipurista päin lähestyttäessä avautuivat ensimmäisenä eteen Pajamäen viljelysaukeat. Viiden kilometrin pituinen ja parhaimmillaan parin kilometrin levyinen Pullilanjärvi muodosti luonnollisen länsirajan Kavantsaareen päin. Itäpuolella naapurina oli Noskua ja pohjoisessa Hannila. Lopulta Viipurinlahteen laskeutuva Pul...
Harvolan kylä sijaitsi Yskjärven etelärannalla noin viisi kilometriä Muolaan kirkonkylästä Kirkkorannasta etelään. Harvolan naapurikyliä olivat idässä Vesikkala, etelässä Soittola ja Ilola ja lännessä Sormula. Nykyisin kylä on asumaton, eikä sillä ole asutusnimeä.Harvolan kylän alue käsitti pohjois-etelä suunnassa pitkämäisen alueen, joka oli noin seitsemän kilometriä pitkä, mutta leveimmillään...
Mecklenburg-West Pomerania==== Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ( Abbr : MV ), anglicized as Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania or Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, is one of the 16 states of Germany. It is located in the north-east of Germany with Schwerin as the state capital and with Rostock as the largest city. Other major cities include Neubrandenburg, Stralsund , Greifswald, Wismar and Güstrow.
Project start 5.7.2018. Under construction Nacka Wiki Boo Wiki
Projekti aloitettu 8.10.2023. Hartolan kylän asukkaiden projekti. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Paikkatietoikkuna, nyk. Kouvola, Kylä tai kulmakunta Hartola, Maanmittauslaitos Jaalan Hartola Kylät Ansalahti, Anttila, Haapakimola , Haapalahti, Hartola , Honnila, Huhdasjärvi, Isokylä, Jaala, Jokue, ...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Hroznětín, Nejdek and Jachymov (Lichtenstadt/Lichtenstein, Neudek and Sankt Joachimstal) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.From the Jewish Cemetery Project; Commission No. CZCE000277 [also see Karlovy Vary] Alternate names: (German) Lichtenstadt and (Hebrew) Lash in Karlovy Vary, Bohemia at 50°18' N, 12°52' E , 5 km W of Ostrov ...
British Writers: H - KThis project is a place to gather together profiles of British born writers of all genres. Those with bold links have profiles on Geni. Links that are not bold are to other sources.Names are arranged alphabetically and spread across 6 projects to handle the numbers. (The arrowed buttons below are linked to the other pages).
This project seeks to identify and collect Jewish persons and family connected to the small town of Holice(Holitz) in the Pardubice region of the Czech Republic, 68 miles East of Prague.Holice v Čechách, Holitz. 50°04' N 16°00' E, 67.6 miles E of Praha. Holice serves as center of microregion with villages: Býšť, Dobříkov, Dolní Roveň, Dolní Ředice, Horní Jelení, Horní Ředice, Chvojenec, Jarosla...
Welcome to the Czech Portal, Czech Republic, Czechia, Bohemia, Moravia on Geni====Czech Portal looking for Volunteers Curators for Geni from Czech Republic - look at nominations* For Apply to become a Curator. See For learn about curators and what they do on Geni, see: Geni Curators and their work area are :* ]]]]
West Norwood Cemetery Image right - Gates of West Norwood Cemetery ===== Image by Matt Brown - originally posted to Flickr as West Norwood Cemetery, CC BY 2.0, Wiki Commons ===Please link GENi profiles of people buried in West Norwood Cemetery to this project. West Norwood Cemetery , one of the first private landscaped cemeteries in London, is a 40-acre cemetery established in 1836, one of th...
Mistä kylälle on tullut näin merkillinen nimi kuin Mustakulkkula, tarina kertoo seraavanlaisesta tapahtumasta: Mies oli käsketty tulemaan kirkolle veroluetteloon merkitsemistä varten. Kasken poltto oli kesken mutta ei auttanut kuin lähteä reissuun vaikka vaatteet ja naama olivat työn jäljiltä kovasti noessa. Kruununvouti kyselee mistäs tämä mustakulkkuinen mies on tullut verollepantavaksi, " t...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Washington County, Texas. The county was created in 1835 as a municipality of Mexico and organized as a county in 1837. It is named for George Washington, the first president of the United States. Washington-on-the-Brazos in the county is notable as the site of the signing of the Texas Declaration of Independence during the Conventi...
In 1837, most of the area of present-day Brazos County was included in Washington County. The Brazos River, which bisected the latter, proved a serious obstacle to county government, and a new county, Navasota, was formed in January 1841. The first court, with Judge R. E. B. Baylor presiding, was held later that year in the home of Joseph Ferguson, fourteen miles west of the site of present Bry...
Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Columbiana County, Ohio. Official Website Columbiana County was founded in 1803 and named in honor of Christopher Columbus, combining his surname with the suffix -iana. The county was the scene of one of the northern-most action fought during the American Civil War; on July 26, 1863 Confederate raiders under John Morgan were surrou...