The Governor of Puerto Rico is the head of government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and by its nature constitutes the executive branch of the government of Puerto Rico. He is also the commander-in-chief of the commonwealth's military forces, the Puerto Rico National Guard. This project is only for the Governors of Puerto Rico from the year 1949 onward. List of governors of Puerto Rico...
English Scottish and northern Irish: nickname from Middle English yong ‘young’ (Old English geong) used to distinguish a younger man from an older man bearing the same personal name (typically father and son). In Middle English this name is often found with the Anglo-Norman French definite article for example Robert le Yunge. In Gaelic-speaking areas of Scotland this was widely used as an Engli...
English (mainly West Midlands): habitational name from either of three places called Hadley in Worcestershire and Shropshire or from either of two places called Hadleigh in Essex and Suffolk or Monken Hadley in Middlesex. The first is named from the Old English personal name Hadda + lēah ‘wood (woodland) clearing’; the others are from Old English hǣth ‘heathland heather’ + lēah. In some cases a...
Doctors==*Dr. Samuel S. Quinn (1838 -)*Dr. William Wilson Quinn, Jr. (Living)=Newspaper Editors=*Lorie Clarke Quinn (1864 - 1953), Founder and 1st Executive Editor of the Crisfield Times, Associate Editor of the Record and Gazette==Politicians==*Egberg L. Quinn (1895 - 1968), Mayor of Crisfield, MD, Member of the Crisfield, MD House of Delegates, Member of the Crisfield City, MD Council*Lorie C...
atDna Jones Studies studying the ydna groupings by adding Geni profiles according to ydna group: J2 Group: J-ZS George Jones J2 JM267 Family Group 2 /Sephardim - Norman/French/Anglo R M269 Group: Samuel P. Jones 5 from Devon, England Richard Jones Jones listed here - - her husband Thomas Carr was listed as a tithable - 1782 Montgomery Co., VA tax list: 1 tithable, 0 slaves, 3 horse, 6 cattle. I...
English: topographic name for someone who lived by a bushy area or thicket from Middle English bush(e) ‘bush’ (probably from Old Norse buskr or an unrecorded Old English busc). Americanized form (translation into English) of German Busch . Americanized form of Czech and Slovak Buš Búš (see Bus ). Americanized form (translation into English) of other surnames meaning ‘bush’ for example Slovenian...
English: variant of Nichol with genitival or post-medieval excrescent -s. In North America this surname has absorbed various cognates from other languages e.g. Croatian and Serbian Nikolić (see Nikolic ); see also below. Americanized form of various like-sounding Jewish surnames. Source: Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, 2022
What's in your name, Hubert? Hubert ~ Hubrecht ~ Hubertus ~ Huibert ~ Huijbregt ~ etcetera... bronnen ‧ documentatie ‧ informatie 1992 : dr. J. van der SCHAAR ‧ x ‧ Woordenboek van voornamen ‧ Uitgeverij Het Spectrum BV ‧ ISBN‧90‧274‧3469‧7 ...aanvulling welkom! naam-betekenis stralende geest ● De naam Hubertus is een verlatiniseerde variant van de naam Hubrecht. Hubrecht i...
Higgins Surname Meaning Irish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hUiginn ‘descendant of Uiginn’ a byname meaning ‘viking sea-rover’ (from Old Norse víkingr). Compare McGuigan. English (Lancashire and Yorkshire): variant of Higgin itself either a Lancashire variant of Huggin (from a pet form of Hugh) or a variant of Hickin (from a pet form of Richard) with genitival or post-medieval excrescent -s. So...
This cemetery is located on 37295 Cemetery Drive, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon. It's also known as Lebanon Masonic Cemetery , Lebanon Oddfellows and Masonic Cemetery and Odd Fellows Cemetery . Find a Grave Billion Graves
This page seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the Vinohrady (Königliche Weinberge) district of Prague in the Czech Republic. Vinohrady (Königliche Weinberge) is nowadays a cadastral district in Prague, but it used to be an independent city. Its name derives from the fact that the area was once covered in vineyards dating from the 14th century. Today, what used to be the city of Vin...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Trutnov (Trautenau) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.
Gamle aner - slektsgransking - anesirkel Old ancestors - family researching. I dette prosjektet er det vedlagt en samling av profiler med personnavn for gamle aner. Og gjelder kun for familien til brukeren av dette prosjektet i slektsgranskings-sammenheng. Profilene som er linket til dette prosjektet er lagt til slik at de blir lett å finne i en fei. Det er kun de aller eldste personnavnene i...
landbouw & industrie MEEKRAP -teelt in Nederland ‧ De meekrap (Rubia tinctorum), ook wel mee of mede (zie ook wede) is een plant die behoort tot de sterbladigenfamilie (Rubiaceae). Meekrap werd vroeger gebruikt als grondstof voor de rode kleurstoffen alizarine en purpurine. Daarnaast wordt aan meekrap ook een medicinale werking toegeschreven. De plant wordt 60-90 cm hoog en heeft kleine gele...
Vesangan kylän talot ja torpat Projektin tarkoitus on koota yhteen Vesangan kylän talollisten ja torppareiden profiilit puolisoineen. Tiedot pohjautuvat Vesangan kyläkirjassa olevaan Reijo Siekkisen artikkeliin Vesangan talojen isännät ja emännät 1800-luvun loppuun lisättynä muiden lähteiden tiedoilla. Vesangan kylä Projekti aloitettu 13.1.2019. Nro 1 Siekkilä Esiintyy maakirjassa en...
Welcome to the "Herrederos de Jose Rizal" Project! Dr. Jose P. Rizal , the Philippine national hero, did not leave any surviving direct descendants. It is a pity how the venerable surname, which was derived from the Spanish "ricial" (meaning "verdant"), is rarely (if at all) used today. This project aims to create fitting biographies (click on live links to view) for individuals connected b...
The Department of Health is the executive department of the government of the Philippines responsible for ensuring access to basic public health services by all Filipinos through the provision of quality health care, the regulation of all health services and products. It is the government's over-all technical authority on health. It has its headquarters at the San Lazaro Compound, along Rizal A...
Tämä projekti on Impilahden Kitelän kylän kyläprojekti. Projekti sisältää kylän asutusluetteloita, tarinoita ja valokuvia, linkkeineen sukupuuhun. Kyläprojekti kehittyy ja täydentyy jatkuvasti. Kitelän kylän kyläkartta ( linkki tulossa ) Kitelän asutusluettelo Tarinoita suomeksi ja karjalaksi Kiteläläisiä sukuja Kitelään liittyviä kuvia, artikkeleita, asiakirjoja ja videoita Impil...
was occupied on 4 September 1939 by the German army. Approximately 24,000 Jews lived in the town, a third of all inhabitants. Like in all other occupied towns anti-Jewish actions took place immediately: Lootings, expropriations, forced labour and killings were the order of the day. Soon a Judenrat was established. Its first chairman was Moses Pelc who refused to collaborate with the SS. Therefo...
This cemetery is located on 419 West Lyon Avenue, Lake City, Wabasha County, Minnesota. Find a Grave