This cemetery is located on Cemetery Road, Atascadero, San Luis Obispo County, California. Find a Grave
Also known as Athens-Clarke County. Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Clarke County, Georgia. Official Website Clarke County was created in 1801 by an act of the Georgia General Assembly on December 5. It was named for Revolutionary War hero Elijah Clarke and included 250 square miles that was formerly part of Jackson County. Colonel Clarke played a leading role th...
Projekti aloitettu 5.2.2022. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Maanmittaushallituksen paikkatieto Muotiala Hämeenkyrön kylät Haukijärvi I Heinijärvi I Herttuala I Hiironen I Hirvola I Ilottula I Jumesniemi I Järvenkylä I Kalkunmäki I Kierikkala I Kostula I Kuotila I Kyröspohja I Laitila I Lemmakkala ...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Ware County, Georgia. Official Website Ware County, Georgia's 60th county, was created on December 15, 1824, by an act of the Georgia General Assembly. The county is named for Nicholas Ware, the mayor of Augusta, Georgia from (1819–1821) and United States Senator who represented Georgia from 1821 until his death in 1824. Adjacent...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Columbus, Ohio. Official Website Columbus is the county seat of Franklin County. The "Burough of Columbus" was officially established on February 10, 1816. Nine people were elected to fill the various positions of Mayor, Treasurer, and several others. In 1816-1817, Jarvis W. Pike would serve as the 1st Mayor. Although the recent Wa...
Indianapolis ABCs: Washington Park (Indianapolis): Owen J. Bush Stadium (Indianapolis):
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana. Official Website In 1818, the Delaware Indians relinquished their tribal lands in the Treaty of St. Mary's. In 1821, Indianapolis was founded as a planned city for the new seat of Indiana's state government. The city was platted by Alexander Ralston and Elias Pym Fordham on a 1-square-mile grid ...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Dallas County, Missouri. The county was organized in 1842 as Niangua County and then renamed in 1844 for George M. Dallas, who served as Vice President under James K. Polk. Adjacent Counties Camden County Laclede County Webster County Greene County Polk County Hickory County Cities, Villages & Communities Be...
Disclaimer: This Project is not endorsed by the Negro Southern League Museum or the Negro National Museum. I wish to thank them for the information for without it this and other projects would not be possible. Please do not add players. Note: This project is for genealogical and educational purposes. Also, some terms, nicknames and aka may be offensive to some. Moreover, we may never know why ...
Projekti aloitettu 30.6.2022. -Kehitteillä Tähän projektiin kerätään Parkanon Parkanonkylän Kaupin talonhaltijoita ja asukkaita . Parkanon talonhaltijaluettelot Parkanonkylä Maanmittauslaitoksen paikkatieto Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää henkilöprofiileja tähän projektiin. Entisen Satakunnan ja lähialueiden Kylät Tal...
Projekti aloitettu 25.9.2024. Projekti Parkanonkylän Juho Juhonpoika Kaupin mahdollisille todennetuille esipolville, jalkeläisille ja suvusta kiinnostuneille. Tiedoissa on vielä paljon löydettävää ja täydennettävää niin henkilöiden kuin lähteiden osalta. Liitettäessä henkilöprofiileja projektiin on hyvä tarkistaa, kohdasta toiminnot > raportti esivanhemmista tai jälkeläisistä (haku Ctrl + ...
French immigration in Argentina=French Argentines (French: Franco-Argentins; Spanish: franco-argentinos) refers to Argentine citizens of full or partial French ancestry or persons born in France who reside in Argentina. French Argentines form one of the largest ancestry groups after Italian Argentines and Spanish Argentines . Between 1857 and 1946; 261,020 French people immigrated to Argentina....
Old Cooper Cemetery Also known as Cooper's Cemetery Rosinton, Baldwin County, Alabama, USA
The Terrace End Cemetery contains the remains of those who died in the earliest years of European settlement of the 1870's through to 1927 when the Kelvin Grove Cemetery in James Line opened. After that date many were still buried in the Terrace End Cemetery, particularly in family plots that had already been purchased. The total number of recorded burials in the cemetery is around 9,500, but...
Polaków służących w Wehrmachcie pod względem pochodzenia można podzielić na trzy grupy:Do pierwszej grupy należeli przedwojenni obywatele pochodzenia niemieckiego posiadający polskie obywatelstwo – mniejszość niemiecka. Do drugiej – Ślązacy, Pomorzanie oraz Wielkopolanie, którzy zostali zaliczeni przez Niemców do tzw. Wasserpolen, zamieszkujących ziemie polskie anektowane przez III Rzeszę w 193...
The Battle of Peleliu, codenamed Operation Stalemate II by the US military, was fought between the United States and Japan during the Mariana and Palau Islands campaign of World War II , from September 15 to November 27, 1944, on the island of Peleliu. US Marines of the 1st Marine Division and then soldiers of the US Army's 81st Infantry Division, fought to capture an airfield on the small cor...
disambiguation: A now defunct political organization of 19th century American opposed to suffrage for immigrant Catholics and what they saw as overly easy access to citizenship Important distinction: NOT all profiles associated with this project were members of the Native American Party. Some are merely central to the discussion as they were players in central events such as the Kensington...
Among the first European settlers in South Africa (Cape Colony) the greatest number came from The Netherlands, France and Germany. Poles, alongside the British, Scandinavians and Portuguese were less numerous, but would also come into the area later on. Up to the end of the 18th century, the ancestors of such contemporary Afrikaner families as Drosky, Jankowitz, Knoop, Kroll, Kube, Troskie, Sch...
Axbergs socken i Närke ingick i Örebro härad, ingår sedan 1971 i Örebro kommun och motsvarar från 2016 Axbergs distrikt.Socknens areal är 97,26 kvadratkilometer, varav 92,13 land. År 2000 fanns här 2 061 invånare. Tätorten Ölmbrotorp samt kyrkbyn Axberg med Axbergs kyrka ligger i socknen.Administrativ historik Redigera Axbergs socken har medeltida ursprung.Vid kommunreformen 1862 övergick sockn...
--under-construction--2020-mei-12-di-06:02-GMT-lente--jMVu--collegae welcom! Nederlands ereveld Loenen gegevens adres: Groenendaalseweg 62-64 7371 EZ Loenen - Apeldoorn - geolocatie: 52,1149 -- 6,00004 opp. ca.38.200 m² aantal graven : 3.904 -- aantal personen : 3,881 ZOEKVELD : zie voor namen ook Oorlogsgravenregister begravenen ---A--- Carel Louis AA ‧ Loenen 15-02...