Kräcklinge socken i Närke ingick i Hardemo härad, ingår sedan 1995 i Lekebergs kommun i Örebro län och motsvarar från 2016 Kräcklinge distrikt.Socknens areal är 39,10 kvadratkilometer, varav 38,91 land. År 2000 fanns här 373 invånare. Kyrkbyn Kräcklinge med sockenkyrkan Kräcklinge kyrka ligger i socknen.Administrativ historik Kräcklinge socken har medeltida ursprung.Vid kommunreformen 1862 över...
The ice trade , also known as the frozen water trade , was a 19th-century and early 20th-century industry, mainly on the east coast of the United States and Norway. It involved the large-scale harvesting, transport and sale of natural ice, and later the making and sale of artificial ice, for domestic consumption and commercial purposes. Ice was cut from the surface of ponds and streams, then s...
Krekenava pirmą kartą paminėta 1409 m. Aplink miestelį buvę dvarų, kurie saugojo tautos kultūrą, tradicijas, palaikė amatų vystymąsi. Neatsitiktinai ir pirmos bažnyčios fundatoriai buvo Rodų dvaro savininkai Stanislovas ir Aleksas Vizgirdos. Tą patvirtina ir pakelėje iš Panevėžio link Krekenavos stovinti dvarininkų Švoinickių giminės koplyčia – mauzoliejus. Vos už keletos kilometrų – Šteinos, L...
The purpose of this project is to aggregate the list of living and deceased Bukharian Jewish rabbis. The links below are for the living rabbis, while for deceased ones profile should be added to the project. . Rabbi Asaf Haimov- Forest Hills, NY, USA . Rabbi Shmuel Alishayev- Forest Hills, NY, USA . Rabbi Emanuel Elizarov- Queens, NY, USA . Rabbi Michael Davidov Cohen - Ohr Avner Queens, NY...
From what was told to us, the source of the wartski family name is from the town of Warta and the warta river in Poland. we are all from choanim families. Goals of this project: 1:Commemoration of our deceased relatives 2: Try and locate all members of the wartski family in the past, and present 3: Try and find whether we all have a common father who changed the surname to wartski, Feel free t...
The Gold Sword for Bravery (Russian: Золотое оружие "За храбрость") was a Russian award for bravery. It was set up with two grades on 27 July 1720 by Peter the Great, reclassified as a public order in 1807 and abolished in 1917. From 1913 to 1917 it was renamed the Saint George Sword (Георгиевское оружие) and considered one of the grades of the Order of St. George.
Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. * Kultuurimälestiste riiklik register Projektiga liituda on võimalik nupu "Tegevused" alt valides "Liitu projektiga" Selle peale saadetakse projekti koostööpartneritele Teie taotlus, mille rahuldamisel liitute projektiga. Isikute projekti lisamiseks ja selles osalemiseks peab isiku pro...
Suomessa, Ruotsissa, Virossa... ja heidän kisällit, oppipojat.... menneisyydestä tähän päivään. Idea perustuu löytämääni ehkä sukulaiseen, joka yllättävästi oli peruukintekijä. Harvoinpa sitä tulee sukututkimuksen ohella pohdittua erilaisia töitä joita kaupungeissa ja kylissä oli. Silloinkin piti olla hiukset hyvin ja ammattilaiset siihen. Kustaa H. J. Vilkuna RUOTSIN PERUUKINTEKIJÄT 1648–1...
This project will invite profiles to be added that were members of the State Parliament of New South Wales, Members of Parliament, upper and lower houses. Former members see:: Actual Members see: Wikipedia:
Tämä projekti on Ilomantsin Liusvaaran kylän kyläprojekti. Projekti sisältää kylän asutusluetteloita, tarinoita ja valokuvia, linkkeineen sukupuuhun. Kyläprojekti kehittyy ja täydentyy jatkuvasti. Liusvaaran kyläkartta ( linkki tulossa ) Liusvaaran asutusluettelo Tarinoita Liusvaaralaisia sukuja Liusvaaraan liittyviä kuvia, artikkeleita, asiakirjoja ja videoita Ilomantsin paikkaku...
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in San Carlos, Pangasinan, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .
Please help document violence during the Reconstruction era of American history (1865-1877). As family historians, we, on Geni, are uniquely able to look within our own family stories, and contribute to the historic record. Documenting Reconstruction Violence: Known and Unknown Horrors Violence, mass lynchings, and lawlessness enabled white Southerners to create a regime of white supremacy a...
This project is a table of contents for all projects relating to this County of West Virginia. Please feel free to add profiles of anyone who was born, lived or died in this county. Tucker County was created in 1856 from a part of Randolph County, then part of Virginia. In 1861, as a result of the Wheeling Convention, Tucker County joined the rest of West Virginia in breaking away from Virgini...
Crypto Judaism >>> The Sephardi Odyssey Exquisite pictorial video.== Vatican Library Resource * The Inquisition Index * Introduction to inquisition trial transcripts and records * PBS Secret Files of The Inquisition * Family names from the Inquisition Archives of Portugal's Torre do Tombe
Official Web Site This project is a table of contents for all projects relating to this County of West Virginia. Please feel free to add profiles of anyone who was born, lived or died in this county. Pendleton County was created by an act of the Virginia General Assembly on December 4, 1787 from parts of Augusta, Hardy and Rockingham counties (Virginia). It was named in honor of Edmund Pendlet...
Sivusto on rakenteilla. Tähän projektiin voi etsiä ja liittää Viipurin porvareita; kaupan ja käsityön harjoittajia ja heidän Geni-profiileitaan. Porvaristo Suomessa Ruotsin vallan aikana Suomessakin porvarissääty oli yksi neljästä valtiosäädystä. Muut olivat aatelisto, papisto ja talonpojat. Porvaristolla ja kaupungeilla oli eräitä varsinkin elinkeinojen harjoittamista koskevia erioikeuksia, j...
This project is a table of contents for all projects relating to this County of West Virginia. Please feel free to add profiles of anyone who was born, lived or died in this county. Roane County was created by an act of the Virginia General Assembly on March 11, 1856. It was named for the jurist Spencer Roane of Virginia. He was born in Essex County April 4, 1762. The county's seat Spencer was...
This project seeks to list representatives of all of the Jewish families from the Moravian town of Boskovice ( Boskowitz ) in today's Czech Republic. Boskovice is located in the Drahanska Highlands of Moravia about 35 km north of Brno, near Prerov and Olomouc (which also had Jewish communities). The former Jewish ghetto in Boskovice is well signposted. There is a small Jewish Museum at 6 Plac...
The Royal and Military Order of Saint Ferdinand (Spanish: Real y Militar Orden de San Fernando), is a Spanish military order of chivalry, the decoration of which, the Laureate Cross of Saint Ferdinand (Spanish: Cruz Laureada de San Fernando), is Spain's highest military decoration for gallantry. Membership of the order, which is sometimes abbreviated RMOSF, is awarded in recognition of action, ...
The Royal and Military Order of Saint Hermenegild is both a general military honor and a legion created by Ferdinand VII of Spain on 28 November 1814. The Royal and Military Order of Saint Hermenegild is a military distinction of the Spanish Cavalry created by Ferdinand VII of Spain at the conclusion of the Spanish War of Independence in 1814. The purpose of the Order was to serve as a maximu...
Німецьке село-колонія(1811-1939-2012)
Rahva Omakaitse, RO - 1940 Eestis Rahva Omakaitse (lühendatult RO) oli Eestis kommunismimeelsetest vabatahtlikest 1940. aasta suvel moodustatud korrakaitseorganisatsioon. Vastavalt "Rahva Omakaitse korraldamise seadus"e §2. oli Rahva Omakaitse ülesandeks:* politseivõimude abistamine kodanike julgeoleku kaitsmisel Siseministri poolt määratud ulatuses;* oma liikmeile sõjalise õppuse ja kasvatuse...
Spanish people and their descendants in Russia
Klooga koonduslaager- Saksa koonduslaager Kloogal (tollase nimetusega vangilaager, põhiliselt juudid) - otsing (osa leitavad) Klooga koonduslaager (SD Klooga koonduslaager) oli Saksa okupatsioonivõimude poolt Klooga lähedale 1943. aasta septembris loodud Vaivara koonduslaagri välilaager. Tegutses 09.1943-09.1944