Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • село Харьковцы, Переяславский уезд, Полтавская губерния

    Проект по исследованию фамилий села Харьковцы, Переяславского уезда, Полтавской губернии. В данный момент к добавлению приветствуются персоны с фамилией Кириченко. В селе Харьковцы также встречаются следующие фамилии: Авраменко Бабенко Безбожный Белошапка Близнюк Брик Бятченко Вертипорошенкоr Воловик Волошин Донченко Дьяченко (Дяченко) Запорожченко Иванченко Ищенко Кабанец (Кобанец) Клименко ...

  • Palmer Family

    English: nickname from Middle English palmer(e) ‘palmer pilgrim to the Holy Land’ (Anglo-Norman French palmer Old French pa(l)mer paum(i)er) so called from the palm branch carried by such pilgrims. The term was also used to denote an itinerant monk who traveled from shrine to shrine under a vow of poverty. This surname is also common in Ireland where it has been recorded from the 13th century o...

  • Jewell Family

    Jewell Surname Meaning English (Devon and Cornwall): from an Old Breton personal name Iudhael composed of elements meaning ‘lord’ + ‘generous bountiful’ (see Jewkes) which was borne by a 7th-century Christian saint a king of Brittany who abdicated and spent the last part of his life in a monastery. Forms of this name are found in medieval records not only in Devon and Cornwall where they are of...

  • село Мазинки, Переяславский уезд, Полтавская губерния

    Проект по исследованию фамилий села Мазинки, Переяславского уезда, Полтавской губернии. В данный момент к добавлению приветствуются персоны с фамилией Слюсарь (Слюсар), Слюсаревский. В селе Мазинки также встречаются следующие фамилии: Бятец Воловик Гамалиев Декало Ещенко Ищенко Колесник Кондусь Косьмин Критский (Крицкий) Круговейко Лиховид Мелешко Мороз Музычка Муленко Мусеенко Набак Набоков ...

  • Harvey Family

    Harvey Surname Meaning English (of Norman origin): from the Old French and Middle English personal name Hervei also found as Herveu Hervé and Hervi. The name Herveu or Herv(e)i was borne by a number of Bretons at the Norman Conquest and as such represents a French form of the Old Breton name Hoiearnviu or Hærviu (see Herve). Among Normans Herve(i) or Herv(e)i was also a French form of ancient G...

  • Cincinnati Tigers (Negro League)

    The Cincinnati Tigers were a professional Negro league baseball team that was based in Cincinnati, Ohio.

  • Albany County, New York

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Albany County, New York. Official Website Albany County is a county in the state of New York , in the United States. Its northern border is formed by the Mohawk River, at its confluence with the Hudson River, which is on the east. The county seat is Albany, the state capital of New York. As originally established by the English gove...

  • Casatenovo, Lecco, Lombardia, Italy

    Casatenovo is a municipality in the Province of Lecco in the Italian region of Lombardy , situated approximately 30 km north-east of Milan and about 20 km south-west of Lecco. Coordinates: 45°41′54″N 9°18′42″E History First mentioned in 867 AD, the village likely developed in the late 10th to early 11th centuries around the castle of the Casati family. Casatenovo thrived during the economi...

  • The Ulster Plantation

    The Ulster Plantation==King James I believed that colonising Ulster would quell rebellion and win over the 'rude and barbarous Irish' to 'civility' and Protestantism. Learn about the English and Scottish planters and the role played by the London Companies in the Plantation of Ulster.The Plantation of Ulster (Irish: Plandáil Uladh) was the organised colonisation (plantation) of Ulster —a provin...

  • Lyhytikäiset rykmentit 1600 - 1809

    Projekti kerää lyhytaikaisiin sotilasyksiköihin kuuluneiden profiileja. Liitä ensin itsesi projektiin. Liitä sitten ylläpitämäsi sotilaan profiili. Jos et ole profiilin ylläpitäjä, voit kutsua profiilin projektiin. Projekti kuuluu pääprojektiin Finnish Military . Tietoa * Ennen isompia sotaretkiä Ruotsi perusti maakuntarykmenttien rinnalle lisärykmenttejä. Kun noin puolet miehistä ol...

  • Ancestors that immigrated to Aotearoa/New Zealand

    Collection of my ancestors that were born outside of Aotearoa New Zealand and immigrated here.

  • Петрыкины

    Петрыкины проживали в селе Воротынцево с 17 века точно ( доказано по ревизским сказкам)

  • Jewish Families from Fürth (Mittelfranken/Bayern), Germany

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Fürth (Mittelfranken/Bayern), Germany also known as Fuerth.It is not these towns: Fürth, Hesse, Germany Furth, part of Gloggnitz, Lower Austria Furth, part of Maria Anzbach, Lower AustriaIn the recent past,1900's to 2000's, it has been submerged by Nuremberg. Erlanger is also becoming larger.From JewishGen the link is to ...

  • Shomrey-Shabat Cemetery (Halperin)

    [ Shomrey-Shabat Cemetery (Halperin) Beni brak, Chazon-Ish Street בית-הקברות שומרי-שבת, הלפרין]בית הקברות שומרי שבת הוא בית הקברות הוותיק של בני ברק, הנמצא בדרום העיר. נוסד על ידי יעקב הלפרין, מייסד שכונת זיכרון מאיר בבני ברק. בית הקברות נמצא סמוך לבית קברות 'נציבי ישיבת '''פונביז''''''.בהתאם למסורת היהודית, לפיה אין לייחס חשיבות לטיפוח הקבר והמצבה, קיימת בבית הקברות הקפדה על הקמת מצבות פשוטות ...

  • Kunest

    В Писцовых Книгах 1585—1587 гг. упоминается как центр Кунейской губы Гдовского уезда. Известно, что до 1764 года в Кунестском погосте была церковь Св. Николая Чудотворца, которая сгорела со всеми документами, но была в том же году построена церковь Петра и Павла. НАСТОЯТЕЛИ Павлов Евсигней священник 1810 Прокопьев Михаил священник 1844 Литвин Феодор священник 1844 - 1847 Солнцев Захарий священ...

  • Ballet dancers and choreographers

    This project is for professional dancers, both soloists and choir dancers, choreographers and teachers.==*Choreographers*Balletmasters and balletmistresses*Artistic directors*Ballet dancers*Classical dancers*Dancers with classical ballet education*Modern dancers*Dance teachers

  • Families of Ancient Wethersfield

    In 1633 John Oldham from Watertown in the Massachusetts Bay Colony explored the Connecticut River. The following year he and some companions built temporary housing and passed the winter at Wethersfield. With the arrival of warmer weather other settlers, many also from Watertown, arrived from Massachusetts Bay. >Wethersfield has its niche in history, being " Ye Most Auncient Towne " in Connecti...

  • Yli-Iin (myös Iin) syntyneet ja vihityt vuonna 1826

    Yli-Ii (epävirallisesti ruots. Överijo tai Över-Ijo) on entinen Suomen kunta, joka sijaitsi Pohjois-Pohjanmaan maakunnan luoteisosassa. Yli-Ii sijaitsee Iijoen rannalla, jolla on iso sivujoki Siuruanjoki. Yli-Iin kunta on perustettu vuonna 1924, jolloin se erotettiin Iistä. Kuntien väkiluvut tosin laskettiin yhteen vielä vuoteen 1932 asti. Oulun kaupunki sekä Yli-Iin, Haukiputaan, Kiimingin ja ...

  • "Pestonjee Bomanjee" - Colonists to South Australia in 1838

    1838 Pestonjee Bomanjee from London - Capt. J K Hill, arrived Holdfast Bay Oct 12th, 1838 with 230 passengers (included Governor Gawler) This is part of the Bound for South Australia - Ships Lists Portal Project Sources:* The Ships Passenger List This is a great time to add the profile to an Occupation Project and also to the country they settled FROM, Irish ; German and Prussian ; English ; Co...

  • Siikajoki, alaprojekti yksinäisille profiileille ja muita lisätietoja

    Kaikki ovat tervetulleita liittymään projektiin. Tähän projektiin kerätään epäselviä profiileita, mitkä kaipaavat selvitystä ja jotenki liittyvät Siikajokeen ja Ruukkiin. Profiilit voidaan poistaa tästä projektista kun yhteys isoon puuhun on liitetty tai kaipaamat tiedot ovat löytyneet. ===Siikajoen projektit===*Paikkakunta Siikajoki, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, Suomi Paikkakunta Siikajoki, Pohjois-Pohj...

  • Estonians of the Volga region (Samara, Saratov and Simbirsk)

    This project is about Estonian settlers of the Volga region, and their descendants ( Samara, Simbirski and Saratov provinces) from 1855 up to nowadays. Siia kuuluksid need eestlased, kes aegade jooksul Eestist välja rännanud Samara, Simbirski ja Saratovi kubermangu (1855 aastast kuni tänapäevani.) Этот проект об эстонских переселенцах Поволжья и их потомках (Самарской, Симбирской и Саратовско...

  • Kelvin Grove Cemetery, Palmerston North, Manawatū-Whanganui, North Island, New Zealand

    Kelvin Grove Cemetery in Palmerston North has been in operation since 1927. Cemetery and cremation search

  • Gabriel Pšenák

    Rodokmeň Wissehradszki - Krupina

  • priimek Bremec in sorodstvo med družinami do l. 1800

    Pregled družin Bremec do leta 1800 v različnih župnijah in možni skupni predniki: VERJETNO NAJSTAREJŠI BREMEC RAZISKAN, ROJEN CCA 1620 (njegova hči je rodbino nadaljevala v Čepovanu): Anton Bremec župnija Čepovan naslov: Čepovan 79 najstarejši vpisan rojen cca 1700: Gašper Bremec poročne priče krstni botri: naslov: hčerka rojena v Čepovanu najstarejši vpisan rojen cca 1650: Vito Bremec ...

9626-9650 of 74953 projects