Ada of Huntingdon, Heiress of Yardley
(c.1205 - bef.1242)
Ada of Huntingdon1,2,3,4,5,6* F, #6451, d. between 4 August 1241 and 30 June 1242*Father David, 9th Earl of Huntingdon2,3,7,5,6 b. 1152, d. 17 Jun 1219*Mother Maud of Chester3,7,6 b. 1171, d. 6 Jan 123...
Aleksander Maastik ← Martenson
(1897 - 1987)
sünd: vanemad Aleksander Martenson ja Marie Pauline
MARTENSON: I pihtkonna VI personaalraamat. Peamiselt ...; TLA.1359.2.48; 1925-1939
MARTENSON / MAASTIK: II pihtkonna III personaalraamat. Aastate...
Opplandsjarl Orm Eilivsson
(c.1010 - c.1055)
Orm, Earl of the Uplifters==* He was the son of Eiliv Bårdsson at Sunnmøre and Ragnhild.datter by Håkon jarl the mighty* Orm was married to Sigrid Finnsdotter, they had the children Eiliv, Ragna and Og...
unknown man from sub Saharan Africa
(c.1616 - c.1699)
William “elder” Bass, Sr. was the son of ‘Elizabeth’ Basse, of the Nansemond and this man from Senegambia, Africa.
Mélisende d'Édesse, Reine de Jerusalem
(1105 - 1161)
She is Bernard Fresco's [ Bernard Fresco 26th great grandfather's 2nd wife. Video --> Death Dates: 9/12/1160, 9/11/1161, 9/11/1161m c. 9/11/1146Melisende was the daughter of the king of the Frankish ki...
Hatilde de Francie
(c.360 - c.429)
Some sources identify this Hatilde with the Hatilde who is said to have been the wife of Frotmundus . (Ildegond ) De TOXANDRIE, of the LOMBARDS=Suffix of the LOMBARDS Birth Abt 373 Lombardy, Italy G...
Eberhard, duke of Bavaria
(c.912 - c.955)
Information: Eberhard (Bavaria) : Eberhard of Bavaria (* 912, † 940 (?)) Was the eldest son of Duke Arnulf of Bavaria and his wife Judith of Friuli . He succeeded his father in 937 as Duke of Bavaria ,...
Marguerite d'Anjou, Queen consort of England and France
(1430 - 1482)
Primary Sources1444. Prid. Kal. Jan. St. Peter's. Rome. (f. 120.)
To Henry, king of England . Dispensation, at his petition (containing that for the peace and tranquillity of the realms of France and ...
Olof Andersson
(1457 - c.1530)
Ägde Bureå 1 år 1500. Bonde Bure nr 1 Olof Andersson. Född i Bure, Skellefteå lfs. Byggde fjärde gården i Bure (där hans sonsons son Anders Danielsson bodde 1601). med N N Vigsel: Bureå 1, Skellefteå l...
Narmer, Pharaoh of Egypt
(c.-3050 - c.-3000)
From: was an Egyptian Pharaoh who ruled in the 32nd century BC. The successor to Hor-Aha (Kush) "Scorpion King", he is the unifier of Egypt and founder of the First dynasty, and therefore the first kin...
Angantyr the Berserker
(bef.472 - 522)
According to sources Angantyr is mentioned as the king of the Danes.. The English missionary Willibroud that was a missionary among the Danes in around 700 AD described Angantyr as a man crueller than ...
Gilbert II, Castellan of Tillières
(c.1026 - 1109)
Princess Eyfuru Svafrlamisdatter
(c.454 - c.472)
Born: Abt 0454, Gordum, , , Norway 19 Marriage: Arngrim Grimsson Eyfuru married Arngrim Grimsson, son of Grim Hergrimsson and Bauggerd Starksdatter. (Arngrim Grimsson was born about 0452 in Bolmey, , ,...
Karin Jönsdotter Garp
(1484 - 1583)
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter I:2, s. 148-153. år omnämnd i adelskalender via sin dotter och dennes make Påvel:Pavel Andersson (tab. I), till Huovari i Vemo socken. Sannolikt smådräng på Åbo slott 1538, ...
Isabel Pigot (Gascoigne)
(c.1460 - 1513)
concerns Stirnet's "Gascoigne02" page does not mention this Isabel (much less identify her as a daughter of William Gascoigne of Gawthorpe and Joan Neville).
brief biography and family From Stirnet'...
Juozas Kisielius
(1949 - 1991)
Wichburg de Verdun von Bayern, Pfalzgräfin von Bayern
(c.935 - c.980)
Wichburg Of, daughter of Eberhard of Bavaria and Unknown, was born 955 in France. She got married about 960 in Aribone, Swabia with Hartwig I of Bavaria . Wichburg von Bayern (auch Wigburg) († nach 980...
Hélène Lekapene, Byzantine Empress Consort
(c.910 - 961)
Lekapene (Latinized to Lecapena, c. 910 - 19 September 961) was the Empress consort of Constantine VII. She was a daughter of Romanos I and his wife Theodora.BackgroundThe deaths of Emperor Leo VI the ...
Karl Marx
(1818 - 1883)
Karl Marx (5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883) was a German philosopher, economist, historian, political theorist, sociologist, journalist and revolutionary socialist.Born in Trier to a middle-class family, Ma...
Abijah .
(-1715 - d.)
The source of Abija as the wife of Hezron seems to be 1 Chronicles 2:24.
Dwfyn ab Amgolydd
(c.140 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediat...
 Portrait, Auckland Weekly News 1917. This may be of a different soldier, George Thomas Riley, who was a cheesemaker from Mahoe near Stratford, Taranaki. He, however, is not recorded in an official record as having died during the war. - No known copyright restrictions.
Pte. George Thomas Riley
(1895 - 1917)
George Thomas Riley was born at Eltham in the Taranaki region of New Zealand's North Island on 29 March 1895. His parents were William George Riley (O'Riley) and Elizabeth Alice Riley (née Hawke) who h...
Onwedd ap Dubun
(c.50 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediat...
Waltheof, Earl of Northumbria
(c.1040 - 1076)
Waltheof (1050-31 May 1076), Earl of Northumbria and last of the Anglo-Saxon earls. He was the only English aristocrat to be formally executed during the reign of William I. He was reputed for his phys...
Aubrey de Vere, I, Sheriff of Berkshire
(c.1030 - 1112)
Aubrey de Vere, I, Sheriff of Berkshire Another name for Alberic was Aubrey
* Sheriff, Old English; scire-gerefa, a shire-reeve
Alt Birth Date: 1030, 1040 in Ver, Manch, Normandy, France
Alt Dea...
Laila Elisa Kanon (Kataja)
(1919 - 2010)
Laila Kanon: / VIitattu 2.1.2022
Laila Kanon 22 Dec 1919 - 17 May 2010: BillionGraves: / VIitattu 2.1.2022
Laila Kanon: Stadin Friidu ja metsien mies - Jatkosodan rakkaustarina: ISBN 978-...
Engeltrude of Paris
(b. - 869)
The oldest successor of Eberhard of Friuli. Married Ava, a daughter of Liutfrid of Monza, and left a son Eberhard of Sulichgau who married Ermentrude of France, granddaughter of Charles the Bald, but w...
Bengt Magnusson, Folkungaätten
(1194 - 1237)
att förväxla med Bengt Magnusson av folkungaättens lagmansgren! =Bengt Magnusson (Folkungaätten), död 1237, son till Magnus Minnisköld och Ingrid Ylva . Biskop i Linköping mellan 1220 och 1236. Han inv...
William Smith Bryan, I
(1685 - 1786)
DNA proven as not related to Morgan Bryan
William "The Immigrant" Bryan Sr.
Born 1685 in County Clare, Ireland
Died 1789 at about age 104 in On the Bryan farm (Lake Spring), Big Lick, Botetourt,...
Sir Alexander Stewart of Darnley, Kt.
(1342 - 1402)
He was the son of Sir Alexander Stewart of Darnley. It is not known who his first wife was, but evidence that his son John Stewart of Darnley bore the emblems of Clan Turnbull as a quartering on his ar...
Agnes Kimzey
(c.1730 - d.)
Warning: Information below is contrary to information about this family in the DAR public database.
Agnes Lane Kimzey Long died between 1850 and 1860. She is 85 years old in t...
Einar Eindrideson Tambarskjelve
(972 - c.1050)
Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi Einar Tambarskjelve (født ca.980, død ca.1050).Einar Eindrideson fikk tilnavnet «Tambarskjelve» (av norrønt tomb = buestreng) fordi han var den beste bueskytteren i land...
Gwrtheyrn ap Rhydeyrn
(c.185 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediat...
Rachelle Hruska
Rachelle J. Hruska MacPherson (born March 7, 1983) is an American new media entrepreneur. She is the co-founder and CEO of GuestofaGuest.com and Lingua Franca.[1] In 2011, Fast Company named Hruska one...
Nicolaus Copernicus, Jr.
(1473 - 1543)
Nicolaus Copernicus (Polish: Mikołaj Kopernik; German: Nikolaus Kopernikus) was a Polish Renaissance mathematician and astronomer, of a Prussian descent, who formulated a model of the universe that pla...
Karin Henriksdotter Fleming
(c.1447 - c.1477)
Rälssimies Nils Jönsson Slukin vaimo. Grelsby, Finström, Ahvenanmaa. Frälseman Nils Jönsson Sluks hustru. Grelsby, Finström, Åland, Finland. 'Noble man Nils Jönsson Sluk's wife. Grelsby, Åland, Finland...
John Bryant
(1650 - 1736)
John Bryant Sr. was born Apr 7, 1650 in Duxbury, Plymouth, MA and died Mar 29, 1736, Plympton, Plymouth, MA. He is buried in Old Cemetery At The Green.
Parents: Stephen Bryant (Abt 1615-1701) & Abigai...
Magnus Haraldsson, II
(1048 - 1069)
II (1048 – 1069), son of Harald Sigurdsson, was king of Norway from 1066 until 1069.---Magnus Haraldsson eller Magnus II (født 1048, død 1069) var konge av Norge 1066 til 1069
Queen Consort of Sweden Catherine Magnusdotter
(1550 - 1612)
Karin Månsdotter, Queen of Sweden==* Daughter of Måns Helsing and Ingrid * Place of burial in Turku Cathedral Sweden * Karin Månsdottir's grave - Karin Mansdotter Coat of Arms -
Endeyrn ab Eneid
(60 - 154)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)See "My Lines"( )from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, ...
Björn Wahlroos
Salo, Finland
Björn Arne Christer Wahlroos (1952-) is the Chairman of the Board and a major stockholder in Nordea Bank , Sampo Group , and UPM-Kymmene . Because of his position of three major companies, he has been ...
Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York
(1341 - 1402)
a short summary from Wikipedia Edmund of Langley Duke of YorkSuccessor: Edward of Norwich, 2nd DukeSpouse: Infanta Isabella of CastileJoan HollandIssue:Edward of Norwich, 2nd Duke of YorkConstance of ...
Sir John Lundin, Kt.
(c.1433 - bef.1516)
Governor of Stirling Castle
 Erected 2000 by Department of Historic Resources. (Marker Number K-242.)
Capt. Nathaniel Basse
(bef.1589 - 1654)
Biography Updated 11 March 2025
Capt. Nathaniel Basse was born before December 19, 1589 in London, Middlesex , England and was baptized on December 19, 1589 in St Gabriel Fenchurch, London, Middlese...
Grjötgard Gardsson, king of Nordmøre {Hversum Noreg byggdist}
From "Ættartolur", the genealogies appended to the Hversu Noregr byggdist in the Flatey Book:>" Sigarr was the father of Siggeir, who married Signy, the daughter of the king of the Volsungs. Sigarr was...
Henrik Fredriksson Carstens
(c.1550 - c.1614)
Henrik Carstens on suvun Carstens (Carsten, Karsten) suomalaisen haaran kantaisä.
Henrik Carstens är stamfar till den finska grenen av ätten Carstens.
Genos 1 / 2018..
Borgare i Helsingfors,idkar...
Heidrek "Ulfhamor" Angantyrsson, King of Reiðgotaland
(c.542 - 642)
"Ulfhamr" Angatyrson, king in Reidgotaland.* Father: Angantyr* Wife: Amfelda* Daughter: Hild, mother of Halfdan "Snälle", who was father of Ivar VidfamneNote: Some genealogies mix him with Hilderic , s...
Mickel Jacobsson Ilkka
(c.1567 - 1643)
Ilmajoen Ilkan isäntä
Ilkan isäntäluetteloa 1598-1653
Mikki Jaakonpoika Ilkka isännöi Ilmajoen Ilkan tilaa vuosina 1598–1634. Hänet kirjatiin vuosina 1604–1607 myös Matinpojaksi. Vuodesta 1602 läht...
Albrecht I von Österreich, Roman-German King
(1255 - 1308)
Albrecht I. (HRR) aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche Albrecht I. von Habsburg König Albrecht schickt wegen seiner Kaiserkrönung einen Boten zu Papst Bonifatius, nicht...
Svantepolk Knutsson Viby, Skarsholmsätten
(aft.1225 - bef.1310)
Svantepolk Knutsson= ævnt fra 1253, ejer af godset Viby i Sverige, ridder, rigsråd fra senest 1288, lagmand i Ostetgotland.Svantepolk Knutsson, född vid okänd tidpunkt, nämnd första gången 1253, död i...
William Clark
(1770 - 1838)
William Clark (1770-1838), of the Lewis & Clark Expedition , was the son of Jonathan Clark & Ann Paulette Rogers. He married 1) Julia Hancock 2) Harriet Kennerly.
from Oregon Pioneers - Lewis and C...
Mary Obedience "Polly" Stewart
(1772 - 1850)
Mary "Polly" Obedience Stewart (Clay)
Mary Terry (White)
(1570 - 1637)
From Rev John White MA (1574/5-1648) (Also spelt Whyte or Whight) Patriarch of Dorchester & Founder of Massachusetts
(1). Mary White (c.1571 - 1637/8) married c1591 to John TERRY (1555-1625) Rector o...
Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon
(1930 - 2002)
short summary from WikipediaPrincess MargaretCountess of Snowdon Spouse Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon(m. 1960, div. 1978)Issue:David Armstrong-Jones, Viscount LinleyLady Sarah ChattoFull...
Urban ap Gradd
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediat...
Rudolf Seppar
(1899 - 1942)
Sündis 27.08.1899 Narvas Johannes Seppari ainsa lapsena. Viidi Sosvasse, Sverdlovski oblastis asuvasse Sevurallagi, kus talle 12.03.1942 surmaotsus langetati ja 24.04.1942 maha lasti.
Vabadussõja aja...
Elizabeth Williams
(1705 - 1765)
Not the wife of John Wiiiams Jr. of Queen's creek born 1679 died 1719.
Elizabeth Caswell (daughter of William Caswell and Mercy Lincoln)4 was born 1705 in Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA4, and di...
Dr. Jonas Salk
(1914 - 1995)
Edward Salk (October 28, 1914 – June 23, 1995) was an American medical researcher and virologist, best known for his discovery and development of the first safe and effective polio vaccine. He was born...
Olli Paavalinpoika Halonen
(c.1602 - aft.1667)
Kemin pitäjän ruodutusluettelossa vuodelta 1640 Olli iäksi merkitty 38 vuotta, mikäli tämä pitää paikkansa niin hän olisi syntynyt vuoden 1602 tienoilla. Ollin vaimoksi on merkitty Margareta Tuomaantyt...
Princess Joséphine Charlotte of Belgium
(1927 - 2005)
Name/title: Joséphine-Charlotte Ingeborg Elisabeth Maria Josepha/Marie-José Margarethe/Astrid Princess of Belgium.*By marriage Grand Duchess consort of Luxembourg==Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Joh...
Pēteris Laķis
(1952 - 2003)
Perttu Laurinpoika Kemppainen
(1615 - 1682)
Talollinen. Taivanala, Hyrynjärvi, Hyrynsalmi. Bonde. Taivanala, Hyrynjärvi, Hyrynsalmi, Finland. 'Farmer. Taivanala, Hyrynjärvi, Hyrynsalmi, Finland. HUOM! Hyrynsalmen Taivanalan Perttu Laurinpoika Ke...
Heinrich Mereküla ← Pavlovsky
(1880 - 1938)
TLA.1358.2.2 ; Vaderid: Nicolai Makarow, agent Stanislaw Pawlowsky, Marie Pihlakas.
Joan Buscowen
(aft.1403 - 1443)
Detached this Joan Trenowoth as wife of John Trethurffe, MP
Biography Hugh Boscowen married Johan, only daughter of Ralph Trenouth, and heir of her mother Maud, daughter and heir of __ Tregarick, of...
Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk
(1473 - 1554)
"Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk, KG, PC, Earl Marshal (1473 – 25 August 1554) was a prominent Tudor politician. He was an uncle of two of the wives of Henry VIII: Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard, ...
Bořivoj I, duke of Bohemia
(aft.851 - 889)
Bořivoj I (Czech pronunciation: ˈbɔr̝ɪvɔj ) (c. 852–c. 889) was the first historically documented Duke of Bohemia (870–889) and founder of Přemyslid dynasty. the head of the Přemyslids who dominated th...
Hans Nilsen Hauge
(1771 - 1824)
Dåp 1771 (#26 - øverst på v. side).
Vielse (1) 1815 (h. side).
Vielse (2) 1817
Dødsfall og begravelse1824 (#36).
Haugianere , Tune historielag
Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th President of the United States
(1908 - 1973)
The thirty-sixth President of the United States (1963–1969) and thirty-seventh Vice President of the United States (1961–1963). A Democrat, Johnson succeeded to the presidency following the assassinati...
Jeanne de Valois, Comtesse de Hainault
(c.1289 - bef.1342)
Joan of Valois (c. 1294 Longpont, Aisne, France – 7 March 1342, Fontenelle, Yonne, France). Jeanne de Valois, (née en 1294 - morte le 7 mars 1352), princesse de sang royal, fille de Charles de Franc...
Agnès d'Abbeville, comtesse de Ponthieu
(c.1064 - 1102)
Agnes de Ponthieu
m: Robert de Bellême
1. GUILLAUME [I] "Talvas"
Agnes of Ponthieu became her father Count Guy's heiress, and was married to Robert of Bellême. Their...
Hrothgar Halfdansson, Scylding King of Roskilde Denmark
(c.527 - c.620)
Beowulf och Hleidargardur
Hroðgar, Hrothgar, Hróarr, Hroar, Roar, Roas or Ro was a legendary Danish king, living in the early 6th century.
A Danish king Hroðgar appears in the Anglo-Saxon epics ...
Pepin Bérenger de Senlis, comte de Bayeux
(c.845 - aft.893)
Pepin III, Count of Vermandois (also known as Pepin II, Count of Senlis ; French: Pépin) (c. 846 – 893) was a Frankish noble; the Count of Senlis and Count of Vermandois (850 – 893); Lord of Valoi...
Deaghata (Lebor Gabála Érenn)
(-1800 - d.)
Deag of ScythiaFather: Arcadh (Aircid) King of GothiaMisc. NotesPart II of Irish Pedigrees, or The origin and stem of the Irish nation, by John O'Hart, published 1892, pages 44-55Children: Brath
Louis I le Boiteux, duc de Bourbon
(1279 - 1342)
Louis was born in Clermont-en-Beauvaisis, the son of Robert, Count of Clermont, and a grandson of King Louis IX of France. Louis' mother was Beatrix of Burgundy, heiress of Bourbon and a granddaughter ...
Gundred de St. Omer, Countess of Surrey
(b. - 1085)
_________________________________________________________________________________ was almost certainly born in Flanders, and was a sister of Gerbod the Fleming, 1st Earl of Chester.[2][3][4][5] She is ...
Mathilde de Blois, Queen consort of England, comtessa de Boulogne
(aft.1103 - 1152)
MATHILDE de Boulogne ([1103/05]-Hedingham Castle, Essex 2/3 or 30 May or 3 Jul 1151, bur Faversham Abbey, Kent). Her parentage is recorded by Orderic Vitalis[490]. The Genealogica comitu...
Ermengarde de Bourgogne, Daughter of Boson
(876 - 935)
Daughter of Boso, Comte de Vienne, King of Provence, and his wife Ermengardis (who was daughter of Emperor Louis II King of Italy & his wife Engelberga).The FMG lists her as an unnamed daughter, though...
Bengt Jönsson Blåfield
(c.1440 - aft.1479)
Adelsvapen Bengt Jönsson. Väpnare. Borgare i Åbo . Adlad 1476-11-12 av riksföreståndaren Sten Sture. Han gav 1479 med sin hustrus samtycke Puotus gods i Nousis socken till Nädendals kloster mot ett ste...
Nina Simone
(1933 - 2003)
Dr. Nina Simone was born 21 February 1933 in Tryon, North Carolina and died 21 April 2003 in Carry-le-Rouet, Bouches-du-Rhône, France . Her birth name was Eunice Kathleen Waymon and she was also known ...
Thorold, seigneur de Pont-Audemer
(c.949 - c.1040)
Thorold, Touroude or Þóroldr d'Harcourt de Pontaudemar
Parents: Torf and his wife
Spouse: Wevia, Gunnor de Crépon's sister
1. Honfroi who married Aubrey
2. Roger
3. (some repo...
Eremburge de Bricquebec
(c.930 - 1003)
comments==Date and place of birth have also been (erroneously?) reported to be 950 at an unspecified location.Date and place of death have also been (erroneously?) reported to be circa 955 at an unspec...
Petrus Michaelis Arctophilacius (Kalling Arctophilacius)
(1575 - 1647)
Kalling nr 1361 : Sukututkimusseuran aikakauskirja (Calamniusten esipolvet): Michaelis (Petter) Arctophilacius , * Kalajoen kappalainen, kirkkoherra 1612, * valtiopäivämies; * rovasti, * laivuri, * s. ...
Marlene Dietrich
(1901 - 1992)
Magdalene "Marlene" Dietrich (/mɑːrˈleɪnə ˈdiːtrɪk/, German: [ma%CA%81%CB%88le%CB%90n%C9%99 ˈdiːtʁɪç]; 27 December 1901 – 6 May 1992) was a German-American actress and singer. Throughout her long caree...
Charles II the bewitched, King of Spain
(1661 - 1700)
Charles II Hapsburg the Bewitched King of Spain 6 November 1661 Madrid Spain - 1 November 1700 Madrid Spain
[Hapsburg is also interchangeably spelled as Habsburg]
Charles II/Carlos II was King o...
 Unknown artist Via National Library of Scotland https://digital.nls.uk/histories-of-scottish-families/archive/95281... Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Archibald Douglas, 5th Earl of Douglas
(c.1390 - 1439)
[ ] M, #108096, b. 1390, d. 26 June 1439 Archibald Douglas, 5th Earl of Douglas was born in 1390.1 He was the son of Archibald Douglas, 4th Earl of Douglas and Margaret Stewart, Lady of Galloway .2 He ...
Breoghan (Lebor Gabála Érenn)
(c.-1799 - -1680)
Breoghan (or Brigus ) was king of Galicia, Andalusia, Murcia, Castile, and Portugal—all of which he conquered. He built Breoghan's Tower or Brigantia in Galicia, and the city of Brigantia or Braganza i...
Ingebjørg Haraldsdotter
(c.865 - 920)
Kilden til Halvdan Jarl er denne setningen fra Snorre, [Eirikss%C3%B8nnenes saga:>"Øyvinds mor Gunnhild var datter til Halvdan jarl, og hennes mor var Ingebjørg, datter til kong Harald Hårfagre." Heims...
Annette Caroline Anna* Lammas
(1867 - 1937)
Anna Lammas (neiuna Anna Wiegandt ; 7. juuli 1867 Vändra – 20. september 1937 Tartu) oli eesti progümnaasiumiõpetaja ja koolijuht.
Algõpetuse sai ta kodus. Aastatel 1882–1883 õppis ta Pärnu tütarlaste...
Charles I, last Emperor of Austria-Hungary
(1887 - 1922)
Golden Fleece - Grand Masters======Golden Fleece - Knights: Austrian Branch=====Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia ==Karl I. (Österreich-Ungarn)==* Full name; German - Karl I. Franz Joseph Lud...
Kaja Korsvold
Kaja Korsvold (født 18. september 1950) er en norsk, pensjonert journalist og litteraturkritiker.
Hun arbeidet[2] i mange år som kulturjournalist i Aftenposten, der hun særlig skrev om bøker og bokb...
Uta, Herzogin von Kärnten
(c.1080 - 1153)
Wife of Engelbert, Duke of Carinthia.
Engelbert II (died 12 or 13 April 1141) was the Count of Sponheim from 1096 and Margrave of Istria and Carniola from sometime between 1101 and 1107 until 1124. ...
Anders Eriksson (Cajanus)
(1600 - 1657)
Anders Erikinpoika oli Kainuun vapaaherrakunnan vouti ja Cajanus-suvun kantaisä. Hänen itsensä ei tiedetä käyttäneen mitään lisänimiä, mutta useammat hänen lapsistaan ottivat aikanaan käyttöön sukunime...
Princess of Norway Ulvhild Olavsdatter, Duchesse of Saxony
(c.1020 - 1071)
Ulvhilda Olavsdotter, Duchesse of Saxony= av Norge of Norway Ulfhilde Olavsdotter av NorgeStammor til fyrstehusene Oldenborg og GluckburgNotes for Ulvhild Olavsdatter (Spouse 1)
Sir Hugh le Despenser of Ryhall
(1223 - 1265)
Hugh le Despencer, 1st Baron le Despencer (1223 – 4 August 1265) was an important ally of Simon de Montfort during the reign of Henry III. He served briefly as Justiciar of England in 1260 and as Const...
Heinrich Himmler
(1900 - 1945)
Heinrich Lultpold Himmler Heinrich Luitpold Himmler (7 October 1900 – 23 May 1945) was Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel (SS), a military commander, and a leading member of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) of Na...
Bertachar, co-King of the Thüringians
(b. - c.530)
Berthar or Bertachar was a son of Bisinus and Basina. He and his brothers Hermanfrid and Baderic succeeded their father Bisinus to the rule over the Thuringii. Berthar, however, was soon defeated by He...
Grand Prince of Kiev Iziaslav Dmitri Yaroslavich Rurikids
(1024 - 1078)
M. Angel's summary:Relationships:Parents:Father: Ярослав Владимирович "Мудрий" (Yaroslav I "The Wise"), Grand Prince of Kiev (1019-1054)Mother: Ингегерда (Ingegerd Olofsdotter), Grand Princess of Kiev ...
Job Lines
(1846 - 1916)
Mathilde of Germany, countess Palatine of Lotharingia
(c.979 - 1025)
Count Palatinen Ezzon puoliso. Another name for Matilda was Mathilde of Germany. General Notes: Mathilde var abedisse i Qvedlinburg i 997. Hun må altså ha vært i kloster etter at hun ble gift. Hun var ...
Otto II, Holy Roman Emperor
(955 - 983)
The Peerage
Wikipedia [58 languages]
Holy Roman Emperor Reign 25. December 967 – 7. December 983
King of Germany(formally King of the Franks) Reign 26. May 961– 7.December 983 ...