Thorold, Touroude or Þóroldr d'Harcourt de Pontaudemar
4. WEWA . She and her three sisters, as well as their husbands, are named by Robert de Torigny[40]. Guillaume de Jumièges names "Gueuve et Aveline" as two sisters of Gunnor, recording that the former married "Turulfe de Pont-Audemer, son of Torf"[41]. The Genealogia Fundatoris of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire records that the (unnamed) sister of ”Gunnora comitissa Normanniæ” married “Turulpho de Ponte-Adomaro”[42].
m THOROLD de Pont-Audemer, son of [TORF & his wife ---] (-after 1040).
THOROLD [Turold] de Pont-Audemer (-murdered after 1040). Guillaume de Jumièges names "Turulfe de Pont-Audemer, son of Torf" when recording his marriage[2348]. "…Turaldus…" are named as present in the charter dated 1035 under which "Willelmus adhuc puerulus…Roberti comitis filius" donated "Turstini villa" to the abbey of Préaux[2349]. He was strangled[2350]. Guillaume de Jumièges records that "Turold, précepteur du jeune duc [Guillaume II]" was murdered in the early years of the duke's reign[2351].
WEWA, sister of GUNNORA [mistress of Richard I Duke of Normandy]. Guillaume de Jumièges names "Gueuve et Aveline" as two sisters of Gunnor, recording that the former married "Turulfe de Pont-Audemer, son of Torf"[2352]. The Genealogia Fundatoris of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire records that the (unnamed) sister of ”Gunnora comitissa Normanniæ” married “Turulpho de Ponte-Adomaro”[2353].
Thorold & his wife had [two] children:
a) HONFROI de Vieilles (-after [1040], bur Préaux, monastery of Saint-Pierre). He is named as son of Thorold by Orderic Vitalis[2354]. Seigneur de Vieilles et de Pont-Audemer, in Normandy. The Genealogia Fundatoris of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire names ”Humfridum de Vetulis” as son of “Turulpho de Ponte-Adomaro” & his wife[2355]. He witnessed charters under Robert I Duke of Normandy. He founded the monasteries of Saint-Pierre before 1035 and Saint-Leger in [1040], both at Préaux, near Pont-Audemer2354. "…Humfridus constructor eiusdem loci cum filiis suis Rogerio, Roberto, Willelmo…" are named as present in the charter dated 1035 under which "Willelmus adhuc puerulus…Roberti comitis filius" donated "Turstini villa" to the abbey of Préaux[2356]. Guillaume de Jumièges records that "Roger du Ternois" [Tosny] fought "Honfroi de Vaux" during his rebellion against Guillaume II Duke of Normandy during the early years of the latter's reign[2357]. He became a monk at the former before he died[2358].
m AUBREY, daughter of ---. Robert of Torigny records that "Hunfridus de Vetulis, pater Rogerii de Bello Monte, et Albereda uxor eius" founded two monasteries, one for men the other for women, in "fundo Pratelli"[2359].
Honfroi & his wife had four children:
i) ROGER de Vieilles (-29 Nov 1094, bur Préaux, monastery of Saint-Pierre). "…Humfridus constructor eiusdem loci cum filiis suis Rogerio, Roberto, Willelmo…" are named as present in the charter dated 1035 under which "Willelmus adhuc puerulus…Roberti comitis filius" donated "Turstini villa" to the abbey of Préaux[2360]. Guillaume de Jumièges records that "Honfroi de Vaux" sent his son "Roger de Beaumont" to fight "Roger du Ternois" [Tosny] during the latter's rebellion against Guillaume II Duke of Normandy during the early years of the duke's reign[2361].
ii) ROBERT de Vieilles (-after 1066, bur Préaux, monastery of Saint-Pierre2365). "…Humfridus constructor eiusdem loci cum filiis suis Rogerio, Roberto, Willelmo…" are named as present in the charter dated 1035 under which "Willelmus adhuc puerulus…Roberti comitis filius" donated "Turstini villa" to the abbey of Préaux[2362]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records the proposed marriage of "Robertus comes Mellentinus" and the daughter of "Hugonis Crispeiensis comes" which was prohibited by "Yvo [episcopus]" on grounds of consanguinity, the mutual descent of the two parties from "Gauterus Albus de Albamarla" being set out in the chronicle[2363]. William I King of England gave him land in the Cotentin[2364]. He was killed by Roger de Clères according to Orderic Vitalis, who specifies that he was the son of Honfroi de Vieilles[2365].
iii) GUILLAUME de Vieilles . "…Humfridus constructor eiusdem loci cum filiis suis Rogerio, Roberto, Willelmo…" are named as present in the charter dated 1035 under which "Willelmus adhuc puerulus…Roberti comitis filius" donated "Turstini villa" to the abbey of Préaux[2366].
iv) DUNELME de Vieilles . The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. Her daughter became a nun at Saint-Leger de Préaux[2367].
m ---.
b) [ROGER (-after [1060]). "…Ingulfus dapifer, Rogerius filius Toraldi, Unfredus filius Ansquitilli, Rainaldus Foliot, Ricardus de Sturavilla, Gosfridus filius Rotberti Venatoris, Nigellus de Glanvilla, Rodulfus camerarius…Serlus filius Alveredi, Ricardus Britesonis filius" witnessed the charter dated to [1060] under which "Niellus vicecomes" donated six churches on Guernsey to the abbey of Marmoutier[2368]. It is not certain that Roger was the brother of Honfroi de Vieilles. However, no other person named Thorold has yet been identified in the primary sources so far consulted.]
Thorold de Ponteaudemer d'Harcourt [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3, 4 about 945 in Pont-Audemer, Haute-Normandie, France. He died 5 about 1036 in Préaux, Haute-Normandie, France. He married 6 Avelina Duceline de Crepon in 979 in France.
Other marriages:
de Crepon, Senfrie
de Montfort, Anceline Sur Risle
Avelina Duceline de Crepon [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3 about 945 in Pont-Audemer, Haute-Normandie, France. She married 4 Thorold de Ponteaudemer d'Harcourt in 979 in France.
Other marriages:
de Bolebec, Osbern Lord de Giffard
They had the following children:
F i Josceline de Ponteaudemer d'Harcourt
F ii Lessiline d'Harcourt
M iii Humphrey de Vieilles de Ponteaudemer d'Harcourt
F iv Emma Torta d'Harcourt
Thorold de Ponteaudemer d'Harcourt [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3, 4 about 945 in Pont-Audemer, Haute-Normandie, France. He died 5 about 1036 in Préaux, Haute-Normandie, France. He married 6 Anceline de Montfort Sur Risle about 990.
Thorold, Seigneur de Pont-Audemer1
M, #175925
Last Edited=4 Dec 2005
Child of Thorold, Seigneur de Pont-Audemer
Humphrey de Vieilles, Seigneur de Vielles et Pont-Audemer+1
[S6] G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume VII, page 521. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage.
Torf the Rich married in 955 Ensorberge. They had two sons as follows:
1. Thurbold de Pontaudemer, the eldest son.
2. Turquetil, Turqueville or Tanqueraye, de Neufmarche, second son.
House of Beamont
Bernard the Dane
└─>Torf le Riche, seigneur de Pont-Audemer (born c. 910)
└─>Turold de Pont-Audemer (c. 940)
└─>Onfroi de Vieilles called de Harcourt (c. 975)
└─>Roger de Beaumont (le Barbu) († 1094)
├─>Robert de Beaumont (1050 – 1118)
│ │
│ ├─>Galéran IV de Meulan (1104 – 1166)
│ │ └─> earls of Worcester branch
│ │
│ └─>Robert II de Beaumont (1104 – 1168)
│ └─> earls of Leicester branch
└─>Henri de Beaumont called de NeufBourg (1046 – 1123)
└─> earls of Warwick branch
Touroude de Torville , seigneur de Pont Audemer, married Seinfreda de Crepon, daughter of Herbastus de Crepon Sr., circa 950--presumably when he was a small child.
Touroude was a forester in the area of St. Vaast d'Equiqueville.
He married Duvelina de Crepon, daughter of Herbastus de Crepon Sr., before 975.
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p64.htm#i8445 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
2+ Humphrey de 0975 9/28/1044 France, High Normandy, Eure, Pont Audemer m. Aubreye de la Haie
3 Ilbert abt 0988 France, High Normandy, Eure, Pont Audemer
Touroude was born about 950 in Normandy, France. By inheritance from his father was Seigneur du Ponteautorf, de Torville, Torcy, Torny, and Torly he became Sire du Ponteaudemer, which became his principal residence and by which name he was commonly known. By his marriage he enhanced his position among the Norman nobility, and he was a prominent figure during the reigns of Dukes Richard II., Richard III., and Robert "the Devil" (996-1035). He married about 980, WEVIA (Duceline) DE CRÊPON, born 942 of Pont-Audemer, Eure, France, who was a younger sister of the Duchess Gunnora, wife of Richard I., Duke of Normandy.
Children: Herbrard, Gilberd, Richard, Ilbert, Josseline, Humphrey de Vuelles
b. 949
Touroude de Torville , seigneur de Pont Audemer|b. 949|p64.htm#i8445|seigneur de Pont-Audemer Torf de Torville|b. 928|p64.htm#i8456||||Bernard the Saxon|b. 904|p233.htm#i26755|Sprote de Bourgogne|b. 908|p233.htm#i26757|||||||
Father seigneur de Pont-Audemer Torf de Torville b. 928
Also called Turulf de Pont Audemer.2 Touroude de Torville , seigneur de Pont Audemer was born in 949.1 He was the son of seigneur de Pont-Audemer Torf de Torville. Touroude de Torville , seigneur de Pont Audemer married Seinfreda de Crepon, daughter of Herbastus de Crepon Sr., circa 950. Touroude de Torville , seigneur de Pont Audemer was was a forester in the area of St. Vaast d'Equiqueville. He married Duvelina de Crepon, daughter of Herbastus de Crepon Sr., before 975.
Family 1
Seinfreda de Crepon b. circa 932
* Josseline de Beaumont+ b. c 9553
Family 2
Duvelina de Crepon b. circa 936
* Humphrey de Vielles+ b. c 975
1. [S467] GdRdF, online http://jeanjacques.villemag.free.fr/, Comte d'Harcourt.
2. [S221] Todd A. Farmerie, "Gunnor of Normandy".
3. [S209] Somerset Herald J.R. Planché, Planché, J.R..
1. TORF1 was born circa 920, and died between 950 and 1030. He married circa 950, ERTEMBERGE DE BRIQUEBEC. [67, 28, 103]
Seigneur de Torville
possibly a son of Bernard the Dane, the most powerful of the feudal nobles of
Normandy but this relationship has not been proved.
Children: + 2 i. TOURADE2 DE PONTAUDEMER, b. circa 950; m. EVA DE CREPON circa 980.
Seigneur de Turqueville, ancestor of the famous harcourt family of Normandy and
Generation Two
2. TOURADE2 DE PONTAUDEMER (Torf1), son of (1) Torf1 and Ertemberge (de BRIQUEBEC) _____, was born circa 950[100], and died between 980 and 1060. He married circa 980, EVA DE CREPON. [67, 32, 103]
younger sister of the Dutchess Gunnora, wife of Richard I, Duke of normandy
Children: + 5 i. HUMPHREY3 DE VEULLES, b. circa 980; m. AUBEREE DE LA HAYE circa 1005.
+ 11 vii. JOSCELINE; m. (AAL-3) HUGUES DE MONTGOMERY in 994.
Touroude de Torville , seigneur de Pont Audemer1 {was was a forester in the area of St. Vaast d'Equiqueville.}
b. 949 Father seigneur de Pont-Audemer Torf de Torville b. 928
Also called Turulf de Pont Audemer.2 Touroude de Torville , seigneur de Pont Audemer was born in 949.1 He was the son of seigneur de Pont-Audemer Torf de Torville. Touroude de Torville , seigneur de Pont Audemer married Seinfreda de Crepon, daughter of Herbastus de Crepon Sr., circa 950. Touroude de Torville , seigneur de Pont Audemer was was a forester in the area of St. Vaast d'Equiqueville. He married Duvelina de Crepon, daughter of Herbastus de Crepon Sr., before 975.
Family 1 Seinfreda de Crepon b. circa 932 Child ?Josseline de Beaumont+ b. c 9553
Family 2 Duvelina de Crepon b. circa 936 Child ?Humphrey de Vielles+ b. c 975
Citations 1.[S467] GdRdF, online http://jeanjacques.villemag.free.fr/, Comte d'Harcourt. 2.[S221] Todd A. Farmerie, "Gunnor of Normandy". 3.[S209] Somerset Herald J.R. Planché, Planché, J.R.
Touroude de Torville , seigneur de Pont Audemer1 b. 949 Father seigneur de Pont-Audemer Torf de Torville b. 928
Also called Turulf de Pont Audemer.2 Touroude de Torville , seigneur de Pont Audemer was born in 949.1 He was the son of seigneur de Pont-Audemer Torf de Torville. Touroude de Torville , seigneur de Pont Audemer married Seinfreda de Crepon, daughter of Herbastus de Crepon Sr., circa 950. Touroude de Torville , seigneur de Pont Audemer was was a forester in the area of St. Vaast d'Equiqueville. He married Duvelina de Crepon, daughter of Herbastus de Crepon Sr., before 975.
Family 1 Seinfreda de Crepon b. circa 932 Child ?Josseline de Beaumont+ b. c 9553
Family 2 Duvelina de Crepon b. circa 936 Child ?Humphrey de Vielles+ b. c 975
Citations 1.[S467] GdRdF, online http://jeanjacques.villemag.free.fr/, Comte d'Harcourt. 2.[S221] Todd A. Farmerie, "Gunnor of Normandy". 3.[S209] Somerset Herald J.R. Planché, Planché, J.R
•41. Torf "The Rich" Baron DE TOURVILLE Prince of Denmark Torf, which is a Danish name is probably a variant of Thorolf which means
Thor's Wolf, Thor being the God of Thunder.
Places in Normandy named for him. Torfville,Tourville,Tourneville,Turville
Turvile and Turquoville.
There were apparently two Torfs of the same name confused in genealogy
namely father and son.
b. ABT 930, Normandy, France
b. 937, Normandy, France
d. AFT 955
d. 1013, Normandy, France
m. Ertemberge de Bricanbert BARTRAM ABT 955, Normandy, France
b. 930, Normandy, France
d. 1001, Normandy, France
daughter of Anslac (or Aslac) de BASTEMBOURG
ch: *Turchetil de HARCOURT [Next Generation],
*Touroude de PONT-AUDEMER (-1040) m(1) Awelina of Sweden (974-) [See 587-40 below],
Guillaume (WILLIAM) II
Touroude de PONT-AUDEMER Seigneur de Pont-Audemer (-1040) [Pedigree] Son of Torf "The Rich" Baron DE TOURVILLE Prince of Denmark (930-955) and Ertemberge de Bricanbert BARTRAM (-1001)
Progenitor of the powerful feudal family de Beaumont.
b. 950, Normandy, France
b. ABT 949
r. Pont-Audemer, Torville, Torcy, & Bourgtouroude, Normandy, France
d. AFT 1040
d. ABT 1040
bur. Preaux, Normandy, France
Married first Awelina of Sweden (974-)
Married second Woerta de CREPON (942-)
Children: 1. Humphrey de VIEILLES Seigneur de Pont-Audemer (980-1044) m. Aubreye de HAYE (-1045) 2. Joscelina de TORFULUS (975-1068) m. Hugh MONTGOMERY (-1056)
References: [RFC],[GENSERV],[PlantagenetA],[WallopFH],[ES], [RoyalAAF] http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~pmcbride/rfc/gw61.htm#I8222
Touroude de Pont-Audemer, Seigneur de Pont-Audemer
b abt 950 Normandy, France
d abt 1040
buried Preaux, Normandy, France
Parents: Torf de Tourville m Ertemberge de Bricanbert
Spouse 1: Awelina of Sweden (no issue)
Spouse 2: Woerta de Crepon c 942 sister to Gonnor de Crepon
Child: Humphrey de Vielles m Aubreye de Haye
Child: Joscelina de Torfulus m Hugh Montgomery
1. Touroude de PONT-AUDEMER (Tourude DeHarcourt) Seigneur de Pont-Audemer-14715 was born 980 in Pont Audemer, Haute-Normandie, France. He died 1040 in Préaux, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France.
Touroude married (1-MRIN:5542) Sainsfrida Seinfrie de Crépon-14714, daughter of Herbastus (the Dane [le Danois]) [Arques "Herfast" ] de Crépon (Fictitious)-14716 and Cyrid of Sweden-16373 (MRIN:7410). Sainsfrida was born 950 in Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France. She died 1037 in Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France.
Touroude also married (2-MRIN:5694) Senfrie Des Arques-12221, daughter of Forester Des Arques-12223 (MRIN:5695). Senfrie was born about 942 in Arques, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France. She died in St. Vaast d'Equiqueville, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France.
Touroude also married (3-MRIN:8578) Woerta (Wevia Doceline Woerta Aveline Senfrie DeMontfort ) DeCrepon-15290, daughter of Herbastus Harold II Herfast Forester Arques DeCrepon of Denmark King-15294 and Gunhild Gyrithe Olafsdatter of Denmark Queen-15293 (MRIN:7724). Woerta was born 1000 in Pont, Eure, Haute-Normandie, France. She died 26 May 1037 in Pont Audemer, Eure, Haute-Normandie, France.
They had the following children:
2 F i. Josceline (Jocelyn) de Ponteaudemer (de Turqueville)-12217 was born circa 989 in Beaumont, Dordogne, Aquitaine, France. She died 7 Feb 1050 in Pont Audemer, Eure, Haute-Normandie, France. Josceline married (MRIN:8577) Roger Hugh I de Montgomery seigneur de Montgomery Vicomte de Montgomery Talvas-12216, son of Hugues de Montgomery-12218 and Sibell Senfrie de Crepon-14721 (MRIN:5692). Roger was born 873 in St Germain de Montgomery, Normandy, France. He died 7 Feb 1056 in Paris, Ile-de-France, France.
The house of Pont Audemer had a distinguished Northern ancestry. Touroude, Sire de Pont Audemer, was the son of Torf, Seigneur de Toraille, surnamed le Riche, who was the son of Bernard, the Dane, Prince of Denmark and Governor and Regent in Normandy. Bernard received baptism with Rollo at Rouen in 912. Torf's younger son was Turchetil, Sire de Turchetil, from whom descends the family of Harcourt.
Tourourde, Sir de Pon Audemer, was the son of one of the most zealous defenders of "William the Bastard," and was himself assassinated by the enemies of the young Duke.
~A Genealogical History of the Family of Montgomery, pg. 12
• Background Information. 726
Touroude was Lord of Pont-au-de-mer, Torville, torcy, Pontatou and Bourgtouroude and joint govern and guardian with his brother Turchetil, to William, Duke of Normandy during his minority. He married Wiva (also called Duceline), sister of Gunnora who was the "second wife"* of Richard, Duke of Normandy.
949 |
Pont-Audemer, Eure, France
980 |
Pont-Audemer, Eure, Haute-Normandie, France
982 |
Pont-Audemer, Eure, France
986 |
Pont, Eure, Haute-Normandie, France
988 |
Neuf-Marché, Seine-Maritime, Upper Normandy, France
of, Pont-Audemer, Eure, France
1020 |
1040 |
Age 91
Pont, Eure, Haute-Normandie, France
Age 91
Preaux, Normandie, France