MaHaRaL of Prague - המהר״ל מפראג
(c.1525 - 1609)
Traditional genealogy revised according to modern scholarship as set forth in A. Putik and D. Polakovic (2009) 'Judah Loew ben Bezalel, Called Maharal * A study on his genealogy and biography', in P. D...
Johan Ludvig Runeberg
(1804 - 1877)
, vihitty 23.1.1830 Helsingissä
The national poet of Finland, who wrote in Swedish, and also exercised a great influence on Swedish literature.
Runeberg's poetry has been compared to that of the gr...
Prince of Kiev Rostislav Киевский (Смоленский)
(1108 - 1167)
Medlands * Wikipedia __ He or his family not really born or died in the Russian fereration etc. as marked many of the family-?) ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨...
Herman Svärd
(c.1330 - 1383)
Alilaamanni Jakob Kurjen vävy.
Underlagman Jakob Kurkis svärson.
Lawman Jakob Kurki's son-in-law.
Mainittu vain joissain sukututkimuksissa. Oli todennäköisesti avioliitossa alilaamanni Jakob K...
Julius Caesar, Roman Dictator
(-100 - -44)
Ides of March * Assassination of Julius Caesar Gaius Julius Caesar ( July 100 BC – 15 March 44 BC ) Wikipedia Gaius Julius Caesar , one of the most influential political and military leaders in history...
Jüri Aguraiuja
(1893 - 1941)
Jüri Aguraiuja (sünd. 07.04.1893 /ka 8.04. Loo talus, Anija vallas Harjumaal) - kauaaegne Läänemaa õpetaja, pedagoog, seltskonna- ja omavalitsustegelane. Koolijuhataja ja raamatukogujuhataja Martnas.
Jean Bourbon-Parma
(1921 - 2019)
Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy, 6th President of Ukraine
Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelensky (officially Zelenskyy , Володи́мир Олекса́ндрович Зеле́нський; born 25 January 1978) is a Ukrainian actor, screenwriter, comedian, director, and politician serving as ...
Knut Sweynson
(bef.890 - bef.936)
Ifølge forskellige sagaer nævnes Knud den Harde som far til Gorm den gamle, Konge af Danmark. Han bliver nævnt i Saxo Danmarks Krønike, Roskilde Krøniken og ligeledes Adam af Bremen, samt nævnt i Islan...
Pirkko Helena Saisio
Pirkko Helena Saisio (s. 16. huhtikuuta 1949 Helsinki) on suomalainen kirjailija, ohjaaja ja näyttelijä. Hän on kirjoittanut myös salanimillä Jukka Larsson ja Eva Wein.[1]
Saisiolla on laaja ja monipu...
Hugues I 'Magnus', Comte de Vermandois
(c.1057 - 1101)
Note regarding his name: Sources show that Hugues Magnus was a compound name. See below for details. == Wikipedia ==From the English Wikipedia page of Hugh I, Count of Vermandois: Wikipedia: (1057-1102...
Leutharis I, duke of the Alemannians
(bef.480 - aft.530)
Duc d'Alémanie (537-554), Noble Franc, Edele Frank* Sources ==* Stoyan Databaseww-person.com/cgi-bin/l3/LANG=germ/F=Leuthari/N=v.Alemannien
Klaus Lydekesson Djäkn
(c.1379 - 1437)
Tuomari. Häme. Turun linnan vouti.Klaus Lydekesson Djäknin alkuperästä ja vanhemmista on esitetty monenlaisia teorioita. Luotettavin ajantasainen tieto löytyy Äldre Svenska Frälsesläkter -julkaisusta (...
Æthelred "the Unready", King of the English
(c.966 - 1016)
Son of King Edgar 'the Peaceful' and Queen Ælfthryth
"Unready" is a mistranslation of Old English unræd (meaning bad-counsel or no-counsel)—a twist on his name "Æthelred", meaning noble-counsel. A bet...
Håkan Christiernson Frille
(1380 - c.1439)
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter - Frille s. 227-234. ød Om 1439 Gravlagt Åbo domkyrka Hel. lekamens kapell* til Løncho, var 1410 Herredshøvding i Sønderfinne Herred i Finland, gav 1425 sin Broder Hr. Cla...
David I, King of Scots
(c.1083 - 1153)
DAVID I King of Scotland.([1080]-Carlisle 24 May 1153, bur Dunfermline Abbey, Fife)
s/o MALCOLM III "Caennmor" & Margaret of England
x MATILDA [Maud] of Huntingdon
MALCOLM (c1115-12 Jun 1152, bur...
Brian Boru, High king of Ireland
(c.941 - 1014)
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy:BRIAN Boroma, son of CEINNÉITIG & his wife --- ([941]-killed in battle Clontarf 23 Apr 1014). The Annals of Ulster record the birth in 941 of "Brian son of Cennéitig”[...
Aethelwulf, king of Wessex
(c.795 - 858)
Æthelwulf (Old English for "Noble Wolf) died 13 January 858) was King of Wessex from 839 to 858. In 825, his father, King Egbert, defeated King Beornwulf of Mercia, ending a long Mercian dominance over...
Frederick Henry of Nassau, Prince of Orange
(1584 - 1647)
Henry, or Frederik Hendrik in Dutch (29 January 1584 – 14 March 1647), was the sovereign Prince of Orange and stadtholder of Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht, Guelders, and Overijssel from 1625 to 1647.Early ...
Rothard von Metz
(bef.745 - bef.800)
ROTHARD [Chrothard] (-after 9 Dec 771). Settipani names Rothard as son of Hardrad[653] but does not cite the primary source on which this is based. Graf. With estates in Alsace and Lorraine, ...
 Date 19 November 2009
Source From geograph.org.uk https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1588545
Author Jonathan Billinger https://www.geograph.org.uk/profile/8569
(required by the license) Jonathan Billinger / Brook near Trenoweth Mill / CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
Ralph Trenowith, MP
(c.1377 - 1427)
Primary Sources Inquisition Post Mortem for Ralph Trenewith, Writ 18 November 1427.
He was the son of Joan daughter of Joan one of the sisters of Thomas Cheynduyt father of John Cheynduyt who held of...
Erik Ångerman
(c.1480 - aft.1552)
Viimeisimmät tiedot Erikin ja perheen vaiheistä lähteiden valossa:Genos 2017:1, s. 2-19 - Tiina Miettinen: Sursill-suvun alkupolvet Uumajassa ja Pohjanmaalla.-------------------------------------------...
Ivan Tomko Mrnavić
(1580 - 1637)
Tamara Tvrtković - Izmedju znanosti i bajke;Ivan Tomko Mrnavić
Tamara Tvrtković - Biskup o biskupu - Kritika Foscove analize i transkripcije oporuke Ivana Tomka Mrnavića
Ivan Tomko Mrnavić and His ...
Frederuna von Ringelheim
(885 - 917)
([1/18] Apr 907) FREDERUNA, sister of BOVO [II] Bishop of Châlons, daughter of --- (-10 Feb 917, bur Reims, église abbatiale de Saint-Rémi). The charter of "Karolus…rex" dated "907 XIII Kal Mai" refers...
Gor Thorrasson, Sea King
(365 - c.418)
content to clean up According to the Orkney saga, Thorri had two sons, Norr and Gor, and a daughter, Goi.
Goi was kidnapped by a Norwegian chieftain, and Gorr and Nor searched for her, eventually conq...
Isembart, count in Thurgau
(c.750 - aft.806)
: English Isanbart Des Franken Count von Thurgau-79216 [Parents] was born about 750. He died about 806. He married Thietrade Franks-79217.
Adela of France, countess of Flanders
(1009 - 1079)
Adela of France, known also as Adela the Holy or Adela of Messines; (1009 – 8 January 1079, Messines), was, by marriage, the duchess of Normandy (January – August 1027), and countess of Flanders (1035–...
(c.315 - d.)
There are many legends and stories of St. Patrick, but this is his story.
Patrick was born around 385 in Scotland, probably Kilpatrick. His parents were Calpurnius and Conchessa, who were Romans ...
Bertha Broadfoot of Laon, Queen of the Franks
(c.720 - 783)
Info on Find a grave * From the English Wikipedia page on Bertrada of Laon Bertrada of Laon , also called Bertha Broadfoot (cf. latin: Regina pede aucae i.e. the queen with the goose-foot), (710/27 – J...
Hugues, Comte de Tours
(b. - 837)
HUGUES (-20 Oct 837, bur Monza). Thegan refers to the wife of Emperor Lothar as "filiam Hugi comitis, qui erat de stirpe cuiusdam ducis nomine Etih" and in the following paragraph names her "Irmingarda...
Nikola Tesla
(1856 - 1943)
Links about Tesla * , * According to Tesla's own story, his family surname was previously Draganić. One theory is that Tesla's family got their surname after the Roman settlement Tesleum located close ...
Fred C. Trump
(1905 - 1999)
Frederick Christ Trump Sr. (October 11, 1905 – June 25, 1999) was an American real estate developer, primarily in New York City, and father of Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, and...
Prince Sviatoslav Igorevitch, Rurikid
(c.920 - 972)
Sviatoslav I , aka Sviatoslav the Brave , was a Grand Prince of Kiev famous for his persistent campaigns in the east and south, which precipitated the collapse of two great powers of Eastern Europe, Kh...
Egbert, king of Wessex
(c.769 - c.838)
King of Wessex (802-839)
King of Kent (825-839)
Andy McCoy
Helsinki, Finland
Andy McCoy (oikealta nimeltään Antti Hulkko) on suomalainen rock-muusikko. Hän oli Hanoi Rocks -yhtyeen kitaristi, taustalaulaja ja pääasiallinen lauluntekijä. Lisäksi McCoy tunnetaan muun muassa ensim...
Saint Beggue of Austrasia
(aft.613 - 693)
Saint Begga ( Begue , Begge ) (615-693), daughter of Pepin of Landen, mayor of the palace of Austrasia, and his wife Itta. She built a convent at Andenne sur Meuse. She is venerated as a saint (Septemb...
Adélaïde d'Aquitaine, reine des Francs
(950 - 1004)
HUGUES , son of HUGUES “le Grand” Duc des Francs & his third wife Hedwig of Germany ([940]-villa "Les Juifs", near Prasville, Eure-et-Loire 24 Oct 996, bur église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis). Th...
Theodrada of St. Quentin, abbess of Herford
(c.755 - c.806)
As of 28 Nov 2020, FMG shows no extant primary-source evidence supporting a marriage to Isembart.
Thietrade Franks-79217 [Parents].Thietrade married Isanbart Des Fra...
Philip II Augustus, king of France
(1165 - 1223)
Bran, King of Siluria
The early manuscripts conflate Bran of Siluria, an historical personage, with Bran the Blessed, a raven god, son of Llyr the sea god, and almost all following works continue to conflate the two.
Judith of Flanders
(aft.1030 - 1094)
Judith van Vlaanderen, de Flandre, of Flanders. Daughter of Baudouin IV 'le Barbu' & Eleonor (his second wife) Married to: 1. Tostig Godwinsson 2. Welf
JUDITH de Flandre ([1033]-5 Mar 1094, bur ...
Winston Churchill
(1874 - 1965)
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill KG OM CH TD PCc DL FRS RA (30 November 1874 – 24 January 1965) was a British politician, statesman, army officer, and writer, who was Prime Minister of the United ...
Constantine I, king of the Picts and Scots
(c.836 - 877)
Please see Dr. J White-Phillips: Rhun ap Arthgal and His Family; . (Steven Ferry, June 26, 2021.)
Please see Dr. J White-Phillips: Who Was 'Greg, King of the Picts'? ; . (Steven Ferry, June 27, 2021.)...
Saint Margaret, Queen of Scots
(1045 - 1093)
Saint Margaret (c. 1045 – 16 November 1093), was the sister of Edgar Ætheling, the short-ruling and uncrowned Anglo-Saxon King of England.
Spouse: Malcolm III, King of Scots
1. Edward, k...
Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor
(c.1122 - 1190)
The Peerage * Geneall * Rootsweb * Find a grave
Mariah Woods Gaines
(1735 - 1770)
- - -
Henry (Gaines) was married to Mariah Wood; Mariah’s first husband, John Stepp, died in 1750.
There is a lot of family info at this link:
Leutfried I, duke of the Alemannians
(c.530 - 587)
Duc d'Alémanie (553-587) # . LIUTFRED (-587 or after). Duke of Alemannia. Fredegar records that "Leudefredus Alamannorum dux" incited the wrath of Guntram King of the Franks and that "Uncelenus dux" wa...
Uncilien, duke of the Alemannians
(c.568 - 613)
Duc d'Alémanie 587-607Uncelin d'Alémanie = Unzelinus d'AlsaceUncelen, Uncelin, or Uncilin (from Latin Uncelenus; died c. 613) was the Duke of Alemannia from 587 to 607. He was appointed to replace Leut...
Charles III the Simple, king of the Franks
(879 - 929)
Charles the Simple (Charles III of France, l. 879-929 CE, r. 893-923 CE) was king of West Francia (roughly modern-day France) toward the end of the period of Viking raids in the region. His epithe...
Ivar Halfdansson, Opplendingejarl
(c.780 - 824)
concerns This Ivar is son of Halvdan 'Gamle' Sveidasson. He is NOT the son of Harald Eivindsson or Halvdan Eysteinsson.
This Ivar is the same as:
Ivar Halfdansson, Opplendingejarl
Ivar Halfda...
Fulk V, King of Jerusalem
(aft.1089 - 1143)
- V "le Jeune" de Anjou = Early member of Knights Templar Knight Templar, King of Jerusalem 1131 - 1142/3 9th Count of Anjou 1109 - 1129b 1089 to 1092 d 13 Nov 1142/3, Plains of Acre, Holy Land (died f...
Richardis von Sponheim
(c.1060 - c.1151)
Richardis of Sponheim==* Daughter of Engelbert I von Sponheim, Margrave of Istria and Hedwig, Countess von Eppenstein, Duchess in Carinthia * Sponheim or Spanheim was a medieval German noble family, wh...
Alexander II of Russia
(1818 - 1881)
Aleksandr II Romanov of Russia, Tsar of all the Russian
The Peerage
Johann the Younger # 1144 + # 1378
 Photo by Jean-Marc Carisse, from https://www.flickr.com/photos/25480181@N06/4929681007/
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.
Justin Trudeau, 23rd Prime Minister of Canada
Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Affiliation politique : libéral
Sources : Wikipedia
Justin Pierre James Trudeau PC MP (born December 25, 1971) is a Canadian politician. He is the 23rd and current Prime Mi...
Constance d'Arles, Queen consort of the Franks
(c.974 - 1032)
"Constance d'Arles - also known as Constance de Provence [ .. ] fille de Guillaume Ier (c.950-†993) comte d’Arles, et Adélaïde d'Anjou (†1026)"
Fulk, count of Anjou
(c.870 - c.938)
I "Le Anjou-3067 [Parents] was born about 870 in Of, , Anjou, France. He died in 938 in Anjou, France. He married Roscille De Loches [Countess Of Anj-4148 before 5 Jul 905 in Anjou, France.Roscille De ...
Ruler of Kievan Rus' Igor 'the Old'
(878 - 945)
Igor (Игорь, Igor, Ingvar, Ігор, Ihor, Игорь, Ігар, Ihar) is the first of the Russian princes named in a non-Russian source.Igor is remembered as the son of Rurik , the progenitor of the Rurikid dynast...
Albrecht I "The Bear", Margrave of Brandenburg
(c.1096 - 1170)
Albrecht I "The Bear", Margrave of Brandenburg
Son of Otto the Rich, Count von Ballenstedt and Elika Magnusdr von Ballenstedt, Duchess of Saxony
Albert the Bear (German: Albrecht der Bär; c. 1100 –...
 Photo by the British Royal Navy. OGLv3.0. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:William_Submarines_Crop.png#mw-jump-to-license
William, Prince of Wales
Kensington London, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, England, United Kingdom
HRH Prince William, Prince of Wales K.G. William Arthur Phillip Louis Windsor, Prince of Wales
formally... His Royal Highness Prince William, Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall and Cambridge, Royal Kn...
Matilda of Swabia
(c.989 - 1031)
Matilda of Swabia
MedLands, SWABIA
a) MATHILDE ([988]-20 Jul [1031/32]), bur Worms Cathedral). Thietmar refers to "Konrad" as son-in-law of Hermann Duke of Swabia, recording that they attacke...
Guillaume IX le Troubadour, duc d'Aquitaine
(1071 - 1126)
NOTE: Please keep his name as Guillaume "le Troubadour" IX Duke of Aquitaine, VII Comte de PoitouFrom Foundation for Medieval Genealogy:GUILLAUME d’Aquitaine, son of GUILLAUME VIII Duke of Aquitaine [G...
Conrad I "the Elder", count of Auxerre
(c.805 - 866)
I "l'Ancien" was the count of several counties, most notably the Aargau and Auxerre, around Lake Constance, as well as Paris from 859 to 864. He was also the lay abbot of Saint-Germain in Auxerre.He wa...
Louis XIV "le Grand" roi de France et Navarre
(1638 - 1715)
Louis XIV of France belonged to DNA haplogroup R1b (Y-DNA) The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia * King of France and Navarre: Reign 14 May 1643 – 1 September 1715 (72 years, 110 days) Coronation 7 June 16...
Henrik Klasson Fleming
(c.1420 - aft.1490)
Asemies, Vanhakartano, Arvassalon saari, Uusikirkko TL. Väpnare. Gamlagård på Arvassalo ö, Nykyrko, ÅL, Finland. 'Squire. Vanhakartano, Arvarssalo Island, Uusikirkko TL, Finland. Asemies Henrik Klasson...
Empress Matilda
(1102 - 1167)
Empress MATILDA born Adelaide from Medlands
2. MATILDA (Winchester or London 1102-Abbaye de Notre-Dame des Près, near Rouen 10 Sep 1167, bur Abbaye du Bec, Normandy, later moved to Rouen Cathedral...
Judith of Bavaria
(c.805 - 843)
Louis I, The Pious m secondly (Aix-la-Chapelle Feb 819) JUDITH , daughter of WELF [I] Graf [von Altdorf] & his wife Heilwig --- ([805]-Tours 19 Apr 843, bur Tours Saint-Martin). The Annales Xantenses r...
Johannes Aavik
(1880 - 1973)
Johannes Aavik (8. detsember (vana kalendri järgi 26. november) 1880 Randvere küla, Laimjala vald, Saaremaa – 18. märts 1973 Stockholm) oli eesti keeleteadlane.
Sünd/Birth Ristitud EELK Pöide kogudus...
Jarl Erling Skjalgsson
(975 - 1028)
Erling Skjalgsson
Parents: Toralv Skjalg Erlingsdatter
Death of Erling Skjalgsson, Illustration by Peter Nicolai Arbo Erling Skjalgsson (died 1028) was a Norwegian political leader of the late 10th...
Baldwin IV the Bearded, count of Flanders
(980 - 1035)
Baudouin IV 'le Barbu' de Flandre Boudewyn IV, met den Board (980 - 30 meie 1035), was groaf van Vloandern van 988 tout an zyn dôod.
George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States
Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, United States
George W. Bush July 6, 1946 New Haven, CT, USA
Parents: George H. W. Bush June 12, 1924 and Barbara (Pierce) Bush June 9, 1925
Wife: Laura Welch November 4, 1946
 Official White House photo. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Joe_Biden_presidential_portrait.jpg
Joe Biden, 46th President of the USA
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. (born November 20, 1942) is an American politician who is the 46th and current president of the United States. Ideologically a moderate member of the Democratic Party, he pr...
Anjer Price
(1756 - 1829)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA with the rank of SERGEANT. DAR Ancestor # A093016
Not the father of Hugh Price, John Price and Elisha Price. Anjer was resident of Shenandoah Coun...
Raum "the Old" Norsson, King of Alfheim
(c.370 - c.450)
Raum er nevnt i " Hvordan Norge ble bosatt " fra Flateyarbok:"Raum, sønn av kong Nor, tok riket etter far sin. Han hadde Alfheim og et rike så vidt som elvene rant, der som de oppstod. Derfra falt Låge...
Mieszko III the Old
(1126 - 1202)
Mieszko III Stary – książę III Stary ( wielkopolski ) (ur. między 1122 a 1125, zm. 13 lub 14 marca 1202 w Kaliszu) – książę wielkopolski (część zachodnia z Poznaniem) w latach 1138-1177/9,1182-1202, ks...
Elisabeth de Vermandois, dame de Crépy
(1085 - 1131)
(Ben notes: Her father was mostly based from Paris, while her mother was merely born into the family that governed the Vermandois region, then north of Paris. There is nothing that says exactly where o...
 Painting by Rembrandt Peale, from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Official_Presidential_portrait_of_Thomas_Jefferson_(by_Rembrandt_Peale,_1800).jpg
This file is a work of an employee of the Executive Office of the President of the United States, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, it is in the public domain.
Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States of America
(1743 - 1826)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for Virginia and Signer of the Declaration of Independence.
Thomas Jefferson (April 13 [O.S. April 2] 1743 – July 4, 1826) was an American Founding Father who was...
Leutharis III, duke of the Alemannians
(c.600 - 675)
from Medlands ( 3 Feb 2019 ) Dukes of Alemannia
"The territory of Alemannia was invaded by the Merovingian Franks but was able to preserve semi-autonomy. The dukes of Alemannia were finally vanquishe...
Cunigunda, countess of Trèves & Ardennes
(c.895 - bef.940)
King Louis II & his second wife [ADELAIS, daughter of ADALHARD Comte Palatin [Angoulême] & his wife --- ([855/60]-18 Nov [901], bur Compiègne, église abbatiale Saint-Corneille).] had two children:
Col. Tarlton Brown
(1757 - 1845)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for SOUTH CAROLINA with the rank of CAPTAIN. DAR Ancestor # A015888
NOTE - looking for DNA relative
Tora Giske
(1026 - 1070)
THORA Thorbergsdatter
Daughter of THORBERG Arnesson [Arnung] from Giske & his wife Ragnhild Erlingsdatter
Mistress of HARALD III "Hardråde" King of Norway
Mistress of HARALD III "Hardråde" King...
Umberto I Biancamano, conte di Savoia
(c.970 - 1047)
From Charles Cawley's Medieval Lands Database: 1. COMTES de SAVOIE [1060]-1417A. COMTES de MAURIENNE, COMTES de CHABLAISThe origins of Humbert [I] "blancis manibus" Comte de Maurienne, first known ance...
Charlotte Kalla
Sundsvall, Västernorrland County, Sweden
Marina Charlotte Kalla is a Swedish cross-country skier who has been competing at international level since the 2003–04 season. She won the first Olympic gold medal at the 2018 Winter Olympics in the s...
Charles Bourbon-Parma
(1927 - 1977)
Maxentius, Western Roman Emperor
(c.279 - 312)
Maximus' life The popular life of Magnus Maximus (known as Macsen Wledig in Welsh, Prince Macsen, or 'Imperator') says he was the son of a Romano-Briton named Lolelinus (Welsh 'Llywelyn'), who had trav...
Richard II, duke of Burgundy
(c.867 - 921)
Richard 'the Justicer' d'Autun, Duc de Bourgogne (d. 921)
RICHARD, son of comte BUVINUS [Bouvin] & his wife --- d'Arles (-[31 Aug or 1 or 29 Sep] 921, bur Abbaye de Sainte-Colombe de Sens, Yonne). ...
Sveidi Heytirsson, Sea King
content to clean up
"Hvorledes Norge ble bygget", .
Orkney Saga
Random private tree:
I henhold til Orknøyingenes saga går Ragnvalds Mørejarls ætt langt tilbake: «Heite...
Bouin of Vienne, count & lay abbot of Gorze
(c.810 - aft.863)
Bivin de Gorze or Bivin de Vienne (c810–863/69) was a Frank from the Bosonid family. He was Count of Ardennes, Count and Lay Abbot of Gorze (855/56-863), and perhaps Count of Metz (842-864). His ancest...
Mariote Campbell
(b. - 1537)
Her parents are "traditionally" seen as Colin Campbell, 1st Lord of Glenorchy and his 3rd wife, Margaret Stirling . However, the Red Book of Scotland shows this Mariota Campbell as daughter of the 3rd ...
Bishop Magnus Olofsson Tavast
(1357 - 1452)
Suomen piispa. Turku.
Finlands biskop. Åbo, Finland.
Finlands bishop. Turku, Finland.
Magnus II Tavast (suomennettuna Maunu) (n. 1357–9. maaliskuuta 1452 Mynämäki) oli Suomen keskiajan huomatta...
Anders Garp, till Vias
(c.1320 - c.1387)
Anders Toresson, Garp==till ”Viaraby” (Viianen, i Tövsala socken)* ämnes sista gången 1387. Uppträder som sigillvittne i Åbo 1373, År 1376 är Anders fogde åt Bo Jonsson i Lepistö sn i egentliga Finland...
Zerubbabel 3rd Exilarch / זרובבל
(c.-566 - c.-510)
1 Chronicles 3:19-20.
Wikipedia: Zerubbabel & זרובבל בן שאלתיאל.
Jewish Encyclopedia (1906): Zerubbabel.
This is Zerubbabel, Governor of Judah. Do not confuse him with the Zerubbabel, ancestor o...
Henricus Laurentii Lithovius
(c.1535 - c.1615)
, Henrik Laurinpoika s. n. 1550 (ennen) Kaarina Littoisten kylä. k. 1615 Liminka. Kirkkoherra, Liminka n. 1575 - 1615, provasti; rovasti. Henrik Laurinpoika Lithovius, kotoisin Kaarinan Littoisten kylä...
Philip III, "the Bold" king of France
(1245 - 1285)
From Wikipedia, III (30 April 1245 – 5 October 1285), called the Bold (French: le Hardi), was the King of France, succeeding his father, Louis IX, and reigning from 1270 to 1285. He was a member of the...
Leutfrid, duke of the Alemannians
(bef.450 - c.510)
, Leutfried , or Leudefredus was the Duke of Alemannia from 570. He was deposed from his ducal office in 587 by the Frankish king Childebert II and replaced by Uncilin. Alemanni (also Alamanni;[1] Sueb...
James V, King of Scots
(1512 - 1542)
James V Stewart, King of Scots was born on 10 April 1512 in Linlithgow Palace, West Lothian, Scotland and died on 14 December 1542 in Falkland Palace, Fife, Scotland and was buried in Holyrood Abbey, E...
Jarl Bengt Snivel
(1110 - 1175)
BENGT Folkason "Snivel"=* Son of Folke The Thick, Earl of Östergötland (Folkunga) and Princess Ingegerd Knutsdotter, of Denmark == Project MedLands, Sweden Nobility BENGT Folkason "Snivel", son of FOLK...
Earl of Östergötland Folke den Digre Ingevaldsson (Bjälboätten)
(c.1078 - 1140)
FOLKE digre=* Son of Ingevald Folkesson and wife of Ingevald Folkesson * FOLKE digre,, son of ---. Brenner suggests that he was the same person as FOULQUES Vicomte de Montrevrault, son of RAOUL [de Bea...
Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President of the USA
(1882 - 1945)
To his wife Eleanor
To Teddy Roosevelt
Owain ap Cyllin
(c.65 - 142)
See Darrell Wolcott, , for untangling of these lines. (March 18, 22017, Anne Brannen, curator)Not a known child of Marius ap Gweirydd, King of Britain and Gladys are not known to occur in any source ea...
Gamle Olof
(c.1390 - bef.1480)
Eftersom Anders Olofssons farfader enligt en muntlig källa hette Herse, så måste Olof Hersesson ha existerat, men finns ej i källorna. Han benämndes 'Gamle Olof' av ättlingarna. (Since the paternal gra...