Leslie Van Houten
Leslie Louise Van Houten is an American convict serving a life sentence for murder in relation to the 1969 killings of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca, when Van Houten was 19 years old. Read more at Wikiped...
Alexandra of Lithuania
(c.1370 - 1434)
ALEKSANDRA (-19 Jun 1434). m ([1387]%29 SIEMOWIT IV Prince of Plock and Kujavia, son of SIEMOWIT III "Starszy" Prince of Mazovia & his first wife Euphemia von Troppau [P%C5%99emyslid] (before 1352-5 De...
Maude 'Athelida' de Ingelrica
(c.1033 - 1083)
Ingelrica (Maud) is said to be the mother of William Peverel. Peverel of Hatfield, Essex . m INGELRICA, daughter of INGELRIC & his wife --- (-[1100]). She is said to have been the mistress of William I...
Caspar Forbus
(c.1601 - 1682)
Pohjois-Pohjanmaan rovastikunnan vouti, Iin nimismies, kauppias 1620 Oulu, Pohjois-Pohjanmaan rovastikunnan vouti 1639 Oulu, raatimies 1633-1638 Oulu. Casparin suku on todennäköisesti kotoisin Skotlann...
George Hatfield, I
(c.1715 - c.1795)
Not the son of George Abraham Hatfield, II - DNA has disproved.
Disputed Origins LISTED PARENTS ARE UNLIKELY AS George Goff Hatfield WAS BORN IN VIRGINIA, NOT ELIZABETH, NJ The birth of George in Lee...
Jakob (Jeppe) Kurki
(c.1400 - c.1456)
Kartanonomistaja. Laukko, Vesilahti, Ylä-Satakunta.
HUOM! Vain Jakob (eli Jeppe) Kurjen äidin alkuperä tunnetaan - hän oli Herman Svärdin nuorin tytär. Älä yhdistä uusiin häntä vanhempiin, ellei ole ...
Christina of Sweden
(1189 - aft.1248)
Christina Duchess of Mecklenburg, Princess of Sweden==Yrke: Furstinna av Mecklenburg ==Barn:==* Margareta av Mecklenburg * Mechtild av Mecklenburg * Johan I av MecklenburgWikipedia: , furstinna av Meck...
Patriarch Isaac / יצחק אבינו
(c.-1950 - c.-1770)
Genesis 21:1-6 Born and named.* Genesis 25:19-29 Married with children.Wikipedia: * Isaac & יצחק .2nd Patriarch of the Jewish Nation. The 9th Prophet of Islam (see also Isaac in Islam ).
Thuro Theodorici Thuronius
(1604 - c.1667)
"Ja nuorin listallani on Thuro ,joka tuli kappalaiseksi Kyröön n.1634. Silloin syntymävuosi olisi n. 1609."
Liisa Rajalan tutkimuksia.
Thuro Theodorici (K 1666/67) Thuro Theodori S ilmeisesti H...
Gisela of Alsace
(c.840 - 895)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaEmma of Altdorf, also known as Hemma (808–31 January 876) was the wife of Louis the German, and Queen consort of Eastern Francia. Her father was Welf, Count of Alto...
Joan - Plantagenet, Lady Snowdon
(c.1188 - 1237)
Joan, Princess of Wales and Lady of Snowdon, (c. 1188 – February 2, 1237) was the wife of Llywelyn the Great, Prince of Wales and Gwynedd and effective ruler of most of Wales.
Joan (Joanna) was an ill...
Bishop Magnus Olofsson Tavast
(1357 - 1452)
Suomen piispa. Turku.
Finlands biskop. Åbo, Finland.
Finlands bishop. Turku, Finland.
Magnus II Tavast (suomennettuna Maunu) (n. 1357–9. maaliskuuta 1452 Mynämäki) oli Suomen keskiajan huomatta...
Amalrada Frederuna Billung von Ambergau
(c.895 - bef.971)
vi) FREDERUNA (-18 Jan 971). Thietmar refers to "Counts Wichmann and Ekbert…brothers" as sons of Emperor Otto I's maternal aunt[67], but does not name their mother. A list of names in the Libri Conf...
Fulk, count of Anjou
(c.870 - c.938)
I "Le Anjou-3067 [Parents] was born about 870 in Of, , Anjou, France. He died in 938 in Anjou, France. He married Roscille De Loches [Countess Of Anj-4148 before 5 Jul 905 in Anjou, France.Roscille De ...
Diet Eman
(1920 - 2019)
The Reckoning : Remembering the Dutch Resistance
Conrad "the Peaceful", king of Burgundy
(c.923 - 993)
- see , Rey, Conrad Ier le Pacifique, roi des Deux-Bourgognes et d' Arles, König von Hoch- und Niederburgund 937, ES NF/I Tafel 57; NKG VIII-61, König von Burgund 937–993, Konge av Burgund
Ranulph II 'le Meschin' de Bayeux
(c.1047 - c.1129)
- - -
Conflicting death information on some profiles (needs to be resolved, may be another generation): April 1089, Carlisle, Cumbria, England
Ranulph II de BAYEUX Vicomte de Bayeux [Parents] 1, 2,...
Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria
(1830 - 1916)
Franz Joseph I or Francis Joseph I (18 August 1830 – 21 November 1916) was Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary, and the other states of the Austro-Hungarian Empire from 2 December 1848 until his death....
Rev. Christian Meyer Funk, Sr.
(1731 - 1811)
Rev. Christian Meyer Funk, Sr
Father: Henry \ Heinrich Funck \ Funk , Jr b: in Germany (the Palatinate) or Holland & Mother: Anna Christina Meyer b: ABT 1707 in what is now Montgomery Co, PA
FUNK, ...
Richard of Conisburgh, 3rd Earl of Cambridge
(c.1385 - 1415)
other possible birth years / datesaround September 1375-1376================================================================================="Richard of Conisburgh, 3rd Earl of Cambridge (c. 20 July 13...
Cwrrig Goruc Mawr ap Meirchion
(c.130 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediat...
Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt, 26th President of the USA
(1858 - 1919)
Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was an American statesman, author, explorer, soldier, naturalist, and reformer who served as the 26th President of the United States from 1901 to 1909. He also served as the 25th...
Reinald I de Mousson, comte de Bar
(aft.1077 - 1149)
I, Count of Bar=From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Reginald I of Bar)Reginald I (also called "the One-eyed", Reinald I, Renaud I) was Count of Bar (1105–1149). Barrois, during the M...
Bruno also called Burchard von Querfurt, III
(c.1284 - 1367)
Ada or Ida de Warenne, Countess of Huntingdon
(c.1120 - c.1178)
Ada de Warenne==From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAda de Warenne (or Adeline de Varenne) (c. 1120–1178) was the Anglo-Norman wife of Henry of Scotland, Earl of Northumbria and Earl of Huntingdon. Sh...
Walter Stewart, 6th High Steward of Scotland
(c.1293 - 1326)
Share some things about....................................
SIR WALTER STEWART (aka Walterum Senescallum Scotie) Sixth Hereditary Steward of Scotland Bannockburn Sir Walter the Steward and his cousin...
Jeff Bezos
Jeff har förfäder från Danmark och Sverige. Han är ättling till riksdagsmannen och länsmannen Börje Jonsson Krååk i Pjätteryd socken i Småland, Sweden. Börje Jonsson Krååk Jeffrey Preston "Jeff" Bezos ...
Eva of Leinster, Countess Of Stirgoil
(1145 - 1188)
"A Serendipitous Discovery at Tintern Abbey", by Catherine Armstrong, states Aoife was buried at Tintern Abbey.
[ ]
[ ]
Aoife MacMurrough ( 1145–1188 , Irish: Aoife Ní Diarmait), also known by later...
Princess Ingegerd Knutsdotter of Denmark
(1083 - 1127)
Ingegerd Knudsdotter of Denmark==* Daughter of Knut IV Svendssen and Adele av Flandern Svendssen ==Marriage==* Married: INGEGERD of Denmark, daughter of KNUD II "den Hellige" King of Denmark & his wife...
Hugh le Bigod, 1st Earl of Norfolk
(1095 - c.1176)
of EnglandHugh Bigod, 1st Earl of Norfolk (1095 - 1177) was born in Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire, England.He was the second son of Roger Bigod (also known as Roger Bigot) (d. 1107), Sheriff of Norfol...
Sverre I, King of Norway
(c.1152 - 1202)
Sigurdsson (1151 – 1202) var norsk konge i perioden 1177 – 1202. Ifølge sagaen var han født i Norge og vokste opp på Kirkjubøur på Færøyene.Moren Gunnhild var gift med Unas kammaker, som ble regnet for...
Henry VI of England
(1421 - 1471)
"Henry VI (6 December 1421 – 21 May 1471) was King of England from 1422 to 1461 and again from 1470 to 1471, and disputed King of France from 1422 to 1453. Until 1437, his realm was governed by regents...
Anne of Bohemia and Hungary
(1503 - 1547)
mtDNA haplogroup H (16111T, 16357C, 263G, 315.1C)
The Peerage
Find A Grave
Elizabeth I, Empress of All Russia
(1709 - 1762)
Elizaveta Petrovna (Russian: Елизаве́та (Елисаве́т) Петро́вна), also known as Yelisavet and Elizabeth.
Father: Tsar Peter I
Mother: Empress Catherine I
Spouse: None
Issue: None
Predecessor: Iva...
Charibert, count of Laon
(bef.696 - 747)
Please provide supporting sources here for assertions like "could be Flore, King of Hungary" or "Hardrade", or listing exact dates when only approximate dates are documented in known sources. Thanks He...
Alexander Elphinstone, 2nd Lord Elphinstone
(1510 - 1547)
Alexander, 2nd Lord Elphinstone died at Edinburgh following the Battle of Pinkie Cleugh. oxen for Battle of Pinkie Clough, which was part of the "Rough Wooing."Died in Battle of Pinkie, Edinburgh, Midl...
Berenguela de León, emperatriz consorte de Constantinopla
(c.1204 - 1237)
Berenguela de León De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Berenguela de León (* 1204 - † 12 de abril de 1237). Hija de Alfonso IX de León y de su segunda esposa Berenguela I de Castilla por tanto era he...
Ida, king of Bernicia
(c.515 - c.560)
Bede's Ecclesiastical History ==In the year 547, Ida began to reign; he was the founder of the royal family of the Northumbrians, and he reigned twelve years.== Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ==A.D. 547. This y...
Giles Corey, Salem Witch
(c.1621 - 1692)
Giles Corey (circa 1621 - 1692) - One of the six men falsely accused of witchcraft and executed during the Salem witch trials of 1692. Five were hanged after being convicted of witchcraft, but Giles Co...
Cecily Neville, Duchess of York
(1415 - 1495)
a short summary from Wikipedia:
Lady Cecily Neville
Duchess of York
Spouse: Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York
Anne of York, Duchess of Exeter
Edward IV, King of England
Edmund, Earl o...
Alexander Stewart, II
(1706 - 1781)
It is believed that Alexander's parents are Alexander Stewart and Catherine Montgomery. Alexander died 1712 in County Derry, Ireland.
They had two children Alexander and Mary. Mary may have ...
Eenok Haamer
(1935 - 2025)
Eenok Haamer ( 17. mai 1935 Tartu – 27. veebruar 2025 Tartu) oli eesti luterlik vaimulik.
Eenok Haameri ärasaatmine on 8. märtsil kl 12 Mustvee kirikust ning muldasängitamine Mustvee surnuaiale.
Henrik Klasson Horn
(1512 - 1595)
Henrik Klasson Horn, född ca 1512 i Halikko, död 21.6.1595 på Kankas i Masko. Föräldrar riksrådet Klas Henriksson Horn och Kristina Christersdotter Frille. Gift 1544 med Elin Arvidsdotter Stålarm, 1578...
Thomas Patton, Jr.
(1786 - 1856)
Thomas is the son of Margret Horine
Sir Reynold II de Grey, 3rd Baron Grey de Ruthyn
(c.1362 - 1440)
Grey, 3rd Baron Grey de Ruthyn (c. 1362 – 30 September 1440), a powerful Welsh marcher lord succeeded to the title on his father Reginald's death in July 1388.Reginald was the eldest son of Reginald Gr...
 Conrad of Lorraine - a Tribute to my Great Grandfather | art by James Cunningham
Conrad "the Red", Duke of Lorraine
(c.922 - 955)
der Roteaus Wikipedia, der freien EnzyklopädieWechseln zu: Navigation, SucheKonrad der Rote (* um 922; † 10. August 955) aus der Familie der Salier war 944 bis 953 Herzog in Lothringen. Er trug im Jahr...
Hans Jacob Danner
(1692 - 1771)
*likely not the hans jacob who came to America in 1728 and settled in Maryland. also likely not the son of ulrich. there is a lot of conflicting information online about this. A Patriot of the American...
Karin Olofsdotter Svärd
Cynan Meriadog ap Gereint, Lord of Meriadog
(c.270 - d.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees; . (Steven Ferry, Aug 25, 2019)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Maxen Wledig and the Welsh Legends; . (Steven Ferry, February 4, ...
Rabbi Avraham ben Zalman Magid, brother GRA
(1722 - 1804)
Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Jul 5 2018, 11:18:28 UTC
Simon L'Ainé de Montfort, I
(c.1025 - 1087)
Simon I de Montfort, Seigneur de Montofort-l'Amauryborn 1014-1025, died 25 Sept 1087married (1) Isabelle "Bardoul" de Broyes or de Nogent(2) unknown(3) Agnes d'EvreuxChildren:ssee FMG list belowSeigneu...
Anastasia, duchess of Minsk
(1074 - 1159)
Anastasia Yaropolkovna (1074 - January 3, 1158) - princess/duchess of Minsk, daughter of Prince Yaropolk Izyaslavich of Volyn and Kunigunda Orlamyundskaya, wife of Prince Gleb Vseslavich of Minsk.
King Aun "The Aged" Jörundsson, of Uppsala
(c.509 - c.590)
Ane, On, One, Auchun or Aun the Old (Audhun, the same name as the A-S name Edwin) was the son of Jorund and one of the Swedish kings of the House of Yngling, the ancestors of Norway's first king, Haral...
Eochaidh Feidhlioch mac Fionn, Rí na h'Éireann {Legendary, Lebor Gabála Érenn}
(c.60 - 130)
"the enduring" NOTES. Dates are referred Before Christ. Las fechas se refieren a era Antes de Cristo. No hay una fecha segura en cuanto a la [epoca de Eochaid. Mientras unos lo sitúan a la par de Julio...
Ulfhilde Thorasdottir
(c.927 - c.978)
Ulfhild (Gunhild) Thorasdottir
Daughter of Hallur Moshals Audunarsson and Thora Audunarsdottir Mosháls
Married: småkonge Gudbrand "Kula" Olavsson Breid, son of Olav Einarsson Breid and ...
Adelaide of Pottenstein
(c.1057 - 1106)
Lady Matilda of Buckby and Daventry de Senlis
(c.1101 - c.1158)
The Foundation of Medieval Genealogy : B. Earls of Huntngdon (family of Simon de Senlis) SIMON de Senlis [Saint Lis], son of RANOUL "le Riche" & his wife --- (-Priory of La Charité-sur-Loire [1111], bu...
Robert de Caen, 1st Earl of Gloucester
(c.1090 - 1147)
ROBERT de Caen illegitimate son of HENRY I King of England & his mistress --- ([1090]-Bristol 31 Oct 1147, bur Priory of St James, Bristol). Also known as Robert FitzRoy. Orderic Vitalis records him as...
Matilda of Scotland
(1079 - 1118)
EADGYTH (1079-1 Jun 1118).
Orderic Vitalis records that their mother sent Eadgyth and her sister Mary to be brought up by their maternal aunt Christina, nun at Romsey Abbey[330].
Dr. Sigmund Freud
(1856 - 1939)
Google Doodle May 6, 2016
Sigmund Freud, born Sigismund Schlomo Freud (6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939), was a Jewish Austrian neurologist who founded the psychoanalytic school of psychiatry.
Freud i...
Ēadgifu, Queen of the Franks
(904 - aft.955)
or Edgifu (Old English: Ēadgifu; 902 – after 955) was a daughter[1] of Edward the Elder, King of Wessex and England, and his second wife Ælfflæd (Æthelhelmsdottir). She was born in Wessex.Married1. Cha...
Baldwin I "Iron-Arm", 1st Margrave of Flanders
(aft.837 - 879)
Baldwin I , byname Baldwin Iron-arm , French Baudouin Bras-de-fer , Flemish Boudewijn De Ijzere Arm (died 879), the first ruler of Flanders. A daring warrior under Charles II the Bald of France, he fel...
 By Oren neu dag. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attributions Share Alike 2.5 Generic license -- https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/legalcode
Via Wikimedia Commons at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Gwynedd#/media/File:Flag_of_Gwynedd.svg
Owain Gwynedd ap Gruffydd, King of Gwynedd
(c.1100 - 1170)
See Peter Bartrum, Trahearn ap Caradog 6 (December 26, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Bartrum -- (Anne Brannen, July 11, 2021)
See Peter Bartrum, (June 27; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wo...
Herleva of Falaise
(c.1003 - c.1050)
Parents: Fulbert de Falaise and Doda
Mistress of Robert 'le Magnifique':
Child: Guillaume 'le Conquérant' (William Conqueror), King of England
Spouse: Herluin de Conteville
Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York
(1341 - 1402)
a short summary from Wikipedia Edmund of Langley Duke of YorkSuccessor: Edward of Norwich, 2nd DukeSpouse: Infanta Isabella of CastileJoan HollandIssue:Edward of Norwich, 2nd Duke of YorkConstance of ...
Saint Patrick of Ireland
(aft.367 - 461)
St. Patrick of Ireland Saint Patrick (Latin: Sanctus Patricius, Irish: Naomh Pádraig), born in Kilpatrick near Dumbarton in Scotland c. 387 – died at Saul, Downpatrick, Ireland 17 March 460/1. He was a...
Admor Menachem Mendel Morgenstern, Kotzker Rebbe
(1787 - 1859)
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Morgensztern of Kotzk , better known as the Kotzker Rebbe (1787-1859) was a Hasidic leader. Born to a non-Hasidic family in Goraj near Lublin, Poland, he became attracted to Hasid...
Alice de Courtenay, comtesse d'Angoulême
(c.1160 - bef.1218)
Descended from the Capet line.
Alice of Courtenay, Countess of Angoulême (1160- 12 February 1218)[1] was a French noblewoman of the House of Courtenay. Her father was Peter of Courtenay and her bro...
Fulk II, Count of Anjou
(909 - 960)
II 'le Bon' Comte d'Anjou = LINKS LANDS FOULQUES d'Anjou, son of FOULQUES I "le Roux" Comte d'Anjou & his wife Roscille de "Loches" ([920]-11 Nov 958). The Gesta Consulum Andegavorum names "Fulco Rufus...
Philippe VI le Fortuné, King of France
(1293 - 1350)
Philip VI was the 1st French King of the House of Valois. of the House of Valois and list of related descendants: 1328, King Charles IV died without a direct male descendant; however, at the time of hi...
Börje Salming
(1951 - 2022)
Salming, Anders Börje
S Köpm.g 13D 802 21 Gävle
Kyrkobokförd i Staffan Gävle (Gävle kn, Gävleborgs län, Gästrikland), distrikt 31, fastighet 58993. Mantalsskriven på samma ort.
Född 17/4...
 Unknown artist, Salisbury Roll. Public Domain.
Richard Neville, 5th Earl of Salisbury
(1400 - 1460)
"Richard Neville, jure uxoris 5th Earl of Salisbury and 7th and 4th Baron Montacute, KG, PC (1400 – 31 December 1460) was a Yorkist leader during the early parts of the Wars of the Roses"==============...
Israel "Izo" Katz-HaCohen Wartski,Son after son to R' Yitzchak Katz-son-in-law of the Maharal from Prague
(1929 - 1997)
Y-DNA Group: group J-Z2215 sub-tree of the J-M267 macrogroup
בן אחר בן לרבי יצחק כ"ץ אב"ד ניקלשבורג-חתנו של המהר"ל מפראג
son after son to Rabbi Yitzhak Katz -son-in-law of the Mahara 'l from Pra...
Tom Selleck
Hidden Valley, Ventura County, California, United States
William "Tom" Selleck (born January 29, 1945) is an American actor and film producer. He is best known for his starring role as the private investigator Thomas Magnum in the television series Magnum, P...
Marie Curie
(1867 - 1934)
Marie Skłodowska Curie (7 November 1867 – 4 July 1934) was a Polish–French physicist–chemist famous for her pioneering research on radioactivity. She was the first person honored with two Nobel Prizes ...
Frédéric I, de Lorraine
(913 - 978)
I (c. 942–978) was the count of Bar and duke of Upper Lorraine. He was a son of Wigeric, count of Bidgau, also count palatine of Lorraine, and Cunigunda, and thus a sixth generation descendant of Charl...
Pedro I el Cruel, rey de Castilla y León
(1334 - 1369)
Peter I King of Castile & Leon
Pedro I de Castilla (Burgos, Castilla, 30 de agosto de 1334 – Montiel, Castilla, 23 de marzo de 1369), llamado el Cruel por sus detractores y el Justiciero por sus ...
Sir William Sinclair of Roslin, 6th Lord of Rosslyn
(c.1230 - c.1297)
Sir William Sinclair of Roslin , of the territorial Barony, of which he was granted a charter by Alexander II 14 Sep 1280 on the resignation of Henry de Roskelyn (probably Sir William's father in law);...
El Cid
(1043 - 1099)
Complete name: Rodrigo Díaz , the Champion
Other titles: "National Hero"
Birth: c. 1048 Vivar del Cid, Burgos?
Death: 1099 Valencia
Burial: Cathedral of Valencia (1099); Monastery of San Pedro...
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ==The Winchester (or Parker) Chronicle has Cynric, son of Cerdic, son of Elesa, son of Gewis, son of Wig, son of Freawine, son of Frithugar, son of Brand, son of Beldeg, son of Wo...
Gospatrick ll mac Gospatrick, Earl of Dunbar
(c.1062 - 1138)
Gospatric, who in one place calls himself Earl, and certainly held the rank and place of Earl or ruler of Lothian, does not appear on record until after 1100, the year of the accession of King Henry I....
King of Uppsala Bröt-Anund "the Land-Clearer" / "the Cultivator" / "the Roadbuilder" / "the Roadmaker" Ingvarsson
(c.636 - c.674)
concerns== This Bröt-Anund is the same as King of Uppsala Bröt-Anund "the Land-Clearer" / "the Cultivator" / "the Roadbuilder" / "the Roadmaker" Ingvarsson biography==Konge av SvitjodSmåkung i Svealand...
Hødd Svadesdatter, {Legendary}
(c.470 - d.)
According to the Orkney saga, after the fight between Hrolf and Norr, "After that they made their quarrel up, and Norr got Hrolf’s sister, but Hrolf got Goi to wife."Hrolf was the son of Svadi the Gian...
Семён Иванович Зеленский
(1924 - 1980)
"Destroyed 15 Germans, beat off 4 attacks and occupied a trophy warehouse." "Country" found out why Zelensky's grandfather received the Order of the Red Star
Ranulph de Peverel, of Hatfield
(c.1030 - 1072)
Peverel also appears in Domesday as the lord of sixty-four manors. Of a verity, the merits of these Peverels must have been great, or their influence at Court from some cause or another extraordinary.
Albert, Prince Consort of the United Kingdom
(1819 - 1861)
Wikipedia links:== Afrikaans , العربية , Български , Bosanski , Česky , Dansk , Deutsch , English , Español , Français , עברית , Magyar , Bahasa Indonesia , Italiano , 日本語 , 한국어 , Nederlands , Norsk (b...
Håkan Jönsson Teit
(1410 - 1496)
Raoul I de Coucy, Count/Seigneur de Marle
(1134 - 1191)
of Coucy, (c. 1134 – † 1191), lord of Coucy, lord of Marle, La Fère, Crécy (sur-Serre), Vervins, Pinon, Landouzy (la-Ville), and Fontaine (lès-Vervins). He was the son of Enguerrand II, Lord of Coucy. ...
Alain "Dapifer" fitz Flaald, Seneschal of Dol
(c.1024 - c.1093)
Alain "Dapifer " (c1024-after 1080), Seneschal of Dol. He is now known to have scion of the seneschals of Brittany, but he was traditionally thought to have been a son of Fleance MacAlpin , Thane of Lo...
Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Horowitz of Chorkiv
(c.1680 - 1753)
from Chortkov; son Meir Horowitz & daughter Katz R. Zvi Hirsch Horowitz, ABD Czortkow from 1726 until his death in 1754. He married the daughter of R. Mordecai, son of R. Zvi Hirsch, son of Zechariah M...
William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony
(bef.1589 - 1657)
William Bradford
Birth: on or before 19 March 1589/90 - Austerfield, Yorkshire, England
Christened: 19 March 1589/90 - St. Helen's Chapel, Austerfield, Yorkshire, England
Parents: William Bradfor...
Peregrine White, "Mayflower" Passenger
(c.1620 - 1704)
Descendant of Mayflower passengers William White, Susanna (Winslow) White.
Peregrine White
Appointed Lt, Peregrine White of the Marshfield Militia During King Philips War.
The Boston Newslette...
Jaan Pilvet
(1906 - 1942)
Jaan Pilvet oli näitleja ja laulja (bariton)
JAAN PILVET sü 29.04.1906 UKJ su 24.01.1949
29.04.1906 UKJ = 16.04.1906 VKJ
Nime eestistamine Piller -> Pilvet
- Taotlus (29.04....
Queen Consort of Sweden Catherine Magnusdotter
(1550 - 1612)
Karin Månsdotter, Queen of Sweden==* Daughter of Måns Helsing and Ingrid * Place of burial in Turku Cathedral Sweden * Karin Månsdottir's grave - Karin Mansdotter Coat of Arms -
Obed .
(-1180 - c.-1069)
Ruth 4:14-22. Lineage of King David of Israel
1 Chronicles 2:12. Another lineage of King David.
Grandfather of King David of Israel .
Boson d'Autun, Comte de Vienne, Dux de Provence
(c.841 - 887)
, son of Bivin (Bouvinus), died 11 Jan 887. Comte de Vienne, King of Provence. 1st wife unknown. Child Willa (m. Rudolf d'Auxerre and Hugues d'Arles). 2nd wife Ermengarde (dau of Louis II King of Italy...
(c.1700 - 1758)
Aleksis Kivi
(1834 - 1872)
Kirjailija. Tuusula.
Författare. Tusby, Finland.
Author. Tuusula, Finland.
Aleksis Kivi (oikealta nimeltään Alexis Stenvall, 10. lokakuuta 1834 Nurmijärvi – 31. joulukuuta 1872 Tuusula) ...
Harri Vasar
(1926 - 1994)
Harri Vasar oli eesti laulja, 1960-81 oli Estonia solist. Sai tuntuks lüüriliste laulude esitajana. 1962 asutas nukuteatri Marionett, kus töötas lavastaja, nukuvalmistaja ja dramaturgina.
Kuna seisug...
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
(1770 - 1831)
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (August 27, 1770 – November 14, 1831) was a German philosopher, one of the creators of German Idealism. His historicist and idealist account of reality as a whole revoluti...