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  • Ann Blackmore (1812 - 1851)
    Reference: WikiTree Genealogy - SmartCopy : Jun 10 2023, 7:08:38 UTC
  • Arthur Blackmore, Jr. (1591 - 1632)
    His pedigree is in the Visitation of Cheshire, 1615. He was a merchant adventurer of England living in Delft, Holland.* Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy : Jan 10 2021, 4:03:25 UTC
  • Bridget (Kearney) Wheeldon - Blackmore [Convict "Australasia" 1849] (c.1828 - 1891)
    Biography== Bridget KEARNEY was born circa 1828 in Roscommon, Ireland. On 3/1/1849 at Kildare Ireland, Bridget was convicted of cow stealing and was sentenced to 7 years transportation. She arrived in ...
  • Edward Blackmore, II (1695 - 1738)
    Find a Grave Birth: 1695 Bishops Nympton Devon, EnglandDeath: May 10, 1738 Lancaster County Virginia, USASon of Edward Blakemore and Eleanor. Edward Blackmore married Hannah Mitchell on September 11,...

About the Blackmore surname

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Balázs Déri :

Blackmore in Essex might have been founded by and named after Morlak / Maurovlah immigrants
likely from the direction of Mauretania,now approximately Morocco ,who were certainly More Black
than their environment ,via Hispania ,who might have been of Aruak origin ,like Arevaci tribe in the latter ,
and thus related to the Mauré tribe of Bolivia .

Arawaks namely may be descended from Ak-Kel-Laya-Bawa ,after whom Bolivia could be named ,
and who might have been called Héraklés ( Hayawar-Akkel ) of Libya ( Laya-Bawa ) by the antique Helléns .
He might have been the Héraklés who allegedly led his army consisting of Méds and Armenians to Africa ,
or at least whose army of such composure settled in Africa,and where there called ,after intermixture
with local Libyans ,Mauri .
His alternative name was Ak-A-La-Ba ,so Mauré-Boliv and Mauri-Libya and Mauro-Vlakh is the same
as More-Black .

So Maurovlahs in Illyria and the Balkan may be named after him and his Médian people ,as Maure-B'laak ,
may be related to the Mauri of Libya ,and might have thus partially spoken an Arawak dialect close to
those spoken in Bolivia .
Alamblak ( Alan-Blak ) people in New Guinea might also have been his people ,likely immigrants from
Moldavia ,together with their Rom-Kun relatives and with others ,as the country was by times known
as Alania or Cumania too .
Alans ,especially the Dygor tribe ,had lived in Média in ancient times too ,called there Gordy ,
and might have moved together with them to Hungaria ,where they are called Modyor and Yaas or
Yaas-Kun respectively,and then to the Maghreb .

Ak-Kel-Laya-Bawa was from the tribe of A-Wa-Hayat-Daha ,one of the twelve ancestors of the twelve
tribes of the Chosen People,the Native Americans,the generic ancestor of Daha peoples ,
now called Iranian Aryas after his alternative name Ag-Ayar- A'arre-Wa ,that literally in the Byblical language
would mean Cub of Lion .

The language now called Iranian is the dialect of Levites of this tribe .
This ,by the way,corresponds to the name later used by the British king too,that sounded in their local
interpretation as Arvirag ,that is A'arre-Wa-Ayar-Ag .
The king of this name may thus be identical with "Iudas " ,called Aristobulos,king of Iudaia .
It is possible ,that Black Mores were in his company ,when having to move from the Holy Land because
of the Rhómans ,or they might have been brought priorly into European exile by Babylónians in the 7th
century BC ,or both .
Dahas in the Balkan are colloquially called Haidu(k) ,after A-Wa-Hayat-Daha .

See Black,Morlak,Komáromi,Komáromy,Jász,Hajdú,Hajduk,Haidau,Haida,Idaho,Kun,Kuman,Koman,Déri,
Mauro,Mauri,Calabro,Calabresi,Elias,Anarcsi,Jászi and more !
