Matching family tree profiles for Edward Blackmore, II
Immediate Family
About Edward Blackmore, II
Birth: 1695 Bishops Nympton Devon, England
Death: May 10, 1738 Lancaster County Virginia, USA
Son of Edward Blakemore and Eleanor. Edward Blackmore married Hannah Mitchell on September 11, 1717 in Lancaster County, Virginia, the young widow of George Mitchell after April 1717, at which time George Mitchell's will was probated. The maiden name of Hannah Mitchell Blackmore was Rogers.
Baptism:February 03, 1695 at Bishops Nympton, Devon, England Was listed in 1720 Virginia Census (22:3230) Lancaster Co. Burial: 1738, Lancaster Co. VA.
Edward Blakemore, the first known immigrant ancestor of this branch of the Blakemore family emigrated to America and settled in Lancaster County, Virginia in the beginning of the 18th Century.
WILL written 27 March 1738.Will probated 12 May 1738, Northumberland Co, VA., Bk 13, Folios 90-91. Edward Blackmore of St. Mary's White Chapel Parish "In the name of GOD amen.The 27th day of March 1738, I, Edward Blackmore, of St. Mary's White Chappel Parish in the County of Lancaster Planter make this my Last Will and Testament.I humbly Resign My soul to God My Creator in hopes through the merits of Christ Jesus, my Saviour, to receive pardon of my sins and everlasting life and leave my body to be buried in a Christian manner at the discretion of my executors. I give to my Wife Hannah Blackmore in lieu of her share of my slaves the use of negro man Peter and negro woman Aggy during her natural life. I give to my Son Thomas; negro man Jack;give my negroe girl Frank to my Daughter Sarah Blackmore & her heirs forever.I give to my daughter Hannah Blackmore: my negro girl Nan to her and her heirs forever.I give to my son Edward Blackmore my negroe womanBess and negro woman Aggy to him and his heirs forever;to have Bess immediately but Aggy not til after the death of my wife.I give to mySon John Blackmore mynegro girl Bess to him and his heirs forever.I give to my Son Joseph Blackmore my negroe boy Gim to him and his heirs forever. At wife's death negro man Peter to be sold and the money equally divided among my children as shall then be living. Son Thomas; all my coopers tools. Son Edward: my long gun and my writing desk. Son John; my large oval table and the locker that stands upon my desk. Daughter Sarah; my cloathes press. Daughter Hannah; my chest of drawers. Wife; use of my two best beds during her natural life. Son Joseph; One bed of middle value and the appurtences thereto belonging.All the rest of my estate to mywife and children, share and share alike.I make my son Thomas Blackmore & Mr. Rawleigh Chinn, Jun'r Ex'rs of This My Will. Witness; John Rogers, Jos Ball Lancaster County, Virginia Deeds & Wills #13 1735-43, pages 90-91 DEED dated 13 April 1739; Recorded 11 May 1739-Deeds & Wills #13 1735-43, page 133;1. Will probated in Northumberland Co., Virginia, will book #13, Folios 90-91.
1. Thomas Blakemore m. Anne Gibbs Neville
2. Hannah Blakemore m. (1) Thomas Flint, (2) William Biscoe
3. Capt. John Blakemore m. (1) Ann Tomlin, (2) Lucy Morgan Carter
4. Edward Blakemore, II m. (1) Hannah Stevens, (2) Jemima Neusom
5. Joseph Blakemore, Sr. m. Anne Sanders
Family links:
- Hannah Rogers Blakemore (1696 - 1750)*
- Thomas Blakemore (1718 - 1808)*
- Hannah Blakemore Flint (1722 - 1798)*
- John Blakemore (1723 - 1803)*
- Edward Blakemore (1725 - 1777)*
- Joseph Blakemore (1732 - 1808)*
- Calculated relationship
Burial: Unknown
Maintained by: dcterri Originally Created by: John Blakemore Sellers Record added: May 19, 2015 Find A Grave Memorial# 146706792
EDWARD JR.4 BLACKMORE (EDWARD3, HUGH2 BLACKEMORE, THOMAS1) was born Bef. 1695 in most likely England, and died 1738 in Lancaster Co, VA. He married HANNAH ROGERS 1717 in Lancaster Co., VA, daughter of WILLIAM ROGERS and ELIZABETH DALE. She was born Bef. 1697, and died Aft. 1747.
Notes for EDWARD JR. BLACKMORE: Notes for Edward Blakemore: src: BoldMary@aol.com EDWARD BLAKEMORE II: Father of Joseph Blakemore is first found in Virginia on Lancaster County Virginia Tax roles in 1714. Born circa 1697, he died 1777, married after April in 1717. Son of Edward Blakemore I and Francis Eames. Children of Edward Blakemore II and Hannah Rogers were: Thomas Blakemore born 19 June 1718 in VA married Anne Nevill on 5 November 1756 died 26 Oct 1808; Sarah Blakemore born VA, Hannah Blakemore born VA married first Thomas Flint then William Briscoe; Edward Blakemore III married first Hannah Stevens on 11 Sep 1747 then Jemima Neusom on 9 Nov 1750; John Blakemore married first ? then Lucy Morgan Carter; Joseph Blakemore married Ann Sanders; James Blakemore. His will was dated 27 March 1738 and proved 12 May 1738. The will of Eleanor Rogers, sister of Hannah Rogers dated 8 May 1718 and proved 9 July 1718 left her estate to her children Josias, Elizabeth Winifred and Lazarus Conway. She directed that her brother in law, Edward Blakemore and sister Hannah should bring up her sons Isaac White and Josias Conway and daughter Winifred Conway, and that her brother William Rogers and Margaret his wife should have her daughter Elizabeth Conway and son Lazarus Conway. Her brother William Rogers, Edward Blackmore and Miles Walters were named executors. DIED 1738.
i. SARAH5 BLACKMORE, b. Bet. 1717 - 1727. 2. ii. THOMAS BLACKMORE, b. June 19, 1718; d. October 26, 1808. 3. iii. EDWARD III BLACKMORE, b. Bet. 1720 - 1727, Lancaster Co, VA; d. 1777, Lancaster Co, VA. 4. iv. JOHN BLACKMORE, CAPTAIN, b. Abt. 1723, Lancaster Co, VA; d. 1803, Davidson Co, TN.
v. HANNAH BLACKMORE, b. Abt. 1726; d. 5 children; m. (1) WILLIAM BISCOE; d. Aft. 1812; m. (2) THOMAS FLINT, January 11, 1745/46, Lancaster Co., VA. 5. vi. JOSEPH SR. BLACKMORE, b. 1732, Lancaster Co, VA; d. Aft. 1808.
vii. JAMES BLACKMORE, b. Bef. 1738.
@R453394710@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=157463155&pi...
Edward Blackmore, II's Timeline
1695 |
February 3, 1695
Bishops Nympton, Devon, England (United Kingdom)
February 6, 1695
Bishops Nympton, Devon, Eng
February 6, 1695
Bishops Nympton, Devon, Eng
March 17, 1695
Bishops Nympton, Devon, England
1718 |
June 19, 1718
Lancaster County, Province of Virginia
1720 |
Lancaster, VA, United States
1722 |
Lancaster, VA, United States
1723 |
Lancaster County, Province of Virginia
1725 |
Lancaster, VA, United States