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Thorndike Genealogy and Thorndike Family History Information

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  • Dame Sybil Thorndike, CH, DBE (1882 - 1976)
    Dame Agnes Sybil Thorndike CH DBE born 24 October 1882 died 9 June 1976She was a British actress. This distinguished theatrical tragedienne will be remembered forever if only for the fact George Bernar...
  • Alice Thorndike (1568 - bef.1624)
    Biography Alice Colman, daughter of Edward Colman, Esq. and his wife Ann Cutler, was born about 1568 in Great Waldingfield, Suffolk, England, and was buried on 1 Jan 1623/4 about age 56 in Burwell, Lin...
  • Edward 'Ted' Lee Thorndike (1874 - 1949)
    Edward Lee "Ted" Thorndike (August 31, 1874 – August 9, 1949) was an American psychologist who spent nearly his entire career at Teachers College, Columbia University. His work on Comparative psycholog...
  • Elizabeth Frances Cope (1902 - 1982)
    Frances Cope, also known as Frances Thorndike (August 19, 1902 - May 14, 1982), was an American mathematician who published on irregular differential equations. The Thorndike nomogram, a two-dimensio...
  • Elizabeth Proctor (1641 - 1672)
    Elizabeth (Thorndike) Proctor (1632-1672) was the second wife of John Proctor , who was executed as a witch during the Salem Witch Trials. The daughter of John Thorndike and Elizabeth Stratton, Elizabe...

About the Thorndike surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Thorndike surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Thorndike surname.

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