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  • Adam "the Pioneer" Sherrill (1696 - 1774)
    Frontiersman, spoke at least one Indian dialect, built a home (tavern) on the Catawba River and became known as Sherrill's Ford "The Pioneer" In 1738 moved (from Cecil Couny MD) to Prince Georges...
  • Agnes Sherrill (1726 - 1795)
    Biography Agnes White was born February 26, 1726 in Augusta County, Virginia. She is believed to be the daughter of Moses White. Some sources claim that Mary Campbell was her mother, others say it was ...
  • Agnes Ballew (1781 - 1830)
    Agnes (Agness) Ballew (Sherrill), Ballew 1782 massey Agness Sherrill Ballew BIRTH 21 Jul 1781 Burke County, North Carolina, USA DEATH 14 Aug 1830 (aged 49) Burke County, North Carolina, USA BURIAL Ba...
  • Babel Sherrill (1778 - 1851)
    Zerobabel “Babel” Sherrill BIRTH 3 Sep 1778 Burke County, North Carolina, USA DEATH 31 Jan 1851 (aged 72) Lincoln County, North Carolina, USA BURIAL Babel Sherrill Cemetery Hickory, Caldwell County, N...
  • Catherine Sevier (1754 - 1836)
    Catherine was Governor John Sevier's second wife, they had eight children during this marriage. DAR Ancestor # A102090 * from Bonny Kate Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, Knoxville, Tennes...