Historical records matching Adam "the Pioneer" Sherrill
Immediate Family
About Adam "the Pioneer" Sherrill
spoke at least one Indian dialect,
built a home (tavern) on the Catawba River and became known as Sherrill's Ford
"The Pioneer"
In 1738 moved (from Cecil Couny MD) to Prince Georges County, Maryland on the Potomac river. In 1747 with his 8 sons he crossed the Catawba River to give Sherill's Ford its name Was the first wihite man to make his home in Catawba county. In 1953 Adam Sherrill's 200 year old home burned at Sherrill's Ford North Carolina. Once found guilty of harbouring Ute Sherrill, a horse thief, and ordered to pay 100 pounds. "Sherrill's Folly" is the land that Adam sold to get away from the scandal of? Margaret and Elisha Perkins?
Adam's will:
In the name of God, Amen, I, Adam Sherrill of the County of Rowan Province of North Carolina, being in perfect Health & Memory praised be God, do make this my Last will & Testament as Followeth, Imp- - - , I give & Bequeth Unto my son Adam Sherrill one Negro Fellow Called and Knowned by the Name of Vaul to him and his heirs for Ever after my Decease, Item, I give and Bequeath Unto my son Quillar Sherrill one Negro After my Decease if either one Besides Vaul and In case I should have no other After my Decease I give Unto my son Quillar Thirty pounds in Lue thereof to be Raised out of my Estate After my Decease to him and his heirs forever, Then I give and Bequeath Unto my som William Sherrill one of the best horse or mare that I pofsefs (possess) at my Decease to him and his heirs for Ever , The True intent and Meaning of this my Last will, is that no other will made by me of Any other in my name shall Disannul this my will And I do Con- - - and Appoint my two sons Adam and Quilla Sherrill Executors of this my Last will And Testament, In Witnefs (witness) whereof I have here Unto set my hand and Seal this Fifth day of March---In the Year of Our Lord 1772
James Clark, mark of Abraham Roberson, William Berry, and mark of Adam Sherrill (with seal)
Will dated 5 March 1772, Will published 4 May 1774, Source--Rowan County North Carolina Wills Book A, pg 167 GSf 019733 mentions sons Adam, Quillar and William, but not his wife. General sources:"Annals of Lincoln County" "Carolina Cradle", North Carolina Colonial Records, Vol. 9, pg 257; Vol 22,
pg 878; Vol. 4, pg 1014; vol. 6, pg 211. Rebekah Oliver notes. "History of Catawba County, NC", "Chalky's Augusta County, VA. Records' Vol. 2, pg 509. DAR Patriot Index. Abstracts of the minutes of the court of pleas and quarter session of Rowan county, NC 1763-1774 by Jo White Linn, pg 150 Adam Sherrill Jr. one of the executors.
The history books and genealogical records of North Carolina abound with records of Adam Sherrill Sr., who is recognized as the first, permanent white settler on the west bank of the Catawba River in North Carolina, migrating there from Augusta County, Virginia in 1747. Traditionally, he spoke at least one Indian dialect. He built the largest dwelling near Sherrill's Ford, NC., the area had seen up to that date. It survived 200 years before burning in 1953. It was the subject of a newspaper article in the Lenoir, North Carolina newspaper not too long before it burned. Adam Sherrill left a will, but it does not name all his children, nor as, so far, a probate of his estate been researched, which hopefully, would give the exact date of his death. Nor, has the date of his birth been determined. His wife's maiden name remains unknown, in spite of several surnames advanced as possibilities. Deeds prove her first name was Elizabeth. Through tax records and deeds, we are able to trace him from Maryland, to Pennsylvania and back, then to Virginia, the North Carolina where he died. He was, traditionally, buried atop a hill near his home place.
Traditionally, in many manuscripts, the names, birth and death dates of his eight sons have been listed as follows:
Captain WILLIAM SHERRILL, b. May 1,1723, d. Dec. 31, 1786
SAMUEL SHERRILL, b. Oct.1, 1725, d. June 22,1800
URIAH SHERRILL, b. Mar.1, 1728, d. Nov.27, 1779
ADAM SHERRILL JR., b. Nov.1, 1731, d.--
AQUILLA SHERRILL, b. Nov.30, 1733, d. Jan. 1805
ISAAC SHERRILL, b. Jun.20, 1736, d.--
JACOB SHERRILL, b. Aug.21, 1739, d. Jan.11, 1813
MOSES SHERRILL, b. Aug.8, 1742, d. Jan.15, 181
On 24 February 1841, R.E. Sherrill (Rev.) wrote down the family data as given to him by his father Enos Sherrill, son of Uriah, in a personal interview, making the following certification: "These statements I received and wrote at the lips of my father and mother on the 24th of February, 1841. R.E. Sherrill." Rev. R.E. Sherrill, who was a grandson of Uriah Sherrill, son of Adam Sherrill the Pioneer, listed Adam Sherrill's children as follows in his manuscript:
William, born May 1st, 1723
Samuel, born Oct. 1, 1725
Uriah ("Ute"), born march 1, 1728
Adam, born November 1, 1731
Aquilla, born November 30, 1733
Jacob, born August 21st, 1736
Moses, born August 8th, 1742
Enos Sherrill, who recorded the above, was born in 1767, and knew his uncles and aunts. His is the first record found that Adam had a daughter, which is logical, and since Catherine would have been his aunt, he surely knew that. Note that he lists no birthdate for Isaac and Catherine, but shows Jacob as the 7th son.
Rev. R.E. states that Jacob Jr., son of Jacob Sr. married a sister to Ephriam Perkins. Jacob Jr. actually married Elizabeth Perkins, daughter of Ephriam's uncle, Elisha Perkins Jr. But, in a sense, Enos's son R.E. Sherrill was right for Elisha Perkins Jr. died when his daughter was a baby, and Ephriam's father, Gentleman John Perkins reared her as his own. The 1736 birth date makes Jacob Jr.'s birth of 1755 possible, and clears up that particular problem.
(Page 50)
Orange County, Virginia Deeds, Book 3 and 4 by Lorman, page 11. Deed Book 3, page 101. No date by ca. 1739/40.
Petition of inhabitants of Opeckan and Shenandone that the Rev. Wm. Williams, Minister of the Gospel, hath promised to supply us in the administration of his office. We humbly beg that a meeting place might be erected and recorded in your court, one at the land of the above said Mr. Williams, near his house and another at Morgan Bryans, near his house. Among 30 names are: Elisha Perkins, Adam Sherrill, Wm. Shirill.
This Indenture made the first day of September Anno Dom. one thousand seven hundred & thirty
six Between Adam Sherrell of Cecil County in Maryland yeoman of the one part and Samuel
Caldwell late of the County of Lancaster in Pensilvania yeoman of the other part witnesseth that
whereas Charles Absolute Lord and Proprieter of the said province of Maryland & avalon[?]
Lord Baron of Baltimore HRD under his Greater seal at Arms gives grant convey and confirm by
his letters Patents a certain tract of land lying scituate and being in the said county of Cecil and
known or called by the name of three Partners as by the said patent bearing date the sixteenth
day of September one thousand seven hundred & twenty enterd on the records of the land office
in the city of Annapolis in Lib'r 8.3217322 relation being thereunto had may more more largeley
and amply appear and whereas the said Thomas Jacobs did give grant convey & confirm unto
William Sherwill father of the said Adam Sherwill two hundred acres of land part of the said
tract called three partners by his deed of feeofment and date bearing the thirtennth day of
December one thousand seven hundred and twenty five entered on the records of the land office
in the said county of Cecil in Lib'r SK no. 5 in fol's 9 & 10 Reference being thereunto had may at
large appear and where as the said Wm Serwill father of the said Adam did give grant convey &
confirm unto the said Adam Sherwill his son one hundred acres of land part of the said tract
granted him by the said Thomas Jacobs as by the deed of sale of him the said William Sherwell
to his son Adam entered on the records in the said county of Cecil reference being thereunto had
may more at large appear now know ye that he the said Adam Sherrill & Elizabeth his wife for
and in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds lawfull money of Pensilvania to the said Adam
Sherwell & Elizabeth his wife or either of them in hand paid by the said Samuel Caldwell ay or
before the ensealing or delivery of these presents the receipt whereof they the said Adam
Sherwill and Elizabeth his wife do hereby acknowledge have given granted bargained sold
alienated enfeofed & confirmed and by these presents doth give grant alien enfeoff and confirm
unto the said Samuel Caldwell his heirs and assigns the said one hundred acres of land
Beginning at a white oak bouneded in standing at the north East corner pf the said tract of land
called the three partners now runing thence west south west one hundred & sixty perches to a
hickory sapling tree thence East South East one hundred and fifty perches thence East North
East seventy perches thence by a straight & direct line to the first beginning containing as
aforesaid one hundred acres together with all and singular the houses out houses barns stables
orchards gardens commons common of pasture ways waters water courses profitts commodities
hereditaments and appertenances to the said bargained premises belonging or in any wise
appertaining To have and to hold the said bargained premises and every part and parcel thereof
with their appertenances to him the s'd Samuel Caldwell hid heirs and assigns forever to his and
their only proper use benefit and behoof forever clearly acquitted exonerated & discharged of and
from all and all maner of former gifts grants bargains sales leases mortgages wills entails
joyntures dowrys judgments executors incumbrances and troubles whatsoever and the said Adam
Sherwell and Elizabeth his wife doth further covenant and bind themselves their heirs executors
and admin's firmly by these presents warant & defend the said Samuel Caldwell his heirs and
assigns against the right claim property interest or demand of him the said Adam Sherwill oe
Elizabeth his wife their heirs Exr's Admin's or assigns or any other person by form or under him
her or them or by his or their will money or procurement whatsoever & In Witnesseth whereof
the said Adam Serwill and Elizabeth his wife have hereunto set their hands & affixed their seals
the day and year first above written.
Sealed & delivered in the presence of us} Adam his[II]mark Sherwill {seal}
Isaac Sanders Benjam' Brittain} Elizabeth her[E]mark Sherwill {seal}
Maryland Be it remembered that on the first day of September in the year of our Lord one
thousand seven hundred & thirty six personally appeared before me the subscriber one of his
Lordships Justices of the Provincial Court Adam Sherwill & Elizabeth his wife & acknowledge
the within deed of conveyance to be their act and deed and the land and premises therein
mentioned to be the right and property of the said Samuel Caldwell his heirs and assigns forever
and the said Elizabeth being privately examined out of the hearing of her said husband by me
pursuant to an act of assembly in that case made and provided declared that she gave him her
consent to the within alienation & this acknowledgement without any manner of compulsion or
fear of her husband
Jon Copson
Sept 10th 17 hundred & thirty six rcvd four shillings sto' the alienation fine of the within 100
acres of land pt. of three partners Jas Paul Heath
Recorded this 10th November 1736 Wm Knight
Jerry Glen Reid has DOB as born Abt. 1702
From Shirley VanHuss: 'Buried traditionally atop a hill on his land'
Eloise Sherrill Setzer has 1772 as date of death.
From Nancy G. Rader: 'Left Virginia (very valuable lands became known as Sherrill's Folly) and moved to North Carolina to Catawba River in 1746-47. His own family came, his father, his brother and family all left unsold lands in Virginia. Adam Sr. was said to be the 1st white man to cross the Catawba River and fording the place known as Sherrill's Ford. He died there in 1772 and a monument was erected to his memory in Aug. 1929. He was called Adam the Pioneer! He was the son of Wm the Conestoga Fur Trader. He was a signer of the Watauga Petition to North Carolina. He was on the committee which supported the Continental Congress.'
From Darrell Dunlop: 'Adam was one of the signatories of the petition to create Prince George's Co., MD in 1739. Sometime later the family moved to Augusta Co., VA, and then in 1747 they moved on to Bladen (now Catawba) Co., NC, where they became the first settlers west of the Catawba River and the first white inhabitants of Catawba Co.' Found guilty of harbouring Ute Sherrill a horse thief; ordered to pay 100 pounds. 'Sherrill's Folly' is the land that Adam sold to get away from the scandle of ?'
From Fred and Mary Salter: 'Adam Sherrill accompanied his father and uncle William to Lancaster County, Pa. in 1720. He appears on the assessment list of Conestoga Twp., of that county in the year 1720 in the amount of 10 lbs. sterling. In 1722 is assessment had risen to 16 lbs. sterling.
The following deeds and documents concerning Adam Sherrill Sr. are transcribed from Wanda Clarks 'SAGA', pps.45-57.
Survey this 2nd day of Mar Anno Domi 1738. Pat Dent. Deputy Surveyor of Prince Georges County P. B. Young, ______ No. 811570 Hall of Records, Department of general Services, State of Maryland, Provincial Court (Deeds) September 26, 1748. Volume EI#*, page 547-549 THIS INDENTURE made this twenty sixth day of Sept. in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and forty eight, Between ADAM SHERRILL of Augusta County, in the Colony of Virginia, farmer, of the one part, and AMOS THATCHER of Prince Georges County, and Province of Maryland, of the other part, Witnesseth: That he the said ADAM SHERRILL, for and in consideration of the sum of one Hundred Pound, current money of Pennsylvania to him in hand paid by AMOS THATCHER before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof the said ADAM SHERRILL doth hereby acknowledge himself fully satisfyed and contented and for every part and parcel thereof doth acquit and discharge the said AMOS THATCHER, his heirs, Exects, and Admrs. forever by these presents hath granted, bargained, and sold, alienated and confirmed and by these Presents Both fully, clearly & absolutely, Grant, Bargain, and sell, alien__ an confirm unto the said AMOS THATCHER, his heirs or assigns, All that tract or parcel of land called Capt.. John Bottoms, Situate, lying and being in the County of Prince Georges with the Appurtenances, beginning at a bounded white oak standing by the side of the Potomack River, between the mouth of Antietam and Connygotheg Creek and in a place called Capt. John Bottom and running thence North thirty nine degrees West thirty six Perches then south Sixth five degrees West fifty six perches, then South forty two perches, then south sixteen degrees West twenty two perches, then South nine degrees East thirty eight perches, then South twenty nine Degrees East Eighty four perches then South fifty seven degrees East Eighty perches, then South fifty Degrees East forty perches, then North fifty three Degrees forty four perches, then North Fifty Degrees West forty perches then North fifty six degrees West Eighty Eight Perches, then by a straight line to the beginning Tree laid out for one hundred acres of land, be the same more or less together with all houses, Buildings, fences and improvements whatsoever of all and Singular the said premises and every part and parcel thereof To have and To hold the said tract of land and premises with their appurtenances before by these presents bargained and sold, aliened and confirmed, and every part and parcel thereof to the said AMOS THATCHER, his heirs and Assigns to the only proper use and Behoof of the said AMOS THATCHER, his heirs and Assigns forever and said ADAM SHERRILL for himself, his heirs, Exers. and Admrs. doth hereby covenant and promise to and with the said AMOS THATCHER his heirs, Exers. & Admrs. that he, the said ADAM SHERRILL, his heirs, Exers. and Admrs. all and singular the before Bargained Premises and their Appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof unto the said AMOS THATCHER, his heirs and Assigns against all manner of persons whatsoever shall warrant and forever defend by these presents. And Lastly, the said ADAM SHERRILL, his heirs, Exrs.& Admrs. shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter at the request of and at the proper cost and charges in the Law of him the said AMOS THATCHER, his heirs, Exrs. Admrs. or assigns make do, execute or cause to be made done, executed or suffered all and every such further and other Act, or Acts, thing or things, device or devices, assurance or assurances, or whatsoever is requisite in the premises for the better assurance& the more sure making of the bargained premises unto him the said AMOS THATCHER, his heirs and assigns forever be it by Enrollment of these presents or _________or by any other lawful means as by him the said AMOS THATCHER, his heirs, Exrs. Admrs. or assigns or his or their Counsel learned in the law, shall be reasonably devised, advised or required. IN WITNESS whereof the said ADAM SHERRILL hath hereunto set his hand & seal this day and year first above written. SIGNED, SEALED, & DELIVERED ADAM (A) SHERRILL (Seal) in the presence of us. Mark Thos. Prather, Joseph Chapline Mend. To_wit the Sept. 26th 1748 Came ADAM SHERRILL, party to the within Deed andacknowledge the same to his act and Deed according to Law and with himcame Elizabeth, his wife and resigned her claim of Dower of, in and tothe within mentioned land, she being first severally examined unto thewithin mentioned ADAM SHERRILL taken and Acknowledged before us. S Tho. Prather Joseph Chapline Recorded Feby 22d 1740/9 Orange County, Virginia Deeds, Book 3 and 4 by Lorman
p.11 Deed Book 3, page 101. No date but ca 1739/40 Petition of inhabitants of Opeckan and Shenandone that the Rev. Wm. Williams, Minister of the Gospel, hath promised to supply us in the administration of his office. We humbly beg that a meeting place might be erected and recorded in your court, one at the land of the above said Mr. Williams, near his house and another at Morgan Bryans, near his house. Morgan Bryan, John Hood, ELISHA PERKINS, Benjan Hardin, Barebt Nukirck, Michael Wyar, Conns. Newkirk, JOSEPH HARDIN, Wm... Teague, ADAM SHERRILL, Thos Cauderu, Eunuck Freeland, Henry Triggs, Michael Melone, Richard Lane, Jacob Everson, Henry Lancisco, Wm. SHERRILL, Ebnr Rice, RobertTurner, Tunas Hood, James Cole, Thos. Cherry, John Sherer, Jas Maison, Wm. Sheppard, Thos Flora, Geo. Nixon, Tunas found on a strange man drowned in Potomack River and taken upon 17 August, 1738. There was no money of any sort nor any writing save a letter. Declared by us: Morgan An, Jerimah York, George Moon, Richard (M) Morgan, Joseph (J) Bryan, ADAM (A) SHERRILL, Morgan Bryan, Michael (X) Moore, Jno Williams, Francis (X) Pincher, Thomas (T) Condroy Henry (H) Frexe, James (X) Towlands. Jurors: Michael Roddy--dugg the grave and tended the man Chas Hyet__tended the man Robt. Pendle__tended the man Timothy (T) Bouned--tended the man (mark) MARGARET SHERRILL: Susanna Pendle: Evidenced Mary Hyat: (Note: Augusta County Virginia from Orange County Virginia 1738-45) Frederick County Virginia, Virginia Records
Order Book 1, page 497 ADAM SHERRILL, being brought before the court as a horbourer of UTE PERKINS, a horse thief, and it appearing to the court that the said Sherril is guilty of the same, it is ordered that the Sheriff take the said Sherrill into his custody until he enters his recognizance in the sum of One Hundred Pounds Sterling with good securities in the sum of Fifty pounds Sterling each, in case the said Sherrill shall not be of good behavior for a twelve month and a day___________ ADAM SHERRILL in open court acknowledged himself indebted to our Sovereign Lord, the King, his heirs, successors in the sum of one Hundred Pounds Sterling to be levied of his goods and chattels, lands tenements, in case he shall not be of good behavior Thomas Rutherford, also in open court, severally acknowledged their_____indebtedness to our said Lord the King, his heirs and successors in not be of good behaviour during the term aforesaid.
The following lengthly article appeared in the Newton-Conover Twin-City Observer, Volume 19, Number 20, Dtd. Monday, June 16, 1952. FIRST SETTLER IN COUNTY BUILT HOME 200 YEARS AGO By Cyril Long Mebane There was nothing but wilderness west of the Catawba river in the1740's. The only inhabitants of this area were the Indians who hunted and fished and had all the land to themselves. All the early settlers coming westward stopped on the eastern side of the Catawba river and settled there. The western side was most uninviting and not knowing anything of this area, the settlers did not venture to find out just what was there. It was not until 1747 that the first white settler and his family and eight sons ventured across the Catawba river and settled on the western side. This man, ADAM SHERRILL, was the first white settler of what is now Catawba County. ADAM SHERRILL'S home, which is located close to the banks of the Catawba river near Sherrill's Ford and Terrell, and was the first house built in Catawba County. ADAM SHERRILL and his family had come from Virginia where they had lived for a short time. The exact period is not known. Originally, he had migrated from Pennsylvania to Virginia. He settled about one mile west of the river. The community of Sherrill's Ford gets its name from the ford that ADAM SHERRILL crossed. This was 1747. Adam Sherrill was given a land grant which was not received until April, 1749. This land then was a part of Bladen county until 1749 when it became Anson county. In 1769 the county was named again, this time Tyron after the Royal Governor, William Tyron. Lincoln county was established in 1779, and Catawba county was not formed until 1842. The county was named for the Catawba indians. The number of acres of land granted to ADAM SHERRILL was not found. ADAM SHERRILL'S eight sons were: William, Samuel, Uriah, Adam, Aquilla, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses. Adam is the Sherrill most of the descendants of the Sherrill's Ford section are related. Samuel left Sherrill's Ford and went into Tennessee. The complete history of ADAM SHERRILL's sons and descendants can be found in 'The ANNALS OF LINCOLN COUNTY', written by William L. Sherrill. The first house built by Adam was a form of stockade, solely for protection from the indians and to house his family until a more suitable home could be built. The first home of the family was built very close to the present house, located about 100 feet from the present dwelling. Built of logs, this stockade was destroyed by fire. ADAM SHERRILL must have been a good christian man and a man that did not harm his neighbors. Although his name is not connected with any public office during the early days, he probably took a small part in the activities of his section. Evidently, his trade was that of farming. Possibly, too, when he came to Catawba he brought with him a number of slaves as, according to history, twin negro brothers aided in the construction of the house. During the flood of 1916 the flood waters rose until they reached the front of the house but did not actually come in contact with the dwelling. The house which now stands is about 200 years old. According to information found it was probably built around 1752. Today there are three brothers who live here that are the descendants of Adam Sherrill. They are Barney, Floyd, and Elvie Sherrill. These brothers have a sister who lives in South Carolina. INTERIOR OF THE HOUSE The front door of the house is quite wide. There are two small wooden-panelled doors which open to either side of the doorway and rest against the wall. The door opening is about four feet, with each of the doors being approximately two feet in width. These doors have six panels, two medium sized ones on the bottom, two small ones in the middle, and the top two are the larger of the six. These doors are hand hewn and are pegged together, a peg being driven into each corner of the six panels. This massive doorway is outlined with small panes of glass. Over the top of the doorway are six small panes of glass about six inches wide and eight or nine inches long. Likewise, on the sides of the doorway there are small panels of glass. This glass is not clear but has a frosted design, giving the appearance of having been etched by some method. After crossing the threshold one enters the front hallway which extends from the front door to the back of the house. In the hallway is located the steep stairs to the second floor. Also all rooms of the house lead off this hall. The walls of the hall are ceiled with boards about four to six inches in width. Some of these are pegged together while others are nailed. In all probability, the nails were made right on the location. They naturally were made by hand and have a rough, uneven appearance differing greatly from the nails of today. These boards also are extremely long, extending from the front hall to the back, being broken only by the door openings to the other rooms of the house. The ceiling also is constructed in a like manner. The boards which form the ceiling are small in size as those of the walls. They are only as wide as the hall which is about eight feet. Around the sides of the wall extending approximately 30 inches from the floor is wainscotting. This wainscotting is paneled and has a design of some fashion either painted in the wood or burnt in it. Nothing like it has been seen in other old homes. Whether painted, or burnt, or the type of wood, no one knows, but it gives the appearance of much hard labor and many hours of workmanship. From the hall the living room and parlor are entered, respectively. The living room is on the right side of the house while the parlor is on the left. One of the most unique features of the living room is the twin fireplaces. This room is of good size with windows in all walls. The walls are all plastered and the ceiling is done in a like manner. The materials used in the plaster must have been of the best quality because today it still is firmly held in place although some cracks have begun to appear. The ceiling is about ten feet high with the window height being in proportion to that of the ceiling. The door which divides the hall and the living room is of wooden panels, six panels in all, hand hewn and pegged in a similar manner to the front doors. The fireplaces are quite large. With brick hearths and brick from the chimney serving as the flue, these fireplaces mark the handiwork of two negro slaves who were twins. Incidentally, all the brick work done in the construction of the house was done by these twin brothers, and from the appearance of the masonry, their talents were exceptional. The mantels are about six feet high. There are two panels, one on either side of the fireplace, which seem to act as support for the mantel, although the top board of the mantel is only about six inches wide with the raise type panel within a panel. The design appears here just as on the wainscotting which completely surrounds each room and the hall. The mantels have the look of natural finish with no paint ever having been applied to them. On the other side of the hall is the parlor which resembles the living room with the exception that there is only one fireplace in it. The same type and design wainscotting is found here with its natural finish, the plastered walls and ceiling and the doors which are wooden paneled and pegged together. The windows here are the same as all others in the house. Very narrow, only two small panes wide, these windows are about six feet tall and are about thirty inches from the floor. These windows are pegged together with wooden pegs and are all hand made. Not of the crude construction one would think that would be found, but carved and trimmed to smooth, straight lines, the cross members of the windows denote the time and effort exerted in the building of the home. There are six rooms in the house, three on the first floor, the next room discussed is the kitchen-dining room combination. From the back of the hall a door leads to the kitchen-dining room. This section of the house has been rebuilt, as can be seen from the marks of the present kitchen on the main section of the house. However no one knows just when this part was reconstructed. There are three doors in the kitchen, one leading to the front of the hall, one to the back yard, and another leading to the cellar of the house. Speaking of the cellar, this is the only house of that age that has an inside entrance to the cellar. We will come back to this part of the house in later paragraphs. The kitchen is paneled with wooden boards. The ceiling and walls are of the same type construction. The floor is very wide boards grooved and fastened together. The doors in the kitchen are the same wooden panel type made identically to the rest of the doors in the house. There is not a fireplace in this kitchen but instead has a flue on one side of the room. There are several windows in the kitchen. It should be mentioned here that the original flooring remains in the natural state throughout the house. All very large boards. The flooring is grooved together. To reach the second story of the house one climbs a steep set of stairs. This stairway is constructed in two parts with a landing half way to the second floor. The moulding on the side of the stairs is of a hand carved design. The steps are made of one large piece of wood. The first half of the stairs run from the front to the back of the hall, then turn to the right where the landing is located and then the second half run from back to front. The stairs enter a large hallway on the second floor. There are three rooms on this floor which are now and were used as bedrooms. All of them have fireplaces, the marble-appearance paneled doors, the wide boarded flooring. The windows are like those on the first floor. There are two rooms on the right side of the house upstairs and one on the left. There are two windows in the hallway, one in the back and one in the front. Directly above the stairway to the second floor is found the stairs to the third floor or garrett. These stairs are enclosed. There are small windows on the third floor very similar to those of other old homes. Page 497, Alexander County: 'Adam Sherril [sic] was born in America around 1697. Researchers disagree as to which colony, but they all agree that he crossed the Catawba River with his eight sons to become the first white settler in what is now Catawba County in 1747. A monument has been placed by his descendants at the crossing site which has become known as Sherill's Ford. Adam and Elizabeth, his wife, had eight sons. At least three of them went on to Tennessee. It is the line of their son William (1723-1786) that we will follow.'
From LaRinda (Roberts) Middleton): '1761 Served as constable in Rowan County, North Carolina 1761 Rowan Co, NC
From Darrell Dunlop: 'Adam was one of the signatories of the petition to create Prince George's Co., MD in 1739.
- From Darrell Dunlop: 'Adam's will was written on 3 March 1772 and was probated on 4 May 1774.' DEATH: From Kevin Jerrell: 'Will of Adam Sherrill In the name of God, Amen, I, ADAM SHERRILL of the County of Rowan and the province of North Carolina being in perfect health and memory, praised be God, do make this my last will and testament as followeth: I, give and bequest unto my son ADAM, one Negro fellow, called and known by the name of 'Vail' to him and his heirs forever after my decease. I give and bequeath unto my son QUILLAR one Negro after my decease ifeither one, besides Vail, and in case I should have no others after my decease I give unto my son QUILLAR thirty pounds in lieu therefore to be raised out of my estate after my decease to him and his heirs. I give and bequeath unto my son WILLIAM SHERRILL one of the best horses or mares that I posses at my decease to him and his heirs forever. The true intent and meaning of this, my last will is that no other will make by me or any other in my name shall disannul this my last will. I do appoint my two sons, ADAM and QUILLAR executors of this my lastwill and Testament. 5 March 1772 ADAM (his mark) SHERRILL Witnesses: James CLARK, Junior Abraham ROBERSON, Junior William BERRY Court Record of Rowan County, NC, Will entered for probate Wednesday, May 4, 1774.
- Note: Owned two slaves
- Note: Bought 100 acres of land from his father
- Emigration: 1738 Prince George's Co, MD
- Note: 1738 Moved to Prince George's County, Maryland on the Potomac River
- Note: Adam Sherrill's 200 year old home burns at Sherrill's Ford North Carolina
- Note: Prince Geo County by virtue of a Warrant granted out of his Lordships Land office of the Province to Adam Sherril of Prince Geo County bearing date Jan ye 11th Anno Dom. 1738 for the quantity of one hundred acres of vacant land he having paid the usual fine for the same as appears & Therefore certifies deputy surveyor of Prince Geo County under his edict Samual Lyle Esq. Governor of Maryland I have carefully laid off for & in the name of him the said Adam Sherrill all that tract of land lying in Prince Geo County called Capt. Johns Bottom Beginning at a bounded white oak standing by the side of Potomac River between the mouth of Anteatum & Conegocheys Creek and in a place called Capt. John Bottom & running thence north thirty nine deg's West thirty six poles thence south sixty five days West fifty six poles then south forty two poles then south sixteen deg's west twenty two poles then south nine deg's east thirty eight poles then south twenty nine deg's east thirty four poles then south forty three deg's east forty four poles then south fifty seven deg's east eighty poles then south fifty deg's east forty poles then north fifty three deg's east forty four poles then north fifty deg's west forty poles then north fifty six deg's west eighty eight poles then by a straight line to the beginning tree containing & now laid out for one hundred acres of land to be held of Conegocheigo Manor. Surveyed this 2 day of March Anno Dom 1738 B. Young Exam'd Pet. Dent. Dept Surv. of P. Geo County
Adam Sherrill Born 1697 in Cecil, Maryland, United Statesmap Son of William Sherrill and Margarette (Rudisil) Sherrill Brother of Mary Sherrill, Mary Sherrill, Rudil Sherrill, Uriah Sherrill, Samuel Sherrill, Margery Sherrill, Avington Sherrill, William Sherrill, Margaret Sherrill, Abraham Sherrill and William Sherrill Husband of Elizabeth Corzine — married 1722 in Cecil Co, MDmap Father of Adam Sherrill, William B. Sherrill, Samuel Sherrill, Utica Ute Sherrill, Uriah Sherrill, Aquilla Sherrill, Aquillia Sherrill, Isaac Sherrill, Jacob Sherrill, Moses Sherrill, Catherine Sherrill, Mary Sherrill, Elizabeth Sherrill, Ruth Sherrill and Isaac Sherrill Died May 4, 1774 in Yadkin River, Rowan, North Carolina, United Statesmap Profile managers: Bob Nichol private message [send private message] and Ross Holman private message [send private message] This page has been accessed 282 times. Nominate for Profile of the Week by posting the link http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Sherrill-87 in our G+ Community. Vote by clicking the +1 button above.
This person was created through the import of Holman Family Tree.ged on 06 March 2011. The following data was included in the gedcom. You may wish to edit it for readability. Contents [hide]
1 Name
2 Residence
3 Source
4 Marriage
5 Sources
6 Biography
6.1 Birth
6.2 Death
6.3 Note
6.4 Marriage
7 Sources
8 Acknowledgments
Name: Adam /Sherrill/
Source: #S1316179146
Note: http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=sse&db=flhg-settlersmaryland2&h=1022...
Text: Residence date: Residence place: Maryland, USA
APID: 49058::102258
Source: #S1316181860
Note: http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=sse&db=genealogy-glh37929693&h=106&t...
Text: Residence date: 1763-1929Residence place: South Carolina; Tennessee, USA
APID: 26670::106
Date: 1763-1929
Place: South Carolina; Tennessee, USA
Source: #S1316181860
Note: http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=sse&db=genealogy-glh37929693&h=106&t...
Text: Residence date: 1763-1929Residence place: South Carolina; Tennessee, USA
APID: 26670::106
Place: Maryland, USA
Source: #S1316179146
Note: http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=sse&db=flhg-settlersmaryland2&h=1022...
Text: Residence date: Residence place: Maryland, USA
APID: 49058::102258
Source: #S-1024580409
Page: Ancestry Family Trees
Text: http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=3389077&pid=...
Husband: Adam Sherrill
Wife: Elizabeth Corzine
Child: Adam Sherrill
Relationship to Father: Natural
Relationship to Mother: Natural
Child: Samuel Sherrill
Relationship to Father: Natural
Relationship to Mother: Natural
Child: Utica Ute Sherrill
Relationship to Father: Natural
Relationship to Mother: Natural
Child: Uriah Sherrill
Relationship to Father: Natural
Relationship to Mother: Natural
Child: Aquilla Sherrill
Relationship to Father: Natural
Relationship to Mother: Natural
Child: Isaac Sherrill
Relationship to Father: Natural
Relationship to Mother: Natural
Child: Jacob Sherrill
Relationship to Father: Natural
Relationship to Mother: Natural
Child: Moses Sherrill
Relationship to Father: Natural
Relationship to Mother: Natural
Child: Catherine Sherrill
Relationship to Father: Natural
Relationship to Mother: Natural
Child: Mary Sherrill
Relationship to Father: Natural
Relationship to Mother: Natural
Child: Elizabeth Sherrill
Relationship to Father: Natural
Relationship to Mother: Natural
Child: Ruth Sherrill
Relationship to Father: Natural
Relationship to Mother: Natural
Child: Isaac Sherrill
Relationship to Father: Natural
Relationship to Mother: Natural
Date: 1722
Place: Cecil Co, MD
Source: #S-418418136
Page: Source number: 7420.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: WAY.
Note: http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=sse&db=worldmarr_ga&h=279860&ti=0&in...
Text: Birth date: 1701Birth place: Marriage date: 1722Marriage place: MD
APID: 7836::279860
Source: #S1177637504
Page: Birth year: 1697; Birth city: Cecil; Birth state: MD.
Note: http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=sse&db=genepool&h=4725733&ti=0&indiv...
Text: Birth date: 1697Birth place: Cecil, MDDeath date: 1774Death place: Yadkin River SecMarriage date: 1722Marriage place: Cecil Co, MD
APID: 4725::4725733
Source: #S1177637504
Page: Birth year: 1699; Birth city: Cecil County; Birth state: MD.
Note: http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=sse&db=genepool&h=4725735&ti=0&indiv...
Text: Birth date: 1699Birth place: Cecil County, MDDeath date: 4 May 1774Death place: Sherrill S Ford, Catawba County, NCMarriage date: 1722Marriage place: Chester County, PA
APID: 4725::4725735
Source S-1024580409
Repository: #R-1720648035
Title: Ancestry Family Trees
Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.
Repository R-1720648035
Name: Ancestry.com
Address: http://www.Ancestry.com
Source S-418418136
Repository: #R-1720648035
Title: U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
Author: Yates Publishing
Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004.Original data - This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was deriv
APID: 7836::0
Source S1177637504
Repository: #R-1720648035
Title: Family Data Collection - Individual Records
Author: Edmund West, comp.
Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2000.
APID: 4725::0
Source S1316179146
Repository: #R-1720648035
Title: Settlers of Maryland, 1679-1783. Consolidated Edition
Author: Ancestry.com
Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.Original data - Coldham, Peter Wilson. Settlers of Maryland, 1679-1783. Baltimore, MD, USA: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2002.Original data: Coldham, Peter Wilson. Settlers of Marylan
APID: 49058::0
Source S1316181860
Repository: #R-1720648035
Title: Calendar of the Tennessee and King's Mountain papers of the Draper Collection of Manuscripts
Author: Ancestry.com
Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005.Original data - Calendar of the Tennessee and King's Mountain papers of the Draper Collection of Manuscripts. Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1929.Original data: Calendar o
Note: "Prepared by Edward Earl Bennett ... [et al.] ..."--Prefatory note.|||This Calendar volume covers Series XX (Tennessee papers) and Series DD (King's Mountain papers) in the Draper collection.|||"500 copies printed"--T.p. verso.|||Includes index.
APID: 26670::0
This biography was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import. It's a rough draft and needs to be edited. Birth
C. 1700
Cecil Co., MD[1][2]
4 MAY 1774
Sherrill's Ford, Rowan Co., NC[3][4]
Jane Leavell Notes for ADAM SHERRILL:
Adam Sherrill Will:
In the name of God, Amen, I, Adam Sherrill of the County of Rowan Province of North Carolina, being in perfect Health & Memory praised be God, do make this my Last will & Testament as Followeth, Imp- - - , I give & Bequeth Unto my son Adam Sherrill one Negro Fellow Called and Knowned by the Name of Vaul to him and his heirs for Ever after my Decease, Item, I give and Bequeath Unto my son Quillar Sherrill one Negro After my Decease if either one Besides Vaul and In case I should have no other After my Decease I give Unto my son Quillar Thirty pounds in Lue thereof to be Raised out of my Estate After my Decease to him and his heirs forever, Then I give and Bequeath Unto my som William Sherrill one of the best horse or mare that I pofsefs (possess) at my Decease to him and his heirs for Ever , The True intent and Meaning of this my Last will, is that no other will made by me of Any other in my name shall Disannul this my will And I do Con- - - and Appoint my two sons Adam and Quilla Sherrill Executors of this my Last will And Testament, In Witnefs (witness) whereof I have here Unto set my hand and Seal this Fifth day of March---In the Year of Our Lord 1772
James Clark, mark of Abraham Roberson, William Berry, and mark of Adam Sherrill (with seal)
Will dated 5 March 1772, Will published 4 May 1774, Source--Rowan County North Carolina Wills Book A, pg 167 GSf 019733 mentions sons Adam, Quillar and William, but not his wife. General sources:"Annals of Lincoln County" "Carolina Cradle", North Carolina Colonial Records, Vol. 9, pg 257; Vol 22,
pg 878; Vol. 4, pg 1014; vol. 6, pg 211. Rebekah Oliver notes. "History of Catawba County, NC", "Chalky's Augusta County, VA. Records' Vol. 2, pg 509. DAR Patriot Index. Abstracts of the minutes of the court of pleas and quarter session of Rowan county, NC 1763-1774 by Jo White Linn, pg 150 Adam Sherrill Jr. one of the executors.
The history books and genealogical records of North Carolina abound with records of Adam Sherrill Sr., who is recognized as the first, permanent white settler on the west bank of the Catawba River in North Carolina, migrating there from Augusta County, Virginia in 1747. Traditionally, he spoke at least one Indian dialect. He built the largest dwelling near Sherrill's Ford, NC., the area had seen up to that date. It survived 200 years before burning in 1953. It was the subject of a newspaper article in the Lenoir, North Carolina newspaper not too long before it burned. Adam Sherrill left a will, but it does not name all his children, nor as, so far, a probate of his estate been researched, which hopefully, would give the exact date of his death. Nor, has the date of his birth been determined. His wife's maiden name remains unknown, in spite of several surnames advanced as possibilities. Deeds prove her first name was Elizabeth. Through tax records and deeds, we are able to trace him from Maryland, to Pennsylvania and back, then to Virginia, the North Carolina where he died. He was, traditionally, buried atop a hill near his home place.
Traditionally, in many manuscripts, the names, birth and death dates of his eight sons have been listed as follows:
Captain WILLIAM SHERRILL, b. May 1,1723, d. Dec. 31, 1786
SAMUEL SHERRILL, b. Oct.1, 1725, d. June 22,1800
URIAH SHERRILL, b. Mar.1, 1728, d. Nov.27, 1779
ADAM SHERRILL JR., b. Nov.1, 1731, d.--
AQUILLA SHERRILL, b. Nov.30, 1733, d. Jan. 1805
ISAAC SHERRILL, b. Jun.20, 1736, d.--
JACOB SHERRILL, b. Aug.21, 1739, d. Jan.11, 1813
MOSES SHERRILL, b. Aug.8, 1742, d. Jan.15, 181
On 24 February 1841, R.E. Sherrill (Rev.) wrote down the family data as given to him by his father Enos Sherrill, son of Uriah, in a personal interview, making the following certification: "These statements I received and wrote at the lips of my father and mother on the 24th of February, 1841. R.E. Sherrill." Rev. R.E. Sherrill, who was a grandson of Uriah Sherrill, son of Adam Sherrill the Pioneer, listed Adam Sherrill's children as follows in his manuscript:
William, born May 1st, 1723
Samuel, born Oct. 1, 1725
Uriah ("Ute"), born march 1, 1728
Adam, born November 1, 1731
Aquilla, born November 30, 1733
Jacob, born August 21st, 1736
Moses, born August 8th, 1742
Enos Sherrill, who recorded the above, was born in 1767, and knew his uncles and aunts. His is the first record found that Adam had a daughter, which is logical, and since Catherine would have been his aunt, he surely knew that. Note that he lists no birthdate for Isaac and Catherine, but shows Jacob as the 7th son.
Rev. R.E. states that Jacob Jr., son of Jacob Sr. married a sister to Ephriam Perkins. Jacob Jr. actually married Elizabeth Perkins, daughter of Ephriam's uncle, Elisha Perkins Jr. But, in a sense, Enos's son R.E. Sherrill was right for Elisha Perkins Jr. died when his daughter was a baby, and Ephriam's father, Gentleman John Perkins reared her as his own. The 1736 birth date makes Jacob Jr.'s birth of 1755 possible, and clears up that particular problem.
(Page 50)
Orange County, Virginia Deeds, Book 3 and 4 by Lorman, page 11. Deed Book 3, page 101. No date by ca. 1739/40.
Petition of inhabitants of Opeckan and Shenandone that the Rev. Wm. Williams, Minister of the Gospel, hath promised to supply us in the administration of his office. We humbly beg that a meeting place might be erected and recorded in your court, one at the land of the above said Mr. Williams, near his house and another at Morgan Bryans, near his house. Among 30 names are: Elisha Perkins, Adam Sherrill, Wm. Shirill.
(Page 51)
C. 1722
Chester Co., PA[5][6][7]
C. 1690
Rowan Co., NC[8][9]
Source: S253 Author: Anderson, Gloria Title: James A. Tillman Abbreviation: Anderson, Gloria Publication: RootsWeb/26 Oct 1999 Note: The RootsWeb posting is old--this person may not be alive today [2006] Repository: #R106 Media: Electronic Italicized: Y Paranthetical: Y
Repository: R106 Name: Internet Web Address: http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=l
Source: S254 Author: Peyton, Nancy Title: Bess and Related Families Abbreviation: Peyton, Nancy Publication: RootsWeb/8 Dec 2005 Repository: #R107 Media: Electronic Italicized: Y Paranthetical: Y
Repository: R107 Name: Internet E-Mail Address: cottontail02@hotmail.com Web Address: http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=n
Source: S404 Author: Leavell, Jane A. Title: Descendants of Adam Sherwell/Sherrill Abbreviation: Desc. of Adam Sherwell/Sherrill Publication: Leavell, Jane A./2005 Note: http://littlecalamity.tripod.com/Genealogy/Sherrills2.html --Data posted online copied 2006 into R.B. Nichol automated data files. Author drew heavily on excellent research of Wanda Clark and others. Email given as of 2006: CONT littlecalamity@hotmail.com Address: 247 Georgia Avenue, Elyria, OH 44035 Repository: #R110 Media: Electronic Italicized: Y Paranthetical: Y
Repository: R110 Name: R. B. Nichol Genealogical Files
Adam "the Pioneer" Sherrill's Timeline
1696 |
December 11, 1696
Cecil, Maryland
1723 |
May 1, 1723
Cecil County, Maryland
1725 |
October 1, 1725
Chester County, PA, United States
1728 |
March 1, 1728
Cecil County, Maryland, United States
1731 |
November 31, 1731
Cecil County, Maryland
1733 |
November 30, 1733
possibly, Cecil County, Province of Maryland, Colonial America
1736 |
June 20, 1736
Cecil County, Maryland
1739 |
August 21, 1739
Prince George's, Maryland, United States
1740 |
Laurens, Laurens County, South Carolina, United States of America