Matching family tree profiles for Babel Sherrill
Immediate Family
About Babel Sherrill
Zerobabel “Babel” Sherrill BIRTH 3 Sep 1778 Burke County, North Carolina, USA DEATH 31 Jan 1851 (aged 72) Lincoln County, North Carolina, USA BURIAL Babel Sherrill Cemetery Hickory, Caldwell County, North Carolina, USA MEMORIAL ID 20847720 · View Source
MEMORIAL PHOTOS 0 FLOWERS 9 Son of Jacob S. Sherrill & 2nd wife Sarah [Massey] Sherrill
1st Married Elizabeth Connelly 1797 - Burke Co., NC
2nd Married Susannah [Connelly] Abernathy
Family Members Parents Photo Jacob S. Sherrill 1748–1831
Photo Sarah Massey Sherrill 1754–1822
Spouses Elizabeth Connelly Sherrill 1778–1824 (m. 1797)
Susannah Connelly Sherrill 1785–1864
Siblings Photo Henrietta Sherrill Moore 1773–1843
Rebecca Sherrill Connelly 1775–1855
Photo Agness Sherrill Ballew 1781–1830
Sarah Sherrill Ballew 1783 – unknown
Photo Catherine Sherrill Payne 1786–1867
Photo Mary Catherine Sherrill Payne 1786–1867
Photo Thursey Thersa Sherrill Suttlemyre 1788–1862
Photo Margaret Sherrill Whitener 1791–1856
Rachel Sherrill Stephenson 1794–1840
Half Siblings Photo Mary Catherine Sherrill Litten 1769–1848
Moses Sherrill 1770 – unknown
Luther Sherrill 1771 – unknown
Children Photo Jacob Sherrill 1798–1886
Photo John Sherrill 1800–1879
Photo William Sherrill 1801–1880
Caleb Sherrill 1804–1884
Elizabeth Sherrill 1806–1851
Louisa Jane Sherrill 1808–1827
Sarah A. Sherrill 1810–1885
Joshua Sherrill 1811–1884
Photo Joseph H. Sherrill 1814–1897
Susannah Mira Sherrill 1817–1847
Photo Babel Wesley Sherrill 1820–1889
In the name of God, Amen, I, Babel Sherrill, in the county of Caldwell, State of North Carolina, being sick and weak of body, but of perfect sound mind, memory, thanks be given unto God, calling to mind the mortality of any body and know that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and Testament, that is to say: Principally and first of all, I give my soul unto the hands of Almighty God who gave it, and my body I recommend at my decease to be buried in a decent Christian burial at the discretion of my executors nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same by the Mighty Power of God, and as touching worldly estate as it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give and devise and dispose of itin the following manner and form: First: I give and bequeath to my Susannah SHERRILL, my dearly beloved wife, our bureau, one bedstead, and all the furniture necessary for one bed and also $30. to be paid and levied out of my personal estate to be paid to her in cash. I give to my well beloved son with whom I likewise constitute, make and ordain as one of my executors, my Negro boy, named Jesse Jason, to have and to hold the said Negro slave at his own right and property and I further give and bequeath to him, Joseph Sherrill, a certain piece or parcel of land as follows: Commencing at the head of and running down the branch to the crop fizer (sic. ?) and with said fizer birch on the bank of the river, thence down the river to my line, thence north of said line up the branch thence west to the beginning. To my well beloved son, Babel W. Sherrill, who I constitute, make and ordain as one of my executors, my Negro woman, Nancy, and my Negro boy, John Godfrey Sherrill, to have and to hold the two Negro slaves as his right and property. I further grant to my son, B. W. Sherrill, all my home tract of land except that portion already named and so much for my son, Jacob Sherrill, will be hereafter named. To my dearly beloved son, Jacob Sherrill, I give and bequeath a portion of land as follows: Commencing on the bank of the island andr unning up the hollow to the fence, making a corner near the fence and running south-west to Jacob (sic.) Sherrill's line to have and to hold the said land. To my beloved son, Joshua Sherrill, I give and bequeath my tract of land (of) 50 acres, known as the 'Hart Tract' and unto the heirs of my beloved son's daughter, Susan Settlenoir, deceased wife of George Settlenoir, I give and bequeath my Negro woman, Mary, and all her increase, I give and bequeath to the heirs of the deceased Susan Settlenoir own body the said Negro and her increase, to be in full this part of my estate. I give and bequeath to the heirs of Jane Smith, deceased of my own body, (his daughter Louisa Jane) formerly wife of Joseph Smith, my Negro woman, Lucinda, and her two children and all her increase. The names of her children Eli Nunro and Nancy Matilda and the said Negro slave is all the property money or effects of any kind whatsoever that I now or ever allowed to the heirs of the aforenamed, Jane Smith, deceased own body. If they, the Negroes, can ever be found, as the said Joseph Smith, husband of my deceased daughter, Jane, having, as I supposed, run off and sold the other three Negroes above named. To my beloved daughter, Elizabeth Hayes, I give and bequeath my Negro woman, Celia, and her increase and $50. in money and two children. To my beloved daughter, Sarah Payne, I give and bequeath my Negro woman and her three children and all her increase and $40. in money. My blacksmith tools I give and bequeath to my four sons: Jacob, Joshua, Joseph, and Wesley ant at my decease all the balance of my property of any description to be put up to sale and the money divided as follows: To my son, Caleb Sherrill $400. To my son, John, $500., and to my son, William Sherrill $530., and to my son Joshua $400., and after the above sums is paid over as directed and if there is any balance it is to be divided as follows: My son, Caleb Sherrill's children, $100., and to my son, Jacob $100., and if there is any balance to be equally divided between all my sons and my wife, Susannah Sherrill, to be maintained and taken care of by my son, Wesley Sherrill, during her lifetime on the plantation given and bequeathed to him and I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke and disannul all and every other former testament, will, legacies, bequests and executors by me in anywise before name (?) will andbequeath, ratify and confirm this and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 22nd January 1851. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: J. P. Connelly Signed Elkannah Flowers Bable Sherrill Gabriel Marshall
From Shirley VanHuss, dvanhuss@gte.net, Jan 1, 2003: Caldwell County, North Carolina, Will Book A. page 53 - copied by Juanita McMann, 1967 (Capt. Wm, etc, pg 55).
Birth: Sep. 3, 1778 Burke County North Carolina, USA Death: Jan. 31, 1851 Caldwell County North Carolina, USA
Babel was the first settler on Gunpowder Creek in present day Caldwell Co. He lived near Horseford Bridge. In 1800 he lived in Lincoln Co., 1810-1840 he lived in Burke Co. From:Tom's Creek to Sherrill's Ford (SAR library in Glendale, CA)
Cemetery notes and/or description: The cemetery on the bank of the Catawba River is the Babel Sherrill cemetery. Rocky Mount cemetery is further down stream from the Babel Sherrill cemetery, and is entirely a different cemetery. I read both of these cemeteries about 20 years ago. Although they are both in Caldwell County, NC, we published the listings in our Catawba County Cemeteries series of Books published by the Catawba County Genealogical Society.
from James Miller
Family links:
Sarah Massey Sherrill (1754 - 1822)
Susannah Connelly Sherrill (1786 - 1864)
Elizabeth Connelly Sherrill (1778 - 1824)*
John Sherrill (1800 - 1879)*
Joseph H. Sherrill (1814 - 1897)*
*Calculated relationship
Burial: Babel Sherrill Cemetery Hickory Caldwell County North Carolina, USA
Created by: Susan Bowman Record added: Jun 18, 2009 Find A Grave Memorial# 38502861 http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=38502861
Babel Sherrill was born on 1794 in North Carolina, United States to Jacob Sherrill and Sarah Massey Sherrill. Babel married (1.) Susanna Connelly and had 7 children: Babel Wesley Sherrill, John Sherrill, William Sherrill, Caleb Sherrill, Louisa Jane Sherrill, Sarah Sherrill, and Joshua Sherrill. Babel married (2.) Elizabeth Connelly and had a child: Joseph H. Sherrill. He passed away on January 31, 1851 in North Carolina, United States.
Biography ==Zerobabel “Babel” Sherrill was born in 1778 in North Carolina, the son of Jacob Sherrill and Sarah Sally (Massey) Sherrill.
Babel first married Elizabeth Connelly, daughter of Capt. John Connelly and Jane Ballew, about 1798 in Lincoln County, North Carolina. They had a son, Joseph Sherrill. Elizabeth died in 1824.
Babel married second Susanna Connelly Abernathy about 1832 in Lincoln County, North Carolina. Also the daughter of John and Jane Ballew Connelly, she was Elizabeth’s younger sister and the widow of John Abernathy.
<references />* United States Census, 1850 database with images, FamilySearch, Bable Sherrill, Caldwell county, Caldwell, North Carolina, United States; citing family 300, NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
- North Carolina, Estate Files, 1663-1979 database with images, FamilySearch, Babel Sherrill, 1851; citing Caldwell, North Carolina, United States, State Archives, Raleigh; FHL microfilm 1,705,113.
- Sherrill Cemetery Page Babel Sherrill, 4th set down page.
Babel Sherrill's Timeline
1778 |
September 3, 1778
Burke County, NC, United States
1798 |
September 7, 1798
Burke, North Carolina, United States
1800 |
April 7, 1800
1801 |
December 28, 1801
Burke County, North Carolina, USA
1804 |
January 5, 1804
1806 |
December 29, 1806
1808 |
March 27, 1808
1810 |
March 7, 1810
1811 |
November 27, 1811