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Roome Genealogy and Roome Family History Information

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  • Ann Roome (1583 - d.)
    notes== Unusually, William Cory , accompanied by his brother in law, William Earle returned to Bristol on a visit in 1669/70 to claim property deeded to him by his grandmother. An entry in the first vo...
  • Ann Farmer (c.1631 - 1701)
    Daughter of Daniel Roome and Mary (née Hill) Roome Wife of Thomas Farmer
  • Hester Roome (1662 - 1729)
    Baptism of Hester van Gelder in New Amsterdam, Dutch Reformed Church : * 1662 Jan 26 ; Johannes Van Gelder, Tanneken Montenack; Hester ; Johannes de Peyster, Marritie de Lanoy
  • John Roome (1580 - c.1663)
    from :It appears that they followed Anne Hutchison to America and then later separated from this group when they settled in Portsmouth.He was a house carpenter, He taught his step grand son William Cor...
  • Willem Janszen Roome (c.1632 - bef.1691)
    Alternate birthplace, Rotterdam, Netherlands Willem Jansen Roome (Romen) was evidently a native of Holland, probably from Werckendam, a Province of North Brabant, as when the son Jan Willemsen, who acc...

About the Roome surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Roome surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Roome surname.

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