Immediate Family
About Ann Roome
Unusually, William Cory, accompanied by his brother in law, William Earle returned to Bristol on a visit in 1669/70 to claim property deeded to him by his grandmother. An entry in the first volume of the Colony Records for 28th February 1667, recorded that Ann Roome, widow of John Roome of Portsmouth, Rhode Island had deeded to William Corrie of Portsmouth "for consideration of full and just satisfaction and true payment by mee in hand Received from 'William Corrie of Portsmouth, house carpenter, deeded to him' two certain mansion houses with the lands thereto belonging . . . in St James Parish in the street called St. James back in the Citty of Bristol, in Old England" which had been left to her by her late husband [John Correy] and by him "put into the hands and care of Mr. Thomas ffloyd [sic] of Bristol."
On 18 October 1667 she gave to him a commemoratory deed, and immediately gave to him another document (both recorded R.I. [Archive MS 0020 9], 2:354, Rhode Island Colony Records 1646 to 1669) stating that:
"William Correy, being of aged about fower and thirtye yeares being now personally present and intending a voyage to England upon occasion of demanding and Receiving the Estate that his grandmother, Ann Roome hath made sale and surrender of unto him by the written deed: I say this certifieth that the bearer here of William Correy aforesaid is the reputed son of one John Correy deceased who was somtime inhabitant in or near the city of Bristol in England and son of Ann Roome aforenamed: and further this certifieth that the said William Correy i s bound for England in company with one William Earll inhabitant of t he same town of Portsmouth on Rhode Island and the aforesaid William Earll may be able to testifie in England and to the parson that shall ther Exhibett these presantes whether hee be the same to whome they are now committed and in whose behalfe these lines are written . . . Voted at Newport . . . the thertenth day of November . . .1669 . . under the hand of the governor [Benidict Arnold]. Joseph Torrey recorder."
- http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~corey/daw/dawg01.htm
- http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~judy/html/dat29.htm
- http://www.smcox.com/genealogy/pafg168.htm
<p><p>==notes==</p></p><p><p> </p></p><p><p> </p></p><p><p>Unusually, William Cory, accompanied by his brother in law, William Earle returned to Bristol on a visit in 1669/70 to claim property deeded to him by his grandmother. An entry in the first volume of the Colony Records for 28th February 1667, recorded that Ann Roome, widow of John Roome of Portsmouth, Rhode Island had deeded to William Corrie of Portsmouth "for consideration of full and just satisfaction and true payment by mee in hand Received from 'WilliamCorrie of Portsmouth, house carpenter, deeded to him' two certain mansion houses with the lands thereto belonging . . . in St James Parish in the street called St. James back in the Citty of Bristol,in Old England" which had been left to her by her late husband [John Correy] and by him "put into the hands and care of Mr. Thomas ffloyd [sic] of Bristol."</p></p><p><p> </p></p><p><p>On 18 October 1667 she gave to him a commemoratory deed, and immediately gave to him another document (both recorded R.I. [Archive MS 0020 9], 2:354, Rhode Island Colony Records 1646 to 1669) stating that:</p></p><p><p> </p></p><p><p>"William Correy, being of aged about fower and thirtye yeares being now personally present and intending a voyage to England upon occasion of demanding and Receiving the Estate that his grandmother, Ann Roome hath made sale and surrender of unto him by the written deed: I say this certifieth that the bearer here of William Correy aforesaid is the reputed son of one John Correy deceased who was somtime inhabitant in or near the city of Bristol in England and son of Ann Roome aforenamed: and further this certifieth that the said William Correy i s bound for England in company with one William Earll inhabitant of t he same town of Portsmouth on Rhode Island and the aforesaid William Earll may be able to testifie in England and to the parson that shall ther Exhibett these presantes whether hee be the same to whome they are now committed and in whose behalfe these lines are written . . . Voted at Newport . . . the thertenth day of November . . .1669 . . under the hand of the governor [Benidict Arnold]. Joseph Torrey recorder."</p></p><p><p> </p></p><p><p>
</p></p><p><p> </p></p><p><p>* http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~corey/daw/dawg01.htm</p></p><p><p>* http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~judy/html/dat29.htm</p></p><p>* http://www.smcox.com/genealogy/pafg168.htm</p>
Ann Roome's Timeline
1583 |
December 1583
Bristol, Gloucestershire, England
Bristol, Gloucestershire, England
1607 |
March 1607
1608 |
November 8, 1608
1610 |
Bristol, Gloucestershire, England, (Present UK)
???? |
North Kingston, R. I.
???? |
Norwich, Norfolk, England
???? |
St. Mary Coslany, Norwich, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom