from http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~corey/daw/dawn01.htm#9 :
It appears that they followed Anne Hutchison to America and then later separated from this group when they settled in Portsmouth.
He was a house carpenter, He taught his step grand son William Corry this trade also.
1638 He was admitted an inhabitant of the Island of Aquidneck, having submitted himself to the government that is or shall be established.
1641, March 16 Freeman
1639, April 30 He and twenty eight others signed the following compact: "We whose names are underwritten do acknowledge ourselves the legal subjects of his Majesty King Charles, and in his name do hereby bind ourselves into a civil body politicke, unto his laws according to matters of justice."
Verbal Will of John Roome, died before 2 Feb 1663/4
William Hall of Portsmouth Aged fifty years or there abouts beinge accordinge to law Ingaged Testifieth that being at the house of Mr. John Roome now deceased Some few days before his death, this deponnant asked him how he had disposed of his estate, the said Mr. Roome, after some other adietation, said to this Deponnant take this Answer for all, my will is that all the estate after my depts are payd, I do give and freely bequeath vnto my wife, and further this deponnant sayth that the sayd Mr. Roome was at the time he thus sayd in perfect Sence and memory..
Taken before me the
2nd day of ffebruary, 1663
William Balston assistant
William Balston testified to the same words.
According to Savage John Roome was from Bristol, England
"Roome, or Rome, John, Portsmouth 1638, is among freemen. 1655, and is named in the Royal Charter 1663. See Haz. II. 612. He was from Bristol, Eng. prob. for by his will he devis, ho. ld. in that city to his wife Ann, who in 1669 gave her grandson William Cory, power to sell it."
1580 |
Bristol, Gloucestershire, England
1663 |
Age 83
Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations