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Margolioth Genealogy and Margolioth Family History Information

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  • Alexander Sender Margolioth, ABD Dobromil, Przeworsk, Zbaraz & Satanow (1730 - 1802)
    DOD, POD: "Alexander Margolioth: Polish rabbi; died in Satanov, Podolia, Jan. 3, 1802. He succeeded his father, Ẓebi Hirsch, as rabbi of Zbaraz, Galicia, and was there in 1774. Later he became rabbi of...
  • Rabbi Jacob Margolioth, of Nuremberg (1430 - 1490)
    Jacob Margolioth of Nuremberg Wikipedia Jacob ben Moses Margolioth-Jaffe of Nuremberg (Hebrew: רבי יעקב בן משה מרגליות-יפה 10 January 1430 – 1492) was a 15th-century German rabbi and halakhic autho...
  • R' Menachem Mendel Margolioth, ABD Przemyśl and Pińczów (c.1568 - 1652)
    HaRav Menachem Mendl Stangen-Margolioth was the rabbi of Pińczów from about 1615 to 1635 and then became rabbi of Szydlow and afterwards became the rabbi of Przemysl. Menachem Mendl was the son of Rabb...
  • R' Mordechai Mordechai Margolis (c.1713 - 1735)
    GEDCOM Note ===From the (1906):From Mordecai b. Menahem Monis, the great-great-grandson of Judah of Potok, descended a line of scholars. Mordecai himself was a cabalist and had ...
  • Rabbi Moshe Pinches Harif (c.1640 - 1702)

About the Margolioth surname

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