R' Menachem Mendel Margolioth, ABD Przemyśl and Pińczów

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R' Menachem Mendel Margolioth (Shtengen), ABD Przemyśl and Pińczów (1568 - 1652)

Hebrew: הגאון האדיר רבי מנחם מנדל מרגליות (שטנגן), זצ"ל,גאב"ד פינטשוב ופרעמישלא
Birthplace: Germany
Death: March 13, 1652 (79-88)
49º 47' N , 22º 46' E, Przemyśl, Przemyśl County, Podkarpackie Voivodeship, Poland (נפטר כג ניסן תי"ב)
Immediate Family:

Son of R. Yoel Feivish Margolis-Schtengen and Fraidchy Stengen
Husband of Sheindel Margolis-Stengen, 1st wife, Menachem Mendel and 2nd wife, Menachem Mendel Margolios-Stengen
Father of HaRav Moshe Margaliyot, [ABD Tarnograd]; Yoel Faivish Margaliyot; Rabbi Eliyahu Margaliyot; Eliezer Margaliyot, Rav of Luboml; Rabbi Nachman Margaliyot, of Mezeritz and 12 others
Half brother of Zalman Horowitz; Nechama Horowitz; Nissel Horowitz and Raizel Reizel Horowitz

Occupation: Rabbi in Przemysly ( 49º 47' N, 22º 46' E, Av Beis Din of Patik, אב"ד פרמיסלא, Av Beis Din Premisle, ישב על כס רבנות שידלוב ב1634, , Av Baid din Premishlan, Poland, Av bais din Premishlan, אב"ד ור"מ דק' פרעמיס
יארצייט: כג ניסן תי"ב
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About R' Menachem Mendel Margolioth, ABD Przemyśl and Pińczów

HaRav Menachem Mendl Stangen-Margolioth was the rabbi of Pińczów from about 1615 to 1635 and then became rabbi of Szydlow and afterwards became the rabbi of Przemysl. Menachem Mendl was the son of Rabbi Yoel Feivish Stangen and Fraidchy Schmelkes. He married Sheindel Margolioth, daughter of Moses Mordechai Margolioth, who bore him seven children, and then married the daughter of Moses Harif.

Menchem Mendel was Av bais din Premishlan, Poland. (added by Margot Hilary Meyer)

His tombstone says the following:

Interred the day following Passover year 412 in the small count (5412) the genius the pious the renowned MV"H (Our teacher and master the Rabbi) Menachem Mendl son of the Rabbi the pious Rabbi Yoel Feivish Stangen ZT"L and next to him is buried his son the Rabbi MV"H Eliyahu Z"L. (Name and remnant Menachem Moshe Flam MV"H Menachem Mendl Margoliyos AB"D (Chief of Rabbinical Court) of Framishlan was the grandson of the Rabbi the Great Light HR"R Isaac Margoliyos author of Sefer Seder Gittin AB"D (Chief of Rabbinical Court) of Framishlan And great-granson and son to... Isaac Margoliyos author of Seder Gittin AB"D Pargue Interred 23rd Nissan 412

Sources for HaRav Menachem Mendl Stangen-Margolioth include:

“In Pińczów, the earliest evidence of a rabbi names Menachem-Mendl Stangen-Margolioth (d. 1652), who lived there from 1615 to 1635. He was born in Germany, married a daughter of the head of the yeshiva in Kazimierz, Moses Mordechai Margolioth, and after her death in 1624, married a daughter of Moses Harif, the head of the Rabbinical Court in L’viv.6”

6 On the first known rabbis of Pińczów, see Zunz, Ir ha-Zedek, 74-150ff; Friedberg, Luhot zikaron, 12 n. 10; Yoel Yakobovich-Ashkenazi, “Rabanei Pinchev le-doroteyhem” (Generations of the Pińczów rabbis) in In Pinchev togt shoyn nisht: Sefer zikaron le Kelihat Pinchev (Tel Aviv, 1970), 113-14 (Hebrew); Wunder Elif Margaliot, 12-16 no 16.


Menachem Mendel Margolioth was married to Schondel (aka Sheindel) Margolioth bat Harav Moshe Mordechai Halevi Margolius MiPrague (Rabbi of Krakow). Upon marrieage Menachem (born Shtengen ben Yoel feivish Stengen of PrePrzemysl and Pinczow) took his wifes surname, a practice common in the revered Margolioth family. Schondel bore Menachem seven children.

He then Married bat Moses Harif and had a further seven children.

He had seven sons :

  1. Israel (married bat Abraham of Tismeritz);
  2. Samuel (Shmuel of Wilna);
  3. Mordechai Asher (married bat Kapel of Krotoshin);
  4. Nabman (Rabbi at Meseritz);
  5. Harav Eliezer of Lubmol;
  6. Harav Moshe of Tarnograd;
  7. Eliyahu Margolioth (born 1599, married Gittel);
  8. Yoel Feivish (married bat Abraham of Brest Litovak);


  • Goldle (born circa 1593)
  • Freudel (born circa 1596, married Juda Bruck);
  • Edel (born circa 1610, married Isaac (Yitzchak) ben Naftali Katz;
  • Sheindel (married menachem Madosh Auerbach (took name Margolioth).

Hamaor needs to be read carefully.

RMM means rabbi Moshe Mordechai, and NOT rabbi Menachem Mendel...

And the tree of the mother is being followed not the father.

I don't know how to merge this info with

R' Menachem Mendel Margolioth, ABD Przemyśl and Pińczów

I now found this:


page 17 which proves I am correct.

Menachem Moshe Flam

R Menachem Mendel Rav of Premisle ( Przemysl ? )

Also see: "Galicia Surname Index"


About הגאון האדיר רבי מנחם מנדל מרגליות-שטנגן,זצ"ל,גאב"ד פינטשוב ופרעמישלא (עברית)

נטמן אסרי תג פסח שנת תי״ב לפ״ק הגאון ההחסיד המפורסים מו״ה מנחם מענדיל בן הרבני החסיד יואל פייוויש שטנגן זצ״ל ואצלו נקבר בנו הרב מו״ה אליהו ז״ל. (שם ושארית'.

מנחם משה פלאם

מו"ה מנחם מנדל מרגליות אב"ד פרמישלאן היה נכדו של הרב המאור הגדול הר"ר אייזיק מרגליות מחבר ספר סדר גיטין

אב"ד פראמיסלאוי ונין ונכד ל[...] איזיק מרגליות בעל סדר גיטין, אבד"ק פראג

נפטר כג ניסן תי"ב



היה נשוי פעמיים:אשתו הראשונה הייתה שיינדל(בתו של הרה"ג משה מרדכי מרגליות),אב"ד קראקא,וצאצאו של ר' יעקב מרגליות מח"ס "גיטין וחליצה"...מאשתו הראשונה נולדו להם 8 בנים,לאחר מותה נישא בשנית למענדיל(בתו של ר' משה חריף),ממנה נולדו להם 8 בנות















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R' Menachem Mendel Margolioth, ABD Przemyśl and Pińczów's Timeline

March 13, 1652
Age 84
49º 47' N , 22º 46' E, Przemyśl, Przemyśl County, Podkarpackie Voivodeship, Poland
Korczyna, Krosno County, Podkarpackie Voivodeship, Poland