Matching family tree profiles for Alexander Sender Margolioth, ABD Dobromil, Przeworsk, Zbaraz & Satanow
Immediate Family
About Alexander Sender Margolioth, ABD Dobromil, Przeworsk, Zbaraz & Satanow
DOD, POD: http://jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/10405-margolioth#527
"Alexander Margolioth: Polish rabbi; died in Satanov, Podolia, Jan. 3, 1802. He succeeded his father, Ẓebi Hirsch, as rabbi of Zbaraz, Galicia, and was there in 1774. Later he became rabbi of Satanov, where he remained until his death. He is spoken of very highly by contemporary rabbis like R. Ezekiel Landau and R. Aryeh Löb of Stry (author of "Keẓot ha-Ḥoshen"). A collection of his responsa from 1776 to 1791 was published more than half a century after his death, under the title "Teshubot ha-RAM." (Warsaw, 1859). He was the teacher of his nephew Ephraim Solomon Margolioth of Brody."
Author of Teshuvot Torat HaRaM
R' Alexander Margolith was born in Presburg on 3 January 1802.
Their descendants constitute the Teomim family - Branch B.
The Unbroken Chain - Neil Rosenstein (1990) Volume 1, Chapter iv, Branch A, page 245, G 10
Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. MH:S5
Ancestry Family Tree 0 http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=153632214&pi...
9 MAY 2019 01:36:15 GMT -0500 FamilySearch Family Tree MyHeritage The FamilySearch Family Tree is published by MyHeritage under license from FamilySearch International, the largest genealogy organization in the world. FamilySearch is a nonprofit organization sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church). Collection 40001
https://www.myheritage.com/research/record-40001-1296620114/alexand... 4 Alexander Margolioth<br>Gender: Male<br>Birth: 1730 - Presburg<br>Death: Jan 3 1802 - Satanow, Podolia<br>Wife: <a>Sarah Margolioth (born Bochner)</a><br>Daughter: <a>Deborah Bloch (born Margolioth)</a> Record 40001:1296620114:
About אלכסנדר סנדר מרגליות, ABD Dobromil, Przeworsk, Zbaraz & Satanow (עברית)
הגאון המפורסם מופת הדור מו"ה אלכסנדר סענדר ז"ל אבד"ק פשעווארסק זכאריז סאטיניב אשר השאיר אחריו ברכה חידושים רבים על גפ"ת ושו"ת על ד' חלקי שו"ע, ועדיין לא יצאו לאור כי אם גרגיר אחד מתשובותיו על חלק אה"ע
Alexander Sender Margolioth, ABD Dobromil, Przeworsk, Zbaraz & Satanow's Timeline
1730 |
August 13, 1730
1752 |
1762 |
Zbarazh, Ternopil, Ukraine
1802 |
January 3, 1802
Age 71
Sataniv, Horodots'kyi district, Khmel'nyts'ka oblast, Ukraine
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Lvov, Ukraine
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