There are already 595 users and over 10,027 genealogy profiles with the Lynn surname on Geni. Explore Lynn genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Albert H. Lynn BIRTH 9 May 1909 DEATH 16 Feb 1982 (aged 72) BURIAL Odd Fellows Cemetery McLeansboro, Hamilton County, Illinois, USA MEMORIAL ID 115785219 · View SourceMEMORIAL PHOTOS 1 FLOWERS 0 Famil...
There is no primary source proving that Andrew Lynn and Ann Blair ever had any children, much less children born in Ireland. They lived out their days in Ayrshire, Scotland, and Andrew's properties wen...
A Patriot of the American Revolution for PENNSYLVANIA with the rank of CAPTAIN. DAR Ancestor # A072680 Andrew Lynn Jr entered the Continental service during the Revolutionary War and served during the ...
Not a known daughter of Dr. William Lynn
It is unlikely that Ann was another sibling of Dr. William Lynn of Fredericksburg, Virginia. In his 1757 will, Dr. Lynn was careful to name not o...
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