Matching family tree profiles for Andrew Lynn of that Ilk
Immediate Family
About Andrew Lynn of that Ilk
There is no primary source proving that Andrew Lynn and Ann Blair ever had any children, much less children born in Ireland. They lived out their days in Ayrshire, Scotland, and Andrew's properties went at his death to persons of other surnames.
Andrew also was not a son of Jon Ellingsen Lein from Norway. Andrew's direct patrilineal ancestors lived in Ayrshire, Scotland continuously from at least 1296, and possibly 1204, up to and including his father, who died between 1638 and 1642. While Andrew's father's first name was John, Andrew was not the offspring of any known Norwegian. Also, there are dozens of charters, deeds, and other documents dated between 1296 and 1671 evidencing the Lynns' presence and ownership of properties in Ayrshire during that period; and the spelling Lein never appears even once.
In 1642, Andrew received a charter as heir to his father, John Lynn of that Ilk, for 20-shilling land of Highlees and 40-shilling land of Over-Lynn, with sasine registered in Ayr on April 27 at volume 7, page 439 naming Andrew Lin, son of John Lin of that Ilk.1/,2/ At the time, ownership of land valued at 40 shillings was required to vote in shire elections. In 1643, Andrew vested his future spouse, Ann Blair, daughter of Gavin Blair of Auldmuir, with sasine registered in Ayr on November 10 at volume 7, folio 573.3/,4/
On April 18, 1671, a testament dative was filed for Andrew Lin of that Ilk, indweller in Irvine, stating that he had died in December 1670.5/ A testament dative is an estate document written in cases where the decedent left no will.
1/ James Paterson : "History of the Counties of Ayr and Wigton", Vol. III - Cuninghame, Edinburgh (1866), p. 185
2/ Scotland Record Office : "Index to Secretary’s Register of Sasines for the Sheriffdom of Ayr and Bailliaries of Kyle, Carrick, and Cunningham", Vol. 2: 1635-1660, Edinburgh (1935), p. 270
3/ "Paterson", Ibid., p. 186
4/ "Scotland Record Office", Ibid., pp. 268,269
5/ Francis J. Grant, W.S., Rothesay Herald and Lyon Clerk, Edit. : "Commissariot Record of Glasgow. Register of Testaments 1547-1800", Edinburgh (1901), p. 279
Not the son of Jon Ellingsen Lein and not known to be a member of the Norwegian Lein family. See the discussion at https://www.geni.com/discussions/158311.
Andrew Lynn of that Ilk's Timeline
1605 |
Ayrshire, Scotland, United Kingdom
1670 |
December 1670
Age 65
Irvine, North Ayrshire, Scotland, United Kingdom
???? |