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Filmer Genealogy and Filmer Family History Information

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  • Ann Filmer (1776 - 1849)
  • Benedict Filmer (1427 - 1508)
    He was a witness to his brother, JOHN's will, dated 14/1/1497 and proved in 1498.James Filmer (who married Marjorie Raynor) was the son of Benedict (Benete) Filmer and Joan PEPERE, the daughter of Simo...
  • Dorothy Filmer (1711 - 1781)
  • Sir Edward Filmer (1566 - 1629)
    There is a Brass on the tomb of a Sir Edward Filmer and his wife Elizabeth in the Church at East Sutton Kent.This particular Sir Edward Filmer was born in 1565 and died 2nd November 1629.His wife Eliza...
  • Sir Edward Filmer, 3rd Baronet (c.1683 - 1755)
    Burke, Bernard, Sir. A genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage of the British Empire . London : Harrison 1869. page 444

About the Filmer surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Filmer surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Filmer surname.

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