Benedict Filmer

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Benedict Filmer

Also Known As: "Robert Benedict Filmer"
Birthplace: East Sutton, Kent, England (United Kingdom)
Death: November 17, 1508 (80-81)
St Laurence the Martyr, Otterden, Kent, England (United Kingdom)
Place of Burial: Otterden, Kent, England
Immediate Family:

Son of John Filmer, IV Esquire and Joanne May
Husband of Joanne Filmer
Father of Thomas Filmer; Izoote (Isode) Filmer; Margaret Filmer and James Filmer
Brother of John Filmer V; Richard Filmer; Joane Fylmere (Fynnemere); Thomas Filmer; Elene Eshehurst and 2 others

Managed by: Erin Ishimoticha
Last Updated:

About Benedict Filmer

He was a witness to his brother, JOHN's will, dated 14/1/1497 and proved in 1498.

James Filmer (who married Marjorie Raynor) was the son of Benedict (Benete) Filmer and Joan PEPERE, the daughter of Simon Pepere of Otringden. They married in 1467. In a series of papers at Maidstone (U120 T124) are also mentioned John and Henry Pepere. Apart from, James they also had issue, two daughters, Izoote (Isode) and Margaret. Margaret married Nicholas CLARKE of Stalisfield in 1509. A son, Thomas, predeceased them without issue. He is referred to in his mother Joan's will of 1512. Benedict died in 1508 and was buried in the churchyard of St. Lawrence the Martyr at Otterden.

It might be of interest to note that Benedict had four brothers, Thomas, John, Richard and Symon, and three sisters, Joan, Elene and Agnis, by his parents John FYNEMOUR and Joan MAY of Essex (probably the daughter of Nicholas MAY of Essex), who are thought to have married in 1407 when there was a transfer of land at Otrynden. Simon PEPERE was one of the witnesses. (The name Filmer is generally spelt Fynmere before 1450). Of these John died without issue in 1498 and Simon in 1513. Simon in his will mentions his wife, Joan, and leaves his son Edward a tenement called 'Lorkyns' with 13 acres in the parish of Lenham, and his son Thomas a further 24 acres. It seems likely that Thomas died at Harrietsham in 1539.

It is not known what happened to 'Lorkyns' or to the property inherited by Thomas, or if either of these brothers had issue

By 1460 it seems probable that all the sons with the exception of Bennet (or Benedict) were established running their own farms possibly inherited from their father or leased. In that year Joan clearly decided it was time to make provision for her youngest, Benedict, by letting him farm her land in Otryngden (Indenture, Jan.10th 1460/61 K.A.O.). By a deed dated 1460 he took over the managemebt of the farm at an annual rental of £4.6.8d to be paid to his mother and he undertook to give her a room with board, fire and lighting.

In 1467 Benedict married a close friend of the family, Joan Pepere. The Pepere family had been close friends for some time and were to remain so. This is evidenced by the many previous deeds witnessed by them: a Simon Pepere in 1387,1398 and 1407 being followed by John Pepere in 1413, Simon Pepere in 1433 and Simon and William Pepere in 1436. Joan was the daughter of Simon Pepere.

Again a marriage settlement was effected, and possibly Simon the second youngest son was also more fully provided for by his mother, Joan. She remised to Simon and Benedict, her sons, the tenement called 'Filmers' with 40 acres adjoining in the parish of Otrynden then held of the Court of Sutton. Three days later, on the 31st October, 1467 Simon gave up his right in the property to Benedict. The property is then given by way of marriage settlement to Simon Pepere of Otrynden, William Wrethe of Wychling and Richard Fylkys of Dodington. These deeds were also witnessed by John Pepere:-

Deed November 3rd, 1467.

I, Bennet Filmer of the parish of Otrynden in the county of Kent give etc. to Simon Pepere of Otrynden, William Wrethe de Wychelynge and Richard Fylkys of Doddington all my tenements etc. lying in the parish of Otrynden and held of the court of Sutton Valence in a place called Filmer which contains in all forty acres of land etc. Given 3 November 7 Edward IV. These being witnesses - John Pepere, Thomas Berne, Simon Filmer, John Pakynham, John Sharpe, Nicholas Terry and others.

Deed October 31st, 1473

Know ye etc. that I Simon Peper of Otringden demise to Richard Godyn of Stallisfield and William Edmer of Newynham two parcels of land in Otrynden aforesaid called Southfeld and Godsondescroft as the metes and bounds etc which same - I, the aforesaid Simon Peper together with William Wrethe and Richard Fylkys, now deceased, lately had by gift of feoffment to Bennet Fylmer between the other tenement and the tenement. To have and to hold etc. Given at Otryngden the 30th day of October 13 Edward IV. The intention of this feoffment is that if the aforesaid Bennet Fylmer his heirs executors and assigns do not pay or cause to be paid to Joan the wife of the said Bennet Fylmer or her assigns within two years next after the death of the said Bennet Fylmer £10 of good and lawful money of England that then the aforesaid Joan shall have and hold the aforesaid two pieces of land and appurtenances for the term of her life, and after her decease, the aforesaid two pieces of land and appurtenances shall remain to the heirs and assigns of the same Bennet Fylmer for ever by these presents. Witnesses: John .........., Simon Joclyn, Thomas Barnys, John Foxe, junior, Henry Peper.

It also looks likely that John Pepere of Frenstede may have given in trust to the Filmer family some land at 'Crowchefeld' - thought to be Croftfield near Coldharbour now known as Strawberry Meadows.

Benedict and his wife Joan continued to live in the old family residence called Filmers after his mother's death. This property was still an appendage of the Court of Sutton Valence and on the lst May 1487 he was appointed Beadle for the manor after the office was quitclaimed by Richard Lambe, a farmer of Alexander Clyfford, the lord of the manor. (K.A.0. U120 T124).

'Richard Lambe farmer of Alexander Clifford Esquire Lord of the Manor of Sutton Valence quit - claimed to Benet Fylmer one of the tenants of the manor aforesaid the office of Beadle to which he is elected 1st May 2 Henry VII.'

He was also Warden at Otterden Church in 1502 according to the Archideaconal Visitation that year:

Ottreden Sir John Bene R. War Benedict Filmer. Richard Lorman. Par Tho Wever, Jas Dunstone, Hugh Packman, Tho Badnolt, Joh Atlese.

('R' stands for Rector, 'War' for Warden and 'Par' for Parishioners.

Benedict died in 1508 and his will, proved 15th November, 1508, is reproduced below:


Dated 16/9/1508 Proved 15/11/1508

'In the name of God Amen the xvj daye of the moneth of September the yere of our Lord Jhu Criste 1508 I BENNETT FILMER of the pisshe of Ottrynden in hole mynde and good remembrannce make my Testament and last Will in forme folowyng: First I. bequeith my soule to Almyghty God oure lady saynt Marye and to the holye company of hevyn my bodie to be buried in the church yard of saynt Laurence the Martyr in the pisshe of Ottrinden aforesaid. Also I bequeith to the high Auter ther for my tithes and oblations forgotten and necligenthye paide xij-d. Also I bequeith to the repations of the pisshe Church of saynt laurence foresaid xiij-s, iiij-d. Also I bequeith to the mendyng of a broke chalis longyng to the said Church vj-s. viij-d. Also I wull that ther be att my buryeng to pray for my soule and all cristen soules vj prests and att my moneth mynde vj prests and att yeres mynd iiij prests and yerly for the space of iij yeres next folowyng my discease. Also I bequeith to JOHN BERNE my godchilde to be paid to hym when he comyth to the age of xx years vj-s. viij-d. and if it fortune the foresaid JOHN to discease or he come to the age foresaid then I wull the foresaid money shall remayn to JAMES my son. Also I bequeith to evy of my other godchildren iijd. Also I bequeith to JOHANNE my wiff a cowe xij ewes a seme of whet a seme of barley and half my instuff of howsold. Also I wull that the foresaid JOHANNE my wiff shall have mete and drynke and fre comyng and going to chamber and to fire for space of a hole yere next folowyng aftre my discease. The Residue of all my moveable goods unbequeith, my detts and bequeithis beyng paied, I give and bequeith to JAMES my son whome I make and ordeyn my sole executore to dispose for my soule and all Cristen soules as he shall thynke best to the pleasur of God.

This is the last Will of me the said BENET Filmer made the day and yere abovesaid of all my lands and tenements sett lyeng and byeng in the pisshe of Ottrinden or enywher else in the Countie of Kent. In the which tenements and lands HENRY FRENDE RICHARD LORMER and others be enfeoffed as it apperith in a deade to them made to the use of me the said BENET of myn levies and assigneis. First I wull that my feoffs or their assigneis in cotinent aftre my discease or when they shalbe required shall deliver to JAMES my son a statement of all my lands and tenements foresaid to have and to holde all the said tenements and bonds to the foresaid JAMES to his heires and assigneis for ever more payeng yerlye to JOHANNE my wiff for terme of her liff at iiij termes in the yere by equall portions xiij-s. iiij-d. of laufull money of England and if nede should require a clause of distresse for none payment. Also I wull that JAMES my sonne shall paye within the space of vij yeres next folowyng to my doughter MARGARETT V marks and likewise to ISODE my doughter V marks of laufull money of England. And if it fortune the foresaid MARGARETT or ISODE to be wedded a fore the foresaid then I wull the foresaid JAMES shall paye them the foresaid money att their weddyng. Also I wull that if MARGARETT or ISODE my doughters discease afore they be wedded and within the space of vij yeres then I wull the foresaid money shall remayn to the said JAMES my son by these witnesses - Sir JOHN BEYNE. HENRE PAKNAME. JAMES FILMER and others.'

Ref. U120 T200/3 ACC. A 11 40

Notes: A 'seme' was a sack of 8 bushels, a horse-load. His daughter, MARGARET, married NICHOLAS CLARKE of Stalisfield in 1509.

It would seem that the only person with any lasting heirs was Benedict through his son James, who in due course inherited most of the Filmer property.

As would be expected, however, there is some slight evidence of other Filmer families during the fifteenth century. There was a John Filmer of Charing who died in 1460. He was clearly connected to the Otrynden Filmers as in his will (C.C.C., C2/19) he leaves 6/8d to the church there. All his goods were left to his wife, Alice. There is no record of any issue. Also in 1469 a John Smith left land in Monkton to William, Thomas and Robert Filmer (C.C.C., C 2/300d). Again there is no indication of who they were or of any issue.

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Benedict Filmer's Timeline

East Sutton, Kent, England (United Kingdom)

LDS IGI Individual Record batch number F501394
Birth: About 1427 Of, Hurst By Dartford, Kent, England

Another IGI (no sources)
About 1429, Kent England
Gives correct parent details and exact death date

Another IGI Batch F907172
About 1430, Kent England
Gives correct parent details and spouse
has birth as 1427-1436

Muriel Sonne - World Connect database has same

Kent, England (United Kingdom)

LDS; IGI individual record
Father: Benedict Or Benet FILMER Mother: Joan PEPERE
Birth: About 1465 , Kent, England
No sources or film numbers on this record

Otterdon, Kent, England (United Kingdom)
has - about 1478-1490
b. abt 1478, Otterdon, Kent, England

LDS IGI REcord Batch Number: F501394
Birth: About 1478 Hurst By Dartford, Kent, England

November 17, 1508
Age 81
St Laurence the Martyr, Otterden, Kent, England (United Kingdom)
Age 81
St Laurance the Martyr, Otterden, Kent, England (United Kingdom)