There is a Brass on the tomb of a Sir Edward Filmer and his wife Elizabeth in the Church at East Sutton Kent.This particular Sir Edward Filmer was born in 1565 and died 2nd November 1629.His wife Elizabeth was born in 1570 and died 9th August 1638. A copy of the Brass can be seen in "Monumental Brasses from 13th to 16th century" by John Green Waller & Lionel A.B.Waller,1864. Reprinted 1975 by Cambridge University.
Knighted 1603, per Shaw's Knights, p. 126 (mass knighting at Whitehall, July 23, 1603, before coronation of James I/VI).
From: http://www.jarretthousenorth.com/annex/Family/genealogy/PS07/PS07_1...
Misc. Notes He resided at Colledgehouse in Maidstone, Kent, England.4,5 He resided at Manor of Herst in Parish Otterdan, England.6,7 The Filmers were anciently seated at Manor of Herst, Parish of Otterdan, during the time of Edward II until the time of Queen Elizabeth when Robert Filmer (Edward's father) son of James FIlmer, moved to Little Charleton, East Sutton.
He was married to Elizabeth Argall (daughter of Richard Argall and Mary "Marie" Scott) in 1585 in East Sutton, Kent, England.8 Edward and Elizabeth had 18 children; 9 boys, 9 girls. Note: In several data bases, another child named "Job" appears but there is no such child depicted on the brass plate covering the tomb of Sir Edward and Lady Elizabeth in East Sutton Church. Elizabeth Argall9 was born about 1570 in Kent, England.1 She resided at Maidstone, Kent, England in 1580. She resided at East Sutton, Kent, England in 1586. She died on 9 Aug 1638 in East Sutton, Kent, England.10,11,8 She had an estate probated on 16 Aug 1638 in East Sutton, Kent, England. Will WILL OF SIR EDWARD FILMER, KNIGHT (aged 63, 17th. January, last) Will Dated 20 October , Vth. Charles I ; Proved 5 December 1629
To my daughter, ELIZABETH, wife of William Faulkner, citizen and draper of London, if she survives her husband L 500. If the said husband survives said ELIZABETH, then to her children L 300, equally divided. If she dies without issue, then to her husband L 20. Executors to fing meat, drink and apparel to the said ELIZABETH to the value of L 4- yearly.
To my three sons, EDWARD, JOHN, and HENRY FILMER, L 10 each. And because my son REYNALD's (REGINALD) estate consists in trading beyond the seas, I forgive him all his debts (L 500), L 50. To my said son HENRY, if he commence M.A. in University of Cambridge, L 40 and further L 100.
To my daughters, MARY KNATCHBULL and CATHERINE BARHAM, L 20 each.
To EDWARD KNATCHBULL, my Godson, L 5. To his sister MARY KNATCHBULL, L 20. To his brother JOHN, L 2 To EDWARD BARHAM, my Godson.... To ELIZABETH BARHAM, my wifes God-daughter, L 5. To other grandchildren, ROBERT, THOMAS,
CHARLES and RICHARD BARHAM, L 40 s, each. To Dame ANN, wife of my son, Sir ROBERT FILMER, L 20 for a ring. To my daughter SARA, L 1000 further L 500. Annuity of L 10 to my brother, HENRY. DOROTHY, daughter of my brother, ANTHONY FILMER, L10.
DAME ELIZABETH, my wife, L 120. All her chains and jewels and all my household stuff in College House in Maidstone, a third part of linen and silver. My lease of Rectory in East Sutton toward payment of my debts. The other two parts of linen, silver, etc. to my son, Sir ROBERT FILMER. My wife shall have the leases of certain houses in Knightrider Street, lately given me by my brother, ROBERT FILMER, ESQ. DAME ELIZABETH and SIR ROBERT, my son, Executors. Witnesses: WILLIAM DAVY, WILLIAM GREGORY, and RICHARD CLOUGH.
For disposing my land in co. Kent and elsewhere.... Lands called NICHOLS in CHARTHAM, my lands in OTTERDEEN and land in ROMNEY MARSH shall stand according to indentures made. To my son JOHN, ¶ 50 yearly out of house in DARRANT. To said son, JOHN, also my houses and lands in YALDING and to his heirs. For default to my eldest son, SIR ROBERT and heirs; for default to EDWARD FILMER, my second son and heirs; for default to REYNALD, my fourth son and heirs. For default to HENRY, my fifth son and heirs. To HENRY, my fifth son and heirs, after my wifes decease, tenement and land in Warren Street LENHAM and one in Parish of CHARING. For default to SIR ROBERT; for default to EDWARD; for default to JOHN; for default to REYNALD. To my wife, DAME ELIZABETH for life all my houses and lands in DARRANT, LENHAM, CHARING and SUTTON VALENCE, one tenement in Parish of BORDEN. AFTER her decease, the lands in SUTTON VALENCE shall be sold if need be. I no deeded lands to Sir ROBERT and heirs. Witnesses: WILLIAM DAVY, WILLIAM GREGORY, RICHARD CLOUGH.
He is represented in a handsome suit of body armor, a large frill round his neck, trunk-breeches, and jack-boots. His wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Argall, esq., wears a cap, hood, ruff and short mantle; her dress opens in front and discovers a petticoat worked and fringed at the edge. Upon the death of this lady, Lovelace penned an elegant "Elegiacal epitaph," which concludes with these lines:--
"Thus, although this marble must,
as all things, must crumble into dust;
and though you find this fair-built tomb
Ashes as what lies in its womb;
Yet her saint-like name shall shine
A living glory in this shrine,
And her eternal fame be read,
When all but very virtue is dead."
Robert, their oldest son, the first of the group below, employed his pen in defense of the crown, was knighted by Charles I., and suffered heavily in purse and person during the civil wars. The inscription round the verge of the plate shows that the monument was prepared in the life-time of the widow, the date of her death having been scratched upon the metal, subsequently to its being placed in the church:
Under this rest in certain hope of the resurrection, the bodies of Sir Edward Filmer, Knight, and dame Elizabeth, his wife, daughter of Richard Argall, Esquire. They lived together forty-four years and had issue eighteen children, Viz: nine sons and nine daughters. He departed this life on the second of November 1629 A. D. She the [9th of August] 16[38] A. D."
Taken from Monumental Brasses from the 13th to the 16th century by John Green Waller & Lionel A. B. Waller, 1864. Reprinted 1975 by Cambridge University.
1566 |
January 17, 1566
Sutton Manor, East Sutton, Kent, England
LDS has many records for Edward - all vary between 1564 and 1566, but list January as the birth date, and the correct parents and spouse
January 17, 1566
East Sutton, Kent, England
1585 |
East Sutton, Kent, England (United Kingdom)
1586 |
Manor, East Sutton, Kent, England (United Kingdom)
1587 |
East Sutton, Kent, England
1588 |
East Sutton, Kent, England (United Kingdom)
Many records at LDS
Sir Robert FILMER (AFN: 1H9C-FC1)
1590 |
East Sutton, Kent, England
Edward FILMER (AFN: MJJ7-J4)
1591 |
1594 |