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de Loches Genealogy and de Loches Family History Information

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  • Adard de Loches (830 - 864)
    From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: ADALHARD . m ---. The name of Adalhard's wife is not known. Adalhard & his wife had two children: 1. Garnier (married Tescenda)2. Adalhard (became a Bishop)T...
  • Garnier Seigneur de Loches, de Villentrois & de la Haye (aft.844 - c.929)
    Ben M. Angel notes: There is no primary or secondary source backing given for Garnier having lived 844-929. Would welcome seeing some source or explanation for the dates other than it appearing on some...
  • Roscille deLoches, Comtesse d'Anjou (c.874 - 929)
    married Roscille de Loches, daughter of Warnerius (Widone),Seigneur de Loches, de Villentrois, & de la Haye, and his wife Tecandra.[2] de Loches, fille de Garnier (Warnerius), seigneur de Loches et Tes...
  • Tescandra (860 - 957)
    the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Carolingian Nobility: , daughter of ---. "Falco comes Andecavorum iuvenis" names "uxor mea Roscila et filii mei Guido et Fulco" in a donation of property "...

About the de Loches surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the de Loches surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the de Loches surname.

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