Immediate Family
About Roscille deLoches, Comtesse d'Anjou
Fulk married Roscille de Loches, daughter of Warnerius (Widone),Seigneur de Loches, de Villentrois, & de la Haye, and his wife Tecandra.[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fulk_I,_Count_of_Anjou
Roscille de Loches, fille de Garnier (Warnerius), seigneur de Loches et Tescende, était dame de Villandry, épouse de Foulque Ier d'Anjou. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roscille_de_Loches
•A1. Foulques I "le Roux", Vcte de Tours et d'Anjou (909-942), Cte de Nantes (908-919), Cte d'Anjou (929-941/2), *888, +941/2; m.before 5.7.905 Roscilla de "Loches" (*ca 874), dau.of Warnerius/Garnier, sn de Loches http://genealogy.euweb.cz/anjou/anjou1.html
Roscille De Loches [Countess Of Anjou [Parents] was born about 874 in France. She died about 940. She married Foulques I "Le Anjou-3067 before 5 Jul 905 in Anjou, France.
This Fulk then took a noble wife from the country of Tours, Roscilla by name, daughter of Warnerius, who at that time owned three castles in the Touraine, the ones called Loches, Villentrasti and Haia, two of which Fulk thereafter acquired by unjust means. That Warnerius, whose daughter Fulk had married, was the son of Adelaudus, that is, of the man to whom Charles the Bald had given Loches. [...] http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/Anjou.asp
They had the following children:
* M i Ingelger D' Anjou-4050 was born about 898 in Of, , Anjou, France. He died in 927. He was buried in St. Martin de To.
- M ii Guy D' Anjou [Bishop Of Soiss-4656 was born about 902 in Of, , Anjou, France. He died before 972.
- F iii Roscille D' Anjou-4495 was born about 904.
- M iv Foulques II "Le Anjou-2205 was born about 909. He died on 11 Nov 958.
- F v Adele (Adelaide) de Vexin (Anjou) Countess of Vexin-75022.
- F vi Adele (Adelaide) de Vexin (Anjou) Countess of Vexin-82642.
- M vii Guido van Anjou-66097 was born about 902. He died about 972.
- F viii Adele van Anjou-65212 was born about 920. She died about 960.
In the seventh year of king Raoul, Fulco (Foulques), his wife Roscilla, and his sons Widdo (Gui) and Fulco, gave a donation to Saint-Aubin d'Angers for the benefit of his soul and the souls of his father (genitor) Ingelgerius, his son Ingelgerius, his father-in-law Warnerius and the latter's wife Tescenda [Cart. S.-Aubin 1: 203-4: "Ego Fulco, Andecavorum comes, abbas quoque Sancti Albini Sanctique Lizinii, necnon et uxor mea Roscilla et filii mei, Widdo ac Fulco, nullius cogentis imperium, sed nostra plenissima voluntate, fatetur nos, pro Dei amore et pro remedium mee anime vel anime Ingelgario, genitor meo, atque Ingelgerio, filio meo, necnon pro anima Warnerio, socro meo et uxore sua, Tescenda, ..."; see also Cart.Angers 75]. (from: http://sbaldw.home.mindspring.com/hproject/prov/fulk0001.htm
SOURCES: www.aragon10.free-online.co.uk/charlemagne.htm http://sbaldw.home.mindspring.com/hproject/prov/fulk0001.htm
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Anjou: http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ANJOU,%20MAINE.htm#Ingelgerdied888A
ROSCILLE [de Loches], daughter of GARNIER Seigneur de Loches, Villentrasti et Haia & his wife Tescenda --- ([870]-).
The Gesta Consulum Andegavorum records the marriage of Comte Foulques and "de pago Turonico…Roscillam, Warnerii filiam", specifying that "Warnerius…filius Adalaudi" had three castles "in Turonico…Lochas atque Villentrasti et Haia" which Foulques later acquired[49]. "Falco comes Andecavorum iuvenis" names "uxor mea Roscila et filii mei Guido et Fulco" in a donation of property "pro anima Ingelgerii patris mei et iterum Ingelgerii filii mei et Vuarnerii soceri mei et uxoris suæ Tescendæ" by charter dated 929[50]. "Fulco Andecavorum comes abbas quoque Sancti Albini Sanctique Lizinii necnon et uxor mea Roscilla et filii mei Widdo ac Fulco" donated property to Saint-Aubin d'Angers for the souls of "Ingelgerio genitore meo atque Ingelgerio filio meo necnon…Warnerio socro meo et uxore sua Tescenda" by charter dated to [929/30][51].
Comte Foulques I & his wife had five children: 1. Ingelger d'Anjou (d. 927, killed in battle with the Normans) 2. Guy d'Anjou (d. 970, Bishop of Soissons) 3. Foulques d'Anjou (b. c.920, d. 11 November 958, succeeded as Comte d'Anjou, OUR ANCESTOR) 4. Roscille d'Anjou (d. 943/951, married Alain II le Barbetorte, Duke of Brittany, though this makes no sense as she later married her older brother then?) 5. Adela d'Anjou (married Gauthier, Comte de Valois, d'Amiens et du Vexin)
The French Wikipedia page on Roscille de Loches: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roscille_de_Loches
Adds that she is a Lady of Villandry in the present Indre-et-Loire.
Fulk married Roscille de Loches, daughter of Warnerius (Widone),Seigneur de Loches, de Villentrois, & de la Haye, and his wife Tecandra.[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fulk_I,_Count_of_Anjou
Roscille de Loches, fille de Garnier (Warnerius), seigneur de Loches et Tescende, était dame de Villandry, épouse de Foulque Ier d'Anjou. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roscille_de_Loches
•A1. Foulques I "le Roux", Vcte de Tours et d'Anjou (909-942), Cte de Nantes (908-919), Cte d'Anjou (929-941/2), *888, +941/2; m.before 5.7.905 Roscilla de "Loches" (*ca 874), dau.of Warnerius/Garnier, sn de Loches http://genealogy.euweb.cz/anjou/anjou1.html
Roscille De Loches [Countess Of Anjou [Parents] was born about 874 in France. She died about 940. She married Foulques I "Le Anjou-3067 before 5 Jul 905 in Anjou, France.
This Fulk then took a noble wife from the country of Tours, Roscilla by name, daughter of Warnerius, who at that time owned three castles in the Touraine, the ones called Loches, Villentrasti and Haia, two of which Fulk thereafter acquired by unjust means. That Warnerius, whose daughter Fulk had married, was the son of Adelaudus, that is, of the man to whom Charles the Bald had given Loches. [...] http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/Anjou.asp
They had the following children:
- M i Ingelger D' Anjou-4050 was born about 898 in Of, , Anjou, France. He died in 927. He was buried in St. Martin de To. M ii Guy D' Anjou [Bishop Of Soiss-4656 was born about 902 in Of, , Anjou, France. He died before 972. F iii Roscille D' Anjou-4495 was born about 904. M iv Foulques II "Le Anjou-2205 was born about 909. He died on 11 Nov 958. F v Adele (Adelaide) de Vexin (Anjou) Countess of Vexin-75022. F vi Adele (Adelaide) de Vexin (Anjou) Countess of Vexin-82642. M vii Guido van Anjou-66097 was born about 902. He died about 972. F viii Adele van Anjou-65212 was born about 920. She died about 960.
In the seventh year of king Raoul, Fulco (Foulques), his wife Roscilla, and his sons Widdo (Gui) and Fulco, gave a donation to Saint-Aubin d'Angers for the benefit of his soul and the souls of his father (genitor) Ingelgerius, his son Ingelgerius, his father-in-law Warnerius and the latter's wife Tescenda [Cart. S.-Aubin 1: 203-4: "Ego Fulco, Andecavorum comes, abbas quoque Sancti Albini Sanctique Lizinii, necnon et uxor mea Roscilla et filii mei, Widdo ac Fulco, nullius cogentis imperium, sed nostra plenissima voluntate, fatetur nos, pro Dei amore et pro remedium mee anime vel anime Ingelgario, genitor meo, atque Ingelgerio, filio meo, necnon pro anima Warnerio, socro meo et uxore sua, Tescenda, ..."; see also Cart.Angers 75]. (from: http://sbaldw.home.mindspring.com/hproject/prov/fulk0001.htm
SOURCES: www.aragon10.free-online.co.uk/charlemagne.htm http://sbaldw.home.mindspring.com/hproject/prov/fulk0001.htm
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Anjou: http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ANJOU,%20MAINE.htm#Ingelgerdied888A
ROSCILLE [de Loches], daughter of GARNIER Seigneur de Loches, Villentrasti et Haia & his wife Tescenda --- ([870]-).
The Gesta Consulum Andegavorum records the marriage of Comte Foulques and "de pago Turonico…Roscillam, Warnerii filiam", specifying that "Warnerius…filius Adalaudi" had three castles "in Turonico…Lochas atque Villentrasti et Haia" which Foulques later acquired[49]. "Falco comes Andecavorum iuvenis" names "uxor mea Roscila et filii mei Guido et Fulco" in a donation of property "pro anima Ingelgerii patris mei et iterum Ingelgerii filii mei et Vuarnerii soceri mei et uxoris suæ Tescendæ" by charter dated 929[50]. "Fulco Andecavorum comes abbas quoque Sancti Albini Sanctique Lizinii necnon et uxor mea Roscilla et filii mei Widdo ac Fulco" donated property to Saint-Aubin d'Angers for the souls of "Ingelgerio genitore meo atque Ingelgerio filio meo necnon…Warnerio socro meo et uxore sua Tescenda" by charter dated to [929/30][51].
Comte Foulques I & his wife had five children: 1. Ingelger d'Anjou (d. 927, killed in battle with the Normans) 2. Guy d'Anjou (d. 970, Bishop of Soissons) 3. Foulques d'Anjou (b. c.920, d. 11 November 958, succeeded as Comte d'Anjou, OUR ANCESTOR) 4. Roscille d'Anjou (d. 943/951, married Alain II le Barbetorte, Duke of Brittany, though this makes no sense as she later married her older brother then?) 5. Adela d'Anjou (married Gauthier, Comte de Valois, d'Amiens et du Vexin)
The French Wikipedia page on Roscille de Loches: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roscille_de_Loches
Adds that she is a Lady of Villandry in the present Indre-et-Loire.
read more
Roscilla Rosele Comtesse de Loches d'Anjou 874–920 Birth 874 • Loches, Indre-et-Loire, Centre, France Death 5 JUL 920 • Angers, Maine-et-Loire, Pays de la Loire, France
When Roscilla Rosele Comtesse de Loches d'Anjou was born in 874 in Loches, Indre-et-Loire, France, her father, Garnier, was 30, and her mother, Petronella, was 29. She married Foulques Fulk I Red de Anjou on July 5, 905, in Tours, Puy-de-Dôme, France. They had two children during their marriage. She died on July 5, 920, in Angers, Maine-et-Loire, France, at the age of 46.
Roscilla Rosele Comtesse de Loches d'Anjou was born in 874 in Loches, Indre-et-Loire, France, to Petronella Toscanda, age 29, and Garnier Seigneur de Loches, age 30. Loches, Indre-et-Loire, Centre, France 874 • Loches, Indre-et-Loire, Centre, France
5 Jul 905
Age 31 Marriage
Roscilla Rosele Comtesse de Loches d'Anjou married Foulques Fulk I Red de Anjou in Tours, Puy-de-Dôme, France, on July 5, 905, when she was 31 years old. Tours, Puy-de-Dome, Auvergne, France Foulques Fulk I Red de Anjou 39GGF
870–942 5 Jul 905 • Tours, Puy-de-Dome, Auvergne, France
5 Jul 905
Age 31 Marriage
Roscilla Rosele Comtesse de Loches d'Anjou married Foulques Fulk I Red de Anjou in Anjou, Isère, France, on July 5, 905, when she was 31 years old. Anjou, Isere, Rhone-Alpes, France Foulques Fulk I Red de Anjou 39GGF
870–942 5 Jul 905 • Anjou, Isere, Rhone-Alpes, France
21 Jun 909
Age 35 Birth of Son
Her son Foulques II Fulk II le was born on June 21, 909, in Anjou, Isère, France. Foulques II Fulk II le Anjou 38GGF
909–958 21 Jun 909 • Anjou, Isere, Rhone-Alpes, France
5 Jul 920
Age 46 Death
Roscilla Rosele Comtesse de Loches d'Anjou died on July 5, 920, in Angers, Maine-et-Loire, France, when she was 46 years old. Angers, Maine-et-Loire, Pays de la Loire, France 5 Jul 920 • Angers, Maine-et-Loire, Pays de la Loire, France Marriage
Roscilla Rosele Comtesse de Loches d'Anjou married Foulques Fulk I Red de Anjou in Anjou, Isère, France. Anjou, Isere, Rhone-Alpes, France Foulques Fulk I Red de Anjou 39GGF
870–942 7 May • Anjou, Isere, Rhone-Alpes, France Marriage
Roscilla Rosele Comtesse de Loches d'Anjou married Foulques Fulk I Red de Anjou in Anjou, Isère, France. Anjou, Isere, Rhone-Alpes, France Foulques Fulk I Red de Anjou 39GGF
870–942 Anjou, Isere, Rhone-Alpes, France Marriage
Roscilla Rosele Comtesse de Loches d'Anjou married Foulques Fulk I Red de Anjou in Tours, Puy-de-Dôme, France. Tours, Puy-de-Dome, Auvergne, France Foulques Fulk I Red de Anjou 39GGF
870–942 Tours, Puy-de-Dome, Auvergne, France
Roscille deLoches, Comtesse d'Anjou's Timeline
874 |
Anjou, Isere, Rhone-Alpes, France
898 |
Anjou, France
906 |
Anjou, France
Aquitane, Gironde, France
908 |
Anjou, France
909 |
June 21, 909
Anjou, France
915 |
Dreux, Département Eure-et-Loir, Centre, France
924 |
Anjou (present Maine-et-Loire département), (Present région Pays de la Loire), (Present France)
929 |
July 929
Age 55
Lieu, Angers, Maine-et-Loire, Pays de la Loire, France