Immediate Family
About Adard de Loches
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy:
m ---. The name of Adalhard's wife is not known.
Adalhard & his wife had two children:
1. Garnier (married Tescenda)
2. Adalhard (became a Bishop)
The French Wikipedia page on Loches, in its Medieval Period History section, gives further information on who Adalhard, or Alalande, was:
En 840, Charles le Chauve nomme Alalande, un de ses lieutenants, gouverneur de Loches. Sa petite-fille Roscille se marie avec Foulque Ier d'Anjou, apportant notamment Loches en dot au comté d'Anjou (887).
In English:
In 840, Charles The Bald named Alalande, one of his lieutenants, as Governor of Loches. His granddaughter Roscille married Foulque I d'Anjou, and her dowry included the County of Loches, which became part of the County of Anjou in 887.
Adard de Loches's Timeline
830 |
Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, Anjou/Pays de la Loire, France
844 |
Loches, Indre-et-Loire, Centre, France
864 |
Age 34
Loches, Indre Et Loire, Provence, France
???? | |||
???? |