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de Gaël Genealogy and de Gaël Family History Information

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  • Abraham Gale (1543 - d.)
    Notes From >”RICHARD GAEL (1618 - 1678), also shown as Gale, Gall, and Geale, was one of four brothers, including JOHN, HUGH, and EDMUND GALE, who came to New England in the 1600s. Information on his f...
  • Abraham Gael, Sr. (1643 - 1718)
    Abraham Gale died 5 September 1718 in Watertown, two days after he wrote his will, "very sick and weak in body, But of perfect mind & memory." He named as executors his wife, Sarah, and his two younges...
  • Agnes Lappage (1547 - 1571)
    Agnes Gael was born on 1547 in Edwardstone, Suffolk, England. Agnes married Thomas Lappage II on 1567 in Groton, Suffolk, England and had a child: Avice Lappage. She passed away on 1571 in Boxford, Suf...
  • Amice de Gaël, Heiress of Breteuil, Countess Of Leicester (1094 - aft.1168)
    Amice de Gael was heir of her father. She was betrothed in 1120 to Richard, son of Henry I, but he drowned off the coast of France in November and the marriage never took place.Robert de Beaumont, 2nd ...
  • Amicie de Porhoët (c.1122 - 1152)
    Amicie de Porhoët =daughter of GEOFFROY Vicomte de Porhoët & his wife Hadvisemarried GUILLAUME [I] de Montfort (-1157). Seigneur de Montfort Issue Raoul GeoffroyFrom Medlands [II] de Porhoët b)JOSCELIN...

About the de Gaël surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the de Gaël surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the de Gaël surname.

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